Zhu Wei pushes the black hole forward.

In the hands of the white-headed and barefooted ominous beast, a tight and thick arc of light emerges.

All the light is stretched and twisted into an arc of light, circle after circle. It is superimposed on the outside of the black hole, just like the arc-shaped horizon seen from a high-altitude bird's-eye view.

Magnificent, magnificent, quiet, solemn, stalwart, sacred, speechless, but great.

This arc of light is the event horizon, also known as the event horizon.

This is a esoteric and obscure term that makes people think of high-end atmosphere. It refers to the outermost boundary of a black hole. It is not a specific entity, but a boundary of space and time.

Because of the huge gravitational force of a black hole, the escape velocity near the black hole is greater than the speed of light, so that no light can escape from its gravitational range until the gravitational strength reaches a certain equilibrium point as the distance increases. The light can escape smoothly.

This balanced position is the event horizon.

Because the speed of light in the conventional universe is the upper limit of all speeds, "any light cannot escape the event horizon" also means "anything cannot escape the event horizon."

Event Observers outside the horizon cannot use any physical method to obtain information about any event in the event horizon, or be affected by any event in the event horizon.

Once an object falls into the event horizon of a black hole, it can no longer be affected by the outside world, nor can it affect the outside world.

From then on, within the scope of the conventional universe, the object is no longer a "cause" nor an "effect". It may still exist, but it will never have a literal meaning to the conventional universe. "put one's oar in".

Erasing cause and effect,

This is almost one of the most advanced forms of power in the universe. What star splits, gamma-ray bursts, is in front of the black hole boundary that swallows a glance All seem insignificant.

In the small starship of the Guardians of the Galaxy, the raccoon rocket sucked in a cold breath. The slender, dexterous and fluffy beast fingers pointed at the screen, "This fuck also fight? No matter how powerful the enemy is, As long as you get close to the edge of the event horizon, you can destroy it without blood."

"No, look carefully."

Interstellar hunter Gamora, who has experienced winds and waves since childhood, With a voice that was cold to the limit, faintly said: "Ronan the Accuser, it seems that it is not dead yet..."

This sentence seemed to have magical powers, making the Rockets subconsciously open their eyes.

In the eye, the water droplet kissed by the event horizon has been stretched and distorted on one side. The perfect mirror shape that was originally round and perfect, like a torn apple, extends towards the direction where the black hole is located. Countless sharp cones.


The boundless deep purple flame ejects from the end of the droplet, giving the droplet a huge amount of kinetic energy. This kinetic energy can even compete with the engulfing suction power of the black hole and change the situation. Maintained on a delicate balance.

It hasn't been out of the black hole's gravitational range, but it will not be involved in it.

According to common sense, there is no material in the conventional universe that can withstand the terrifying distortion of a black hole, and there is no engine that can absorb the suction power of a black hole inefficiently. Water droplets should have died long ago, and they will be on the road together with Ronan the Accuser. .

Confused, everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy cast their puzzled eyes on the experienced and knowledgeable Miss Gamora who was unwilling to reveal his name.

Star Lord is a prosperous Interstellar pirate, Drax is an Avengers with a dead wife, Groot's brain is not as big as a walnut, and Rocket Raccoon is always obsessed with "booming" flammable and explosive items.

No matter how you look at it, Gamora with a good dad is the most trusted analyst of battlefield situations.

"The material of water droplets is a material with strong force."

Gamora swept around and found that all his teammates looked like rare treasures, and couldn't help but rolled the eyes, "There are four basic forces in the universe, namely, strong interaction force, weak interaction force, electromagnetic force, and gravity.

Gravity is the attraction between all matter, electromagnetic force is The charge current is accepted in the electromagnetic field. The weak nuclear force is caused by the decay of the radioactive nucleus or free neutrons.

The strong nuclear force is the force acting between the hadrons, which can make the protons and the neutral The atoms combine to form nuclei, which is also the interaction force between quarks.

