Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 274 Come on, Empress, I'll Pay This Time!\r

"Show me face, stop! Meteorite!"

The red-haired voice stopped, and the meteorite in the sky disappeared instantly.

Everything was like a dream. The Jiulianzhu Destroying Heaven and Earth meteorite disappeared completely. Except for the noisy sea level, everything seemed to have never happened.

"Pata..." The big chicken leg in Lackey Road's hand fell to the ground, staring at the red hair beside him like a god.

It's not just him, all the crew members of the Red-haired Pirates looked like dementia, in disbelief - looking at the red-haired Sanji.

"Old... boss???"

"You saved the world?"" Usopp's father, Jesus Bu, stared in shock and asked in disbelief.

Red hair:""


Everyone looked surprised, this kind of thing can't be explained by coincidence!!

The only explanation is!! The redhead organized it all!

Meteorite gave him a face!!!

Depend on!!!

What a face this is!!!

Jesus Bu was silent. He recalled that when he was recruited before, his boss seemed to have said this. Since then, he abandoned his wife and children to keep up with the Red Hair Pirates.

Could it be that... the red-haired Sanji actually has the ability of 'face fruit'???

The redhead's heart was also very uneasy. Although he didn't understand why the meteorite disappeared, in the end, it was a good thing, at least the world would not be destroyed because of it.

In fact... there is no such thing as face fruit in this world.

Give me face...and it's just a redhead mantra.

Turning around, the redhead looked at Kaido: "Kaido, give me a face, don't interfere in this matter"

Kaido: 35

Fuck it! You're going to die!! I didn't see the meteorites coming out on the battlefield in front of me, the ghost knows what happened there!

Don't you go back to your hometown at this time and wait to die?

"Humph!" Kaido snorted coldly and turned to leave.

At this moment... All the crew members of the Red-haired Pirates looked at their boss, and were instantly obsessed!!

The boss is really a face fruit Ability!!!

Actually...not that at all.

A few seconds ago...

"Boss Luo... I can't hold back... Hurry up and take action, otherwise... the world will really be destroyed because of this." Ban domineering turned around and turned his back to the people, ignoring it. In fact, he was secretly sending a message to Luo Bing. . . .

Luo Bing rolled his eyes and snapped his fingers helplessly. The situation changed in an instant, and no holes appeared, but the nine meteorites in the sky were directly moved into the Shenwei space.

The Shenwei space is now several times larger than the previous day, and it is more than enough to accommodate these things.


The white-bearded three generals rubbed their eyes and looked at the sky in confusion.

"Everyone, although we come from outside the sky, our purpose is not to destroy or invade this planet. The meteorite just now was just a farce. Okay, now everyone can do their part and start your performances!"

Luo Bing said, a chair automatically appeared under him, with popcorn in his hand, he casually put on a pair of sunglasses, and turned on the movie viewing mode.

Akainu: "

Yellow Ape:

Green Pheasant:

White beard:

Warring States:

Under the King Qiwuhai:

Luffy, Ace:

So... what's the situation now...?

What are we going to do now???

At this moment, both the navy and the pirates were confused. The two sides suppressed their tempers and slowly retreated into two camps. They watched each other with mixed feelings in their hearts, and no longer had the urge to fight.

Fight a furry fight...

You really don't know what's going on right now!!!

That day, the six outer gods sat there quietly eating popcorn, and no one knew their thoughts and intentions, which was too weird.

"Hurry up and fight, I'm almost finished with popcorn," Luo Bing said vaguely with his cheeks bulging.

.....for flowers...0

The two sides remained motionless, and even retreated two or three meters away from each other.

Luo Bing:

What do you mean, I came to watch the show, you guys don't play, let me watch a ball!!

Luo Bing was a little depressed, sighed, and glanced around at the Navy group.

All the navies are facing the enemy, except the three generals Shichibukai and Sengoku Garp, all the navies lowered their noble heads.

The Empress in the Qiwu Sea: "Don't look at me...don't look at me...don't look at can't see me..."

The Empress constantly muttered in her heart, she never imagined that the man she met yesterday was not only so hard and speechless, who knew that his strength was also so perverted.

The nine meteorites that destroyed the world were knocked out by him with a single snap of his fingers, and there was no sign at all!

This is so weird too!

This is too perverted!

"Oh, Miss, so you're also here. I'm sorry. I kidnapped you last time. You left before I said sorry to you, but you're doing well! Give you a thumbs up!"

"Oh, by the way, I just feel a little uncomfortable now, come on, I'll pay this time, is ten Devil Fruit enough? Is it enough? One hundred? I heard that this thing is very popular in your world?

Empress: "!!!!!33

All navy pirates: "!!!!

What a bad language!!! What happened to the goddess we longed for!!!

Damn it!!!

I hate it!!!


To prevent the destruction of the prevent the destruction of the world.

Goddess... just go, go at ease... woo woo... don't worry, you will always be the goddess in our hearts... woo woo...

A large number of navy and even pirates shed tears in their hearts.

Only the Empress herself had a black line on her head.

Damn it!! Speak well!! Others will misunderstand!!!

But... In the end, she still walked to Luo Bing's side, reluctantly and daring to resist, pressed his shoulders, rubbed his calf, and knocked on his back.


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