Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 422: last resort

"It's Master Ye!"

Looking at the solid protection formed by the rolling yellow sand in front of him, Steve, who was holding the shield behind the [Peace Annihilator], relaxed and said with relief.

Ye Wen's appearance is worthy of being timely. In fact, this last-minute dramatic effect is exactly what Li Ran is after.

Because it is often only in this impressive situation that the acquired popularity is particularly large.

The flames produced by [Kaz] are not endless. After all, even the original owner of the power, Human Torch, cannot use his powers 24 hours a day.

Therefore, after the flames burned for about three minutes, Tony and the others behind the sand shield felt that the surrounding hot flames that seemed to evaporate the water in their bodies began to weaken, and after another minute, [ The flame erupted by the Ultimate Creature finally went out.

Although the flames were extinguished, the damage it caused did not dissipate.

On the protection of the sand shield made by Ye Wen, there was a thick layer of gravel that turned into a colorful glass substance under the high temperature burning and roasting.

"who are you?"

Ignoring the Avengers under the protection of the sand shield in front of him, [Kaz] turned to look at the elegant man in Tang suit on the other side, his face as handsome as a Greek statue matched with an expression of inquiry.

"Penglai, Ye Wen."

With the quicksand behind him, he placed himself on top of a tall building like flowing water. Facing the question of [Ultimate Creature], Ip Man raised his hands in his signature Wing Chun pose, and answered indifferently.


Hearing the name that appeared from Ye Wen's mouth, [Kaz] immediately frowned in coordination: "I have obtained information related to Penglai from the brain of the guy at the Hydra base, but it seems that even that guy has I am not familiar with Penglai's intelligence, and it is far less detailed than the Avengers."

Controlling the carapace on his body and deforming back again, [Kaz] stared at Ye Wen in front of him, and replied in a tone of surprise mixed with surprise: "Originally, I was planning to turn the New York Avengers. And after the superhuman is integrated, he will look for clues to Penglai, but I didn't expect you to come to me by yourself."

While speaking, [Kaz]'s eyes swept across the yellow sand surrounding Ye Wen, and raised his eyebrows: "It looks like these sands are your abilities, no..." He said, [Kaz] 】The raised eyebrows immediately wrinkled again, looking at Ye Wen in front of him: "No, not only that, there seems to be some secret hidden in your body, I can feel that there is a powerful and unprecedented force that exists. Inside your body. This power, even for me as a [Ultimate Creature], is quite rare, far beyond what you, a human being, can control. Tell me, how did you control this power of."

"Can you feel the [Shouhe] in my body?"

Hearing [Kaz]'s description, Ye Wen frowned.

"[Shouhe]? So this is the name of the power in your body." With his super hearing ability, well, in fact, even if he doesn't listen, [Kaz] knows everything.

Looking at Ye Wen, whose expression changed slightly in front of him, [Kaz] twitched the corners of his mouth, and his face as handsome as a Greek statue showed a mixture of excitement and greed: "This power is placed on a human like you. It's a pity, only I [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz] can be worthy of it, no, it's to control this power..."

As the voice of [Kaz] fell, the muscles of his body swelled as quickly as they were blown, followed by rough rock-like textures all over the skin, and his originally handsome face like a Greek statue also became longer. The position is biased to both sides, the pupils in the eyes become slender like a beast, and the teeth in the mouth continue to elongate to form sharp teeth.


The tall buildings below him formed textures like spider webs because they couldn't withstand the heavy body deformed by [Kaz]. Stepping on these textures, [Ultimate Creature] raised his head and let out a deafening roar.

"I thought that the resurrected skeleton was the closest I've ever come to a dinosaur in my life."

On the other side of the high-rise building, Tony and the others watched as they transformed into a behemoth four or five stories high in just a few seconds, and the expressions on their faces were full of astonishment.

