Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 156: Let's cooperate!

  Chapter 156 Let's cooperate!

  Hearing Dix's name, Peggy Carter suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

  Although she is British, she has been in New York for a year after all, and she still works in the intelligence department, so she naturally knows a lot about the situation in New York.

  Basically, in New York during this period, there were three things not to mess with, and this was the same for them who worked as spies.

The first ones not to mess with are naturally those huge rich people. The Josie Kahn and Howard Stark she knows are the best examples. Of course, Howard is in a bit of a bad situation now, but that is a special reason As a result, under normal circumstances, few people are willing to provoke this guy.

  The second thing not to mess with is the New York police. The premise of this article is to exclude the first group of people. After all, to a certain extent, the New York police are supported by the rich people in New York.

  But it is also because of this reason, as well as the American judicial system, that the New York Police, the largest local police agency in the United States, has become a special group that is difficult for outsiders to intervene, and it is quite united.

  Most of the time, these half-black and half-white intelligence agencies have to avoid the New York police, otherwise they will be very troublesome if they catch the opportunity.

   The third one not to mess with is the mafia, whether it is the Italian mafia or the Irish mafia.

  These "parasites" dormant in the dark side of New York society are existences that all social classes in New York do not want to provoke easily.

  The New York police and the rich are working together with this group of people. Even the FBI has nothing to do with these guys.

   There are countless low-level gangsters, entangled in the offshoots of the mafia, forming an extremely large underworld system.

   And Peggy Carter believes that if he remembers correctly, the leader of the largest Irish Mafia in New York is called Dix.

  My luck won't be so bad, right?

"Hehe, it seems that this lady has heard of my name, why don't you come up for a drink?" Just as Peggy Carter was hesitating and wanted to quit, Dix seemed to see through her thoughts and sent out an invitation road.

Dix in front of me, needless to say, is the old partner of Lyndon Schneider. With the support of Josie, relying on the black water armed force, he killed most of the Jewish gangs in the United States in one fell swoop, and helped the Irish gang regain their position as the leader of the American underworld. A young gangster who became the American underworld giant Dix.

  The reason why he appeared in this nightclub today is also very simple, it was naturally arranged by Josie.

"Mr. Dix, I might..." Peggy Carter wanted to refuse immediately. Her goal was the broker named Raymond, not the Irish mafia boss. But it is really possible to send myself away.

   "Oh, ma'am, your refusal will embarrass me a lot!" Dix shrugged, and Carter was surrounded by a few guards, obviously not allowing Carter to refuse the invitation.

   "I happen to be a little thirsty too, so I'll bother Mr. Dix!" Seeing this, Carter immediately smiled and agreed.

From her eyes, it is not difficult to see that the thugs gathered around are not punks, but have obvious traces of military training, and they are probably veterans. She knows that two fists are no match for four hands , decisively chose to compromise.

   When it's time to be alone with this Dix, there's no rush to find a way out.

   It was just that when Carter walked into the spacious and luxurious office with Dix, and there was still a guard sitting near the door, Carter wanted to scold her a little bit.

   What the **** is this Dix doing under the watchful eye of the guards? Are you so scared of death?

"Okay, ma'am, don't be so nervous, tell me, the police? FBI? Or some other special agency?" However, just as Carter was slandering in his heart, Dix poured her a glass of red wine. Besides, he didn't intend to do anything to her, but asked straight to the point.

   "Mr. Dix, you have misunderstood. I just want to negotiate a deal with the original boss, Mr. Raymond... nothing else!" Peggy Carter forced her composure.

   "Oh... That's it, that's fine, then you can talk to him... Frank!" Dix nodded slightly when he heard this, and then said to the guard sitting at the door.

  The guard called Frank at the door smiled slightly, then walked to a large wardrobe in the office, and opened it.

   Seeing the situation in the coat closet, Peggy Carter couldn't help shrinking her gaze.

  Because the contents inside were two **** corpses.