The strong nuclear force is the second shortest among the four forces, about 10^(-15)~10^(-10) m range, but the strength of the force is the largest-because of this, it can overcome the repulsion generated by the electromagnetic force and bind the hadrons together into the nucleus."

Gamora uses the most simple and understandable The statement is explained. She talks like a gentle female teacher, and she is persuasive. She never sees that she was once a ruthless and decisive female killer in the galaxy.

"In our surveillance equipment, the water droplets The surface is almost a perfect mirror, even if it is magnified 10 million times, it is still as smooth as before.

Although it is limited by the monotonous functions of the monitoring instrument, I can roughly guess the working principle of the water droplets based on some clues.

A perfect mirror surface is equivalent to a friction coefficient close to 0. It can be further deduced that the atomic level fluctuations on the surface of the substance are extremely flat, thus confirming that the substance is a very tight crystal. There is no vibration, no energy transfer, equivalent to absolute zero.

There are two theoretical models for such a strong interaction material. It is a free particle, and the distance between quarks is smaller than the radius of the neutron, so the density of the water droplets will be extremely large, surpassing the neutron star, reaching the level similar to the quark star."

Gamora curl one's lip, said calmly: "The quark star is an upgraded version of a neutron star, and its own gravitational force is so huge. In the battle between Li Ang and the water drop just now, the water drop demonstrated extremely strong mobility, and did not release the gravitational distortion Li Ang's body.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the quality of the water drop itself is not high, and naturally it is not made of quark.

In this way, there is only one theoretical model of the water drop. Kind of, that is an ordinary atom manipulated by a strong interaction force.

What Gamora said is not so esoteric, but for illiterate people like Star Lord, Drax, and Groot. Blindly speaking, it is probably similar to listening to the Heavenly Book.

"Wait, you just said that the force range of a strong nuclear force is extremely short, even smaller than the size of a hydrogen atom. How can such a small force range maintain the entire physique? When the amount is low, how about prying the atom?"

The only raccoon rocket who understands raised his hand and expressed doubts. Among the "Guardians of the Galaxy", the one with the highest IQ turned out to be an upright walker. The raccoon, and a coquettish alien female assassin with red hair and green skin-this proves once again that the so-called Guardians of the Galaxy are actually a grass-stage team composed of several comedians.

Gamora glanced at the rocket and explained patiently: "Generally speaking, the short-range and strong nuclear force naturally cannot restrain ordinary atoms from maintaining a flat shape,

but you forgot one Things,

Ronan the Accuser has a Power Stone.

That gem symbolizes absolute power and strength, which can distort all physical properties, strong nuclear power, weak nuclear power, electromagnetic force , Gravity, in the hands of Power Stone users, they will acknowledge allegiance like a docile sheep."

Speaking of this, Gamora paused, and a trace of extremely complex emotions flashed across her beautiful and tender face. "... Someone once told me that at the beginning of Splitting Heaven and Earth Apart, Liu singularities appeared in the universe. As the universe exploded and formed, the remains of these six singularities were condensed into hard pieces. That is, six Infinity Gems.

Power, Time, Space, Soul, Reality, Mind.

These six Infinity Gems govern the essential forces of the six universes. As long as you master one of them, you can endow its users with boundless powers.

However, the effect of Infinity Gem is closely related to the extent of its users’ Law Comprehension in the universe.

One If a gun is mastered by a sharpshooter, it can hit a hundred shots, and a single person can suppress the whole army.

And the same gun, if it is mastered by a dull mundane person, can only use it as a Fire Burning Stick, or Use the wood from the gun to repair the furniture.

The deeper the user gets into the universe Law Comprehension, the more he can use the power of the Infinity Gem.

Don’t look at Ronan the Accuser He is a heinous tyrant who creates wars everywhere, but after all, he is the leader of the Supreme Accusation Group of Kree Empire. He has the resources of an entire Galactic Empire to mobilize, and he is able to communicate directly with'Supreme Intelligence'.

