Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 423: satellite robot

Useless, useless, useless..."

In the sand-bound prison, [Kaz] twisted his huge body, and the power from the top predators in the Jurassic era was far beyond human imagination.

Especially with the addition of the ability of [Ultimate Creature], this power has been pushed to an extremely terrifying level, controlling the growth of a large number of stegosaurus-like bone plates and spikes on the back. In the gap created by the spikes, [Kaz] instantly changed the cells of his body into a liquid-like existence and flowed out along the gap, breaking free from the solid blockade made by Ye Wen without much effort.

Controlling the liquid-like body to re-condense back to the appearance of a dinosaur, [Caz] turned his orange-like pupils like beasts to scan the Avengers and Ye Wen in front of him, opened his mouth full of sharp teeth, and sent out a huge sound. Roaring voice: "Do you think you can trap me [Kaz] with these cages made of sand?"

Turning his head to look at a sand prison that collapsed as he broke free, [Caz] showed a disdainful smile on his hideous face that turned into a dinosaur. As his thoughts turned, the huge dinosaur tail behind him instantly snapped like a lizard. When it opened, it fell on the ground and twisted into a giant blood-red worm like the legendary desert worm.

Whether the desert worm or the worm of death really exists, Li Ran doesn't know.

However, using the ability of [Kaz] and its [Ultimate Creature], this legendary monster can be perfectly deformed.

"I want to see if your sand is really endless!"

As the voice of [Kaz] fell, the blood-colored worm immediately twisted its ugly and ferocious body, opened its mouth with densely packed sharp teeth, and rushed towards the opposite sand with a deafening rumbling sound. In the middle, like a nibbling whale, he bit down most of the gravel made up of the sand binding prison.

"The [Ultimate Creature] must be stopped from continuing to destroy."

Witnessing the huge worm split and deformed by [Kaz] swallowing the yellow sand controlled by Master Ye like a whale, Steve tightened his shield tightly and took a firm step.

"I don't need you to tell me about this, Captain."

Before, Captain America was not the only one Ip Man asked for.

Although it is unclear what method Master Ye intends to use to deal with the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, even if it is only the Avengers himself, he will not continue to destroy them.

After all, judging from the information revealed by [Kaz] just now, the Avengers are obviously the opponent's primary target. If the Avengers' defense line fails, all the next ones facing [Ultimate Creatures] will be useless. Ordinary people who resist. It is so difficult for the Avengers and even Master Ye, who has the Penglai Extraterritorial Demon [Shou He] sealed in his body, to fight against the [Ultimate Creature]. Tony can't imagine what kind of situation humans will encounter next if they fail.

Don't forget, according to the information left by the Hydra, the [Ultimate Creature] is a brutal creature that feeds on humans.

For this alone, there is no possibility of peaceful coexistence between the Avengers or even humans and [Ultimate Creatures].

In [Peace Annihilator], Tony controlled the heavy armor to change its form with a solemn expression, opened the chest and the shells on both sides of the gauntlet, exposing the interior full of technology-colored devices protruding from the armor, turning the muzzle to turn The [Ultimate Creature] in front of me.

As an armored suit specially designed to deal with dangerous situations, the attack weapons on the [Peace Annihilator] naturally cannot be as simple as those displayed on the building.

In fact, the entire [Peace Annihilator] is loaded with more than ten kinds of attack weapons, and most of them are heavy firepower attacks. It can be said that the [Peace Annihilator] is a rare set in Tony's hands at present. A steel suit that uses strong firepower and long-range attacks as its maximum means.


It fired a pulsed laser from the muzzle of its entire body and landed on the blood-red giant worm. The powerful laser power instantly smashed the entire worm into several segments.

However, before [Peace Annihilator] Nettoni's expression relaxed, he watched the broken parts of the giant worm transform into new worms while twisting.

In other words, Tony's attack not only did not destroy the giant insect transformed by [Kaz], but made it more.

It split into several worms. Although the size was much smaller than before, the speed of swallowing the sand did not weaken in the slightest. In almost a few seconds, these blood-red worms devoured the sand condensed in the sand binding prison. Climb up towards the ruins.


Waving Thor's Hammer to summon lightning to slash on these insects, Sol looked up at the huge [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, and the fighting intent in his eyes did not weaken in the slightest.

"I'll deal with [Ultimate Creatures]."

He whispered to Steve next to him, and Saul swung the Thor's Hammer in his hand and jumped into the air instantly, summoning a violent lightning, and smashing the man and the hammer to the deformed shape of [Kaz]. dinosaur.


The terrifying power carried on Thor's Hammer was mixed with lightning and smashed on [Kaz]'s head, causing his huge body to shake violently. Shaking his head, the heavy impact was unbearable even for the hardest head after deformation.

However, after a brief stun, [Kaz]'s powerful self-healing ability began to respond, quickly recovering the injuries on his head caused by Thor's hammering. Immediately afterwards, under his control, a large number of black and rough bone armor began to wrap the body of the [Ultimate Creature]. In a few seconds, [Kaz], who was originally inclined to the Tyrannosaurus Rex, formed outside the original huge body. It has an armored skeleton that is as rough and full of spikes as an armored dragon.



Raising Thor's Hammer and falling on the greatly changed [Ultimate Creature], Sol clearly felt that along with the change in his form, the damage he could generate from his attacks was greatly weakened.

Even if the lightning was summoned to fall on the body of the [Ultimate Creature], most of the damage was blocked by the hard and hideous bone armor outside the opponent's body, and the damage that really fell on the opponent was minimal at all.

"Tony, I need a break!"

Frowning tightly, looking at the heavily armed behemoth in front of him, Sol turned his head and shouted to Tony behind him while avoiding the opponent's menacing counterattack.

"no problem."

