Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 363: 'Red Skull' ambitions

"Sir, according to the current energy situation of Mark47, under the frequent attack methods of Mark43, it can only continue to keep the energy shield open for about 20 minutes at most, and it will face an emergency situation."

The flickering blue energy shield of Mark47 on Tony's body blocked all the attacks launched by Mark43. However, the reminder from Jarvis in his ear showed that the situation in front of him was not as optimistic as it seemed.

Unlike the Mark43, which obtained unimaginable energy under the magical power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection], the Mark47 worn by Tony still needs the arc reactor on his chest to provide the action energy of the steel suit. In particular, the frequent opening of the energy shield itself is a huge energy loss for the suit, especially when it is attacked, in order to maintain the defense of the shield, its energy is naturally even greater.

Regarding the energy problem of the suit, Tony has had the idea of ​​upgrading more than once.

I have even obtained certain ideas and designs through the research and derivation of the 'pacifist' robots that have been collected before, and the 'pacifist' robots that have been transformed by the Chitarians. However, the idea is one thing, and I want to use this idea. In the actual battle of the steel suit, it obviously still needs time and a lot of experimental data as support.

In short, far cannot quench near thirst.

At least, on the Mark47 he developed, he still couldn't use his latest energy technology as a support.

"Start attacking the corresponding system."

As the developer of Mark47, Tony obviously knew the weaknesses of this suit, so after another wave of firepower from Mark43, he immediately changed his fighting style and no longer stayed in place to be beaten. The target is the active attack.


As Tony's voice fell, some dot-shaped metal devices on Mark47 immediately began to emit a faint red light. Under the action of these red lights, Mark47 avoided the attack launched by Mark43 with an unimaginable reaction speed. Immediately afterwards, the jet of flame appeared in front of a hanging gauntlet around him, and a high-frequency shock wave was generated from the palm of the arm, instantly destroying the weapon system of the gauntlet.

The attack response system is also dubbed by Tony as the fighting mode. In short, it responds to the situations it encounters through various combat data entered in the suit system.

In theory, through this set of coping systems, Tony wearing Mark47 can directly transform into a fighting master, and he can still obtain a certain degree of melee attack capability through the coping system even when the long-range attack of his suit is ineffective. After all, even aside from the numerous weapon attack systems of the steel suit, the suit itself is a rather deadly offensive weapon.

"Looks like you've got a new trick ready, Tony."

The damage caused by Tony's attack on the gauntlet was transmitted to the Mark43 helmet on the side in an instant. Looking at Tony's fast-moving action, Mark43 quickly reacted. This may be what Tony prepared.

With the flash of thoughts, the scattered battle armor parts were combined again to form the humanoid appearance of Mark43, and he turned the attacked gauntlets to feel a little dull feeling from his arms. The white light in Mark43's eye sockets flickered for a while. Obviously, Tony's new method made Mark43 feel a little danger. If the opponent's attack continued, it would obviously cause huge losses to his body.

That's right, for Mark43, who has now resurrected consciousness, the steel suit is his body.

"It's not an easy trick."

Mark43's vigilant appearance obviously made Tony clear that his attack method could pose a certain degree of threat to this resurrected steel battle suit. He raised his eyebrows under the transparent mask, and Tony immediately said: "It's a way to solve the problem. You've been giving me a lot of trouble as Iron Man for a while, so Mark43, it's actually time to end it."

As Tony's voice fell, the metal dots on Mark47 flashed red again, and Tony's entire body quickly turned into a blurred afterimage and rushed towards Mark43 in front of him under the push of the battle suit.



The anger pushed the power in Hulk's body to continue to soar upward, and the entire body size more than doubled compared to the beginning, and the whole appearance looked more violent and hideous. A deafening roar came out of his mouth, and driven by the developed muscles of his legs, Hulk, who was climbing on the Statue of Liberty, continued to rise at a speed exceeding his own size, and in just a few seconds, he could only climb to The waist of the goddess.

Hulk's conspicuous move naturally attracted the attention of the walking Statue of Liberty.

Turning his huge metal head and looking at the Hulk climbing on him, even though his body more than doubled under the power of anger, Hulk's body is still a little small for a larger goddess statue.

Stopping its movement, the Statue of Liberty looked at Hulk who was climbing on her body. The power given by the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] was not enough to make the Statue have a strong personality. Hulk, who was jumping around on his body, felt an eyesore.

Thinking of this, the goddess raised her left hand and waved the legal book with the words "July 4, 1776" engraved on the cover in her palm and slapped the Hulk on her body like a cockroach.



Although, the arm waving motion of the goddess does not look heavy.

However, considering its weight of more than 200 tons, the power generated by even just a light wave is far beyond the limit that ordinary people can imagine. The metal object in the shape of a huge book fell on the statue of the goddess and made a dull crashing sound. Just the aftermath of the shock generated by the collision between the two made the falcon flying over the statue of the goddess feel his body shaking.

Trying to control the metal wings behind him to maintain flight, Falcon looked at Hulk who was still climbing towards the top of his head under the beating of the goddess, his face was not optimistic: "I don't know, can Hulk be able to fly like this? Persevere under attack."

"It can definitely be done. The Hulk power that Dr. Banner transformed into is far more powerful than us."

Holding the spider silk in one hand and hanging it in the air, the little spider's eyes moved with Hulk's actions, and he said with expectation.


However, the voice of the little spider just fell, and Hulk, who was climbing on the statue of the goddess not far away, was severely hit by the huge metal book in the statue's hand, making a dull sound.


Hearing this huge knock, Falcon couldn't help taking a deep breath, even if it wasn't him. He can guarantee that if such power falls on him, his insignificant defensive power will definitely turn into meat pie under such a blow.

