Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 155: this is mine now

  Chapter 155 This place belongs to me now

  New York Bell Telephone Company, which is actually the New York branch of the Strategic Science Corps.

   Peggy Carter walked into the office a little tired, but before she could sit down, Director Flynn came out of the office and stopped her.

  Because of Josie’s incident last year, the New York Branch of the Strategic Science Corps also underwent a major shakeup.

   After the original director Roger Dooley and the original staff were pulled out of the New York Police Department by General Phillips, they were demoted and transferred to the Los Angeles branch. Agent Daniel Sousa became the interim director.

However, Susa did not serve as the interim director for too long. After all, he was far from qualified in terms of qualifications, so within a month, the current director Flynn was parachuted to New York and became the new director of the bureau. Became a deputy.

   "Agent Carter, come to my office, I think we need to talk!" Seeing Carter come back, Flynn immediately ordered.

   "Sir!" Soon, Carter walked into the director's office with some reluctance.

   "What do you think you are doing?" Director Flynn asked Carter unceremoniously.

   "I'm preparing to process the documents..." Carter wanted to change the subject, but was immediately interrupted by Flynn.

   "Don't play tricks on me, ma'am! Tell me, what did you do today?" Flynn said unhappily, "Who allowed you to go out to work without any approval?"

   "I just want to contribute..." Carter was helpless

   "You don't need to work hard, ma'am, you just need to complete the tasks I assign to you on time every day, that is, do your best, and they will complete the rest!" Director Flynn emphasized.

   "But sir, I'm a field service..." Carter still wanted to argue.

"That was once! Ms. Carter, everyone here must abide by the rules, even the old lover of Captain America is no exception, oh, it may also belong to the rich man!" Director Flynn completely lost his patience and did not give any more Carter leaves no face.

   "How dare you say that?" Peggy Carter couldn't help being furious when she heard Flynn's words.

"Oh, come on, who doesn't know that because of you, the entire New York branch has become the laughing stock of the US intelligence system? And if it wasn't for that, why do you think you still stay in this office and talk to me?" Flynn said disdainfully. "Of course, you can also ask that rich man to drive me out of New York too."

   Peggy Carter was speechless.

Since the incident last year, the entire New York branch has begun to alienate her. In addition to losing Bucky as a partner, she has been completely reduced to a marginal figure in the New York branch. She can only do odd jobs in the bureau every day. , any field missions are completely insulated from her.

   There was nothing she could do about it.

   Who can be blamed? Blame these colleagues? But to some extent, those colleagues and the Strategic Science Corps lost face and became a laughing stock because of her.

   Blame Josie? He was just a victim, and the other party had conflicts with those original colleagues just to help him.

   Do you want to blame yourself? But Carter asked himself that he had never done anything wrong.

  So if you really want to blame, you can only blame this era, and blame her for being a woman.

   When she walked out of the office, all the agents except Susa gloated.

   Suppressing the resentment in his heart, Carter returned to his desk, and stayed there doing nothing until he got off work.

  After get off work, Carter got stuck and left the office first.

   It's not that she couldn't stay longer, but that she was really in a hurry.

About ten minutes later, Carter appeared in the restaurant where she used to eat with Bucky, and met Howard Stark, who had been waiting here for a long time—the butler, Edwin Jarvis .

   "How is it? Is there any good news?" Carter sat in the next seat and asked softly with his back to Jarvis.

"Yes, I got a message that a nightclub owner and underground broker named Speed ​​Raymond wants to sell one of Mr. Stark's inventions. This is the other party's information." Jarvis quietly passed a The envelope was handed to Carter from behind and said.

   "A black one?" Carter took the envelope, opened it and looked at it with surprise on his face.

   It's not that she discriminates, but that the United States is still in the era of racial segregation. A black nightclub owner is really a bit strange.

"It's nothing surprising. Although he's a bit dark, he's actually a mixed race with a rich father." Jarvis took a sip of coffee, frowned and said, "And the guy who runs a nightclub has always been with gangsters." I don’t know, as long as they can make money, they don’t care about black and white.”

This is just a very cheap restaurant. Jarvis, who was an ordinary British soldier before, would be happy to taste this level of coffee, but after working as Stark's butler for several years, he has seen all kinds of extravagant coffee After life, this kind of poor-quality coffee is hard for him to drink.

   "Okay, is there anything else I need to pay attention to?" Carter nodded and asked.

   "I think you have to hurry up, because I got the news that the transaction is tonight, and if my intelligence is not wrong, your colleagues should also get some news." Jarvis said.

   "I'll take care of everything!" Carter let out a sigh of relief, got up and walked out of the restaurant.

Ten minutes later, Peggy Carter, dressed in a **** evening dress and wearing a blond wig, appeared at the target nightclub—because according to intelligence, the owner of this nightclub, the man named Raymond, Brokers, the best bite is the big blonde.

Except for the color of her hair, Carter obviously fits Raymond's appetite, so she also wants to use this to get close to him—although Carter is not the kind of agent who sells her beauty to perform tasks, she is not Repulsion uses this strength of its own to get things done.

  Looking at the noisy and chaotic environment in the nightclub, Peggy Carter sent away a drunk who struck up a conversation, let out a sigh of relief, and walked towards the second floor with guards.

   "Sorry ma'am, the second floor is not open to the public." Seeing Carter approaching, two guards immediately stopped her.

"I have something to ask Mr. Raymond, and I have something to sell!" Carter pretended to show off her slim figure and said, according to her thinking, these guards should understand their boss's preferences, so let her go .


"Raymond? Hehe, ma'am, your information is outdated, and now this place does not belong to Raymond!" After hearing Carter's words, the two guards looked at each other and smiled, telling Carter the news that surprised him. .

   "What? How is this possible?" Hearing the news, Carter was completely stunned.

   "Nothing is impossible, this lady, my name is Dix, and now this nightclub belongs to me!" At this moment, a very tall white man came down from upstairs.

  (end of this chapter)

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