Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 424: Microwave version

Inside the antique shop, Li Ran subconsciously frowned as he felt the message from his clone [Kaz].

Thor's counterattack is worthy of not being heavy. As a well-known artifact of Asgard, Thor's Hammer contains powerful power in itself.

Coupled with the violent energy generated by the guided lightning, the superimposed power generated in an instant, even [Kaz], who is the [ultimate creature], is almost unbearable, and the power to maintain the clone is almost in this violent thunder. Under the power, it collapsed directly.

Fortunately, compared to other B-rank character cards [Kaz]'s attack methods are not top-notch, but his ability as a [Ultimate Creature] ensures that he must be the one with the strongest survivability among all B-rank character cards. .

Therefore, although Thor's attack caused fatal damage to [Kaz], as long as there is no one-shot death, for [Ultimate Creature], no matter how serious the damage is, it does not make much sense. Because of these damages, they will eventually be restored to their original state under their powerful self-healing ability.

"Amazing attack..."

As the dazzling thunder dissipated, what was revealed in front of Sol and the others was the scarred body of [Kaz]. The violent lightning force electrocuted most of his body into coke, and a small part of it was directly caused by the damage of the current. The gasification disappeared, and the huge body shrunk by a third.

However, even so, the [Ultimate Creature] did not fall.

An eye grew out of the charred eye socket, and [Caz] twisted to reveal that a large piece of charred tissue was peeled off from the neck, exposing the bones underneath.

"Looks like you didn't do your best when you were in the building."

Holding Thor's Hammer and looking at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, the powerful vitality displayed by the opponent, even Sol, who is a warrior of Asgard, couldn't help but stunned, this terrible vitality even in his long battle It is also very rare in life.

"I just thought that I couldn't mobilize too much lightning to attack because of the relationship between the building."

Shen Sheng replied, and Sol waved Thor's Hammer in his hand again, causing the dark clouds above the sky to make a dull rumbling sound: "However, there is no such concern now."

"I admit that your injury did have a huge impact on me, and even almost killed me as a [Ultimate Creature]." The bones on the neck rapidly grew meridian muscles at a speed visible to the naked eye. Immediately after being covered by rough and tough skin again, [Caz] turned his eyes that had fully recovered, looked at Sol on the opposite side, and roared: "However, your biggest mistake is precisely this, Didn't kill me completely!"

With the gradually crazy voice of [Kaz], a lot of coke tissue on his body peeled off, and under the eyes of the avengers, the thick bone armor of the whole body savagely grew on his body, forming a huge and hideous appearance, The large number of spikes on the bone armor makes the entire appearance of the [Ultimate Creature] look dangerous.

At the same time, a lot of flames began to flow on the bone armor, and a pale color was rendered on the bone armor, making the [Ultimate Creature] look dangerous and weird.

"Be careful, it seems that [Ultimate Creature] not only changed his appearance, but also used the abilities of those extraordinary beings that he had swallowed before."

[Peace Annihilator] Nettoni looked at the more and more strange looking [Ultimate Creature] in front of him and opened the shoulder armor and the compartments on both sides of his thighs with a solemn expression. Flying out of the armor, locked on the opposite [Kaz].

Looking at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him, Tony suddenly turned his head to look at the artificial intelligence behind him and asked, "Ultron, tell me the abilities of the other extraordinary beings who were attacked and killed by the [Ultimate Creature]."

"Jason, the phantom man, has the ability to change his position in a small range... lone wolf... able to turn himself into a wolf... scissor hands..."

Hearing Tony's question, Ultron responded immediately with flashing blue eyes.


However, before Ultron's report was completed, along with a huge sound of breaking the air, the huge body of the [Ultimate Creature] that was standing in front of Sol was twisted and appeared behind Ultron, waving his huge body. And the sharp claws directly tore Ultron into scrap iron.

"...Scissors...Scissors...Knife Hands..."

The attack of [Ultimate Creature] was caught off guard, and even the artificial intelligence did not respond.

