
In midair, grabbed by a huge palm, the expression on Nate Chara's face in the black panther suit suddenly became stunned.

Lowering his head and looking at the yellow palms wrapped around his body, T'Challa felt that his body was pulled back to the previous position from outside the Avengers Building again under the pulling of a huge force before T'Challa had time to break free.

In a violent crash, T'Challa's body was smashed back into the office where the Iron Legion was located like a bowling ball.

He reached out and grabbed the broken table in front of him and shook his head. The panther suit made with Zhenjin technology ensured that T'Challa did not suffer damage and fall down the first time he was attacked. It could even be said that he was under the suit. It is still intact at this moment, but, it is limited to this.

He hasn't officially passed the test to take the heart-shaped grass to strengthen his strength. At this time, T'Challa is only slightly stronger than ordinary people in terms of physical fitness.

As a result, even if he wore the Panther suit of Wakanda's highest technology crystallization, he could not play the maximum effect of the suit. Especially in the face of a supernatural power attack like [Yellow Lantern Ring].

At least, if it was the current Black Panther King T'Chaka in the scene just now, he wouldn't have been caught by the huge palm so easily.

And stuck.

The sharp claws waving their fingertips slashed towards the yellow iron cage that was transformed into the surrounding area, and the sharp claws of the black panther slashed through the iron cage and made a harsh sound like metal cutting.

As a product of pure embodiment, the iron cage is stronger than Zara imagined.

And because of the relationship between the energy body, even if there is a broken, it can be recovered in the first time.

"So, you're the one who sneaked into the Avengers base camp?"

With a cigarette in his mouth, Jack Simon stepped to the front of the iron cage, and looked at the black panther who was trapped immediately and couldn't help narrowing his eyes, with an expression of interest on his face.

"Although our positions are opposed, I still have to applaud your courage."

"I don't think it's anything to celebrate, Mr. Jack Simon."

In the face of Jack Simon's somewhat gloating reaction, Tony's voice immediately sounded in the Avengers Building.

Wearing the Mark51 nano-suit, Tony hurried over. Tony looked at the black panther trapped in the iron cage by Jack Simon's [Yellow Lantern Ring], and immediately responded with a sigh of relief.

The Avengers Building, the base camp for the Avengers.

In theory, it should be extremely safe and sturdy.

However, since its establishment, whether it is Kuaiyin or the Phaseless King of Jiuyou, and the shadowy figure in the iron cage in front of him, they have reminded Tony, the owner of the design of the Avengers Building.

The Avengers Building is not as well-guarded as he imagined.

On the contrary, it is also very easy to be invaded.

"Maybe I should consider upgrading the garrison of the building."

The thought of upgrading the defense of the Avengers Building was fleeting in his heart. Tony controlled Mark51 to come to the iron cage created by Jack Simon, looked at the mysterious intruder in the yellow light, and raised the palm of his hand. A faint light flickered.

"Now, tell me why you invaded the Avengers Tower?"

"My purpose has been told to you from the beginning, Tony Stark."

Looking back from the micro energy muzzle in the palm of his hand, T'Challa looked at the Iron Man in front of him, and was silent for a while before slowly replying.

With T'Challa's response, the black panther mask wrapped around his face also deformed and shrunk, revealing his youthful face.


Seeing T'Challa revealing his true identity in the iron cage, Tony under the Mark51 helmet immediately showed a surprised look on his face.

He didn't expect that the mysterious person who sneaked into the Avengers Building was the Prince of Wakanda, T'Challa, who had met the Avengers during the day.

"Now, things get interesting."

"Now, things are getting in trouble."

Standing in the office full of ruins, looking at T'Challa in the iron cage, witnessing what happened in front of him.

Two very different voices came out of Jack Simon and Tony's mouth.



Brooklyn, Bensenhe, home to Italian gangs.

He raised his palm to condense a powerful energy ray and blasted through the wall in front of him. The red hood on Parker Robbins flashed a faint light to form a red energy shield to block the bullets from the opposite side like a violent storm.


"Go to hell, bastard!"

"Ah ah ah..."

The gang members in front of Parker Robbins continued to swear with a thick Italian accent, pulling the trigger to vent their inner fears.

With such an intensive firepower attack, even if there is a steel plate in front of it, it will be directly beaten into a sieve.

However, Parker Robbins, who masters the power of the Red Hood, is obviously much stronger than the steel plate.

Motivating the mysterious power in the red hood, while Parker Robbins's body glowed red, his hands once again condensed powerful energy rays and aimed at the Italian gang in front of him.


In the next instant, facing the enormous power of the energy rays, the Italian gang members who were just ordinary people had no resistance at all.

In the huge explosion, a large number of gang members screamed.

The densely packed and ferocious-looking organization fell apart after less than three energy rays in the hands of Parker Robbins.

Walking among the screaming gang members, Parker Robbins silently enjoyed the thrill of controlling his life, and soon stopped in front of an obvious gang leader figure.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

In the previous energy rays of Parker Robbins, the leader also suffered a lot of damage. At this moment, he covered the bleeding wound in his abdomen, looked at the strange figure in the red hood in front of him, and gasped. question.

"Or, you are a superhero similar to the Defender League of Hell's Kitchen, and you want our local Italian gang in Bensenhe to carry out the superhero business of shit..."

Gangs all over New York have been ruined since the appearance of those grotesque dudes dressed as superheroes.

In the eyes of a superhero, what could be more a target for criminals to congregate than a gang.

