Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 150: Stormy Wakanda

  Chapter 150 Precarious Wakanda

  Seeing that he was surrounded, Azuli immediately chose a direction where the beast warrior was farthest away from the others, trying to break out of the encirclement.

  The sharp vibrating gold claws ruthlessly grabbed the neck of this beast warrior, tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.

Fortunately, the sharp claws of the cheetah battle armor are not very long. After the transformation of the animal warrior, the body size has increased a lot, and the **** skin has provided a lot of defense bonuses. Otherwise, the carotid artery or even the neck bone will be torn directly. It was broken and died, but now it is only a piece of flesh and blood.

   And precisely because he failed to kill him with one blow, Azuri himself fell into crisis.

  Because for this operation, the veterinary potion used by Vito and his party was specially prepared by Josie for Yuri, and the original potion was mixed with Bossian potion.

   It can be said that after being integrated into Bossian's potion, the animal medicine can be said to have truly reached a perfect state.

  In addition to still having a time limit, the last side effect of the veterinary potion, which is easy to tyrannize bloodthirsty and lose one's mind, completely disappeared under the neutralization of Bossian's potion.

  So under the blessing of this batch of special veterinary medicines, Vito and the other twelve people became truly cold-blooded, efficient, and extremely rational killing machines.

Therefore, in the case of being severely injured by Azuli, not only did the beast warrior not feel the pain so that he lost his position, but he took advantage of Azuli's attack on him and grabbed Azuli's body tightly. Two arms, making it impossible to break free.

   This is not because the Beast Warrior cannot feel pain. Bo Xi'an only suppresses people's emotions, not making people lose their senses.

  But suppressing emotions can also greatly enhance people's tolerance for pain.

   This time, Azuli was so anxious that he kept staring at the beast warrior with his legs.

  The boots of the cheetah battle armor also had hook claws, which immediately stomped the body of the beast warrior to a **** mess.

  But the beast warrior still endured the pain, holding him tightly.

  Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two animal warriors nearby had already thrown themselves down beside them. Each of them grabbed a leg of Azuli that was on his companion, and immediately turned Azuli's back to the sky and held him up in the air.

   Immediately thereafter, two beast warriors stepped forward and began to pull up Azuli's battle armor.

   But that's it, the Beast Warrior is too big to squeeze more people in.

  Azuli was completely panicked. It is conceivable that once his battle armor is stripped, he will have no chance of recovering from these monsters.

  However, he was not superior in strength. After being placed in the air, because he lost his focus, it can be said that he completely lost the ability to resist.

   Soon, one of the beast warriors peeled off a piece of armor on Azuli's right shoulder, exposing the strong shoulder blade muscles underneath.

   With a breakthrough, the rest is easy to handle. Soon another beast warrior stepped forward and tore off Azuli's back armor.

  Azuli felt the cool wind on his back, feeling extremely desperate.

  But at this moment, a spear shot from a distance directly pierced the neck of the beast warrior holding Azuli's right leg.

   is Wakanda's King's Maternal Guard!

  Under normal circumstances, as the king, the Black Panther must be followed by his personal guards in any action.

   But obviously, Azuli, the young king, is a bit too young and energetic.

In addition, the previous process of dealing with those British and French intelligence personnel was too easy, so that Azzurri completely lost his vigilance, and then he broke away from the protection of the pro-guards and plunged into Vito and his group of gangsters inside.

   Fortunately, at this last moment, these personal guards who dedicated everything to the king arrived in time.

   "Stop them!" Seeing the arrival of the king's personal guards, Vito's face sank, and he ordered immediately.

  The remaining beast warriors who received the order, as well as the Velociraptors, all went forward without hesitation.

   It’s just that Vito knows very well that although Wakanda’s royal guards are just ordinary people, with vibrating weapons in hand, his beast warriors may not be able to win the opponent.

  It seems that today it may not be so easy to take Azuli away easily, and immediately looked at Azuli with a hint of viciousness.

   At this time, Azuli was still immersed in the joy of being saved. For the first time, he felt that the girls of the pro-guards were so cute and beautiful, and he didn't notice Vito's eyes.

At the same time, with one leg freed, he immediately took the opportunity to shake off the two beast warriors who were still pulling on his armor, then turned over and stared at the claw again with the freed leg. On the animalized warrior holding his arm.

  Because of his heavy injuries, the beast warrior finally couldn't continue to hold him this time—the recovery ability of the beast medicine is not unlimited.

  In an instant, Azuli, who had been firmly supported, had only one leg left to be controlled by a beast warrior.