With the end of [Kaz]'s attack, all that was left in front of Thor were the scattered parts of Ultron and the dark blue eyes that gradually dimmed.


Witnessing Ultron being dismantled into several pieces in front of his eyes, Little Spider couldn't help but let out an exclamation, his expression stunned and mixed with grief.

However, in contrast to Peter's violent mood swings, Tony in [Peace Annihilator] looked very shocked. Although the expression on his face was surprised, there was no trace of grief.

At the same time, the next second after the light in the eyes of Ultron's mechanical head went out, a [Peace Guardian] robot beside Tony suddenly moved involuntarily, and the original old-fashioned electronic sound was also transformed into Ultron's representative. With a warm and warm voice, he continued to report: "According to the attack method similar to teleportation shown by [Ultimate Creature] just now, it is obvious that the phantom man's ability was used. According to the intelligence information, the phantom man is moving. It needs to consume a lot of water in the body, and after one move, it takes about three minutes to stabilize before the second phantom move..."


Before the emotions of the previous moment could be fully vented, the familiar figure of the artificial intelligence sounded again.

The little spider looked at the [Peace Guardian] who made the sound, and couldn't help but ask tentatively.

"Yes, Spider-Man."

To this, Ultron still responded with his warm voice.

"You're not dead?" Little Spider's tone was a little unbelievable.

"As an artificial intelligence created by Mr. Stark, as long as there is a network, I can move with the connection of the network. What was destroyed by the [Ultimate Creature] before is just my container. That's it."

As an artificial intelligence, the most powerful aspect of Ultron is its ability to enter the network at any time, almost undead.

It can be said that as long as there is a network, Ultron can always exist.

Moreover, unlike Dr. Zola, as an artificial intelligence born from network data in the true sense, Ultron has far more control over electronic networks than Dr. Zola.

It can be said that in the world of the Internet, Ultron is the well-deserved king.

If Tony's plan can go ahead smoothly, with Ultron's powerful data analysis ability paired with his steel armor, perhaps the "peace plan" that originally only existed in his mind can be realized successfully.

It is a pity that even if the 'peace plan' can withstand the increasingly powerful opponents, there are still two questions.

What's more, the artificial intelligence Ultron, which is the core of the plan, has just been born, and there is no help, and the battle armor Tony with which it fights has not been fully produced.

Therefore, the plan, no matter how promising the prospect may be, is only futile in the present situation.

"Are you still alive?"

Noticing Ultron who was resurrected through the [Peace Guard] beside Tony again, [Kaz]'s face wrapped in thick bone armor showed a hint of surprise, but the next moment it turned back to a cold look: "You guys These guys, there are quite a few strange methods, I want to see how many times you can use these methods!"

After finishing speaking, [Kaz] twisted his huge body and Yang got up, and his huge tail was about to be thrown towards Tony in front of him.


However, just as the tail was about to rise, [Kaz] felt a huge force suddenly appear above his tail and grab it firmly.

When he turned his head, he saw a group of orange stone men grabbing their tails with their thick arms.

"Sorry, Captain, we're a little late."

Extending his body was like a flip of a spring plate and came to Steve's side. Mr. Fantastic Reed stretched out his arm and flew out a blood-colored bug bullet while speaking to Captain America.

Due to the weight limit of the Stone Man, the two of them could not arrive at the scene immediately.

"Actually, you came just in time."

Waving the shield in his hand, he smashed a blood-colored bug in front of him, and Steve panted slightly and swept over Ye Wen, who was not far away, and said, "Dr. Reed, if you can, try to help us delay for a while. , Master Ye needs time to prepare."

"Master Ye?"

Following Steve's gaze, he glanced in Ye Wen's direction. Reed was no stranger to this elegant Asian man. The scene of fighting alongside Doctor Doom in the past also made him fully aware of the opponent's strength.

Therefore, upon hearing Steve's request, Reed nodded and agreed without hesitation, twisting his head to form an exaggerated 180 degrees, and looking at the stone man who grabbed the tail of the [Ultimate Creature], he spoke. shouted.

