Li Ang held the gun body of Eternity's gun, bullied himself up, and shot Odin on the head without any means.

The method of hitting the dog stick is probably when a wild dog grabs food on the road to Beggar. In order to protect the leftovers of steamed buns in a broken bowl, you have to hold a wooden stick to drive away the dogs.

This kind of cultivation technique, naturally, can't talk about how tall it is.

It’s just that the surface of the stick is engraved with all kinds of Rooney rune by Li Ang. What “ice, thunder and lightning”, “tenacious”, “sacred”, even a dead tree, can become a divine tool, not to mention that the essence of the stick is World Tree.

In addition, the blessing assistance of the vacuum zero-point energy provides enough power to make the stick swing down, dragging a long light casting tail Homura.

This stick is so fast and so fierce that the surrounding air is repelled away, tearing a vacuum track.

Odin's years of combat experience After saving him, the Nordic Divine King retreated subconsciously, while crossing his arms and blocking him, trying to resist this attack.

Unfortunately, he failed.

At the moment of contact, an unimaginable amount of kinetic energy presses on his arm. With a cracking sound, Odin’s golden chain armor bursts and breaks, his skin shatters, and his flesh melts into soft flesh. , The tenacious skeleton turned into powder.

Odin looked at his arms neatly, and the parts from his forearms were all ragged, leaving only a thin layer of skin that was tenaciously connected.

The froth of meat and blood mixed with metal fragments of the chain armor slid to the ground. Until then, the severe pain was transmitted to Odin's brain, which made the Divine King of Nine Realms unable to bear it. After staying back a few steps, one staggered to his knees.

Li Ang neither fast nor slow stretched his waist, stepped slowly, and pressed the tip of the stick against Odin’s chest.


"Who said that if you don't have a gun head, you just poke undying people? "

Li Ang said this lightly, stabbing Odin at will.

The gun body of the tree of Eternity penetrates the ground, and Aesir’s Father is nailed in this way. On the ground.

The divine blood dripped, wet the lock armor, and soaked in the sand.

"Father! "

Thor on the side has his eyes cracked and roars sharply. The veins on his face burst like a burst in the next second.

He has never thought about it, that is always firm. Tenacious, invincible, and invincible, Divine King, like the Sky Tower, would be defeated so easily.

Whether it is the frost giants of Jotunheim or the sneaky ones hiding in the Nether Darkness Region Things, even their names, have been lost and are the ancient enemies in the history books. They must always remain humble and respectful in front of Odin.

His father is like a giant city wall, blocking the border of Asgard. For his people, all the weather is eroding.

Thor has always thought that Odin will always be so strong and always so full of wisdom. It seems that as long as he is there, you can sit back and relax and enjoy Asgard's first heir. Happy life.

However, this unremarkable dog-sticking method easily destroyed Thor’s imagination.

Until now, the Thor was shocked, his Father, is no longer the burly and strong appearance in the memory, but has become the decaying old man with broken arms, complexion pale, wrinkled, and about to fall to the ground.

Too much time to think about it. , Odin shook the Thunderbolt War hammer in his hand and wanted to step forward and rescue his own father.

Asgardian's body is tenacious far beyond ordinary people, whether it is lifespan or life force, it is very comparable. As Aesir’s heavenly father, Odin has been able to survive even under such circumstances, and even sober.

The hammer in his hand was forged by a dwarf commissioned by Aesir, and it was made of a dying star. The core, both in terms of sturdiness and quality, the Thunderbolt War hammer is at the apex of all the divine tool collections of Asgard. I am afraid that even the Eternity gun Kungunir and the Thunder hammer are among the same level.

More interestingly, this Magical Artifact has also been given a special incantion by Odin. Except for being recognized by the Thunder Hammer and sufficient for the role of "Thor", no one can lift the hammer-in the overwhelming majority Under the circumstances, this existence refers to Thor, not other cats, cats, dogs and dogs.

It can be seen that Odin is still very caring and considerate to his son Thor. In contrast, the adopted son Luo Ji, who was dug a hole by various hints , Must not It does not make people feel that Odin's black-belly is insidious.

In short, Thor is unwilling to be hostile to Li Ang in the bottom of his heart. He has seen how Li Ang uses one palm to hammer Hulk, and he has seen Li Ang lightly block Odin’s attack. , And crippled the latter with one move.

However, due to circumstances, Thor didn't have time to think so much, so he threw the thunder hammer directly, trying to temporarily force Li Ang back, and buying time for Heimdall to use Bifrost to send everyone away.

Unfortunately, less than half a meter after the thunder hammer flew out, it was tightly entangled by a steel giant dragon that suddenly emerged from the ground and restrained in the air.

It was an old man with white beard and hair, Eric Lanchel, Magneto, the former leader of the Brotherhood of Mutants.

He slowly fell from in midair, his cloak went without wind, and behind him was a group of tactical squad members of the underground base of the academy city.

Magneto, a wanted criminal of the American Government, has already successfully erased the past record in the private transaction between the Academy City and the Federal Government, and can live in this Mutants city without restriction.

A few days ago, Loki sneaked into the school city and created a terrorist attack, leaving the security department of the school city dull. Although Loki is a serious Nordic deity, it is not an ordinary mortal. Power can be aimed at, but mistakes are mistakes, and there is no room for excuses.

Magneto, as one of the Mutants with the strongest battle strength in the school city, is also the head of the security department. When the school city monitoring system found Odin and the others, he took the lead and rushed to the scene.

"Your Excellency Li Ang, we are here." Magneto nodded slightly and greeted Li Ang.

"You are already surrounded, put down your weapons."

Those security personnel wrapped in iron cans use iron helmets to broadcast, but Magneto Can't wait to finish this set of legal procedures, and turned his attention directly to Thor.

The Mutants powerhouse clearly felt the power of the Nordic gods. Thunder is both electricity and electricity. The same ability to manipulate electromagnetic waves made the two feel familiar and unfamiliar.

Thor squeezed his face and kept looking at Magneto.

Eric's face is so cold, as hard as eternal ice.

His wrinkles are so deep, as deep as thousands of gutters.

He gradually accumulated an imposing manner, and the magnetic field turned continuously upward. Suddenly, his eyes were violently opened, and his pale eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, like Demon God, and he said with a smile: "jie jie jie jie Jie! Waste wood! What do you look at! Do your lungs!"

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