As a result, his familiarity with the Power Stone is naturally advanced by leaps and bounds."

A group of members of the Guardians of the Galaxy fell silent. The so-called Kree Empire "Supreme Intelligence" is actually an Kree Empire is a giant brain processor composed of the brains of the sages.

"Supreme Intelligence" is the true leader of Kree Empire. All major events need to be passed through Supreme Intelligence nodded. Apart from this, it is the leader of the Kree Empire overwhelming majority scientific research project.

With the help of such a living, evolving brain computer that carries the thoughts of countless great men, it is not surprising that Ronan the Accuser achieved a breakthrough.

Gamora continued: "I think that Ronan the Accuser has created a powerful gravitational field far beyond the conventional by releasing the Power Stone law, causing the strong interaction force inside ordinary atoms to overflow,


In this way, the atomic vibration on the surface of the water droplet tends to zero, so as to achieve the effect of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

In this way, it can just explain all the doubts-perfect mirror surface, low Quality, strong mobility, etc."

The raccoon rocket that can keep up with Gamora’s ideas was also looked thoughtful and nodded, and said in a low voice: "Moreover, this statement can just explain why the water droplets It can exist around the event horizon for so long, and why does it appear like a torn apple shape.

Although the material with strong interaction force is against the sky, it is absolutely unable to resist the gravitational pull of the black hole. Ronan the Accuser should It is to release the energy of the Power Stone to keep the water drop intact.

The deep purple propelling flame released by the water drop engine is probably not the effect of the water drop, but the energy of the Power Stone. "

The only two wise men in the Guardians of the Galaxy completed the theoretical analysis, and the dumbfounded Star Lord who had been listening for a long time also came back to his senses immediately, imitating the appearance of a middle school student, and pretending to be a The deputy "I have understood" look, lightly coughed,

"cough cough, I already know the specific situation. Isn't it what kind of strong nuclear power, what kind of Power Stone? Since they are in In a balance of power confrontation, you can break the balance by putting a little bargaining chip on one side, right?"

Although the Star Lord has a poor IQ, insignificant, indecent, and greasy,

But he is reckless, loyal, and honest,

Anyway, Earth is always his home star, the mother he misses, the rock music he loves, and the rock music he cherishes are not worth it The cherished childhood memories all rely on Earth to exist.

The Star Lord does not allow anyone to destroy this homeland, even if the enemy is few and we are few (the rocket tsukkomi said: "Everyone" shit, didn't you see that all the coalition forces were leveled by Li Ang alone? ), Star Lord must also go forward courageously.

After Gamora's thoughts for a while, she glanced at the monitor screen, and the water droplets that kept releasing deep purple advancing flames, seeing that they were about to break free from the black hole, were silent and nodded.

If the Guardians of the Galaxy do not do anything, it is very likely that the water droplet will escape the bondage, and Ronan the Accuser will escape.

Star Lord instantly ignited a strong fighting spirit. He involuntarily pushed away the rocket, and oneself did it in front of the captain’s console, putting himself on a seat belt very skillfully, and shouted: "Sit firmly. Now, let’s go to the black hole to fire a shot and blast the damn Ronan the Accuser into the black hole!!"

Because the space-time coordinate system around the black hole is disrupted by gravity, it’s absolutely impossible to jump to the center of the battlefield. Yes, the only way is to turn off the curvature engine and use the most conventional flight method.

"What?!" Before the poor raccoon rocket could grasp his balance, he felt the terrifying acceleration of spaceship flooding oneself, and one staggered to the ground, slowly sliding down the floor. The end of the cabin.

"Wait! Quill, you big pig's hoof! There is the battlefield of the Infinity Gem owner, you are so clueless to rush up, completely equivalent to suicide!"

The rocket relied on the steel and mechanical transformation inside the body to barely stand up, while shouting foul-mouthed, while struggling to move forward under the environment of higher and higher acceleration, it was difficult to reach the own seat and sat on it. , Also put on a seat belt.

