Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 450: return from hell


"Johnny, Johnny, Johnny, Johnny Blazer..."

"Johnny Blazer!"

New York, suburbs, amusement parks.

With the departure of the amusement band, Johnny was the only one left in the originally lively park.

Under the night, the entire address of the amusement park was gloomy, but Johnny didn't have the slightest fear of it.

After all, if there are any ghosts and the like appearing in the paradise, for the Ghost Rider, it is completely hitting the muzzle of the gun.

Sleeping in a locomotive warehouse that has not yet been dismantled, Johnny begins to question his actions as a Ghost Rider as Mephistopheles is sent back to **** by the eccentric mage he has seen before.

He restrained the urge of Ghost Rider, no longer incarnated as a flaming skeleton and rushed into New York to find sinful souls as in the past.

Lying in the dark motorcycle warehouse without a trace of light, suddenly from Johnny's ear, a series of low and hoarse voices began to sound continuously.

Only under the call of these voices, Johnny's body, the originally suppressed fire of **** began to turn into a little bit of fire.

"who is it?!"

Under these hoarse shouts, Johnny in his sleep only felt that his body was getting hotter and hotter, as if there was a stove emitting endless heat in his body.

Under the urging of this heat, Johnny got up from the bed, and the sky-high flames burst out of his facial features in an instant.

Under the scorching fire of a lot of hell, the flesh and blood of Johnny's body turned into ashes directly, and in the blink of an eye, he changed from the original human appearance to the ghost knight wrapped in flames.

"Looks like you've been a little lazy Johnny while I'm back in hell."

In Johnny, no, Ghost Rider's empty eye sockets, two **** of hellfire flickered in it for a moment, then under his gaze.

I saw that a shadow in the locomotive warehouse grew longer and longer, and finally formed a familiar middle-aged man.

Mephistopheles looked at the Ghost Rider in front of him, twitched the corners of his mouth, and said lightly.

"Mephisto, haven't you been sent back to hell?"

Because of the fire of hell, Ghost Rider's emotions were burned, so even if Mephistopheles appeared in front of him again, he still maintained a cold tone.

"I said, I'll be back again."

Facing the question from Ghost Rider, Mephistopheles walked aside, picked up a chair, and sat down comfortably.

"I have been walking in the world for thousands of years, and I have seen more than one mage. I know their tricks very well, and naturally I have a way to deal with them."

"What's more, as a demon, I have always been used to keeping my hands on hand in case of emergencies, which is not as good as the current situation."

"Aren't you afraid that the mage will find him again?"

Ghost Rider's words made Mephisto's eyes flash with a look of vigilance.

However, soon, the demon restrained the expression on his face, and said with a clear tone: "Relax, the Supreme Mage has more important things to deal with, in fact, I have already passed a certain great power. I sensed that the situation of the Supreme Mage is not optimistic."

After simply revealing a little about the Supreme Mage, Mephistopheles immediately turned the conversation around and returned to the Ghost Rider in front of him.

"Compared to these, there are more important things waiting for me to deal with right now."

Standing up from the chair, Mephistopheles swayed and came to the Ghost Rider like a black phantom.

Looking directly at the skeleton that was not only burning under the raging flames, the dark pupils in Mephisto's eyes flashed an evil light.

"These days back in hell, I happened to know some unexpected news."

Raising his palm, a dark and ferocious figure immediately appeared from Mephisto's palm. Looking at the changed impression in his hand, Mephisto twitched the corners of his mouth and said in an inexplicable tone: "My Son, the black heart seems to have seized the opportunity of me being sent back to hell, secretly bewitched human beings to come to others through rituals, and also did something that I can't forgive."

"Black heart?"

Hearing Mephisto's description, Ghost Rider's empty eye sockets turned to the direction of his palms, looking at the vivid and lifelike image above.

That hideous appearance, as expected, is like a demon in hell.

Reaching out and grabbing the image of the black heart in his hand, Mephistopheles continued in a cold and ruthless tone: "Although, I knew the idea of ​​the black heart from the beginning, as a demon of hell, he has strong ambitions, Peeping at my status as a demon monarch, however, the huge gap in power allows it to lurk these thoughts until this time when I am sent back to **** by the Supreme Mage."

"What do you need me to do?"

Ghost Rider doesn't care about the relationship between Mephistopheles and Blackheart.

"I need you to find something like that before Black Heart."


"Contract of St. Van Gonzalo."

Looking directly into the empty eyes of the Ghost Rider, Mephistopheles said word by word.

"I suspect that Black Heart must have sent someone to find the contract of St. Van Gonzalo for it. It knows that I will come back from **** again, so it will not search for it by itself, but will definitely find a guy who can replace itself and find the contract. , as long as the contract can be found to absorb the soul inside, it will get rid of the shackles of **** and stay in the world completely."

"Since the contract of St. Van Gonzalo has such a powerful power, why don't you keep it for yourself."

Hearing Mephisto's description of the contract with St. Van Gonzalo, Ghost Rider couldn't help but ask.

"Because of the contract, I can't use too much power in the world, otherwise it will easily attract the attention of heaven."

Twisting his face, Mephistopheles replied in a strange tone: "Also, my power is closely related to hell, and the contract of St. Van Gonzalo is originally something that belongs to me, why should I be greedy for my own things? ."

"Soon, this thing will not belong to you."

Hearing Mephisto's words, Ghost Rider said coldly.

"No, I wouldn't let this happen, in fact, I don't think you would let it happen either, Johnny."

Facing Johnny's ridicule, Mephistopheles flicked his fingers lightly, and in the next instant, he saw the soul of a middle-aged man flash past the devil's fingertips.