[Ultimate Creature] Masters the abilities of all creatures on the earth and is above them, which naturally includes the rulers of the long and ancient Jurassic era before humans occupied the earth - dinosaurs.

Turning his huge and hideous head, he glanced down at his small forelimbs, and with a thought of [Kaz], the short forelimbs belonging to dinosaurs began to expand in an instant to form huge wings like pterosaurs.

Waving his terrifyingly huge fleshy wings to fan the raging wind, [Kaz] looked at the avengers in front of him with his orange beast pupils, opened his mouth formed by densely packed and sharp teeth, and made a deafening figure: "Since you didn't cooperate with me to be eaten by me obediently, then I can only choose to use this rude way to eat all of you all at once."

Click, click—

After transforming into a dinosaur, the weight of [Kaz]'s huge body is obviously not what this tall building can bear.

After all, when the tall building was being built, it was actually not expected that a dinosaur would one day appear on it.

"Empty sand wall!"

Seeing that more and more cracks appeared on the high-rise building where the Avengers were standing, Ye Wen let out a low snort, and then a large amount of yellow sand poured into the cracks at his feet to form a hard protection. The broken stones were forcibly glued together again.

"Get out of this building quickly, my sand won't last long."

Although the high-rise building was stabilized by sand, Ye Wen knew very well that this method could not last for too long.

Therefore, while controlling the continuous influx of sand into the cracks to support the crumbling high-rise building, Ye Wen opened his mouth and shouted to the avengers beside him.

"team leader!"

The current situation is not the time for hesitation.

Looking down at the increasingly dense cracks under his feet, Falcon immediately turned his head to look at Steve, and controlled the metal wings behind him to fly.

Immediately afterwards, Tony also controlled the [Peace Annihilator] palm to generate shock waves and slowly lift off into the air.

Fortunately, both the Avengers and the little spiders present had the ability to fly or move flexibly, so in the face of the crisis of the collapse of the building, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea to show their magical powers and successfully avoided the worst situation.


At the moment of the last avenger, Thor waved Thor's hammer in his hand and left the building.

With a huge rumbling sound, the center of the towering building shattered as the Avengers watched, and the [Ultimate Creature], which had transformed into a dinosaur, also fell under the influence of the heavy body, deforming. After that, the heavy weight became a burden for [Kaz] at this moment. Under the influence of strong gravity, he had no chance to struggle at all. Although the deformed fleshy wings of the forelimbs swayed hard, it still could not offset the inertia. the power of.

"Hill, it looks like you need to spend a little more time communicating with the New York government."

For safety reasons, Natasha, who did not go up with Captain America and the others immediately, looked at the high-rise building that collapsed into ruins in a few seconds. The dust in the sky in front of her had already restricted her vision to Extremely narrow, while avoiding a large number of scattered rubble, Natasha said to Agent Hill in the Avengers Building.

"In fact, not only the New York City government, but the federal government also called. The White House is very concerned about the development of the situation. He is worried that the ** that resurrected the Statue of Liberty before will repeat itself..."

Inside the Avengers Building, Agent Hill replied helplessly.

Although she knew that it was unrealistic for the Avengers in the battle not to make too much noise, but the current situation might be too much.

"Then, please tell that person, the Avengers have done everything they can to prevent New York from suffering more serious damage."

In fact, although the damage caused now is huge, the damage to the citizens of New York is far less than that of the previous New York Wars alien invasion. After all, as early as the first time the Avengers appeared, members of the Avengers Assistance Force had been arranged to start evacuating the surrounding citizens.

With the cooperation of Altra's powerful data computing capabilities, the evacuation of personnel was faster and more orderly than expected.

"It's almost like [Ultimate Creature] being crushed in the collapsed ruins."

Controlling the metal wings behind him and Captain America in his hands slowly falling, Falcon said with lingering fears while looking at the high-rise building in front of him.

"You said, will [Ultimate Creature] be crushed to death by the collapsed ruins of high-rise buildings?"