"...I...I still remember the original intention of establishing the Guardians of the Galaxy,"

The acceleration of the mini spaceship is getting faster and faster. The half-man Demi- of the Star Lord God's face was also congested and flushed due to the acceleration load, and the capillary blood vessels were ruptured, as violent as a tomato.

"Everyone of us here has had deep grudges with Ronan the Accuser, but it seems that there will never be a way to deal with the aloof and remote Kree Empire Accusers.

Maybe this time we charge, we will die, but you are going to be licking dogs for a lifetime, struggling on whilst at death's door under the coercion of the three galactic empires?"

Silver's that rose red A grim and heroic smile appeared on his face. This funny man with a beard glowed with endless brilliance in this brief moment!

"Or, desperately, be a temporary hero!"

Silver’s speech was suddenly interrupted, and the acceleration that was pushed to the limit made this The half-man Demi-God vomited, and the yellow and white vomit splashed in the cabin, causing the other team members to scream and scold.

The whole process happened too fast and amazingly. I saw the galaxy escort ship fast as lightning coming like a sampan. The overwhelmed hull was damaged due to the ridiculously high acceleration. Fractured, the alloy armor directly flew off and fell, exposing the internal electronic components.

The small ship sparked with lightning all the way, it passed through the hazy stardust, it passed through the dark world, it came to the black hole, and was captured by the black hole's gravitational force.

Gravity is also one of the four fundamental forces.

The gravitational force of the black hole is so huge that it is still thousands of miles away, as if an invisible hand grabbed the ship and dragged it forward.

The acceleration of the Star Galaxy Guard ship suddenly increased, as if it had jumped to a new level.

Disputes, noisy, and noisy sounded in turn, and the Rockets were the first to be unable to sustain it.

Although he had undergone a high degree of genetic modification and mechanical modification, his life essence was still the same. A slightly tougher raccoon.

White foam appeared between Rocket’s lips and teeth, and this intelligent life belonging to the cleft-foot suborder Procionidae "cracked" and fainted.

Follow closely from behind the fainting is Drax the Destroyer. This brawny man with a red-gray complexion looks as solid as a rock, but at Life Level, he is not as good as the other surviving teammates.

The half-man Demi-God Star Lord was barely able to stay awake. In the same way, Gamora, who had received years of training from her adoptive father, closed her eyes tightly and kept her clarity after holding her breath.

The gravitational force between two objects is proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance. As the distance between the ship and the black hole continued to shrink, and the acceleration became larger and larger, Star Lord and Gamora finally couldn't bear it, and the overload passed out.

And the last "person" left in the ship, the tree man Groot, got out of the seat.

He looked around and saw the tiny dust-like drop not far ahead, saw all his teammates fainting, and saw the red warning lights that kept lighting up in the ship.

Under the precise navigation of the main control computer, the unmanned spaceship will continue to adjust the course and move towards the direction of the water drop. If the plan goes well, they should be able to break the balance and connect Ronan the Accuser with him. Buried together with their ambitions.

But the cost may be heavy.

Groot blinked his small black eyes, and the bark on his body suddenly grew countless branches, spreading all the way, encroaching on every corner of the spaceship cabin, like close and numerous, scattered cobwebs.

The "cocoon" composed of branches, soft and tough, envelops every teammate, but this is not enough. To survive the impact, more sacrifices are needed.

Groot muttered "I am Groot" in a low voice, and then a small yellow bud of goose blossomed in his chest.

Soon, the yellow flowers of the goose were all over Groot's body, and gentle and gentle energy escaped from the buds, which enveloped those companions like a soft gauze mist,

And Groot It also seemed to have exhausted the last trace of life, the main body's bark was cracked and dried, and the trunk was like dry wood, making a "crack" sound, and was torn apart by the ever-increasing acceleration.

Finally, with such an infamous posture, the small sampan of the Guardians of the Galaxy spanned thousands of miles and moved towards the water drop.


