Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 149: encounter

  Chapter 149 Encounter

  The Velociraptor's vigorous posture quickly shuttled through the jungle, searching for all the information they could smell and see, and passed it to Vito behind.

  Suddenly, one of the Velociraptors sensed something, giggled a few times towards its companions, and then sped away in one direction.

   Soon they came to the river bend and wandered in front of an abandoned camp beside the river bend.

   After a while, several people wearing camouflage and oil paint all over their bodies stepped out of the hidden jungle and came to the camp.

   "Hehe, the same way, these Wakandas are quite ruthless, and these French people can't even leave a bit of scum." The first person was Vito.

Since completing an arms deal in southern Sudan three days ago, Vito took twelve people, parted ways with Josie, took ten Velociraptors, turned around and stepped into the Ethiopian border, and entered the suspected Wakanda area.

Although Wakanda in this period does not have the holographic curtain that can hide the entire city in the future, because the entire country and cities are hidden in the mountains, coupled with the guards of the border tribes, the entire Wakanda Still a very mysterious place.

   Velociraptor's keen senses can help Vito and the others discover many dangers that they cannot detect.

  As for the abandoned camp in front of you, it is easy to judge from the leftover items inside that it was left by some French, and it is very likely that it belongs to French intelligence personnel.

   But unfortunately, from the broken concealment and the small amount of blood remaining, it can be easily analyzed and concluded that these poor French people have encountered an accident.

If there are more careless people, they may attribute the misfortune of the people in this camp to the Nile crocodiles wandering in the river bend not far away, especially the floating human costumes that can be seen from time to time by the river. fabric.

  However, Vito knew that most of these people were not killed by Nile crocodiles, but were thrown into the river bend to feed those crocodiles after being killed.

  Vito has discovered similar situations at least four or five times along the way.

  There are Englishmen and Frenchmen, some who stepped on traps and were unfortunately reimbursed, and some who were attacked by other wild animals and died. Anyway, the ways of death are strange, but on the surface they all look like accidents.

   It's just that Velociraptor's performance told him that there were many other people's auras on the scene.

   That is to say, there is a great possibility that these people were actually killed and pretended to die accidentally.

   As for the people who would do this, apart from Wakanda, Vito couldn't think of anyone else.

   "Think that the French and the British will give up the investigation if a large number of accidental deaths are caused? Naive!" Vito shook his head disdainfully.

Wakanda's behavior is at most just to let Britain and France know Wakanda's secrets. In fact, before he entered Wakanda, Hydra's intelligence system had already learned that Britain and France had already reached a cooperation in this regard. protocol.

In Uganda in the south, a British colonial corps and extralegal corps have assembled there. A large number of intelligence personnel are inexplicably missing, and they cannot get timely intelligence. Secret cognition.

  Since small-scale intelligence personnel are not enough, then send the army directly. Anyway, except for Ethiopia, the surrounding countries are all British territories.

  With the sluggishness of intelligence in this era, maybe the British and French legions have already entered Wakanda, but because of the different routes, Vito and the others did not encounter it.

   "Go, baby, continue to lead the way!" Vito patted the head of the Velociraptor Queen who was poking around, and ordered.

   "Quack!" Velociraptor yelled, and the rest of the Velociraptors who were guarding vigilantly continued to rush towards the jungle.

  Where Vito got up, he looked at a distant mountain deep in the jungle and shrouded in mist. He had a feeling that there was the destination he was looking for.

   "Quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quacks!"

   Vito and the others looked at each other, and Dang even quickly rushed in that direction.

  As soon as they arrived at the place, they saw the Velociraptors screaming in a panic in one direction, and in front of them lay the dead body of a headless Velociraptor.

  Yes, out of ten Velociraptors, there are only nine left, no wonder they are so flustered.

  Vito and the thirteen people immediately picked up their guns vigilantly and pointed them in that direction.

   "Quack quack quack quack!" At this moment, the remaining nine-headed Velociraptor suddenly raised its head, shifting its vigilance to Vito and the others.

   on top?

  Vito and the others were shocked, and hurriedly raised their guns and looked up.

   But it was too late, a black shadow rushed towards one of Vito and the others, and before that person could react, his throat was already severed by a sharp claw.

  Of all the people, only Vito, who had been strengthened by the primary super soldier potion, reacted the fastest, and shot at the opponent when the opponent fell, but the bullets shot at the opponent's body, but only caused a burst of sparks.

   "Hey, we have won the jackpot. It turns out that it is the contemporary Black Panther, and His Majesty Azuli is here!" Seeing this scene, Vito was not surprised but delighted.

  Because of the circumstances, he had heard Josie talk about it before he came.

  In Wakanda, there is only one person who can have both a super-soldier-like posture and invulnerable armor, and that is the king of Wakanda, Azuri.

   "You are not from Britain and France!" Azuli, who had already hidden again and was about to launch a second attack, was shocked when he heard Vito call out his identity.

  The intelligence obtained by the British and the French is only limited to the specious Wakanda with super-era technology.

  But there is no mention of the existence of Zhenjin and the Black Panther at all.

  Why do these people know?

  Azuri almost instantly thought of the behind-the-scenes man who sent intelligence to Britain and France and obviously wanted to stir up conflicts between Wakanda and Austria.

   "Hey hey hey, the person who wants to kill you!" Vito smiled sternly, and then ordered the remaining eleven people, "Use the potion, I want to live!"

  Hearing Vito's order, the remaining eleven people immediately took out a metal syringe from their arms, and plunged it into the neck without hesitation. Vito also performed the same operation.

   Immediately, the bodies of the twelve people began to undergo tremendous changes in an instant.

On the other side, when Azuli, who was hiding in the dark, was thinking about the possible origins of people like Vito, the panther senses in his body began to frantically warn. An extremely disturbing aura of tyranny.

  The panther's senses brought by the heart-shaped grass may not be as sharp as the spider's senses, but it is also many times stronger than the average person.

   There was a sudden gust of wind from the side, and Azuli avoided it instantly.

   But when he was still in the air, a long tail slammed onto his body, flying him out, and then slammed into a giant tree in the distance.

Fortunately, the Black Panther suit of this era does not have the energy storage and counterattack function of the Avengers period, but it has the same basic protection function as the shield of the American team. Can't hurt.

  But even with superhuman strength and a battle suit with strong protection.

  When Azuli saw twelve tall monsters like monitor lizards, he was extremely vigilant.

  From the brief contact just now, he has already judged that the strength and speed of the other party are not weaker than him at all.

   This is not too long.

  The black panther possesses super-strong protection. In terms of head-on duels, he can rely on his strong protection and vibrating golden claws to consume the opponent to death.

  But the opponent has a full twelve monsters.

   If surrounded and restricted by the opponent, then the defensive ability of the Zhenjin battle suit is useless.

   After all, the vibrating gold battle suits of this period were still manually worn.

   Once the black panther is restrained, he can take off his armor and kill him.

  As the king, Azuri knows how badly it will affect Wakanda if he falls here. Especially since his father died early because of that war, if he was recorded here, the line of their family would be extinct.

  So Azuli had the idea of ​​retreating immediately.

  But Vito and the others will not let him go so easily. How could such a good opportunity be missed?

  The twelve beast warriors surrounded Azuli.

   It is also a friendly recommendation, similar seedlings, the book is good or not, but the author's show is really showy. It doesn’t matter if you don’t read it or not, it’s all good if you can help me to bookmark and read it.



  (end of this chapter)

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