Hearing Sol's cry, Tony immediately put down his attack on the blood-colored bugs, raised the arm of [Peace Annihilator], opened a hatch from the upper end of the arm armor, and then saw a whole body painted in red and gold. The circular robot flew out of it.

"Mr. Stark..."

The blue light flashing in his eyes scanned the body information of the opposite [Ultimate Creature], and Ultron immediately made a report.

"The part where the neck, bone armor and the body are connected, because of the movement, there is a gap, maybe you can make an attack hole through the gap."

"A neck?"

Hearing Ultron's reminder, [Peace Annihilator] Netoni turned his head subconsciously, and under Jarvis' analysis, he quickly came to the content that was almost the same as what the artificial intelligence told him.

"[Peace Guardian] attack."

Under the steel mask, Tony raised his eyebrows, and then without hesitation, he gave instructions to the small robot that flew out of the [Peace Annihilator].

"As ordered!"

The body emits an electronic sound and accepts the order from Tony. The small robot named [Peace Guardian] immediately locks on the target, deforms four more miniature push devices from the position on the back, and sprays flames towards the huge [[Peace Guard]]. Ultimate creature].

【Peace Defender】is a satellite robot developed by Tony that is specially mounted on 【Peace Annihilator】.

The purpose of its existence is to replace the slow-moving long-range turret steel suit of the [Peace Annihilator] to perform some melee attacks or harassment tasks.

Because of the mission of melee combat, Tony did not have any laziness or even relaxation in the design and manufacture of the [Peace Guardian]. The machine is equipped with a second-generation Ark reactor as an energy source, and a special port is installed inside the small machine. Pulse muzzle, and dozens of mechanical tentacles that can be combined and deformed independently.

Because of the existence of these tentacles, in addition to the name "Peace Guardian", the satellite robot is also called "Peace Octopus" by Tony.

Under the action of the miniature push device on the back, [Peace Octopus] no, no, [Peace Guardian] quickly flew in front of [Kaz]. After locking the target, some hidden hatches on [Peace Guardian] were activated. , and then deformed and stretched out from the mechanical tentacles inside these hatches.

Controlling the tips of these tentacles to transform into barb-like devices, [Peace Guard] pierced [Kaz]'s bone armor through these barbs, and fixed himself firmly on his body.

"Annoying little bug."

Compared with the huge body of [Kaz] after transforming into a dinosaur, the body of [Peace Guardian] is undoubtedly very small, so looking at the robot that climbed up on him, [Kaz]'s huge head exhaled and waved. His huge claws slapped the [Peace Guardian] on his body.


[Caz] The power generated by waving this claw is extremely great, and it doesn't mean to restrain because it hits him. The sharp claw falls on the hard bone armor and produces a dull slamming sound.

However, the [Peace Guard] used the flexible movement of the mechanical tentacles on his body to evade the attack one second before the attack fell.

Not only that, after avoiding the attack, [Peace Guard] moved his tentacles like a spider and crawled on [Kaz]'s body dexterously, and in just a few seconds, he reached the bone armor neck and body suggested by Ultron. gap. Extending four mechanical tentacles and sticking them on the bone armor around the neck, 【Peace Guardian】 moved his body and extended a small launcher from his body, and then a crimson laser beam was generated and started to cut 【Kaz】. bone armor.

Click, click—

The sharp laser landed on [Kaz]'s skeleton, instantly creating a pitch-black scratch with deep visible bone.

Seeing that, let [Peace Guard] cut it for a while, and then a crack will be formed on the solid bone armor on [Kaz].

However, at this moment, at the fixed position of the bone armor of the [Peace Guard], a few sharp spikes grew out and instantly pierced the defenseless [Peace Guard] into a chill.

"What kind of effect can this ridiculous trick bring?"

Looking down at the robot whose chest was pierced by the spikes, [Caz] flashed a look of disdain in his eyes, looking at the opposite Tony and said coldly.

"In fact, my purpose has been achieved."

Facing the ridicule of [Ultimate Creature], [Peace Annihilator] Nettoni raised an eyebrow and replied.


As Tony's voice fell, he saw the [Peace Guardian] on [Kaz] quickly turned red and exploded.


In addition to melee harassment, another larger and most important function of [Peace Defender] is self-destruction, as described Annihilator] As currently in Tony's hands, firepower The most powerful set of battle armor, even satellite robots have the ability to self-destruct.

The [Peace Guard] has the second-generation Ark reactor that Tony is going to carry as an energy supply. This design, in addition to providing the [Peace Guard] with the possibility of performing tasks for a long time, also makes it possible to perform self-destruction attacks. The explosive power has been greatly improved.

After the violent explosion, the [Peace Guardian] on the [Ultimate Creature] disappeared without a trace, leaving only a huge scorched black scar on its chest, and vaguely visible pale bones of fuzzy flesh.

Such a close distance and powerful explosion power, even the sturdy bone armor on [Kaz] could not resist it.

"Fantastic attack, but so what..."

If the damage of the [Peace Guard] explosion is replaced by any other object, it will undoubtedly be a very serious damage, but as the [Ultimate Creature] [Kaz], as long as the damage is not an instant kill, no matter how serious it is Injuries can be recovered.

Therefore, in the face of this seemingly serious injury to the body, [Kaz] did not change the slightest change on the head of a dinosaur.

He controlled the cells in his body, and the terrifying wound on his body began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Thanks, Tony."

If there is no obstruction like this, with the powerful self-healing ability of [Kaz], even such a terrifying injury on the body will only take a few dozen seconds to fully recover.

However, Sol, who has been looking for opportunities on the side, obviously will not let go of the opportunities created by Tony.

Aiming at the wound on [Kaz]'s body, without hesitation, Sol raised the Thor's Hammer in his hand to form a violent lightning strike and slashed it fiercely.

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