Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 273 Give me face! Meteorite!\r

Aside from the 300-meter-high purple giant who looked fierce and powerful, the nine supernova-like meteorites above his head were really scary.

Each one is as big as a Marin Vando!

If it falls, let alone the Navy Headquarters, I am afraid the whole world will be smashed through!!!

Definitely, smashing through is just an adjective. The meteorite summoned by Madara does not have that great penetrating power. However, the consequences of some series of air shocks, sea shocks, earthquakes, and other crustal changes caused by the landing of the meteorite are difficult to calculate.

Not to mention other things, as long as the meteorite hits the ground, it is guaranteed that the world of pirates will enter the era of destruction.

All kinds of disasters can be caused all over the world!

Moreover! There are still nine meteorites attacked in this number!!

I want my life!!!

At this moment, let alone the three admirals of the navy could not sit still, even the pirates such as Whitebeard were dumbfounded.

Brother! Brother! You are not trying to target the Navy, you are trying to destroy the world!

If these nine meteorites really fell, no matter what the world would be like, first of all, the tens of thousands of navy and pirates at the scene of Marin Vando would definitely not be able to survive!!

"Wait!! This friend, you have something to say! Stop the meteorite, it's too dangerous" Rao is a man with a big heart like a white beard. He snorted and stopped immediately.

Uchiha Madara:

In fact... not only all the pirates and navies at the scene were scared to pee.

Madara was also a little scared by her own operation.

"Am I so strong now?? 35

"How come the meteorite summoned is so big? 35

'How come some are still glowing?'"

"Did my strength break through again recently???"

Madara Uchiha pondered in his heart, panicking in his heart, he definitely didn't know that all this was the fault of Luo Bing's lucky halo!

Triple Luck is open all day long, and there are already countless meteorites outside the Pirate World. He pulled the gravitational force a little, and those 'meteorite treasures' couldn't wait to fall down.

Feeling flustered, but Madara didn't show it at all.

Isn't there Mr. Luo here, panic!

"Hum ․.""

"I'm really sorry, everyone. In fact, there is something wrong with the guy in the red shirt just now. I'm not openly fighting against any organization or government."

"Although it sounds frustrating and helpless"

"But there's really no way."

"I'm here"

"It is against the whole world!"5



Yellow Ape:

Green Pheasant:

White beard:

Warring States:

As soon as Madara Uchiha's unique remarks came out of his mouth, almost everyone was silent in their hearts.

Even Luo Bing on the side looked at him with admiration.

"Okay, Madara, in the four years I've been away, you've become more and more pretentious..." Luo Bing admired in his heart, but he didn't reveal it on the surface, he definitely knew about the nine stars in the sky What's with the meteorite.

Those are all 'treasures' drawn by his lucky halo.

It doesn't really have much to do with smut.


As a friend, it doesn't matter if you occasionally cooperate with him and pretend to be coercive.

Madara Uchiha was very happy in his heart, and he was even more happy when he saw the unbelievable look of the old man Hashima on the side, but at the same time he was happy, he was also very afraid in his heart, he turned his head and glanced at Luo Bing's expression, after getting Luo Bing's 'proper, don't panic' look, he finally let go of his heart and became more arrogant and domineering.

"This world is so small that there are so few places to expand and expand, it is barely enough for me to toss alone."

"Hashira, Kaguya, Yui, Orochimaru, what do you think of my masterpiece?" Madara Uchiha turned around and asked the other four around him.

It was also at the moment that the human beings on this planet really knew the names of the other four people of the Five Gods.

"It's normal, I'm currently researching a star destroyer that can destroy a planet with a single blow." Orochimaru was no longer interested in strength, and commented casually.

"You call this kind of stinky fish and shrimp a masterpiece??? Hey, Madara, you are really getting worse and worse." As the enemy of his life, Hakuma definitely said a few words to the good mouth cannon, blow Hit the old man's arrogance.

"Hmmmm, you can say yes..." Kaguya mother and son said perfunctorily.

Both of them are sensible people. Tianji Zhenxing's technique of using external force to scare and scare people who don't understand the nickname is fine. For the Otsutsugi family, its principle is almost the same as the mirror.

Depressed Madara Uchiha:

The "Jiulianzhu Meteorite" is still landing constantly, and the navy and pirates on the ground want to cry without tears.

Guys, why are you still chatting!


Stop talking!!!

Please be yourself!!!

Co-authoring this mighty terror that can destroy the world is not a fart in your eyes!!!

I'm so...

kneel down...

The hurricane has already swept across the sea, the meteorite has not yet landed, and the surface has begun to exert the same oppressive force as a level 12 tornado. Many weak navies and pirates have been carried and blown into the sky.

The three generals of the navy looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and shot together, blasting towards the first meteorite that was getting closer and closer to the sky.

As a result, the fart was about to pop out, and the No. 1 meteorite didn't even show any signs of slowing down, and it was constantly expanding.

Whitebeard and other No. 1 people couldn't help but take action, trying to block the No. 1 meteorite that fell from the sky.

But in the end it was useless.

Luffy ran to Ace, picked up the long knife and cut off the shackles of the sea tower on Ace's body, no one cared at all, and the guard looked up at the sky and was stunned.

This scene is not only staged in Marin Vando, as the meteorite is getting closer and closer, its impact on the world is getting bigger and bigger, and slowly, almost everyone can see the wonder of this century in the sky.


This is the disaster of the century!!!!

"~Is our world going to be destroyed????" Everyone looked at the top of their heads helplessly, and there was no thought in their hearts.

Escape??? Escape to where?

There is no way to escape!!

This is a worldwide map cannon!

Three thousand nautical miles from here, the red-haired pirate group also looked at their heads in confusion, and in the distance was Kaido's group, they also used the same posture and the same expression pack.

"Boss... the world is coming to an end..." Laki Lu nibbled at the big drumstick in his hand, and before he died, he wanted to eat one more bite.

The red-haired Sanji also stared blankly at the sky, he didn't understand what happened in front of him.

There is Marin Vando.

But the redhead knew that this time...the whole world would not be spared.


Looking at the approaching, fiery red huge meteorite, the redhead sighed.

"Show me face, stop! Meteorite!


Without warning, the nine destructive meteorites instantly disappeared in the air!

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