Made of strong nuclear materials, there is no stronghold one cannot overcome the water droplets that are large enough to cross the Star Sea, just like this is hit by an unfathomable mystery ship NS.

The fire is soaring into the sky, and the parts are splashing-parts from the ships of the Guardian of the Galaxy.

Star Lord’s intuition is correct, the navigation of the ship is accurate, and the water droplets are also invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable.

The material created by strong nuclear force, every atom on its surface is stable and flat to the limit, in other words, its friction coefficient is almost zero.

According to common sense, let alone trifling a ship, even if it is a series of impacts of one hundred or one thousand ships, it should not cause any interference to the water droplets.

Undoubtedly, the ship of the Guardian of the Galaxy disintegrated, the fire from the explosion was so dazzling, countless metal parts were thrown arbitrarily, and the cocoons composed of branches were also fragmented and wrapped in the cocoons. The Superheros, falling to every corner of the space.

They did not fail. This is the boundary of the event horizon. The strong gravitational force has long caused the position of the strong interaction force inside the water droplet to be slightly deviated, and the surface has undesirable edges and corners.

It is this insignificant angle that caused the water droplet to shift, press forward to the black hole, and then it was swallowed cleanly and turned into an arc of light on the event horizon.

The sudden fatal collision, not only Ronan the Accuser did not expect, but even Li Ang was a little confused.


Why is this trouble? Who are you? Did you go to the wrong set?

Fortunately, Li Ang, who has a very fast concept of Time Flow Speed, immediately reacted. Time Stone not only allows him to develop four-dimensional vision, but also allows him to see everything inside and outside the light cone and analyze it immediately. Out of the whole sequence of events of the Guardians of the Galaxy,

The white-headed and barefooted Zhu Nai first confirmed that Ronan the Accuser had been swallowed undoubtedly, then waved his palm, Power of Space poured out, and the branches The galaxy guards in the cocoon temporarily stagnate in place, so that they will not be swallowed by the event horizon and fall into a state of consigned to eternal damnation.

Then, Li Ang finally sighed in relief, and slowly relieved except for Zhu Wei's form—this Supreme’s behavior of absorbing the zero-point energy of the vacuum will also cause a little load on him, and he will still feel Fatigue.


Li Ang, who returned to human form, looked at the messy battlefield, and didn't know what to say for a while,

In the stalemate just now, Li Ang and the opponent did not use the trump card, but before the trump card was revealed, the board was overturned by a sudden visitor and the confrontation ended.

"...dignified a generation of galaxy overlord, Power Stone owner, just so unclearly dead..."

Li Ang tutted his mouth and looked at The Guardians of the Galaxy in a fainted state, Tsukkomi said: "The chance of success in the collision just now is less than one in a thousand, one in ten thousand. None of the members died.

If there is a gem of luck in the galaxy, then maybe it is hidden in you..."

His self-talk is hidden in the vacuum of the universe Among them, Li Ang rolled his sleeves at will, and put the cocoon formed by the branches into the subspace, and immediately took a step.

The next second, he appeared directly on the ship of the Sovereign civilization. In the cabin.

Originally, the soldiers of the Sovereign civilization were following the command of Ayesha Priestess to perform cleaning and repair work. Suddenly they saw an ordinary and ordinary male life coming out of the void, looking towards Command the bridge to go.

The people standing on the command bridge are basically high-level Sovereign civilizations who need to be defended to the death. The Sovereign soldiers in the cabin subconsciously put down the multifunctional maintenance tools, ready to take out the guns and energy lance, and take the man down.

Be aware that for these Sovereigns, this male creature is simply an unreasonable mediocrity-a sloppy posture, casual and casual, no elegance at all; the appearance is only average and medium, not to mention Handsome and handsome; his temperament is even more peaceful and weak, without the confidence and pride that Sovereigns admire.

