
The remarks of 'Captain America' made Steve's original solemn expression a little more serious, and the unstable factor of 'Red Skull' was added to the issue of spells. If things really develop If the plan goes according to the plan envisaged by the other party, then the Avengers will need to face not only the problem of spells, but also a whole army of deadly threatening resurrection statues.

By playing against his own resurrection exhibit, Steve knew very well that compared to ordinary human armies, these statues resurrected by the power of spells are more difficult to deal with, not only in terms of strength far superior to the level of ordinary people, but also in its constant character.

Moreover, the premise of all this is that these statues do not have weapons if they are equipped with sufficient firepower.

It's hard for Steve to imagine any other country in the world that can resist such a terrifying army of statues.

After all, compared to ordinary human legions, the 'Red Skull' who mastered the power of spells can be said to have mastered the most terrifying power in the world.

With the power of the spell, it can be used for the 24-hour uninterrupted resurrection of the statue regardless of the wear and tear.

And, he turned his head and looked at the statue of the Statue of Liberty, which was temporarily stopped due to the interference of Hulk.

The expression on Steve's face was particularly solemn.

As 'Captain America' mentioned, there is more than just a giant statue like the Statue of Liberty in this world.

Even among the statues made by humans, the Statue of Liberty in New York is far from the largest one.

"...If you don't want the 'Red Skull''s plan to rule the earth's evil to succeed, your primary purpose is to **** back the spell in his hand and stop him from continuing to abuse the power of the spell."

After explaining everything he knew, Captain America looked at Steve in front of him with a complicated look on his face. Because, he knew very well that the moment Steve grabbed the spell, it also represented the time when their statue exhibits, which were resurrected by the power of the spell, returned to their original state.

"I will not participate in the next battle, but I will also not help you to **** the spell. This is the only bottom line I can do in the entire battle."

Although he has made it clear that he will not fight the Avengers, Captain America is obviously not willing to shoot at these statues that are also resurrected as himself. It has made a decision based on its own philosophy, but it has no position to stop these resurrected exhibits and statues like themselves fighting hard to survive.

Steve obviously also knew how difficult it was for Captain America to make such a decision.

Therefore, he took a deep look at the other party full of gratitude, and then pulled back his chaotic thoughts due to the information exposed by the other party.



"I thought you had forgotten me, Captain."

Turning over to avoid the attack of the resurrection statue in front of her, Natasha took a breath and looked at Steve who was holding a shield in front of her, and then made a joke in a hoarse voice.

"Feel sorry."

Facing Natasha's ridicule, Steve subconsciously apologized, but quickly brought the topic back.

"The situation is more complicated than we thought, according to..."

Briefly explaining the situation in front of him, Steve looked at the resurrection statue surrounded by him and the 'Red Skull' who was controlling more statues not far away to protect him and said with a serious expression: "...If it can't be stopped" Red Skull's plan, what we have to face next is not just these resurrected statues under the power of spells, but an entire army of resurrected statues."

"You know, Captain, I originally thought that after the Hydra one was over, I would be able to rest for a while."

After digesting the information from Steve, Natasha glanced at the scene in front of her and couldn't help but complain, "If I had known, I should have followed Clinton's practice and applied for my leave early."

Although she said so, Natasha's hand movements have not stopped, and while shooting to block the progress of the surrounding statues, she said: "Perhaps, we should make some preparations for the worst that may happen, After all..." She raised her head and swept the huge figure of the Statue of Liberty not far away, and Natasha immediately suggested: "The situation in front of me, it seems that the Avengers alone can't resist it."

Although Natasha's words did not explain, but Steve has clearly understood the meaning of her words.

Looking at the situation on Liberty Island, Steve didn't hesitate much, and quickly made a decision: "Hill, help me contact Chinatown..."

"Actually, I have already contacted Master Ye."

Inside the New Energy Building, upon hearing Steve's instructions, Agent Hill twitched the corners of his mouth and immediately replied, "Not only Master Ye, A Xing has also contacted the Defenders Alliance of Hell's Kitchen and rushed to Liberty Island together. At the same time, I also immediately notified the White House people in Washington of what Falcon had told me. According to the current situation, although Mr. President himself did not believe it for the first time, after watching my message to the After the White House video about the resurrection of the Statue of Liberty, it also urgently evacuated from the White House and entered a safe and secret location to hide..."

The entire battle, not just the Avengers in action.

As a former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., Hill is not a simple vase, so she made a judgment as early as the resurrection of the Statue of Liberty and decisively formulated follow-up countermeasures.


A series of actions by Agent Hill seemed completely reasonable to Steve, and even if he himself stood in the opponent's position, he didn't feel that there was such a quick response from this agent.

"well done."

Therefore, after a short pause, Steve suddenly found that he had no other arrangements to explain, because Agent Hill had already made preparations for all the problems he could think of.


Quietly ending his contact with Agent Hill, Steve started contacting other members of the Avengers.

"What's the problem, Captain?"

In the sky over Liberty Island, Tony controlled Mark47 and hit Mark43's arm with a bang. He looked at the bruised and battered steel battle suit in front of him, and immediately picked up the contact device and replied.

"The situation at the Immigration History Museum is more complicated than we imagined. Right now, we think that the blocking of the resurrection statue cannot successfully approach the location of the spell, so we need you who have the ability to fly to approach the target and **** the spell in the hand of the 'Red Skull'... "

"I might need a little time here."

