In the corner of this Star Domain, an ultra-small Interstellar shuttle, which can be called a mini pocket, is watching the battlefield.

"Hey, Quill, are you sure that the fierce man who rubbed the black hole with his bare hands and the single-soldier coalition army is really the same race as you? Compared to him, you are as sad as a matchstick "

A thin, two-legged raccoon stretched out his hand to support the armrest of the seat, looking at the white-headed barefoot Zhu Wei floating quietly on the screen, patted the shoulder of the ship's captain.

This raccoon who can speak with an open mouth is wearing a mini tactical costume, with grenades and various ammunition hanging around his waist, and a giant grenade gun that is extremely inconsistent with his body.

This raccoon is naturally not a Doraemon from a certain set, but a genetic hybrid raccoon orc named "Rocket".

And his captain is naturally a half-man Demi-God Superhero born in Earth and former Interstellar pirate pirate, Peter Jason Quill, titled "Star Lord".

"...I really want to admit that the fierce man is my relative, but no matter what angle you look at..."

Star Lord glanced at the rocket and said "The gap between him and me is bigger than the gap between me and the raccoon."

The Rockets replied not to be outdone: "Oh? Are you talking about the gap in IQ? This me I admit it. By the way, please ask, did you not graduate from junior high school?"

Star Lord's eyes twitched. Since his mother died of cancer, he has been taken by the Interstellar pirate Yondu. When I arrived in space, I lived a life of low-level apprenticeship among a group of pirates since I was young. I mopped the floor and washed underwear for the pirates every day. Where can I get an education?

Therefore, Quill is In addition to the achievements in gun shooting and other combat areas, the knowledge is not good enough, and the IQ is about equivalent to that of a middle-aged American working-class white male.

The Raccoon Rocket has undergone a high degree of genetic modification and mechanical modification. His lifeform is extremely high in IQ, and his physical and chemical engineering is perfect. In minutes, he can use a lot of discarded mechanical parts to create completely unscientific huge might bombs and firearms.

Star Lord, who was poked in pain, blushed, his lips quivered, and he thought about how to ridicule each other, but the red-haired and green-skinned woman sitting next to him couldn’t stand it anymore, and slapped him with a slap. On the face of the Star Lord,

"A rare beast destroyed the elite fleet of the overwhelming majority civilization in the galaxy in front of you, and now you only want to mock your teammates with words? Can you be more mature?! "

This green-skinned woman with a nice face and explosive figure, named Gamora, used to be a notorious assassin, and later joined the Guardians of the Galaxy formed by the Star Lord by accident.

Gamora’s applause on the face of the Star Lord was quite loud, and another member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, Drax the Destroyer, who looked like a red-gray bald robust man, couldn’t help but utter it. The voice of "Oh!"

And the last member of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the tree man Groot also expressed his own opinion: "I am Groot."

"Groot is right." Drax the Destroyer is serious. Nodded, agreed with Groot's words.

For a while, the Galaxy Guardian ship, which was not spacious, fell into chaos again. Gamora accused the Star Lord of being immature, while Star Lord pointed the finger at the rocket, claiming that “the first one is cheap ",

Groot repeated the phrase "I am Groot" back and forth,

Drax took out two blades, and if no one else started to sharpen the knife, let the friction occur The high-temperature sparks splashed in the narrow cabin, causing waves of jumping.

This is the daily life of the Guardians of the Galaxy. With the destruction of the Advanced Civilization Fleet in the overwhelming majority galaxy, this group of comedians composed of Interstellar pirates has become one of the few witnesses.

The Guardians of the Galaxy have long received the news of the killing order. They have been hiding their bodies from the earliest time. They followed the allied forces in the Leapfrog Star and drove to this Star Domain with the help of the wormholes opened by the allied forces. .

After all, Earth is the home planet of the Star Lord. Reasonable in every circumstance, the Star Lord needs to find a way to do something.

If there is no giant ape to wipe out the red tide, I am afraid the Guardians of the Galaxy will secretly find the command ship of the three Great Empires, sneak in, hold a certain senior empire, and force him to release this slaughter. Order action and save Earth.


Amidst the chaos, Star Lord yelled, swept across the players with a stern look, and reprimanded: "Can you give me a little Captain? Respect?

You know, when I promoted us in major forums in the galaxy, I said that you are a warrior with many virtues such as humility, honesty, compassion, bravery, justice, sacrifice, honor, etc.,

Said that you will'resolutely unite around the Guardian of the Galaxy with the Star Lord as the core, and push the galaxy towards a path of peaceful development in an all-round way'

And what about you? Each one does not regard Captain as Cadres, if the hearts of the people are scattered, the team will be difficult to take! Can you weigh me? This war is about the survival of my home planet!"