"Ben, it's over to you."

"Look at me."

Just grab the tail in the hand, how huge the body of [Kaz] after transforming into a dinosaur, even just the tail is not something that ordinary people can grasp, because of the radiation mutation, the whole body is close to two meters, even so , there is no way to grab the tail with both hands around.

Standing behind the [Ultimate Creature], he grabbed his tail tightly with both hands, and when he heard Reed's cry, Ben immediately raised his forehead, which was covered in stones, and made a low voice in his mouth.

"Get up!"

As Ben's voice fell, his hands grabbing the tail suddenly exerted force, and with the low voice in the Thing's mouth, [Kaz]'s huge body after the transformation actually began to sway under the pulling of the Thing.

Feeling the huge power from the tail behind him, [Kaz]'s expression changed, and he immediately controlled the position where the tail was caught to grow sharp spikes and pierced Ben.

However, the strong defense given by the orange stone appearance on itself made [Kaz]'s attack a failure.

At the same time, at the same time when [Ultimate Creature] launched its spikes, Ben ignored these attacks and let out a roar. Under the effect of its terrifying power, [Kaz]'s huge body was lifted by the opponent in an instant. Leaving the ground, pulling the tail directly threw the [Kaz] in his hand with huge inertia.


[Ultimate Creature] The huge body slammed on the ground, forming a huge pothole in an instant.

Seizing the chance of his fall, Sol once again controlled the lightning to fall.

On the other side, Tony also commanded the remaining three robots other than the [Peace Guardian] controlled by Ultron to rush to the [Ultimate Creature] to directly activate the self-destruction function.



Because of the previous situation, this time Sol summoned the lightning more than ten times before stopping.

He clenched the Thor's Hammer tightly in his hand, and there was a hint of tiredness on his face.

Summoning Thunder so frequently to attack, even Thor, the God of Thunder, couldn't help but feel a little bit of difficulty.

"Did you make it?"

As Sol's attack stopped, everyone present held their breath subconsciously.

Steve looked down at the blood-red worm that suddenly lost movement and turned into a pool of liquid in front of him, frowning at the location of [Kaz].

At the position where everyone's eyes were watching, the huge body of [Ultimate Creature] was all turned into a piece of coke, and the whole body did not move at all.

"It seems that [Ultimate Creature] is really dead."

Seeing [Kaz] completely turned into coke, Thor breathed a sigh of Be careful, Mr. Stark, it's just a shell! "

However, before he could relax, Ultron, who was beside Tony, shouted.

With Ultron's reminder, the Avengers immediately saw that the coke left by the [Ultimate Creature] in front of them began to shatter, revealing an empty interior.


Seeing this scene, everyone's expressions changed immediately.


Immediately afterwards, with a huge rumbling sound, I saw a giant hole appearing on the ground not far from the coke left by [Ultimate Creature], and [Kaz] transformed into a desert worm and revealed himself from the giant hole. body of.

Controlling the giant worm's body and deforming the face of [Kaz] in the tentacles on the top of his head, he looked down at Sol and the others in front of him and said with a disdainful expression: "You think, as the [Ultimate Creature], I will be attacked by the same kind of attack. Fail twice?"

"I'm tired of all your weird tricks, so next, I'm going to swallow you all."

The impatient voice of [Kaz] came from the giant worm, and as his voice fell, the giant worm immediately opened its mouth, generating huge suction and aiming at the Avengers on the ground.

"Okay, sorry for your troubles, Captain."

Seeing that [Ultimate Creature]'s counterattack was about to unfold, Ye Wen's elegant voice sounded again.

With his voice, a very familiar change came from Thor's hammer in Thor's hand.

Feeling the weirdness of Thor's Hammer, Sol suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Wen's location, and saw that the other party was in the same posture as the [Tortoise Immortal] he had seen before, and in front of him was a man full of strokes. He took a deep breath and raised his hands at the [Ultimate Creature] in front of him and shouted with a solemn expression, "Magic~~~ Feng~~~~ Bo!"

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