Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 165: Break through the line of defense, Tuogu!

  Chapter 165 Breaking through the defense line, Tuo Gu!

"Your Majesty, those Ethiopians have completely betrayed us. The first line of defense has been breached, and the enemy will soon reach the second line of defense. You should take the queen and retreat first!" The leader of the frontier tribe who was a bit embarrassed , Tapani, who is also the commander-in-chief of the Wakanda military, ran into the palace in a panic and reported to Azulihui who was sitting on the throne.

  Wakanda is a small country with few people and a small land. No matter how powerful it is, it is impossible to have too many depths and defense lines.

  So there are only three lines of defense in total.

  The grasslands and jungles on the border, the mountains in the middle and the royal capital in the hinterland.

  The total strength of the country is not large, excluding those collected Ethiopian troops, the real Wakanda soldiers are only about 120,000.

   Even most of the 120,000 people were temporarily recruited after being forced to cancel the escape strategy, and the original standing force was only about 30,000.

  After all, the population of Wakanda is only about 2 million people. Coupled with the above-mentioned avoidance strategies, it is impossible to maintain a too high standing army size.

  But now half of the 120,000 troops are distributed to various regions of Ethiopia to maintain the rule and border defense of those areas, so the actual guarding troops in the country are only more than 60,000.

   However, after canceling the policy of avoiding the world, Wakanda deployed more than 100,000 servants outside the border, bringing the total number of troops to more than 200,000.

  Of course the Wakanda people are martial. If all the people are soldiers, they can still recruit hundreds of thousands of people.

   It's just that the actions of the United Nations Army were too unexpected and too fast.

  When the Wakanda found out, the United Nations army was less than 50 kilometers away from the border.

And the air force of the United Nations Army also appeared on the battlefield for the first time, and launched a bombardment of Wakanda's defense line-there were more than 100 Phantom 3 fighters that had just entered service from the United States, France, and Britain (can't win?), And more than one hundred Mi-21 fighters produced by Mao Xiong in the past year.

These fighter planes all took off from Eritrea, knowing that conventional light firepower is almost useless against the Wakanda people who have vibranium, so these fighter planes are not equipped with any weapons other than large-yield aerial bombs, and even Reduced fuel tank.

Although Mirage 3 and MiG 21 are both high-altitude and high-speed fighter jets, it does not mean that they cannot act as bombers. Three tons of aerial bombs.

   Adding up to three or four hundred tons of aerial bombs, the bombing power is obviously very limited.

  But the United Nations Army obviously doesn't care about this, because these fighter jets are not the real main force for bombing.

   And just as the United Nations Army expected, after these fighter planes bombed Wakanda, Wakanda's air force was also dispatched on a large scale.

  Wakanda not only has an air force, but surprisingly, all of them are jets. Although the number is not as large as that of the United Nations Army, there are hundreds of them.

  If the bombers who bombed Wakanda before were those ordinary bombers currently in service in various countries of the United Nations, then obviously they would suffer a big loss.

  But the commanders of the United Nations Army-Eisenhower and Vasilevsky have already expected this.

  Although the Wakanda Air Force is all jets, after preliminary intelligence investigations, the United Nations Army believes that the probability of Wakanda developing a super fighter that surpasses the Mirage 3 and Mi-21 for more than ten years is extremely low.

  The current situation has also confirmed this point. Wakanda's fighter jets are indeed more advanced than the generation of fighter jets they were originally equipped with, but they are extremely limited.

   There is no super spaceship like the one Josie saw when watching movies in her previous life.

Although the performance of these fighters is not bad in all aspects, and they are invulnerable, but in the face of the Mirage 3 and Mi-21, which have completed bombing and have dropped to the lowest weight, they can only be treated as monkeys and quietly taken away. Wakanda's airspace.

  At this time, the real air strikes of the United Nations army revealed their true faces from the high-altitude clouds-they were a large number of medium and heavy bombers, thousands of them.

  Thousands of bombers were divided into three teams, and they bombarded Wakanda's three lines of defense.

During the whole bombing process, they did not aim carefully, and just threw them at places where there were buildings. They didn’t care whether they were bombing military buildings or civilian buildings—the countries that had just experienced World War II didn’t care at all except at the negotiating table. What Geneva Convention.