I heard the accusation from the Star Lord, the Guardians of the Galaxy Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally quieted down in dismay.


The Star Lord who finally controlled the scene spits out one mouthful of impure air, sat back on the seat, and Gamora hesitated for a moment, watching Looking at the giant ape and the water droplet facing each other in the picture, he said to the Star Lord: "...Can your fellow clan handle it? That droplet seems to be very difficult to deal with."

"I I don’t know."

Star Lord shook the head, "Although I have some contact with some planetary defense committee of Earth, even if it is a planetary defense committee, I don’t know much about this Lord Li Ang. .

However, in the eyes of my fellow Earth citizens, His Excellency Li Ang should be an invincible existence."

"...." Gamora glanced at the screen, that The giant ape covered in blood, and the round water droplets, hesitated for a moment and still didn't say anything.

She is not Terrans, and I don’t know Terrans’ respect, fear, and absolute trust in Li Ang.

What Zhu Wei has to face is Ronan the Accuser.

Kree star Ronan the Accuser is a complete tyrant. After he became the leader of the accusation group of Kree Empire, he provoked disputes and created wars everywhere. Any civilization that goes against his will will be raze to the ground.

It can be said that the word "Ronan the Accuser", placed on most life planets in the universe, is a terrifying name that can stop children from crying at night.

Especially after Ronan the Accuser got a strange item called "Power Stone", his power has been improved hundreds of times.

Ronan the Accuser embeds the deep purple Power Stone into the Accusers exclusive Warhammer. As long as the Warhammer is used to lightly hammer the planet ground, an invincible shock wave can be released. The entire planet of Oblivion—this The move is even faster and more efficient than the main artillery bombing of the Starship.

And the power of Power Stone does not stop there. Ronan the Accuser has created numerous killings in the galaxy. There are countless enemies. I don’t know how many victims want to kill Ronan the Accuser and eat his flesh. , Drinking its blood, convulsing its muscles, thwarting its bones and turning it into ashes.

There are endless assassins of dead men, but whether it is blasting Ronan the Accuser’s starship, using a blade coated with highly toxic medicament to kill, or portable gravitational bombs, none of them can cause any damage to Ronan the Accuser—Ronan The Accuser’s Warhammer, which is inlaid with Power Stone, will release deep purple energy to cover Ronan the Accuser's body, even if the sky collapses and the ground does not damage it.

Gamora, with red hair and green skin, although she has a mad and cool adoptive father, she herself is still an ordinary assassin with a little martial power,

The limitation of life essence makes Gamora unable to judge the stronger and weaker of giant ape and Ronan the Accuser at all, and can only hide in a small corner like watching Divine Immortal fighting, quietly waiting for the next development trend of the battle.

Not only Gamora, but the other companions fell into weird silence and cast their eyes on the screen.

On this battlefield, they claim to be the "Guardians of the Galaxy", but they are sitting in the audience-this has to be said to be a great irony.


"I admit that you are very powerful, Terrans kind."

A powerful force, centered on water droplets, Spread outward, sweeping this piece of Star Domain. This force even stirred up a vacuum tidal ocean, creating a flow of information similar to sound waves, "but, that's it."

Accusers, known as the "tyrant", sits in the water droplets. Inside, with a look of temperatureless eyes, I looked at the giant beast outside the water droplets.

Zhu Wei did not answer. There were countless granulation tremors inside the scars all over his body. After a few breaths, the wounds healed completely without any traces.

However, in the next second, the water drop moved, and this absolutely smooth liquid began to accelerate without leaving a trace, sprinting, piercing, turning, and piercing.

Zhu Wei once again showed countless holes and scars on his body, and the blood spread like a thick fog. A green light flashed in the eyes of the white-headed barefoot ominous beast, and the dragon phantom appeared behind him, Time Stone The power of is instantly activated.

The Time Flow Speed ​​of Zhu Wei's body suddenly decreased, he slowly looked towards the water drop, and the black hole in his hand moved towards it slowly and firmly.

The acceleration and maneuverability of the water droplets are indeed terrifying. Even Zhu Wei’s ominous beast body cannot keep up with its moving speed.

But for Time Stone, which can freely control time, it is still too slow.

In the Galactic Wars, a quick touch signifies absolute superiority.

Zhu has no sorrow or joy, watching the event boundary of the black hole close to the water droplet.

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