Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 561: aggressive

"So, now Prince T'Challa, can you tell us what's so special about the former royal tutor Chang Amir you said?"

Suppressing the sense of discord in his heart, Tony looked at T'Challa in front of him and asked.

Before, he mistakenly regarded T'Challa's search for Chang Emir as a domestic struggle in Wakanda, so he was reluctant to intervene in this matter.

However, this is clearly not the case today.

"In my memory, when Chang Amir was expelled from Wakanda, he was just an ordinary person. Although he had a very high academic status in Wakanda, he was not a strong warrior."

Now that he has decided to reveal the reality of Wakanda to the Avengers to seek help, T'Challa has stopped hiding.

He raised his hand and controlled it a few times on a bracelet-like device on his wrist, and soon the scene from his sister Shuri's father Tchaka and Chang Emir fighting appeared in front of the Avengers.

"According to the information I have received, Chang Amir came to New York after escaping from Wakanda. From what I know about this former mentor, he never does pointless things, which means that he chooses New York must have its own ideas as my destination, and it is even possible that I want to plan something unfavorable to Wakanda in New York, so in order to prevent this from happening, and to avenge Wakanda, I chose to come here. New York . . . what happened next, I think you all know."

Although it has been decided to reveal the reality of Wakanda to the Avengers, T'Challa has not completely opened up about it.

He deliberately concealed some of the more important scenes in the battle, and only intercepted the content of Chang Emir and presented it to the Avengers.

Looking at the fleeting scenes of the panther incarnated by T'Challa in the picture, Natasha's eyes flickered for a while, and at the same time, she swept over T'Challa in front of her imperceptibly.

The prince from the African tribal country, although he has considered himself cautious enough.

However, all this is obviously not the case in the eyes of Natasha, a former super agent. In fact, through the fleeting pictures in the battle screen, Natasha has already seen the blackness in the battle on the screen. The leopard and T'Challa in front of him were not wearing the same battle uniform.

That is to say, the figure fighting Chang Amir in the picture is most likely not T'Challa himself.

"This kind of attack..."

Of course, not everyone in the Avengers is as sharp as Natasha.

Banner looked at the appearance of Chang Emir fighting in the picture, and the scene of a large number of scarabs was formed in the wave of his hand, and he couldn't help feeling a little creepy.

"However, it looks like magic only performed by evil mages in the story."

"Perhaps, this Chang Amir is really an evil mage."

Following Banner's words and shrugging, Tony took his eyes away from the screen played by T'Challa and said regretfully: "Unfortunately, our relationship with the SCP Foundation is not as good as before, otherwise we would You can let Dad help you see what magic the other party is casting."

For magic, the Avengers are not too familiar with magic, and the magic that is most exposed to is mostly the strange and strange magic of Dad, which is not very serious at first glance.

While he was talking, Tony's eyes subconsciously turned to Jack Simon on the side.

"Don't look at me like that."

Noticing Tony's gaze, Jack Simon raised his eyebrows, bit the cigarette **** in his mouth and waved his hands casually: "The conflict between the Avengers and the SCP Foundation is not about us 'Chaos Insurgents', Although our relationship with the Foundation has never been very good, we will not be caught in such a black pot for no reason."

"Shouldn't you 'Chaos Insurgents' do something?"

Seeing Jack Simon put on such an unrelated appearance, Natasha spoke.

"There is obviously something wrong with Chang Emir's appearance. Judging from the information disclosed by Prince T'Challa, Chang Emir was originally just an ordinary person, but suddenly he has the power to control bugs. Maybe it's because Chang Amir got a containment object inadvertently to become what it is now."

Natasha deliberately linked Chang Amir's ability with the abnormality of the containment, in order to draw Jack Simon into it.

"However, it is also possible that this is not the case."

Facing Natasha's obvious aggressiveness, Jack Simon turned to look at the super agent.

They looked at Jack Simon's eyes for a while, just when Natasha had already failed in her own plan.

"However, Natasha, you are right, that is, whether it is really related to anomalies or not, it is necessary for the 'Chaos Insurgency' to express."

The original careless expression on Jack Simon's face turned helpless again, and he reached out and scratched his cheek and said.


Hearing Jack Simon's words, Natasha's mouth curved upwards slightly.

On the other hand, Tony's expression flashed thoughtfully.

The scene when Jack Simon invited the [Holy Master] to join the Chaos Insurgency came to mind.


"I may be back a little later tonight, so there's no need to wait for me."

Brooklyn, in an old apartment.

Parker Robbins glanced at the content displayed on the phone screen, and said to his girlfriend in front of him with a calm expression.

"Are you working overtime again?"

"There's been a lot of vehicles coming in lately at the garage and needing major repairs, so it might be late."

At the dining table, after hearing Parker Robbins' answer, he looked up at his boyfriend who was obviously different from the past, and the woman's expression became silent.


Looking at Parker Robbins who went out after breakfast, the woman opened her mouth to say something.

"What's wrong?"

Noticing his girlfriend's reluctance to speak, Parker Robbins couldn't help but say.

"It's nothing, I just want to remind you, don't forget about the due date."

Under the gaze of Parker Robbins, the woman shook her head silently, touched her growing belly, and then reminded with a smile.

"rest assured."

Hearing his girlfriend's reminder, Parker Robbins' eyes could not help but fall on her stomach, and a gentle smile appeared on his originally expressionless face as he nodded and replied.


"whats the matter?"