   After the bombers were thrown, they dispersed into more batches and evacuated in different directions.

  As the former colonies of Britain and France, there are actually many old-fashioned airports in Africa. Although the two countries have basically lost control of these areas, they can easily regain control of these airports under the promise of the interests of the United Nations General Assembly.

   After being scattered and evacuated, the Wakanda Air Force who got the news and rushed back did not know where to chase.

   And being teased by the previous high-speed fighters for a while, they didn't have enough fuel, so they could only land in despair.

  In the end, only a few bombers were unlucky and shot down.

  The overall loss can be described as extremely small.

In contrast, Wakanda's three lines of defense, under such a violent air strike, all three of Wakanda's defense lines suffered heavy losses-although Wakanda's vibrating gold could not be used up, it was not enough. It doesn't mean that Wakanda's three lines of defense are all made of pure vibrating gold, and there will always be some omissions.

  But the real heavy damage is actually casualties.

   After all, the power of aerial bombs is still very great. Those Wakanda fighters hiding in the Zhenjin bunker are okay. If they are unfortunately in the open air, they will die or die.

   What's more, during this air strike, there were some very discordant scenes—that was some yellow and green smoke.

   That's sarin and mustard.

  Someone mixed biological and chemical weapons into the bombing bombs.

  Because it is the United Air Force, it is impossible to tell which country is responsible for it in a short time.

  Wakanda obviously did not expect that the United Nations Army would actually work so low.

After all, even during World War II, no matter whether it was the Allies or Mao Xiong, they did not use biological and chemical weapons on the frontal battlefield. Although the Germans stocked a large number of biological and chemical weapons, they only used them in concentration camps and did not use them on the frontal battlefield. .

  The only ones who have actually used biological and chemical weapons on the frontal battlefield are Italian and foot pot chickens.

   But in the United Nations Army, there are no troops from these countries, and it is impossible to have their troops—because the war has not been long, and it is impossible for the Allied countries to allow these countries to have troops.

  However, under such circumstances, the United Nations Air Force brazenly used biological and chemical weapons against Wakanda.

   This is something Wakanda didn't expect.

   Without investigation, a large number of Wakanda soldiers died in the floating poisonous gas.

  Under the multiple blows, the Ethiopian army on the first line of defense collapsed directly, but it was ahead of the newly arrived United Nations ground troops, which had an impact on the Wakanda army behind.

   Coupled with the heavy artillery bombardment of the United Nations ground forces, the first line of defense was directly broken.

  The second line of defense has also become precarious.

  More importantly, civilians also suffered heavy casualties, making the whole of Wakanda wailing.

"Go? My people are wailing outside, how can I go..." Facing Tapani's wailing, Azuli on the throne sighed heavily, got up from the throne, and looked outside The city filled with gunpowder smoke, with mournful faces.

  Although after being injured, his character became gloomy and prone to rage, and he also cleaned up the high-level tribes to consolidate the kingship.

  But to a certain extent, isn’t this a helpless move in the face of external pressure from Europe and the United States?

  Under the covetousness of those white countries in the outside world, Wakanda, who has mastered the vibration gold, is a child holding gold and sharp knives. They will never give you a chance to grow up.

   Azuri sees it clearly.

  So in the past year or so, in addition to consolidating internally and expanding externally, he has been forcing domestic scientists to study nuclear weapons, and has been trying to coerce and buy European and American scientists in an attempt to obtain nuclear weapon information.

  The intention is to have sufficient self-protection capabilities before those white countries attack Wakanda.

   But obviously, he failed.

  Those white nations were more united than he had imagined, and quick to respond.

  To be exact, Azuri and Wakanda executives ignore the contemptuous attitude of white people towards black people because of the experience of the past hundreds of years.

  In this era of apartheid.

   Few whites can allow blacks to stand with them on an equal footing, let alone allow a black country that is stronger than a white country.

  Because they are afraid!

   They are afraid that the black people who have become stronger will crush their heads, and they are also afraid that they will be retaliated against by the black people who have become stronger because of the experience of the past hundreds of years.

  So whether it is for the hard-hit Britain and France, or the United States and Mao Xiong.

   Wakanda must die.

  The United Nations must win this war.

   Even Mao Xiong and the United States have negotiated in private. If the United Nations fails, the two countries will carry out a saturated nuclear strike on Wakanda.