Listening to Steve's explanation, Tony controlled the steel suit on his body and continued to launch a rapid attack on Mark43. Under the attack of Mark47's high-frequency vibration wave, the control of various parts in Mark43 became more and more disordered. Sluggish, and a large number of parts and components on the body fell from the body like no money.

In just a few minutes, the Mark43 went from a complete steel suit to a semi-finished product.

"Where's the falcon?"

It is precisely because of this situation that Tony is more reluctant to stop easily.

"Tom's situation is more troublesome."

"Sorry, Captain, Stark."

In front of the Statue of Liberty, the falcon controlled the metal wings behind him and tried hard to attract the flock of iron birds, while replying: "Although I also really want to help, but the current situation, if I go to the museum, not only will there be no trace of it. help, and may even cause unexpected trouble."

The unexpected development made Tony in Mark47 above Liberty Island couldn't help frowning. He raised his head and glanced at Mark43, who obviously had little resistance in front of him, hesitated for a while, and finally chose to go to Captain America and their place. direction.

After all, Mark43 is important, but Tony hasn't forgotten that his purpose this time is for a spell.

At the same time, if the spell in the Immigration History Museum can be contained, the Mark43 in front of him seems to be no longer a problem that he needs to worry about.

Although a decision has been made, Tony will not withdraw from the battlefield in front of him so easily.

Reached out and removed the palm cannon in the palm of the Mark47 and turned it into a watch-sized device. Tony waved his hand and threw it on the Mark43. The high-frequency vibration waves generated from the device immediately let the various components on the body. Start shaking.

"That should be able to delay it for a while."

Using the disassembled weapon device to trap the Mark43 in front of him, Tony nodded and controlled the Mark47 on his body to fly in the direction of Captain America and the others.

"Hulk, get angry!"

There was an angry roar in his mouth, just as Falcon had judged before, the slap of the goddess did not cause too serious damage to Hulk. Although the power caused by the Statue of Liberty waving the huge book in her hand can easily crush a car into a discus, it is clear that Hulk's defense is much stronger than a car.

Because of the slap of the Statue of Liberty statue, it fell violently, smashing a huge pothole on the ground.

However, Hulk stood up from the pothole again as if nothing had happened.

With anger, he rushed back to the statue of the goddess in front of him.

In the face of the Hulk's repeated obstruction, although each time it could not have much impact on the action of the Statue of Liberty, it obviously successfully delayed the action of the Statue of Liberty.

Looking down at Hulk, who was rushing towards him again, the goddess turned his head, and his simple thinking began to run. Finally, he decided to solve the unsightly green guy who was jumping around in front of him first.

After making a decision, the goddess raised her huge arms, waved the torch and the law book in her hand, and slowly smashed it in the direction of Hulk.



Although, because of the strength limit of the [Golden Monument of Resurrection] itself, it cannot give the Statue of Liberty more magical power, but the weight of more than 200 tons represents an incomparable powerful force. The goddess waved her arms, even if it was just a simple attack, each hit on the ground of the small island of Liberty Island also formed huge potholes.

However, in the face of these powerful attacks, Hulk's face showed no fear.

There was a roar in his mouth, and the torch in the hand of the goddess was smashed into the ground like a whack-a-mole. Hulk twisted his swollen muscles to break free from the pothole in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, he opened his arms and let out a roar that raised the sky, and without hesitation, he rushed towards the arm of the goddess statue.


The torch in the hand of the goddess fell on Hulk, dragging it and pulling out a long ravine on the ground.

However, with the huge power from the torch, Hulk's muscles swelled a bit again, and he forcibly blocked the attack of the goddess in the roar.

"Be careful, be careful!"

Here, Hulk blocked the first attack of the goddess with a powerful force.

On the other hand, the little spider who rescued tourists from the head of the Statue of Liberty was in big trouble because of it.

From the perspective of the Avengers, the stronger the Hulk, the more beneficial it will be for their next battle.

However, at the same time, UU reading www.uukanshu. As the movement of the Statue of Liberty became more and more intense, the little spider, who had to force it to rescue the tourists, had to spend more energy to ensure that these terrified tourists were not harmed.

"Everyone can rest assured, everything is under control, and I will send everyone down safely."

Shaking his body, relying on his own superhuman strength to hold it abruptly, the little spider watched the tourists in the spider web trying to comfort him.


The little spider's voice just fell, and the violent movement of the Statue of Liberty in the next instant made the movement he insisted on shaking even more.


After struggling for a while, and relying on strong flexibility to support it again, Peter took a breath, looked at the tourists in the spider web, and comforted again: "Don't be nervous, the situation has not reached the worst level, I will try my best to ensure No one was seriously injured."

Tourist: "…"

"Sure enough, it's the same as I guessed at the beginning."

Outside the Immigration History Museum, the 'Red Skull' looked at the 'Captain America' who had stopped, the red and hideous face showed a long-anticipated expression, and said in a hoarse voice: "'Captain America', your betrayal did not exceed I expect that even as a resurrection exhibit of the museum, your final choice will still disappoint me as always, but it doesn't matter, the final victory is destined to belong to me."

"And you will pay a heavy price for your wrong choice."

Finally uttering vicious words, 'Red Skull' raised the spell in his hand, and was planning to command these resurrection statues that surrounded Steve and others to attack again.

At this moment, from above the Immigration History Museum, Tony controlled Mark47 to fall rapidly, seized the momentary slack of the "Red Skull", and snatched the spell in the opponent's hand.

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