For such a life entity, letting him walk on the highest flagship of Sovereign civilization is already a kind of blasphemy, how can he make him go further, moved towards the "nobles on the command bridge" "We get closer.

So, even "Stop! Who are you!" such a polite remark, the Sovereign soldiers chose to attack under the control of military regulations and subconscious mind.

The physical ammunition moved towards Li Ang, and the lance and blade moved towards him. The high-energy beam, like no money, weaves a Death firepower net.

Then, all the attackers died.

There are no extremely cool special effects, no massive site destruction, Li Ang just glanced at them, and their souls escaped from their bodies.

The data database of a Ghost Rider who is unwilling to reveal his name has been overseen by the central SmartBrain to study Dissection countless times.

It is only necessary to slightly convert the attributes of the vacuum zero point energy to make it Resonating with the soul fluctuation of life individuals can imitate the effect of Ghost Rider's Eye of the Judgement.

Include all existence within the scope of the blow, just take a glance, Can interfere and manipulate the soul of the other party.

Li Ang glanced at the Sovereign soldiers who raised their swords to him, and blasted their souls out of the body.

So, the Sovereign soldiers were stunned to see that his own body fell to the ground as if he had been pulled away from his bones, and the consternation and pain of his colleagues sounded in his ears, "He killed them!"


The Soul Spirits who left the body were at a loss. At first tried to get back into their own skin, but even if Soul Spirit lay on the corpse, they couldn’t return to normal. Li Ang’s eyes cut off,

They can only wander around like a solitary soul, unbound ghost, trying to remind those living companions that oneself is still alive, but they are cut off by the world of the living and the dead. Harvesting, watching the real world continue to operate in vain,

Even the own body will be put into the body bag by the compatriots and sent to the cremator...

Li Ang, who has just completed the achievement of "Staring Who Die", did not have much mood swings. None of the coalition forces who came to execute the Demon Slaying Order were innocent. He moved towards the bridge and moved on.

The surviving Sovereign soldiers were shocked and frightened, and could not help but cringe.

However, the codes of "absolute loyalty" and "absolute obedience" in their genes, They had to resist fear and push each other forward-the whole picture was like a group of young hens trapped on the shallows.

One crop after crop of Low Level soldiers rushed towards Li Ang and then died. The corpses were piled on the side of Li Ang's feet, like a cornerstone on the side of the road.

Until all the Low Level soldiers in front died, the advanced officers driven by the genetic sequence rushed to the forefront-those officers with sufficient authority, and then Li Ang's plain face, and The face in the memory is joined together.

"Ho ho ho..."

In the throats of the officers, there was an unknown hoarse sound, the fear deep into the bone marrow, and even overwhelming the iron law in the genes , Let them bow down humbly and cowardly.

Li Ang walked all the way, spreading Death and acknowledge allegiance to the Ayesha Priestess.


Priestess looked ahead, this man who had destroyed most of the galaxy’s elite, tried his best to overcome the desire to bow down, humble and reserved. a salute.

"Dear Your Excellency, on behalf of Sovereign Civilization, I would like to express my sincerest apologies to you. We are willing to pay all the price in exchange for your forgiveness-even though we know this is very..."

Li Ang raised his hand and interrupted Priestess's apology, "Do you know the location of the three Great Empire official troops?"

"I don't know." Priestess shook the head, After hesitating for a moment, I swept the surveillance panel from the corner of my eye, the wreckage of the coalition ships floating in the dark universe, and said: "The Three Great Empires didn't tell us much about this demon killing order."

"Is that so." Li Ang nodded, casually said: "You go back and tell the three Great Empire people that the Earth civilization will visit the center of the Milky Way after a standard solar system star year, when the time comes. Please be prepared."

A standard sidereal year, which is 365 days, is converted into a world of accelerated thinking, which is 2500 years.

Earth civilization needs time to transform the creativity of the accelerated world and the labor force of omnics into actual battle strength.

"...I see."

Ayesha Priestess lowered her arrogant head and watched Li Ang disappeared.

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