Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 134: follow-up


In the distance, a shrill siren could be heard faintly.

With such a massive explosion in downtown New York, it would be surprising if the police didn't do anything about it.

Peter hung on the wall, looked at the roof that disappeared in the explosion, took off the mask that had been torn on his head, and the expression on his face was a little lost.

Especially the scene where Eddie Brock pushed himself away at the end kept reappearing in Little Spider's heart.


Legendary 4000 from Norman Osborn

Legendary 1550 from Peter Parker

In the antique store, Li Ran silently retracted his gaze. The moment the explosion enveloped him, he lost control of his clone.

However, Li Ran didn't care much about it. Eddie Brock's usage limit had already been used up, so even if there was no explosion, he would find a reason to make Eddie Brock disappear. What's more, it was beyond Li Ran's original expectations to be able to gain so much popularity at the last moment of the card's usage limit.

All in all, it's a good thing.

Raising his eyes, he glanced at the legend numbers displayed on the system, and Li Ran tickled the corners of his mouth, secretly defining.


"how long it has been?"

"It's been over 48 hours."

Osborne Group, the disappearance of Norman Osborn has begun to have an impact on the company, and the group's stock price has continued to fall, making some of the company's managers vaguely about to sit still.

"Can you reach Norman Osborn?"

"I have called Mr. Norman Osborn's personal phone and found that his mobile phone is in the office, and there is a half-finished experimental plan on the table, about the upgrade plan of the mechanical armor, making a more targeted Mimic armor..."

"I don't care what Norman Osborn's plans are, I just want to know where others have gone. As a director of the Osborn Group, it is necessary for him to explain his disappearance during this period of time." The conference room Among them, some senior shareholders of Ao Shi Group expressed their dissatisfaction.

"From what I know about Norman Osborn, he can't suddenly disappear like this without warning. There must be something in it, maybe we will wait patiently for a few more days." He also has a relationship with Norman Osborn. Intimate high-level, expressed their different views.

"Everyone." At this moment, Donald Macon, one of the department heads sitting in the front row, opened his mouth and said a message: "I think everyone here should know a little bit about Norman Oss. Mr. Ben's physical condition has not been very good in the past few years. In fact, from the information I have received, in this year or so, Mr. Norman Osborn has been asked several times because of his health problems. Come to a private doctor to treat him, which I have checked with the doctor who was in charge of treating Mr Norman Osborn before, and this is confirmed."

The top management of the Osborne Group was not aware of the fact that Norman Osborn had treated his genetic disease by injecting super soldier serotype II, so through the information he got, Donald May made a reasonable judgment: "So, maybe we should have prepared for the worst, maybe Mr Norman Osborn has..."

Donald May's remarks, unsurprisingly, caused a commotion from the senior management of the Ostrich Group in the conference room.

Slightly raised the corners of his mouth, Donald May was about to continue speaking when he heard another voice from among the higher-ups.

"Maybe, we can go to Harry."

"Harry Osborn?"

In an instant, the smile on Donald May's face froze.


"Reduce research funding, why?!"

Ao Shi Group, in the biological laboratory, heard the bad news from the upper floor, Professor Kurt's expression changed suddenly, with one arm free, he couldn't help raising his voice, and said excitedly: "My experiment has entered the final stage. At the critical moment, the lizard DNA serum has fully proved its effect, which can help the mice to grow new limbs, and the most important part of the human experiment is coming soon. As long as you give me a little more time, I can do it. Can……"

"I'm sorry for Professor Kurt, but this is the unanimous opinion of the senior management of the Ostrich Group." On the opposite side, the secretary conveyed his instructions with a blank expression: "They think that the lizard DNA serum is too expensive, and the Ostrich Group has already I have injected capital for you three times in a row, but I have never been able to produce satisfactory results for the group.”

"Cross-species experiment is a very dangerous experiment, I need more data to provide my judgment, can't..."

"I know, but the senior management of Ao Shi Group does not think so." The opening interrupted Professor Cote's explanation, and the secretary continued: "The development prospects of the new energy part of Stark Industries have been optimistic recently, so Ao Shi Group decided to develop A new energy research laboratory has contacted Dr. Otto Gunther Octavius, who has considerable achievements in atomic energy physics, to lead the development of new energy experiments. For this reason, the Austen Group must cut some of the group's experiments. research funding, and Professor Kurt's DNA serum for cross-species lizards is one of them..."

"I've almost succeeded, and I'm almost there."

After reporting the decision made by the senior management of the Ao Shi Group, the secretary hurriedly left the laboratory, leaving Kurt alone to hold his empty severed hand, muttering to himself in a trance.

Turning his eyes, Kurt immediately saw the dark green lizard DNA serum placed on the laboratory table.


"Maxwell, you continue to work overtime tonight."

Austrian Group Electric Power Department A middle-aged man wearing a helmet said arrogantly to the black man in front of him.

"But, Mr. Supervisor, I've been working overtime for the department for a week. Today should be my time to rest." Flicking the thinning hair on his head, a submissive black man replied to the man.

"I know, but Maxwell, you should know that you designed the company's circuit, because only you know what's wrong with it."

"But, sir, I have made an appointment to have my hair cut."

"It's just a day late, there's no problem, Maxwell, that's it. Tonight you are responsible for the care of the power grid." After speaking, the middle-aged man turned around and left without regard to Maxwell's reaction. He was sure that Maxwell would not dare disobey their orders.

"Aren't you going too far?"

On the way back, a colleague from the power department said involuntarily.

"What's wrong, he's a freak and no one's going to speak for him."

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