  The main purpose of sending regular troops to fight in the early stage is to stimulate gold.

   After all, if you bomb directly with nuclear weapons, under the cover of nuclear radiation, Zhenjin can't be mined, and it can't be used after mining.

  Azuli didn’t understand this before, but when the United Nations army brazenly launched this war and even used biological and chemical weapons, he realized it.

"Your Majesty, as long as we are still alive, we will still have a chance, and with the protection of the Black Panther God, we will finally be able to make a comeback!" Seeing Azuli's gesture, Tapani felt an ominous feeling in his heart. With a hunch, he immediately persuaded again.

   "That's right, we do have a chance to make a comeback, but I can't leave! Tapani, I want to give you a mission!" Azuli turned around suddenly, and said to Tapani in a deep voice.

   "Your Majesty, tell me!" Tapani's face became more serious when he heard that.

"You are my best brother, this matter can only be left to you!" Azuli said, "You should have discovered it? Since our launch last year, the output of Zhenjin Mine has dropped by half. There is also a lot less vibranium in stock.”

   "Yes, Your Majesty, I thought it was the research department doing research..." Tapani was taken aback when he heard this, and then replied.

"No, it's not. In fact, our ancestors have already made preparations for this day, and built some secret places around the world, storing a lot of vibration gold. And after we came out, I also Most of the inventory was scattered and transported to those secret places, and the map is in this box, and only the blood of the panther can open it!" Azuli shook his head, took out a box from his arms, and handed it to Tapani.

  Tapani was stunned, only the blood of the panther can be opened? But the current His Majesty is an only son... Several princesses are not pregnant... Wait, princess?

   "Your Majesty, you mean that Abra is pregnant?" Tapani suddenly raised his head and asked in surprise.

  Wakanda in this period was still polygamous, so there were several princesses.

   And Azuli gave him the box containing the future of Wakanda, then there is only one possibility, that is, the pregnant princess is the person closest to him.

   This person is Tapani's own sister, Abra.

"Yes, it's been more than three months, and I even named him T'Chaka! I'm already preparing a submarine off the coast of Somalia, you take her, and a group of my personal guards, Go to the Amazon, the high priest has already prepared a foothold there, and has placed a group of our people in advance, so, protect Abra and the child in her belly..." Azuli nodded and put the box on the into the hands of Tapani.

   "Your Majesty, if that's the case, then why don't you come with us? T'Chaka shouldn't be born without a father!" Tapani held the box firmly, looking at Azuli and said with some embarrassment.

   "My pride does not allow me to leave, and His Majesty Buster will not allow me to leave, because I am a black panther!" Azuri shook his head resolutely.

   "...Your Majesty!" Tapani couldn't bear it.

   "Let's go, my brother, Abra is already waiting for you, if you don't go, it will be too late!" Azuli smiled and waved his hands.

   "...Your Majesty, take care!" Seeing this, Tapani gritted his teeth and stopped persuading him. He immediately turned around and walked towards the backyard of the palace, his sister's bedroom.

   After Tapani left, Azuli put on the black panther suit slowly... But the right arm is no longer needed, anyway, the whole one is a Zhenjin prosthetic.

   Azuli put on the equipment and prayed, and walked out of the palace hall.

  At the door is the long-awaited king's personal guard.

   "You are whiter than me (Wakanda: must win!)!"

   "You are whiter than me!"

  However, after the entire royal city suffered an air raid, it seemed quite chaotic.

  So Azuli and his guards, who were taking the vows, didn't realize that in the backyard of the palace, three white men, one woman, two men, and three white men had been sneaked in.

  The comers took advantage of the darkness of last night and were airdropped to the rear of Wakanda, including Peggy Carter and three super soldiers.

  Because of jet packs and super physical strength, they bypassed the Wakanda checkpoint yesterday night, entered the royal city, and held a family hostage, and asked something from that family.

And taking advantage of the chaos after the bombing, the three of them approached the palace after disguising—no way, the Wakanda palace, as the tallest and most luxurious building in the palace, is so eye-catching, they can’t even see it .

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   In addition, thanks to the stupid kid, book friend 20220420093310319, book friend 20210301106454690580, book friend 20200309213050117, Zhou Papi, Dao Wujiang, etc. for your rewards



  (end of this chapter)

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