"Fortunately, it's Hulk, and thankfully it's Hulk."

A few words of rejoicing came out of his mouth. Falcon had no time to see the Hulk's situation after suffering the blow of the Statue of Liberty. The sharp and harsh bird chirping from below made Falcon have to start to avoid it. .

While using his metal wings to change directions and fly around the flock of birds behind him, Falcon turned his head to look at the statue of the Statue of Liberty in front of him, and tried to shout to Peter at the other end of the spider silk: "Although the situation is different from the plan , but the Statue of Liberty did stop, taking this opportunity, let me attract these annoying birds, Spider-Man, go and save the tourists on the statue..."

"No problem, Mr. Falcon!"

The little spider obviously knows that the main thing right now is to rescue the tourists trapped on the Statue of Liberty.

Therefore, when he heard Falcon's arrangement, Peter under the mask nodded without hesitation.

His eyes swept across the statue of the goddess in front of him, and the next second, the little spider released the spider silk in his hands, opened his arms and changed his movements lightly, using his agility and responsiveness far beyond ordinary people, only Within a few seconds, he had already found the place to stay. Press the spider silk launcher to launch a spider silk that stuck to the back of the goddess statue's head, and then used the reverberating power of the spider silk to turn over again. Mounted the head of the goddess.

"It's you, you ignorant..."

Looking at the little spider that climbed up again, Adolf's mouth had only just dropped half of the cruel words.

The little spider directly pressed the spider silk launcher in his hand and shot out the spider silk sticky bomb, which glued the resurrection statues on the heads of these goddesses together, and shrugged: "Sorry, everyone, I don't have time to continue with you now. Quarrel, and more important things are waiting for me to do."

While speaking, Peter used the spider silk in his hand to quickly weave a dense and tough spider web, and said to the tourists left on the goddess statue: "Okay, everyone, hurry up and hurry up, the next descent process may be It's a little bit exciting, but I promise it'll be absolutely safe."


bang -- bang --

In front of the Immigration History Museum, as Steve said, after he gave up the last hesitation in his heart, his action became obviously more decisive. In contrast to the previous passive situation, he successfully suppressed 'Captain America' and 'Bucky'.

Using the shield in his hand to block an attack from Captain America in front of him again, Steve waved his shield with a cold expression and hit the arm of Captain America with its sharp edge.


With a crisp cracking sound, the arm of the bootleg 'Captain America' was cut in half, dropped to the ground, and turned into the original plastic model under Steve's gaze.


Seeing that Captain America was injured, Bucky, who was still attacking Steve, immediately stopped his movements and shouted with concern.

"I'm fine."

Holding his broken arm, although the power of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] resurrected the statue of 'Captain America', it is not a real human after all, so even if it is injured, it will only cause damage to the model, not the real one. a feeling of bleeding or pain.

Looking down at his broken arm and the hollow wound, Captain America's expression was a bit complicated: "Sure enough, no matter how much I look like, I'm still not a real human, even if I lose an arm, I don't feel the slightest pain. feeling."

Speaking of which, the original strong fighting spirit of 'Captain America' seemed to dissipate as well. He turned his head to look at the 'Red Skull' not far away, and glanced at the statues around him that had been resurrected and the resurrected Statue of Liberty. Like the destruction on the island, he suddenly let go of the palm of his hand that touched the broken arm, looked at Steve in front of him and said, "I originally thought that the resurrected statue could coexist peacefully with humans, but , under the leadership of the 'Red Skull', what we do is nothing but destruction and fear. In this way, apart from the 'Captain America' clothes I am wearing, and the 'Captain America' What a difference the Red Skull' makes."

Stepping back and withdrawing from the battle, 'Captain America' stretched out his hand and took off the mask on his head, revealing a face similar to Steve's: "If this is the way to survive in the fear of human beings, I seem to be more willing to act as a The 'Captain America' exhibit lives on in the adoration of the people, at least that way I'm still 'Captain America', even if it's just your exhibit."


The words of 'Captain America' made Steve's expression a little silent.

He knew very well what the other party gave up with this approach.

"No, you're not my exhibit, you're the real Captain America."

After bowing his head and being silent for a while, Steve looked at the shield in his hand and said in a deep voice.

Hearing Steve's words, a smile subconsciously appeared on the face of 'Captain America' in front of and quickly calmed down, looking at 'Bucky' beside him Said, "Sorry, 'Bucky' I've had the patience again."

"No, no matter what decision you make, I'll support you, Steve."

Hearing the words of 'Captain America', 'Bucky' also replied: "We used to fight side by side, all the purpose was to protect the people, not like now, to hurt the people, especially this one, or another. a you."

Saying that, 'Bucky' looked up at Steve, who was full of scars in front of him, and then said apologetically, "Sorry, Steve."

"It's okay, I've said it before, I'm better at getting beat up than fighting."

"Of course I know, but you are much stronger now than you were in the past."

The memory of the past brought knowing smiles on the faces of the three who had experienced a fierce fight not long ago.

However, after a brief smile, 'Captain America' regained his serious expression again, it looked at Steve in front of him, and said solemnly: "The purpose of 'Red Skull' is not just as simple as New York, its goal It is the White House. The purpose of staying in New York is to revive the Statue of Liberty. According to its next plan, the 'Red Skull' will control the White House in Washington, master nuclear weapons, and then create its own army of statues. Use spells to revive more huge statues around the world, so as to complete the purpose of ruling the world... New York is nearly 300 kilometers away from Washington, which is a long distance for human beings, but obviously not for the resurrected Statue of Liberty. That’s it. Without detours, if the statue of the goddess speeds up in a straight line, it may only take about half an hour to reach the White House…”

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