Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 135: open treasure chest

"How's the Captain doing recently?"

S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, Tri-Wing Building.

Nick Fury asked Agent Hill about Steve's recent situation.

"He's trying to fit in."

Agent Hill smiled slightly, but immediately suppressed his expression and replied solemnly.

Hearing this, Nick Fury nodded lightly to show his understanding. After all, anyone who wakes up and finds that he has slept for 70 years will need a period of adaptation, whether it is physical or psychological adaptation.

"What about Tony Stark?" Immediately, Nick Fury brought the topic to Tony, the Iron Man who recently made a splash in New York.

"It's still the same, he never had any response to the Avengers plan, and even the intelligence personnel that S.H.I.E.L.D. placed around him were all found by him." Referring to Tony Stark, Hill The agent couldn't help feeling a headache: "Maybe, we should give up, maybe Tony Stark is not suitable for the Avengers."

"No, he's a good fit."

Shaking his head, Nick Fury obviously disagreed with Agent Hill's judgment, and still insisted on introducing Tony into the Avengers plan: it just took a little time. "

"All right."

Seeing Nick Fury's resolute attitude, Agent Hill had nothing to say. Who called him the director?

"By the way, Phil, he hasn't always been in charge of Tony Stark's contact work before."

"I have more important tasks for him."

In this regard, Nick Fury didn't reveal much, just said something lightly.


[Legend]: 29175

In the antique store, Li Ran looked at the number of legends displayed by the system, and always felt that he was about to be forced out of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

A little bit worse every time.

Can't you just give me 30,000 legends? !

Li Ran was speechless for a moment, but he also knew that this was impossible.

Shaking his head and sweeping away the meaningless thoughts in his mind, he immediately put his attention on the exchange treasure chest again.

Before, Li Ran did a calculation. At present, he has already opened two [B-grade card fragments] in his hand. If he is lucky, he can directly collect the necessary items to synthesize a B-grade card through the next three times of unpacking. 5 fragments.

Li Ran couldn't contain his excitement when he thought that he would be able to get a B-level card immediately.

Of course, the premise of everything is that in the next three unboxings, one [B-grade card fragment] can be drawn each time.

No matter what, after all, he has seen the shadow of the B-rank card and is beckoning to himself.

Silently comforting himself in his heart, Li Ran adjusted his breathing, consumed the 10,000 legends he had finally accumulated, and exchanged it for a [Bronze Treasure Chest] in the system.

"Card shards, card shards."

Looking at the glittering [Bronze Treasure Chest] in the system, Li Ran subconsciously held his breath and said something silently in his heart.

Open the treasure chest!

With the familiar white light, the contents of the treasure chest were opened.


[Prop: Magic Tuxedo]

[Effect: Assist]

[Introduction: From the magical props in the movie "The Magic Tuxedo", using the watch to control the relevant mode can make the wearer have superhuman skills. 】

[Note: It's none of my business, it's all about this dress. 】


【Class B Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown B-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


[C-Class Card - Von Clay]

[Skills: Imitation Fruit, Shemale Boxing]

[Background introduction: The character in "One Piece", the code name of Baroque Works is Mr.2. Those who imitate the ability of fruit, are good at **** boxing. He is both a male and a female **** who looks like a ballerina. He values ​​friendship, is loyal, has a brain in battle, and is very kind. She uses **** boxing as the main attack method, and often takes pride in being a shemale. 】

[Remarks: Whether it deviates from the way of men or the way of women, it is the way to be a man if you don’t go beyond your duty! 】

Before he could take a closer look at the result of opening the box, Li Ran was overjoyed when he saw the B-grade card fragments displayed in the treasure box, and decided to pursue the victory.

[Prop: Dream Suppression Pill]

【Effect: Sleep】

[Introduction: The magical drug from the movie "Freddy vs. Jason" can suppress the dream, making it impossible for Freddy to enter the dream to kill. 】

[Remarks: listen to my words, resurrect again, listen to my words, resurrect again! 】


【Class B Card Fragment × 1】

【Effect: Combination】

[Introduction: Unknown B-level card fragments, collect five fragments to synthesize a brand new card. 】


【C-Class Card - T-1000】

[Skill: Liquid Metal Robot]

[Background introduction: T-1000 (TheCyberdyneSystemsSeries1000Terminator) is a machine killer from the future that appeared in the movie "Terminator 2". It is an out-and-out cold-blooded killer. Except for executing the order to kill John, everything else seems to be an obstacle, and it can be destroyed within the scope of its own power. 】


Is today my lucky day? !

Two treasure chests in a row showed B-level card fragments, and even Li Ran began to doubt looked down at the remaining legends on the system. These legends were used to open treasure chests. It's almost that much, but the fusion card doesn't use much fame, and the [Eddie Brock] that happened to be the last fusion card has also exhausted the usage limit and disappeared.

[Yes/No——Consumes 100 points of fame to merge the D-rank card [A Fu] and the D-rank card [Phantom Thief Kid]]

As the first D-level card in Li Ran's hands, he still has a lot of affection for [Phantom Thief Kid], but compared to the increasingly dangerous battles that follow, as a D-level card [Phantom Thief Kid] is obviously not applicable. , so instead of keeping this card in your hand, it's better to fuse it and see if it makes a better card.

Furthermore, even if the [Phantom Thief Kid] is lost, it does not mean that the role of the Phantom Thief has disappeared. With the cards currently in Li Ran's hand, it is more than enough to play the role of a Phantom Thief.

All, restraining the little regret in his heart, Li Ran pressed OK.

[D-Class Card - Senior Brother (2/2)]

[Skill: Water Break]

[Background introduction: The villain in the movie "King of Destruction", the master of Japanese karate, the top master in the Global Sports Center, is shameless, has a bad character, is narrow-minded, and uses words to insult people who are not pleasing to the eye And rush to kill, but also He Jinyin's number one rival in love. 】

[Note: I am not targeting you, I am saying that everyone here is happy~]

Li Ran: "..."

I knew how could it be possible to be lucky all the time.

Seeing that he consumed 100 reputation points, but only used two D-rank cards to fuse a D-rank card with the number of uses, Li Ran suddenly wanted to cry without tears.

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