Marvel: Unlimited Possession

Chapter 451: The last generation of Ghost Rider

Somewhere in a cemetery on the outskirts of New York.

Chang Amir reached out and touched the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand, and his eyes flickered in his cloudy eyes.

The clues given by Black Heart are not clear, perhaps because Mephistopheles deliberately concealed it.

The traces of the previous generation of Ghost Riders have been hidden in history for a long time because of their long history.

The reason why Chang Amir was able to find the cemetery in front of him was thanks to the great power of the high priest in the [Scarab Seal].

In fact, the previous generation of Ghost Rider was quite secretive.

Although the power of the [Black Book of the Undead] is powerful, there is no magic associated with searching.

However, although there is no search magic on the [Black Book of the Dead].

But don't forget that Li Ran still has the [Compass] item from the system treasure chest.

Although this item only came from the bronze treasure chest, the effect was unexpectedly good. Through the guidance of the [compass], Li Ran successfully found the hiding place of the previous generation of Ghost Riders.

And through the [Scarab Seal] branded on the back of Chang Amir's hand, he successfully told the other party the location.

It looks like the high priest found the ghost knight of the previous generation through great magic.

"According to the guidance of the high priest, it should be here."

Not knowing what was going on behind the scenes, Chang Amir looked at the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand with a look of awe in his eyes.

Putting away the awe in his eyes, Chang Amir raised his head and glanced at the somewhat barren cemetery in front of him.

According to the guidance of the high priest in [Scarab Seal], the previous generation of Ghost Riders was hidden in this cemetery.

Although this cemetery on the outskirts of New York City is barren, it covers a large area and the densely packed tombstones give people a solemn and desolate feeling.

Glancing at the cold tombstones in the cemetery, Chang Emir's heart was not frightened by the gloomy atmosphere in the cemetery. He reached out and touched the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand, which was flickering with a faint red light, and was about to summon the scarab to find the hiding place of the previous generation of evil knights hidden in the cemetery.

"Hey, what are you doing here?!"

However, it happened at this time.

Accompanied by this dazzling flashlight, a slightly hoarse old voice suddenly sounded in front of Chang Emir.

Under the dazzling white light of the flashlight, he squinted his eyes subconsciously, and through his blurred eyes, Chang Amir saw a white man with white hair holding a flashlight and a shovel in the other hand, carefully moving towards walked over by himself.

"It's time to visit the cemetery. If you want to visit anyone, please come over tomorrow morning."

The flashlight in his hand swept across Chang Amir's face, and the man's gaze stopped at the prominent claw marks on his face, and then he said.

From the man's dress and the words he said, it is not difficult to see the identity of the tomb keeper.

Away from his face to avoid the dazzling light shining directly on his eyes, Chang Amir heard the man's warning, but his footsteps did not intend to move at all.

"I'm not here to visit anyone."

"Not for visiting?"

Chang Emir's words made the man subconsciously grasp the shovel in his hand, and asked nervously, "Then what are you here for?"

"There's nothing you want here except tombstones."

"No, what I'm looking for happens to be here."

The [Scarab Seal] on the back of the hand flashed a faint red light, and under the gaze of the man, a large number of pitch-black scarabs emerged from Chang Amir's body.

Turning some scarabs into pitch-black swarms and flocking to the man in front of him, Chang Amir originally controlled these scarabs and dragged the man in front of him, and said, "Tell me, where is the Ghost Rider hiding?"

"Ghost Rider?"

Covered by the dense scarab beetles, the man's face showed a look of fear, facing Chang Amir's question, he quickly shook his head and said, "I don't know what you are talking about, I am the only one here, without you. What Ghost Rider are you looking for!"

"Do you think I'll take your word for it?"

Out of reverence for the high priest, Chang Amir naturally did not think there was any possibility of the wrong direction being directed by the high priest.

Therefore, comparing the two, he directly regarded the man's explanation as a lie.

The scarab that wrapped the man crawled more and more frequently with Chang Amir's thoughts, and controlled these dark swarms to climb up the man's neck and crawled towards his face, Chang Amir immediately used his hoarse voice to be cold. He asked: "Tell me, where is the Ghost Rider hiding, these scarabs on you are not very patient, if you delay for too long, they will bite your skin and get into your body. , at the same time eating your flesh and blood bit by bit, believe me, you definitely don't want to try this feeling."

"I've already said it."

Feeling the strange tactile sensation of the scarabs constantly climbing over his body, the man suddenly uncharacteristically expressed an inopportune tough tone: "There is no Ghost Rider you are looking for here."

"Looks like you made a bad choice."

Unaware of the change in the man's attitude, Chang Amir regarded it as a mere stubbornness.

A sharp light flashed in his turbid eyes, and in the next instant, he raised his hand with the [Scarab Mark] brand, and controlled the dense scarabs wrapped around the man to start crawling.


These scarabs bit through the man's clothes, and at the same time began to attack the skin underneath.

As creatures produced by the [Black Book of the Undead] magic, these scarab beetles are not amazing on the surface, but the power they contain is extremely terrifying, especially the terrifying destructive power generated by the dense swarms of insects. It can eat a human into a skeleton in an instant.

Standing in front of the tomb keeper, Chang Emir looked at the mourning opponent with a cold expression.

In his mind, the moment he activated the power of the scarab, the opponent was already destined to be a corpse without a skeleton.

"No, something is not right."

However, just the next second when Chang Amir thought the man was dead.

The majestic roar of the high priest suddenly came from the [Scarab Seal] on the back of his hand.


As the high priest's voice fell, a large number of flames burst out from the man who was eaten by the scarabs in front of him. Under the wrapping of these flames, the scarabs that ate his body were instantly burned into black. Smoke, and the entire body of the tomb keeper also turned into a flaming skeleton figure under the burning of these flames.

