Looking from a distance, this thunder gun composed of pure energy began to divide itself.

On its advancing trajectory, it suddenly split into hundreds and thousands of rays of light of the same shape. Each rays of light corresponds to a lightning gun.

One thunder gun is enough to tear the space, so how about thousands of the same thunder gun?

Too fast, it is too fast, the huge energy torn apart the continuous space-time view, moved towards Li Ang.

The human brain uses neurons as the medium to transmit information through electromagnetic waves, and practice Li Ang, which rotates the magnetic field, has a reaction speed that is thousands of times faster than that of ordinary people.

However, this is not enough.

Facing the crazy tremor on the Planck length (1.6x10-33 cm, which is the smallest measurable length that is meaningful, determined by the relative values ​​of the gravitational constant, the speed of light and the Planck constant) The thunder gun, his thinking speed is not enough.

Time Stone starts instantly, which can help users operate the Time Stone at the Planck time (10E-43 seconds, the minimum interval between time quantum, equal to the Planck length divided by the speed of light). Let Li Ang start thinking.

In an instant, the "Human Immortal Refining Method" ran wildly, the vacuum zero point energy and the sublight speed curvature engine were launched together, and Li Ang galloped backwards.

This probably won him a macroscopic time of less than half a second.

"In the field of logic, Zeno’s Hiyoshi Fudo Theory confuses the concept of time and moment. , Tearing apart the relationship between indirectness and continuity, turning the abstract concept that can be divided wirelessly in mathematics into an absolute separation of time and space.

From this level, Hiyoshi is not moving. A static and one-sided concept.

However, it is possible for the flying arrow not to move from the field of physics."

Li Ang’s brain is running fast, Qi Sea The Spiritual Qi in the middle immediately bottomed out, and was quickly filled by the vacuum zero point.

"According to Heisenberg's uncertainty theory, the observation of a quantum system will affect this quantum system. Observing a quantum system will cause the collapse of the system wave function. If the quantum system is Frequent observations will cause the evolution of the quantum system to be significantly slower.

If the quantum system is continuously observed, then the quantum system may not be able to evolve, stagnating in a state, and falling into a flying vector Do not move."

In this short interval of 1 Planck time, Luo Ji looked panicked, Odin kept throwing the javelin, and Thor was the same Xu Jin Old Jiang. The appearance of the teacher.

The wind stopped and throbbed, the dust stopped fluttering, and even the twists and turns of the thunder falling from the gloomy dark clouds were advancing slowly at the speed of a tortoise.

Li Ang’s gaze was focused on trillions of thunder guns. Within a few units of Planck’s time, these thunder guns began to split again. If they were really hit by these lightning, I’m afraid Earth The small half of the land area will be turned into powder.

So, here comes the question, what is the splitting principle of these lightning guns?

Li Ang face doesn't change the heart is not beating (in fact, in 1 Planck time, he can't do any action other than thinking), he thought to himself: "Suppose there is a state that doesn't change A particle that is stable and may decay at any time. If people observe it as a result that it has not decayed, then people's observation behavior of the particle will cause the particle's wave function to collapse to a state of'non-decay'.

Then, the probability of decay in this particle will increase rapidly over time.

This is the observer’s response.

These mines made by Odin The gun should take advantage of the gap where the observer cannot influence the collapse of the particle wave function to force the particle to collapse and decay, so that it can be stretched, twisted and even transformed and iterated."

Different from what most people think, the observer effect The naked eye is not used for direct observation, because the human eye cannot directly observe the microscopic particles on the Planck scale in detail.

This also means that if Li Ang can’t observe every delicate hair was completely shown on the planck scale, the mine will continue to evolve and iterate, and finally engulf the boundless power. The goal is to strike.

This is almost an inescapable means of attack!

"It is true that Asgard Divine King, Asgard Divine King, the Lord of Nine Realms, and the Lord of Nine Realms, it is really something."

It is a killer blow, but Li Ang's attitude is very leisurely and comfortable.

If you change to another existence, no matter what it is, starship, Hulk, Mutants Apocalypse, it will be turned into powder under this move, even if it is the deep and unmeasurable Three House Demon, I'm afraid it also has to be a strategic withdrawal.

Any individual who fails to step through the gate of the child can only wait in vain to die in front of the thunder gun.

"In 1988, United States physicist Richard Cook published a paper in which he envisaged that a single trapped particle could be used to achieve the quantum Zeno effect.

According to Cook’s shooting direction, in 1990, David Wienland and his colleagues used electromagnetic fields to immobilize beryllium ions, and used lasers to cool them down, using very short time and high frequency light pulses to observe particles .

This kind of high-frequency light pulse effect has successfully made the particle'calm down', making it eventually stay still, that is, in the quantum realm, the flying arrow will not move.

And David Wienland also won the 2012 Nobel Prize for this breakthrough experimental method of measuring and manipulating individual quantum systems."

Thinking about this, Li Ang called the vacuum zero point energy, Condensed on the fingertips of your fingers.

A light-cast lotus flower blooms at your fingertips.

This light lotus is also on the Planck scale, slowly advancing forward, as Li Ang slowly slows down the operation of Time Stone (not time stops, but speeds up own thinking reaction speed) , The time of the entire world began to flow again.

"The split of the thunder gun is because the observer cannot observe it on the Planck scale, so the role of the light lotus is the same with the Planck scale as the category, which produces strong Observer effect,

make it stagnate and collapse, and maintain a stable state."

In the normal space-time scale, Li Ang neither fast nor slow said: "On the macro-scale concrete In performance, roughly all the lightning guns produced by the split will merge into one."

Thousands of lightning guns cannot be stopped, but a single lightning gun, for Guangren, Not so powerful.

The light lotus that can be ejected from the zero point of the vacuum completely envelops the light cone formed by the lightning gun, as if snow meets the spring sun, eroding and melting each other.

Without a hint of firework, Li Ang erased Odin's attack.

Odin returned to normal time and space. He didn't know what happened, but he saw the lightning spear that had condensed his life's skills disappear instantly.

He stood there in a daze, as if he didn't believe his own eyes, trembling all over.

Li Ang moved towards Odin stepped slowly, Shi Shiran pulled the wooden stick without the tip of the gun from the ground at will, took it in his hand and waved it at random, saying with a smile:" I heard that you played very well? It’s me now."

"Let’s have a dog stick method first."

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