A few minutes later, coming out of the apartment, Parker Robbins put on a red hood and sat in a car that had been waiting by the roadside for a long time, looking at the figure in the car and asked indifferently.

"BOSS, we have launched operations according to your request. Now most of the Italian gangs in Bensenhe have surrendered, and there are only a few stubborn organizations left, unwilling to join us."

With straps on his head, the leader of the Italian gang that Parker Robbins had attacked before watched Parker Robbins' serious report in the car.

Under the power of Parker Robbins' Red Hood, their gang expanded at a rapid rate, and in just a few days had swallowed most of the Italian gangs around Bensonhe, Brooklyn. .

"Tell me the list."

Hearing the leader's report, Parker Robbins under the red hood flashed a stern look in his eyes, and then said coldly.

As things went on, Parker Robbins became more and more comfortable with the power of his red hood, and at the same time began to enjoy this superhuman feeling.

Through the power of the Red Hood, he became the biggest gang boss in Brooklyn, something that Parker Robbins, who was originally just a thief, could not have imagined.

And all of this has become a reality with the help of the Red Hood.

"Since they don't agree, then there is no need to continue to exist."

Of course, with the power also swelled the ambitions of Parker Robbins.

He may have obtained the power of the Red Hood just to allow his mentally ill mother to get good medical conditions and to improve her poor life.

However, as the power given by the Red Hood became more and more powerful, Parker Robbins was obviously no longer satisfied with this.

Especially in his mind, there is still a voice bewitching.

There was nothing unusual about what the Italian leader said about what Parker Robbins said.

He knew that what Parker Robbins said was true. After all, he had personally experienced the strength of the other party not long ago. If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he might not have seen the sun the next day. .



Late at night, a gathering place for Italian gangs somewhere in Bensenhe.

Huge flames and explosions blasted the buildings in front of them with holes.

Walking out of the building, Parker Robin ignored the firelight behind him, focused on the sound in his mind, and frowned slightly.

In fact, the voice in his head hasn't been heard since he launched an attack on the gang that opposed him.

Thinking of the last 'cold' reaction of the owner of the voice, Parker Robbins guessed that it might be because such frequent destruction has made the other party uninterested.

"Perhaps, a new target should be chosen next time, such as superheroes..."

A sense of urgency flashed in his heart, as Parker Robbins pondered his next plan.

"Red Hood."

However, just as Parker Robbins lowered his head and thought to himself, a hoarse and sharp voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a ferocious guy with a burnt face and a figure with four mechanical tentacles behind him slowly approaching him.

"who are you?"

Looking at the strange figures of Slaughter and Dr. Octopus, Parker Robbins couldn't help but stop on the weird mechanical tentacles behind Dr. Octopus, raised his palm to condense the energy light, and asked with a vigilant look.

"You can call me Slaughter."

Under the vigilant gaze of Parker Robbins, Slaughter opened his mouth with an ugly smile, and pointed at the gang of Doctor Octopus at the same time.

"Perhaps you should have seen this figure in the pages of major news papers, Doctor Octopus, who has put Spider-Man in danger several times."

In the introduction of the slaughter, Dr. Octopus had a stern face, and his eyes under the sunglasses swept over Parker Robbins in front of him calmly.

He was obviously looking at the guy in the red hood in front of him.

"Doctor Octopus?"

After hearing the introduction of Slaughter, Parker Robbins recalled the identity of the figure with the mechanical tentacles behind him.

A super villain who doesn't fight Spider-Man.

"so what?"

Although he recognized the identity of Doctor Octopus, Parker Robbins' expression under the red hood did not change.

After all, being a super villain is not worth the shock of his present appearance.

"Our purpose in finding you is very simple."

Although the attitude of the red hood in front of him is bad, but the slaughter does not take it too seriously. After all, people who choose to become super villains have certain flaws in their characters. In short, they are not good birds, even if they are Dr. Lizard, who was originally a good man, has also become cruel and cruel under the influence of the cold-blooded DNA of the lizard in his body.

"We had an idea, superheroes have their own team, why can't we also form a team to fight those so-called superheroes together, we noticed everything you've been doing in Brooklyn these days, think you A fitting invitation..."

"What if I don't want to?"

In the face of the invitation made by Slaughter, Parker Robbins refused with a cold expression.

For Parker Robbins, who has the power of the Red Hood, he does not need to join the organization because he has many extraordinary powers. In his opinion, the so-called team belongs to the weak, and he is the controller. This is also Parker. The reason why Robbins chose to control the gang, because he was tired of listening to others, he wanted to be that head.

"Then there's nothing to say."

Hearing Parker Robbins' refusal, before Slaughter could react, Doctor Octopus beside him spoke impatiently.

For some reason, Doctor Octopus is very disliked by the Red Hood Parker Maybe it's because of his attitude from the beginning, or simply because of the character of the super villain.

Therefore, after hearing Parker Robbins' refusal to answer, the mechanical tentacle behind Dr. Octopus did not hesitate to grab the streetlight on the side, twisted the utility pole, and smashed it towards Parker Robbins.

"In order not to reveal the secret, you can only keep your mouth shut forever!"

The broken utility pole flew fiercely in the direction of Parker Robbins with a flashing arc.

Looking at the telegraph pole spinning in front of him and seeing the huge whistling sound, Parker Robbins flashed a gloomy look on his face under the red hood, and then the energy ray condensed from his hand immediately shot out.


Moon heart whispers

Thanks to gsf263456, Xiao Xingxuan, Goblin's Nightmare and book friend 20200302113654802 for the 100 starting point coins.

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