The weight caused by the collapse of the high-rise building is hundreds of tons. Looking at the situation under the large amount of debris and gravel, Falcon couldn't help but guess.

"I don't think the [Ultimate Creature] can be solved by the collapse of a tall building alone."

The steel battle suit [Peace Annihilator] that he controlled fell on the side of Falcon and Captain America. Tony turned to look at the huge ruins in front of him, with a complicated expression.

After all, seriously, the owner of this building had become Stark just a few minutes ago.

However, before he could own the building for long, it had already turned into a rubble.

Moreover, it still happened in his face.


Of course, although his inner emotions were a little weird, Tony quickly restrained his emotions.

Following his order, Ao Chuang Ma, who was standing behind him, scanned the ruins in front of him.

Turning his head, the infrared rays in Ultron's eyes penetrated a large number of ruins, and soon locked the position of one of the centers: "Mr. Stark, obviously as you guessed, [Ultimate Creature] did not... …”

In just a few seconds, Ultron confirmed the location through its powerful data analysis capabilities, with a blue light flashing in its eyes, and it opened its mouth to report the scan results.


The next second, with a loud rumbling sound, [Kaz], who transformed into a dinosaur, emerged from the ruins.

The previous fall obviously caused a certain degree of damage to [Kaz]. He appeared from the ruins full of damage, and even some of his limbs showed a terrifying twist angle.

However, the [Ultimate Creature] didn't seem to care about the injuries on his body. He stepped on his twisted thighs and walked forward. After a few steps, the injuries on his body, including the twisted bones, were healing themselves. Under the influence of the ability to restore as before.

"Looks like I've let you down, Avengers."

"The mere collapse can't have a serious impact on me at all."

"Then, the next time is the real hunting time."

Turning his orange beast pupils to look at the avenger, [Caz] opened his mouth to reveal his sharp teeth, and swung the huge tail behind him to attack.

"Sand Bound Prison!"

However, at this moment, Ye Wen's elegant voice sounded again.

A large amount of yellow sand emerged from the ruins, submerging the huge body of [Kaz] after transforming into a dinosaur like a tide.


The powerful force produced by the sand binding prison made the movements of [Kaz]'s entire body extremely difficult. He shook his body and struggled. Under the huge force, the sand that wrapped his body cracked. At this scene, Ye Wen immediately frowned, and controlled more sand to rush towards the [Ultimate You thought that just relying on these sands could trap me as an [Ultimate Creature]] ? "

After struggling for a while, he found that he couldn't break free from the sand prison on his body. [Kaz] began to twist his head. In an instant, his huge dinosaur-like head changed back to that handsome face like Greece, and he looked down at the front. Ye Wen, the whole body gradually turned into a liquid appearance: "It's useless, after absorbing the abilities of the superhuman, I no longer have any weaknesses."

"Sand bound! Sand bound! Sand bound!"

Seeing that the figure of [Kaz] was about to come out of his sand binding prison, Ye Wen frowned immediately, and once again controlled the gravel to form three sand binding prisons that trapped the body of [Ultimate Creature] layer by layer.

Of course, even if he made three sand binding prisons in a row, Ye Wen didn't have the slightest confidence in trapping [Kaz] in this way.

"Captain, next I need the Avengers to buy me some time."

The expression on his face looked like he was thinking, while Ye Wen controlled the steady stream of sand to fill the sand binding prison that trapped [Kaz], he looked at Steve with a complicated look.

"Leave it to us."

Although he didn't know Ye Wen's purpose, Captain America nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Seeing Steve's firm appearance, Ye Wen breathed a sigh of relief, then glanced at the ruins of the building in front of him, and then landed on an old microwave oven that successfully survived the collapse of a high-rise building.

"It looks like that trick must be used."

With a murmur in his mouth, Ye Wen took out a wisp of sand and brought the microwave oven that had been turned over in the ruins. The moves that have been performed."

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