If Obadiah really did it, what did he want these researchers to do?

Build your own weapons to do the smuggling business?

Louis preferred this possibility in his mind.

If it’s just a weapons business, let’s just count it as a legitimate business.

Louis didn’t bother to care about him either.

For now, it is even more important to complete the G3-X.

The Ark reactor emits a soft light, like the most brilliant jewel in the dark night.

Louis looked carefully at the Ark reactor.

Under the softness of the appearance, there is the killing intent of radioactive elements.

“Tony, you use palladium to make the Ark reactor, long-term use, you will also be poisoned with palladium.” Louis asked.

Things that were proven in the original play, Louis said it just to make Tony vigilant early.

“Take it easy, not all radioactive elements cause heavy metal poisoning, at least I look good now, don’t I?” Tony heard Louis’s words and said with a smile.

He felt that Louis was confused if he was a little concerned.

Palladium is often used as a related element in Stark Industries, and palladium poisoning is rare.

What’s more, the Ark reactor was also radiologically isolated.

“As long as you don’t get close to palladium, there will be no problems.” Ethan echoed from the sidelines.

Louis looked at the two people a little suspiciously, as if he had overlooked some key points.

For now, Tony still uses the Ark reactor, but later redesigned the small arc reactor for convenience.

That is, the plug-in design reactor, the palladium metal plate can be inserted to provide energy.

Intimate contact should have occurred at that time.

Louis smiled, feeling that he was indeed a little concerned and confused.

What he should think about now is how to combine the Ark reactor and the G3-X.

Enjoy unlimited fire mode with no blue drain once.

In the lab, the three of them got busy again.

The two armors are also taking shape little by little.


Private factory in Obadiah.

Under the huge lifter, a huge figure like a giant Mac slept quietly.

When the energy supply was activated, the figure of the Big Mac began to move slowly, and every action brought a huge sense of oppression.

Such a size, such a weight.

Even just standing there is a great threat.



Every advance of the Iron Overlord made the ground tremble, and in the laboratory, some researchers did not stand firm and fell to the ground in embarrassment.

In the voltage monitoring room, countless voltmeters began to soar.

Toot toot!

The detector issued a red alarm.


Go for it!

The transformer was overwhelmed and made a series of current rushing sounds.

There was even an electric current flowing, and the street lights around the factory began to flicker and dim, and eventually fell into darkness.

The surrounding neighborhoods also began to experience voltage instability.

Massive power outages began to spread to the surrounding area.

The interior of the factory was dark.

This is the source, and the power outage was first completed here.

The Iron Overlord, who had lost his power supply, returned to sleep mode.

In the dark.

Obadiah’s face was unstoppable excitement.

The Iron Overlord is far more powerful than he imagined, and in Obadiah’s opinion, the Iron Overlord is definitely far more than the three armors in the video.

What are those three armors?

Obadiah showed a sneer, as long as the Iron Overlord had sufficient energy, no matter how much armor there was, he would not be afraid.


Obadiah’s fingers tapped lightly on the tabletop, and it seemed necessary for him to have a good chat with Tony.

In the sky.

Mark 3 completed its first test flight.

Tony, who has experienced the Mark 2 test flight, feels faster and smoother this time.

Mark 3 As a direct upgrade of Mark 2, Tony has made a lot of optimization upgrades.

For example, beam cannons were added to the chest and palms, small missiles were added to the shoulders and wrists, and leg and foot propulsion devices made the Mark 3 more nimble in the air.

Titanium alloy steel ensures the free movement of Mark 3 at high altitudes and low temperatures.

“How does it feel?” Louis asked.

Mark 3’s visor opened to reveal Tony’s signature smile.

“It’s great, Louie, I think you should also equip the G3-X with air combat capabilities, it feels great in the sky.” Tony said with some excitement.

Although he didn’t understand why Louis insisted on land combat armor, he undoubtedly preferred the way the Mark 3 operated.

During this time, the only thing Tony wanted to understand was not to compare with Louis’s strengths.

The battle of Mark 3 should be in the sky.

Hearing Tony’s words, Louis shook his head and did not defend.

Air combat, you can rely on air combat tools.

But any battle will eventually turn into a land battle.

Louis knew there were some things he couldn’t tell Tony in detail, but it didn’t hurt to insist on land combat.

Tony unloaded Mark 3, his expression was unstoppable, “I just circled New York, New York is so beautiful at night, I think I can take Pepper with me.” ”

“I also saw the factory in Obadiah, where there seems to be a power outage, and it seems that he has been quite unlucky recently.”

Listen to Tony boasting about what he sees and hears in the air.

Louis just looked at Tony quietly.

Wait for it!

G3-X is still short, it will be completed, and you will know when the time comes——

Your uncle, or your uncle.

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