  One of them was the broker she was looking for, Raymond, another thin white man, but she didn't have any information.

   Yes, now Carter understands that today he has encountered a lot of bad luck, and when he encounters a gang fight, the person he is looking for has long been lost.

   "Look, ma'am, where is you have anything to say?" Dix teased, pointing at Raymond's body.

"Well, since that's the case, Mr. Dix, then I'll keep my mouth shut. The purpose of my coming here is for a chemical formula. If the thing is really in his hands, then Now, I should be in your hands, maybe we can make a deal, how about it?" Seeing this, Peggy Carter forced her composure and said.

   "Look, it's good to get straight to the point. I knew you came here for that thing." Dix smiled, and sat on the boss chair in the office, then opened the drawer, and took out a ball from it.

  Seeing this ball, Peggy Carter's eyes straightened, "Mr. Dix, don't you mean to say that the molecular formula has been weaponized, and this is it?"

   "Yes, that's it." Dix said, and threw the ball towards Peggy Carter.

  From Howard Stark, you have heard about the danger of this thing. Peggy Carter resisted the urge to run away, caught the ball in a hurry, and held it carefully in her hand.

"Hahahahaha, don't be so nervous, ma'am. I know the danger of this thing. In fact, we have already dealt with it. It is safe now and will not explode!" Seeing Peggy Carter's nervous look, Dix I couldn't help laughing out loud.

  Hearing Dix's words, Peggy Carter suddenly had the urge to draw a gun and shoot this bad-natured Irishman. Didn't you tell me what you have dealt with earlier?

   "It seems that Mr. Dix knows this thing very well?" But after calming down, Peggy Carter discovered the key information in Dix's words.

"This is normal, this lady who doesn't know the origin, don't forget who I am! Although we often do some bad things, the main purpose is to make money... and this dangerous thing, Although it can be sold for a lot of money, it will only cause more damage and troubles to our other industries, and these guys will not deserve death for engaging in such dangerous things on our territory!" Dix snorted coldly. soundtrack.

  As Dix said, although most of the mafia's activities are illegal, most of the time, they are the ones who most hope for overall social stability.

  Because only when the overall society is stable, customers of their various businesses can make money safely and steadily, and then consume with them, so that they can make money continuously.

  Only those low-level ruffians who have eaten their last meal and haven't squatted down will think about doing those one-shot deals all day long.

   "Mr. Dix, what do you mean?" Hearing what Sikes said, Carter couldn't help but move.

   "Ma'am, I can see that you are an official. In fact, I think we can reach a cooperation on this matter, and find out all these rats hiding in the sewer..." Dix said slowly.

  Carter's eyes lit up when he heard this.

  She has a background in intelligence, of course she understands what this means.

  When she was in the UK before, she also cooperated with some gangsters in the UK, making them her eyeliner.

  In many cases, these people are even more informed than various intelligence agencies.

"Mr. Dix, I am very happy to get your help, but you should know that our cooperation is impossible to be recognized by the above. At most, I can only make a promise in my personal capacity to cooperate with you !” Carter rolled his eyes slightly.

"Of course, I understand this very well, and this is the reason why I chose you as our partner. After all, in many cases, the reputation of Captain America is more reliable than any official promise." Dix also said with a smile .

  When he heard Dix's words, Carter's expression suddenly dropped, "So you already knew my identity!"

  Dix didn't speak, but looked at the guard named Frank.

   "Frank Sheilan, who served in the 45th Infantry Division, met you and Captain America when he was in Italy!" Frank introduced himself.

  This Frank was the first one in Dix and his gang to quit the gang for his fiancée, wash his hands and join the army.

But unfortunately, after several years of military career, although he returned to the United States with a large retirement allowance, his fiancée had already found another love for him. Not long ago, I found out that Dix, the former old buddy, has now turned into a mafia tycoon, and then he came to seek refuge.