"So you are that Ghost Rider!"

Looking at the burning skeleton that appeared in front of him, a surprised look flashed across Chang Amir's face.

"I had already sworn that I would never use this power again."

Wrapped in flames, the tomb keeper, no, or should I say, the previous generation of Ghost Rider Carter Sley looked at Chang Amir in front of him with his empty eyes.

From the skeleton came his hoarse and old voice: "I have made too many mistakes in my life, and I have been trying to correct them. I gave up the power of Ghost Rider and became a gravekeeper. Here I waited quietly for death to come, however, I didn't expect that the first thing I waited for was not death, but a greedy voyeur."

Looking in front of him, Carter Srey transformed into the same Ghost Rider he remembered.

A look of vigilance flashed in Chang Amir's eyes. The memories of the previous battles, the Ghost Rider left him with profound memories.

Looking down at the [Scarab Seal] that flashed a faint red light on the back of his hand, Chang Emir restrained the vigilance in his eyes, looked at the skeleton wrapped in flames on the opposite side, and said fiercely: "Evil Knight, my purpose There is only one, and that is the 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' in your hand!"

"Is it because of the contract?"

Hearing the name 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' that came out of Chang Emir's mouth, there was no surprise expression on the flame-wrapped skeleton of the previous generation of Ghost Rider Carter Slay.

The two flames in the empty eye sockets jumped, Carter Sley looked at Chang Amir in front of him, and said in his hoarse and old voice: "Although I don't know where you know about the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo' 'This message, but I need to remind you that the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo' is not a simple contract. It contains extremely terrifying power, which is enough to turn the world into purgatory. If you simply promise to get it' The power of the Covenant of St. Van Gonzalo', then sorry I can't give it to you."

Chang Emir's previous performances have repeatedly explained that he is not a good person.

Therefore, it is naturally impossible for Carter Shire to hand over the 'Saint Van Gonzal Contract' with such a powerful force to the opponent's hands.

"The purpose of my search for the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo' is not to gain your approval."

The red light on the [Scarab Seal] on the back of the hand was a masterpiece, and with the flashing red light, a large number of scarabs emerged from Chang Amir's body.

Controlling these scarabs to wrap themselves into a pitch-black, demon-like existence, Chang Emir opened his mouth and shouted, "Since you don't want to hand over the 'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract' obediently, Then I can only get rid of you first, and then slowly find the location of the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo'."

According to Blackheart, the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzalo' was secretly hidden by the Ghost Riders of the previous generation.

Therefore, now that the Ghost Rider has been forced out, all Chang Amir needs to do next is to find the hidden 'Saint Van Gonzalo Contract'.



On the empty and barren road, Johnny Blazer, who incarnated as a ghost rider, drove his motorcycle, which was also transformed into a ghost-faced Harley under the power of hellfire, and left a long flame mark.

Through the guidance of the hellfire power in his body, Johnny Blazer could vaguely feel a very familiar power in the direction not far from him.

"Be careful Mephistopheles, Ghost Rider's power is not as simple as you think."

Driving the ghost-faced Harley forward, the Ghost Rider's mind couldn't help but the words that the Supreme Mage Gu said to himself in the mirror space before.

The reminder left by the Supreme Mage made Johnny Blazer suspicious of Mephistopheles, and the appearance of the previous generation of Ghost Rider made his inner doubt a little deeper.

Since Mephistopheles is the master of the power of the Ghost Rider, why not directly find the Ghost Rider of the previous generation to get the St. Van Gonzal Contract' back, but through himself?


Driving the motorcycle on the road, in Johnny Blazer's mind, the doubts about Mephistopheles just surfaced.

The next moment, along with a huge rumbling sound, a huge pothole suddenly appeared next to the ghost-faced motorcycle driven by the Ghost Rider.

The sudden attack caused the originally fast-moving locomotive to deviate. Fortunately, under the power of hellfire, the ghost-faced locomotive also had a performance far exceeding that of a mortal locomotive, and soon turned a corner under the noise and huge flames. The big bend stopped. UU Reading

Stopping the ghost-faced motorcycle he was driving, Johnny Blazer turned his skull head wrapped in **** fire, two groups of **** fire flickering in his eye sockets, and he quickly saw the true face of the target who attacked him.

This is a hideous figure with sharp barbs on the back of the dark body, constantly exuding the evil aura of **** that the Ghost Rider is familiar with.

"Black heart!"

Looking at this hideous figure in front of him, Johnny Blazer immediately thought of the name that Mephistopheles mentioned before.

"Johnny Blazer."

Put away his sharp claws, the previous attack was caused by the shock wave generated by Black Heart through his claws.

Glancing at the Ghost Rider with his blood-red eyes, Black Heart made a sharp and distorted voice: "Looks like, you are the toy my father chose. I don't know how long you can support it in its hands. Years, two years, or less."

Under the power of hellfire, Johnny Blazer's emotions as a human were burned to ashes. Therefore, Blackheart's provocation or irony has no effect on the Ghost Rider at this moment.

Extending his pale skull-turned fingers, Ghost Rider grabbed the chains on his shoulders and wrapped the blazing hellfire instantly.

clap la la-

Waving the chain and dragging a long flame on the ground, the Ghost Rider looked at the black heart in front of him, and then read out his classic line declaration.

"look into my eyes!"

"What qualifications do you have to judge me!"

Facing the declaration of the Ghost Rider, Hei Xin raised his hands to form a black shock wave, and the barbs on his back began to stand up one after another as his emotions fluctuated, making his entire figure look even more ferocious and terrifying.

"I came from hell!"

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