Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 275 Is One Hundred Devil Fruit Enough [Second]\r

Are ten Devil Fruits enough? One hundred if not???

At first, no one believed this ridiculous nonsense.

Until---that man pulled a tree out of the void!!!

A devil fruit tree of unknown origin!!!

The fruit tree is covered with large File size and small shapes of different fruits!

From that moment on, all the navy pirates were dumbfounded, until they were sluggish...

"It's must be fake...Is it true that devil fruits grow from trees? 35

"Impossible, how can there be such a tree!! It's a lie!!"

"Is this the culmination of onepiece - the treasure that was born from the final island?"

"What's wrong with me... I've been a pirate all my life, and I've been doing nothing all day!"

"Ah... what am I doing in the Navy all my life..."

"Seeing this "Eight Eight Seven" tree full of devil fruits... I suddenly feel that my life has no meaning, no color... Let me be so depressed, I don't deserve to be called it Treasure hunter at sea..."

"When I see a book full of devil fruits, I can still be so motionless... I don't deserve to call it a treasure Asgardian..."

"I suddenly found that my life was boring and meaningless..."

"It's better to go home and farm the fields..."

"Yeah, navy brother, I want to understand, fighting and killing is really meaningless, go home, marry a wife and have children."

"That's right, Pirate Brothers, no matter how hard we try, we can't reach the weight of other people's bosses. We are cannon fodder when we live! 35

"That's right!! Brothers navy! It's not always our charge, but in the face of those powerhouses, we're just small cannon fodder, and there's no point in dying."

"I want to go home..."

"I'm going home too, I miss my mom!!!"

"I don't want to be a pirate anymore!

"I don't want to be in the navy anymore!


There is a lot of uproar in the navy and pirates, and the former opponents have now become the closest confidants.

Once upon a time, the blood was full of blood, and now there is not even a fart left.

The three generals of the navy were also speechless, and the Whitebeards and the others on the side were not much better. Their gazes stagnated on the tempting Devil Fruit tree, and the whole person seemed to have a sublimated state of mind.

Once upon a time... One Piece Roger's words set off a sailing frenzy in the whole world. People dreamed to be the only one in that world, to be the luckiest, bravest, and most courageous pirate, and some people were persecuted to protect the pirates. Resolutely became a navy.

However, when reality came, they realized that...

Even if there is a treasure...

Even if there is a chance...

But those things... are just reserved for the strong, they... don't deserve it.

There are stronger ones on top of the strong, there are bosses on top of the stronger, and there are lords on top of the bosses...

And now... another celestial level...

It also takes time to develop monsters!!!

This is also developing hammer development!!

Do you have the confidence to surpass those outer gods? Do you have the confidence to surpass some powerhouses such as Whitebeard???

wash up and sleep...

The world is big... Peace must always be there.

Since this weather, many navy pirates have returned to their hometowns and started their ordinary and warm lives. At least, they are no longer cannon fodder dancing on the tip of a knife.

"This...this...this I can't want..." Empress Boya Hancock hurriedly turned her head into a wavy drum. A person can only eat one devil fruit in his life. If she had this one today The tree is dying.

This is to start a fire!

She is already a Devil Fruit Ability, and there is absolutely no need to look for new ones, and she knows that with her Ability, it is absolutely impossible to keep these wealth.

"Why are you still humble, like this kind of tree, I collect dozens of trees a day, you're welcome! Luo Bing patted the Empress on the head, signaling her to be so restrained.

"I really can't..." The Empress was about to cry, her big eyes filled with tears of grievance.

"The gift was rejected..." Luo Bing sighed.

This is the first time he has been rejected for a gift.

In this case...

"Luffy... Do you want Devil Fruit, I'll give it to you if you want?" Luo Bing asked again towards Luffy's Fang Xi.

Hearing this, Chopper was instantly excited, the symbol of money flashed in his eyes, and the whole deer was so excited that he transformed himself! Then the activity in his heart was almost written on his face.

I want, I want, I want!!!

However... Luffy-chan is embarrassed and shy and shook his head. Although he is carefree, he also knows the meaning of hundreds of Devil Fruits. He is not so cheeky to get this treasure for no reason.

You know, Mr. Luo Bing only had one meal on his own boat, because of the kindness of this meal, Mr. Luo Bing has really given them too many benefits......


On his own boat, there are still a few useless Devil Fruits... They were also salvaged by Mr. Luo Bing before.

So... Luffy gratefully declined.

In the crowd... all the careerists were instantly disappointed. If hundreds of Devil Fruits fell into the hands of either Luffy or the Empress, they could still try to snatch them, but... if the person who owns it It's the words of this celestial being...

Then wash and sleep.

Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach's face was twisted, his saliva was constantly flowing, but he still tried to suppress his own greed.

Dark fruits can absorb the power of other fruits.

If he got these hundreds of Devil Fruits...then...

I can't imagine that picture, and even Blackbeard didn't dare to look up at those fruits, he was afraid that he couldn't help but die... and then he would really die!!


"Oh, well, then I have to keep it as a landscape tree..." Luo Bing sighed, thinking that he had to clean up the useless treasures in the Shenwei space again.


According to this absorption rate... the daily growth of Shenwei space still seems to be insufficient...

Luo Bing's current Shenwei space is passive and autonomous Adsorbent is close to his treasure, from the current point of view, this is really difficult.

"It really doesn't make any sense if you don't fight, so let's go back to your own home." Luo Bing sighed.

5.0 At this moment, a red shadow came quickly from afar, stepping on the air all the way.

It's redhead!!

"Big guy!! Give me face!! Stop the war!!!

The words came out... All the navy and pirates rolled their eyes and glanced at him, then each boarded their own pirate ship or battleship and left without stopping.

The Red Hair Pirates:

"Fuck! The face fruit is awesome!!!

-PS: In the future, normal updates will be resumed, two updates a day, the new book "Marvel: Super Villains" asks for support, this is the second update today! .


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