Louis repeatedly washed his hands five times and sterilized them with disinfectant.

“You might as well put your hands in hydrogen peroxide and soak them for a while.” Tony complained.

“That’s not okay, my hand is going to be used to build Kamen Rider.”

Louis immediately vetoed Tony’s proposal.

Tony, dressed, the new reactor on his chest flashed white, somewhat conspicuous.

“It’s really like the high beam of Ajito.”

Louis saw the glow of the Ark reactor and suddenly thought of Agituo.

Unfortunately, the evolution of Ajituo comes from the power of ancient light, and Louis needs to find similar powers if he wants to create Ajituo armor.

“What Ajitu?” Tony asked curiously.

“No, nothing.” Louis shook his head.

The damaged G3 armor was placed on the repair table, and Louis manipulated the robotic arm to start repairing the G3 armor.

Although he is ready to build the G3-X, for the G3, Louis still hopes to give it a perfect retirement.

Tony also knew about Louis’s idea of building new armor.

Mark 2 was a little reluctant to face the G3, although it was caused by Tony’s forced choice of rigidity.

But losing is losing, there is no way to justify.

So, next, Tony had a new plan.

Since Louis’s G3-X is ready to go, the Mark 3 naturally has to hurry.

When the time comes, learning the lessons of Mark 2, Mark 3 will become even stronger.

Once the building was complete, Tony was ready to challenge Louis’s G3-X again.

Ethan was released three days later, and also brought back a list of thirty sets of “pure” armor from the army.

According to a set of 3.5 million pricing, this is a large order of nearly 100 million.

When Louis created “pure”, he used relatively cheap alloys as much as possible, and it was the kind that was easy to obtain and replace.

The cost of a set of “pure” is about 800,000.

Louis felt that he had more than quadrupled the price, and he was really more conscientious.

The only pity is that the military orders are a little small.

This made Louis a little dissatisfied.

“Why, feel less?” Tony saw Louis’s expression and knew what Louis was thinking.

“It’s a little, according to my calculations, the military has a gap of more than a hundred sets, but now only thirty sets have been ordered, probably ready to test the waters.”

“But it doesn’t matter, when they purchase almost the same, I will launch the G3 production version, and then I can make another profit.”

Louis did not panic at all, making money, being deceived and not shivering.

Moreover, if it is still the money of the military that is pitted, then there will be even more no problems.

Ethan and Tony heard Louis talking to himself and shouted in unison: “Profiteers! ”

I really don’t know Jason. After Lieutenant General Wilson knew Louis’s intentions, he would not have a cerebral hemorrhage attack.

Back to the lab.

With Ethan’s addition, Louis quickly completed the restoration of the G3.

Started R&D and construction of the G3-X.

As an advanced version of the G3, the G3-X has doubled its data and has a rich arsenal.

In other words, Louis will build not only G3-X armor this time, but also equipped with an exclusive arsenal.

To ask which weapon is stronger, Marvel New York Stark.

This is not a joke.

Although the weapons research and development department was shut down by Tony’s brain fever, many researchers remained at Stark Industries.

Louis asked Tony to call these people to create exclusive weapons for his G3-X, and the Kamen Rider armor equipped weapons that he was going to build later could also be given to them.

Tony thought for a moment and said, “But you have to make sure that these weapons don’t fall into the hands of evil people.” ”

Louis’s eyes lit up, he slapped his thigh, and suddenly realized: “You reminded me that I need to create an identification program for these armors, which can only be used by me and the people I give permission to, otherwise it will explode.” ”

Louis thought of Obadiah, and those with ambitions must have coveted these armors.

Even the military is no exception, and Louis has seen many high-ranking military officials with greed in their eyes.

Everything is better to be careful.

Tony also agreed with Louis’s idea that it would be better to make the armor self-identifiable.

When this was agreed, Louis began to notify members of the former weapons research and development department to join his armor research and development department.

But few responses have been received.

After some investigation, Louis discovered a strange problem.

That is, the members of the weapons research and development department of the former Stark Industries, after the disbandment, were basically poached.

Only a few old employees remained, and there was no intention of leaving.

“It’s a premeditated digging of the wall.” Louis looked at these runaways and said in a deep voice.

“It’s normal.” Tony wasn’t surprised.

“No, it’s completely abnormal, it’s premeditated, and every employee is known.” Louis’s eyes sank.

Someone actually dares to dig their own people and does not want to live?

Moreover, in Stark Industries, there is no one else who has this ability, except for a few shareholders.

Louis immediately suspected Obadiah.

After all, this product has a previous conviction.

Obadiah: I provoked you in particular.

But Louis really didn’t guess wrong this time, at this moment, Obadiah has opened the research of the Iron Overlord in his own factory.

The researchers were dug up from the weapons research and development department.

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