Therefore, no matter how big or small the superheroes are, as long as they appear, the targets they attack are their gang members.

Among them, the most fierce battle with superheroes in the gang is Jin Bing, who was once the underworld emperor of Hell's Kitchen.

Even the entire underworld empire is gone.

Therefore, in the face of the attack of Parker Robbins, the leader of the Italian gang immediately thought of superheroes.

"Super hero?"

Faced with the questioning of the leader, a disdainful smile appeared on Parker Robbins' slender face under the red hood. He lowered his head and looked at the pale Italian leader lying on the ground. The guy in front of him, Parker Robbins, used to be more than I once saw the other party's flamboyant appearance, but at that time he was just a thief who was stealing chickens and dogs, and he didn't dare to look directly at the other party, but now this existence he didn't even dare to look at, he had to look up at himself.

Feeling the psychedelic reality of reality, Parker Robbins grinned and said: "No, in fact, the opposite is true. My goal is precisely those stupid and arrogant superheroes."

"...From now on, I'll be your boss."


Hearing Parker Robbins' words, the leader subconsciously objected.

After all, no one likes to be seated on their head.

"I'm not asking for your opinion!"

Hearing the leader's answer, Parker Robbins under the red hood flashed a stern look in his eyes, and then the sign of the eyes on his forehead began to emerge.

Extending his palm, under the strength of the red hood, he effortlessly grabbed the Italian leader who was over 1.8 meters tall. Parker Robbins said with a grim expression: "I just inform If you are not satisfied with your result, I will notify another person."

"Yes, yes, I like the cold look on your face..."

And at the same time that Parker Robbins made a grim declaration to the Italian boss in his hands.

In his mind, a frivolous voice also rang out.


"Prince T'Challa."

In the Avengers Building, after the Black Panther revealed his identity, it was obviously impossible for Tony to continue to let Jack Simon lock the other party in the iron cage embodied by the [Yellow Lantern Ring].

His eyes swept across the obviously special black panther suit on T'Challa's hand, and Tony's face showed a clear helpless expression.

"You really gave us a big surprise."

"Sorry, that wasn't the original purpose."

Under the gaze of the gathered Avengers, T'Challa spoke in an apologetic tone.

"Everything I did, I walked just to find Chang Emir's trail in New York."

"So it seems that the Chang Emir mentioned by Prince T'Challa is not the ordinary person we imagined before?"

Although she did not participate in the first battle with the Black Panther, Natasha also saw that T'Challa was not as ordinary as they thought through the data collected by Ultron and the damage in the entire room. The prince of a small African tribal country.

Ultron has already analyzed that the black battle uniform equipped on T'Challa is a product of obvious combination of high technology, and the material for making this battle uniform is very familiar to the Avengers, and the shield in the hands of Captain America Steve The same vibrato.

From this, it is presumed that the target that T'Challa, who is wearing a Zhenjin-made battle uniform, can hunt down is obviously impossible to be an ordinary person.

Even though, in the photo given by T'Challa, Chang Amir doesn't look threatening.

As she spoke, Natasha set her eyes on T'Challa, apparently trying to get some necessary clues from T'Challa through her own temptation.

The black panther suit on T'Challa has already made this keen former super agent aware of the strangeness behind it.

It is a very unreasonable phenomenon that a country that can develop and build such powerful equipment has been receiving aid as a backward third world agricultural country in the United Nations records for decades.


Facing Natasha's questioning, T'Challa is not a fool. He naturally knows that if Chang Amir's situation is revealed, the Avengers will definitely discover the secrets that Wakanda has hidden for decades.

In fact, this is why he didn't tell the Avengers the real situation before, but used a sneaky way to get clues about Chang Emil's trajectory in New York.

However, the unexpected thing is that he did not expect that Su Rui's network intrusion into the Avengers Building would be discovered, and he also did not expect that he would be arrested by the Avengers, or the guy with the weird ring. and eventually had to reveal his identity.

At this time, all the development of the situation has completely gone in the direction that T'Challa did not expect.

After hesitating silently for a long time in his heart, T'Challa's idea of ​​capturing Chang Emir to avenge his father T'Challa prevailed.

In addition, in T'Challa's heart, he did not agree with his father's isolation policy.

In Natasha's eyes, T'Challa said slowly: "In fact, you should have noticed it more or less, yes, the real Wakanda is not the so-called third world agriculture in the United Nations records. The country, we have powerful technology, even far beyond the outside world, the reason why we have always maintained the illusion of backwardness is only because of the 'isolation policy' that the current king Tchaka has implemented since he came to power, because The reason for this policy..."

"So, Prince T'Challa, you mean that the real Wakanda is not only not backward, but a country with quite advanced technology?"

Facing the reality revealed by T'Challa, Banner subconsciously raised the glasses on his face and interjected ~www.readwn.com~ This is really, really..."

To be honest, if he hadn't seen the advanced technology on T'Challa's black panther suit, Banner might not have taken the African prince's words seriously at all.

"I know this is hard to accept."

Looking at Banner with a strange look in front of him, T'Challa understood the other's inner thoughts: "In fact, when I came to study in the UK from Wakhan, I was also surprised by the level of technology in the UK. This backwardness It took me a while to get used to this kind of life.”

Listening to a prince from an African country complaining about the backward technology of the United Kingdom, there is always an inexplicable sense of disobedience in the hearts of the Avengers.

Even if they already know that the real Wakanda is a high-tech country with highly developed technology, even beyond the world in which they live.

It is not the primitive tribe that everyone imagines.

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