During those years in Europe, he not only met Captain America and Carter, but also Josie and Vito—but the latter two didn’t know it yet. After all, to them, Frank Sheran was just a soldier. , not worthy of their attention at all.

   In fact, Carter is the same. She has no impression of Frank at all, but she still knows about the 45th Infantry Division.

The first performance of the US team in Italy was in the 45th Infantry Division, and the 45th Infantry Division was the main division on the Italian battlefield at that time. If it weren't for the US team, its various contributions could be compared to the 107th Infantry Regiment where Bucky belongs. The 28th Infantry Division to which it belongs is much larger.

"So that's it, yes, I can use the honor of Captain America to promise our cooperation... Then, Sir Dix, can you tell me more information?" Peggy Carter finally nodded and agreed A partnership with Dix, and a pledge in Captain America's honor.

  Although Carter has always disliked the outside world tying herself and the US team together, if it is to do something right, she does not reject making some compromises.

"Of course, the person next to Raymond is the guy who stole Howard Stark's fresh storage room, and after our interrogation, we also learned that the other party belongs to an organization called Leviathan!" Seeing Carter After making a promise, Dix nodded and told the information he knew.

   "Leviathan? What kind of organization is that?" Peggy Carter frowned and asked.

   "If our investigation is correct, it is an institution of the big country opposite, and its nature is similar to the CIA." Dix replied.

   "So that's the case. It's no wonder that most of the technologies Howard lost appeared in the Maoxiong Country." Peggy Carter suddenly realized that, in this case, everything makes sense.

   "Speaking of which, this matter is actually the fault of Howard Stark himself..." Dix said again.

   "How to say?" Peggy Carter asked puzzled.

   "I don't know Ms. Carter, do you know something called Night Light Potion?" Dix asked.

   "...You even know this?" Carter frowned. These mafias of Temiao are too powerful, right?

   "Hehe, I just found out just now that he was tortured. He can't speak, so he can only write... Ms. Carter should read it by herself!" Dix smiled and handed a piece of paper to Carter.

  Carter took the paper in doubt, but after reading the content on it, she understood why Dix said that.

  It turned out that Leviathan's first team members were the survivors of the bear battalion that caused the tragedy because of Howard's night light potion.

At that time, only four people survived in the entire camp. Except for one military doctor, Jonah Finhoff, who put on a gas mask in time, the remaining three survived only after receiving the first aid method of Finhoff's throat intubation. , so they all lost the ability to speak.

And this Lite Bennis who died with Raymond was also one of the three, and among the other two, one of them had already been executed when he was recruited by Leviathan, and the rest The one named Sasha Demidov came to the United States to carry out a latent mission with Lit Bennis.

  As for the military doctor Jonah Finhoff, because he became a senior executive of Leviathan, they didn't know where he was going.

Obviously, as an espionage agency, the Leviathan sent to the United States will certainly not only have two followers, Lite Bennis and Sasha, and there will definitely be more support personnel, just for the benefit of the downline. T. Bennis didn't know it himself.

   And Lite Bennis would choose to sell the technology he stole, because he had actually betrayed Leviathan, so he wanted to sell a batch of goods in exchange for money and run away.

   Just didn't expect to be trading with Raymond, Dix came to the door first.

   "Thank you so much, this information is very important to me!" After reading it, Carter thanked Dix.

   "You're welcome, we're just trying to benefit each other!" Dix waved his hand.

   "In this case, I will leave first, and I will have a lot of important work to do next!" Carter nodded and said, raising the information in his hand.

   "Of course, as you please!" Dix shrugged.

   Immediately, Carter left in a hurry.

   "Boss, everything is settled, she has no doubts!" ​​After Carter left, Dix picked up the phone and reported to the other party after dialing.

   "That's fine, then you can just go about your own business!" On the other end of the phone, Josie, who had just finished the basic training of gun fighting, gasped.

   Long time no see, many people have forgotten Dix



  (end of this chapter)

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