Looking at the figure flashing from Mephisto's fingertips, the flames in the empty eye sockets of the Ghost Rider suddenly flashed.

Seeing the reaction of the Ghost Rider in front of him, the smile on the corner of Mephisto's mouth became more and more obvious.

"I think, next, you should know how to be Johnny. The St. Van Gonzalo contract has not been found by the black-hearted people. I need you to get the St. Van Gonzal contract and give it to me. That's it."

"But, I don't know where the contract is?"

Pressing down the flashing flames in his eyes, Ghost Rider looked at Mephistopheles and said coldly.

"The contract is in the hands of the previous generation of Ghost Riders. I think through the fire of **** in your body, it will guide the other party's direction."

The last message was also revealed to Johnny in front of him, and Mephisto's shadow, which was originally composed of shadows, began to dissipate, and finally turned into a shadow on the ground again in front of Ghost Rider's eyes.

"Bring the pact back here, Johnny."

Standing in the locomotive warehouse, the flames in the eyes of the Ghost Rider stirred.

He remembered the reminder that the Supreme Mage had made to him before.

Boom, boom—

The next moment, a low roar sounded from the amusement park.

Immediately afterwards, in the midst of the fire, a flaming Harley locomotive sped out.



Inside the Avengers Building, the crimson figure looked at Susan in front of him with obvious doubts on his face.

"That's right, Johnny Human Torch, that's your name."

Although, compared with the younger brother in memory, the appearance of Johnny in front of him has completely changed, but Susan still vaguely sees the appearance of her own younger brother Johnny from the red face of the other party.

For changes such as appearance mutation, after experiencing the incident of the stone man, Susan obviously has a lot of resistance. After all, even stones can be mutated. Simply changing the color of the skin is not What a fuss.

"The Torch?"

He murmured and repeated everything Susan had told.

The figure lowered his head and glanced at his red palm, then raised his head to look at Susan, who had a look of anticipation on his face, and finally shook his head slightly and said apologetically.

"Sorry, I don't have any impression of what you said."

"What the **** does this happen?"

On the other side, the Avengers were also stunned when they looked at this familiar but unfamiliar figure in front of them.

"Perhaps it was because Johnny had been in a coma for too long before, and then the power generated by the scepter was too powerful and the unexpected mutation of his body caused the power of the scepter to completely suppress his beliefs about the Fantastic Four. related memory."

Pushing his glasses, Banner looked at the figure in front of him and said guessing.

"It wasn't just the memories of the Fantastic Four that he forgot."

Facing the reason given by Banner, Tony frowned.

"He even forgot who he was."

The results of the entire treatment experiment exceeded the plans of the Avengers. Although Johnny was successfully rescued, Johnny has completely lost his memory as the Human Torch.

"Maybe it's that gem."

The blue light in his eyes flickered, and Ultron scanned the yellow gemstone embedded in Johnny's forehead and analyzed it.

"According to the data and radiation, the gem should be the core of the power of the scepter. Such a powerful gem power, although it awakened the unconscious Johnny, it also suppressed all his memories. Johnny in front of him is not so much a Human Torch is a brand new life form."


"Hey, Tony!"

In the Avengers Building, just when Tony and the others were worried about Johnny's situation.

With a huge rumbling sound, Sol's figure fell into the building.

Going straight to Tony, Sol looked at him and said angrily, "I gave you the scepter, but I didn't want you to lose it."

Apparently, Thor learned about the results of the experiment through others in the Avengers Tower.

"Calm down, Mr. Sol."

Facing the angry Sol, Ultron, who was on the side, persuaded him.

"In fact, Mr. Stark, like us, did not expect such a change in the scepter."

What Ultron said, Sol was naturally clear.

It's just that he had difficulty accepting the loss of the power of the scepter for a while.

Taking a deep breath, let go of his fingers holding Tony, Sol turned his head to scan the situation in the building, and was quickly attracted by the scarlet figure in front of him. To be precise, it should be on the forehead. A yellow gem with a mysterious glow.

This yellow gem is on the scepter that Loki left behind.

The mind gem gave Johnny a keen perception ability. He noticed the gaze from Thor, and subconsciously turned his head to aim at Thor.

Sweeping Thor's's gaze stopped on the cape behind him, and the next moment, the same huge yellow cape appeared from behind him.

This ability obviously does not belong to the original Human Torch.

"Mind Gem."

Looking at the gem on Johnny's forehead, Sol couldn't help muttering.


Hearing the name that came out of Thor's mouth, Tony said something subconsciously.

"The Mind Gem, one of the six Infinity Gems, possesses the most powerful power in the universe and has the ability to destroy the world. Now, the gem that appears on Johnny's forehead is the Mind Gem among the six Infinity Gems. "

"Infinity Stones?"

This is the first time the Avengers have learned anything about the Infinity Stones from Thor.

While listening to Sol's description, their eyes swept over Johnny's forehead involuntarily.

"It doesn't make sense, why would a gem have the ability to destroy the universe."

Frowning, Banner still had some doubts about the Infinity Stones in Sol's mouth.

"Then, do you think the Hulk is reasonable, Doctor."

However, soon, Banner's doubts were solved by Tony's rhetorical question.

The expression on 'Johnny''s face changed a bit when he met the eyes of the Avengers. He reached out and touched the gem on his forehead. His eyes swept over the Avengers and Susan, who was on the side, and finally fell silent. "Sorry, but I'm not Human Torch Johnny, I don't have any memory of him in my mind, maybe I used to be Human Torch, but now I'm..."

"……I am myself."

Controlling his body to float slowly, the figure looked at the people in the Avengers Building and made an introduction in a slow but firm tone.

"I'm... Vision."

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