   "Your Majesty, be careful!" But just as he was about to try harder to get rid of the last beast warrior, his guard captain Minerva, his teacher and student, shouted from a distance.

   Before he could fully react, there was a burst of pain behind him, and a heart-piercing scream erupted from his mouth.

   Seeing Vito, who was in a bad situation, he decisively attacked him, and slammed his paw on Azuli's unprotected shoulder blade.

   This is fast, accurate and ruthless.

   directly pulled Azuli's arms and half of his shoulders down.

  The young king of Wakanda, now immortal, is basically abolished.

   It's just that, the king's guards in the distance are all crazy.

   If you don't want your life, you rush to Vito's side.

   "Hmph, want your king? Give it back to you!" Seeing this, Vito didn't panic, grabbed the wailing Azuli, and threw it towards the guards.

   Seeing this, the guards didn't care about continuing to fight, and desperately rushed to pick up their own king.

"Let's retreat! Wakanda, you are lucky today, but this matter will not end like this! This hatred, we have recorded it in the Zodiac!" Vito looked at the king who was busy rescuing Azuli. Guard, jokingly said with a smile.

It can only be said that those who are close to the vermilion are red and those who are close to the ink are black. After staying with Josie for a long time, Vito has become more and more old, and without thinking about it, he put this big pot in the past from Josie. The Zodiac, the mysterious organization that has been mentioned several times.

   Then they started to evacuate with their companions and the body of the dead Velociraptor.

  Many soldiers of the king's personal guard were naturally unwilling to let them go like this.

  But the physical fitness and strength of the beast warriors are superhuman. Even if they are carrying the corpses, it is beyond the reach of the guards to catch up with them in this dense jungle with only two legs.

  In the end, he could only retreat bitterly with the seriously injured king, and at the same time keep the name Zodiac firmly in his heart.

   It's just that these guards who were still worrying about their king's injury soon discovered that worse things were yet to come.

   Just as they were rushing towards the royal city with Azuli, they heard the sound of guns from the royal city in the distance.

   When they rushed to a cliff overlooking their own royal city, they saw a large number of foreign legions and British colonial legions below, launching an attack on their royal city.

  Of course it can be seen that the legions of the border tribes on the battlefield easily tore through the defense line of the British and French allied forces, and it was only a matter of time before they won.

  But these pro-guards were not happy about it.

  Because of Wakanda's system, these guards are actually candidates for the princess, so they are not only excellent in combat effectiveness, but also top-notch in terms of knowledge.

  So they are very clear that since the British and French allied forces have appeared in Wangcheng.

   That represents the secret of their country, which can no longer be hidden.

  In the future, the United States, Mao Xiong, Austria, and Italy will all come one after another.

   More importantly, their king is still seriously injured and unconscious.

   This is also a very bad thing.

  Although it is true that Wakanda is a hereditary monarchy, it is not static. The other five major tribes can also compete for the position of king through challenges.

  And a disabled king cannot continue to lead Wakanda.

   Just a day ago, it was still the mighty Wakanda, but now it is visible to the naked eye and has fallen into a precarious situation.

   And just when Wakanda was worried.

  Belgrade, Presidential Palace of the Southern Federation.

  A month ago, after Austria and Mao Xiong secretly reached an agreement, they withdrew from the city.

   Iron Emperor also returned.

  It's just that after experiencing a tragic failure, the current Iron Emperor no longer has the high-spirited spirit of the past, but has a little bit of stagnation and madness.

"Move out the Zodiac, and be sure to find out the secrets of Wakanda before those imperialist countries!" Iron Emperor stood in front of himself after browsing the latest information about confirming the existence of a big secret in Wakanda. UDBA leader Rankovic ordered.

Yes, Josie and even the council have never got to the bottom of it. The Zodiac organization, which is extremely mysterious to the outside world, is actually an elite subordinate action team of the UDBA (Yugoslav Security Agency), the intelligence agency of the Yugoslav Federation. No more, no less. , exactly twelve people.

  In the 21st century, because Yugoslavia has already split into several countries, the world does not know about the institutions that this country belongs to, or even heard of it.

  But if you know more about the history of the confrontation between the red and blue camps, you will know that this is an extremely powerful intelligence agency that can be as famous as Mao Xiong's KGB and CIA.

  Even the behavior of this institution is more cruel than KGB and CIA.

   In comparison, Mossad can only be regarded as a younger brother.

   It’s just that Tie Dadi probably never imagined in his dreams that this team that he has been hiding so deeply has inexplicably put on a heavy and black cauldron before setting off!

  (end of this chapter)

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