Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 166: 166th Invasion!

  Chapter 166 One hundred and sixty-sixth invasion!

   "Hurry up, this way!" Tapani led a team of border soldiers to guard his pregnant sister Abra, and walked towards the back door of the palace.

  Where is there, there is a convoy that has been waiting for a long time.

   "Captain Carter, that might be an important person, do we want it?" In the corner, Luc DeLove, one of the super soldiers, looked at these Wakandas who were obviously dressed differently, and couldn't help asking Carter.

"They are not our target, don't cause trouble!" Looking at the convoy that has already started, Carter shook his head. There are quite a few people on the other side. It may not be easy for the three of them to quickly resolve the battle, but she is protecting the crowd. The face of Abra in the movie is firmly in my heart.

   She knew Tapani, and she had seen the other party's introduction in the mission briefing before departure.

  But Abra is unknown.

   Don't look at Wakanda has been exposed to the eyes of the world for more than a year.

  But in this era of extremely underdeveloped communications, the transmission of information is inherently slow, and Wakanda's protection of high-level personnel is very strict.

  So apart from a few high-level officials such as King Azuri and Tapani as the military commander, the rest of Wakanda's high-level information is rarely obtained by countries.

   Not to mention Abra, who is just one of Azuli's harem.

   As for the news of Abra's pregnancy, only Azuli, Tapani and a very small number of royal medical staff knew.

   According to outside information, the young Wakanda king Azuri does not have any heirs.

  As long as Azuli is captured or killed, Wakanda can officially declare its subjugation, and they can justifiably carve up the entire Wakanda.

   After Tapani and his party left, the three of Carter leaned out from their hiding place and groped into the depths of the palace.

Because he had a premonition of his impending defeat, the king brought his personal guards to the front line again, so even though the United Nations is only storming the second line of defense, most of the non-combatants in the palace have basically been sparse, and it seems quite deserted , only a very small number of guards are still doing their final duties.

  Under such circumstances, the infiltration of the three of Carter was very smooth. Even if the other party had a vibrating weapon, they could not pose any threat to the three of them.

  After subduing and interrogating the two guards, they soon knew where Wakanda's research institute and the severe punishment prison were located—the mountain behind the king's city, the mountain where the huge black panther statue was.

"Bushet... It seems that we have lost our way!" The so-called Wangshan ran a dead horse, looking at the mountain, which was probably at least ten kilometers away, another super soldier Andrew Scott couldn't help but burst out. foul language.

"Okay, let's stop complaining, let's go as soon as possible. Since the Wakanda people have already started to demobilize their personnel, it is estimated that the research institute will also be transferred. If we don't hurry up, we won't find anything!" Carter couldn't help but frowned on the mountains that were quite far away, but the current situation was not the time for them to complain.

  If they don't act quickly and wait until the United Nations forces enter the capital, their mission will basically fail.

  Why don't you use a jetpack to hit the road?

   It's funny, this is the enemy's capital, wouldn't using a jetpack here tell the Wakandas to come and catch them?

Moreover, the fuel of the jet pack is limited. Although it uses the highly efficient liquid hydrogen fuel of the Red Alert technology, it is not luxurious enough to be used for traveling—the game is just a game after all, and the fuel of a small backpack cannot Let people fly in the sky without landing.

  Of course, if the Ark reactor can be obtained in the future, that will be another matter.

   Speaking of the ark reactor, Josie is actually looking forward to it.

   Because this joke was invented by the future Tony Stark, it is actually wrong.

   The real inventor of this thing is Howard invented something based on the energy of the Rubik's Cube, but it is limited by the material problems of the era, so it cannot be miniaturized.

  But the current situation has changed a little, that is, the vibration gold has been spread in advance.

  In the case of a large amount of vibration gold, after Howard invented the Ark reactor, whether he can miniaturize it in advance is what Josie is looking forward to very much.

  This is also one of the important reasons why he secretly pushed for Wakanda to appear in advance.

   After all, the era of Tony Stark is too far away from now.

  Although Josie is confident that he can live to that time, but for nearly seventy years, he is afraid that he will not have the patience.

"Although they are all Neko, this country is not a backward country that can't even make a screw, so I think somewhere, there must be a suitable means of transportation, right, buddy?" But when Carter and Andrew were ready to run to their destination, Luc turned his attention to the two Wakanda palace guards who were under control.

  Hearing his reminder, the two of Carter's eyes lit up.

  Five minutes later, three locomotives with a very sci-fi appearance roared out of the palace and galloped on the avenue of Wakanda—frightened pedestrians who were fleeing on the road gave way.

  Although Wakanda is rich, because the vibration gold is firmly controlled by the royal family, the life of the common people seems quite primitive.

   In addition, public transportation such as trams and trains in Wangcheng is relatively complete and free, so there is no private transportation in Wangcheng.

   Therefore, at this moment of national calamity, except for families with livestock, most civilians can only escape with their legs like other backward countries in Africa.

   Fortunately, the three of Carter are transformed superhumans with super reflexes, so they won't bump into people if they drive a little faster.

And before the three of them set off, they all wrapped themselves tightly in the cloak costumes of the Wakanda palace guards and wore helmets. Along the way, no one found that the three of them were white, and they thought they were rushing to perform tasks. of the palace guards.

  What the three of them didn't know was that shortly after they left the palace, another figure wearing a mask sneaked into the palace.

   After killing several palace guards subdued by the three of Carter, this figure also rode a locomotive towards Zhenjin Mountain.

  In this era, although there is a certain gap between the speed of locomotives and later generations, it is not very huge.

   Especially since Wakanda also uses Vibranium as a material.

  For example, the military Harley-Davidson WLA of this era, that is, the old World War II motorcycle that the American team rode in the movie, has a top speed of 65 miles per hour, which is about 105 kilometers.

   And these locomotives dedicated to the guards of the Wakanda palace have a speed of eighty miles, which is 128 kilometers.

  Although I didn't go full speed on the road.

   But it took about ten minutes to arrive at the entrance at the foot of the mountain.

  Compared to the royal palace where personnel have already begun to evacuate, Zhenjin Mine is the most important strategic resource in Wakanda. The evacuation speed here is much slower, but the guards are also stricter.

   From a distance, he signaled the three people coming at a high speed to stop.

"What should I do, captain?" After the three of them stopped the car slowly, Luc and Andrew looked at Carter together. In this situation, seeing the guard situation and the narrow passage, the fool also knew that it was impossible to The palace sneaked in as silently as it did.

   "There is no other way, we can only force our way in, let's go in from there!" Peggy Carter observed the situation for a while, and finally pointed to the black panther statue near the top of the mountain.

  It is not just a statue, but also a viewing platform.

  Even in the era when Wakanda's technology reaches its peak in the future, it will still be one of the entrances and exits of the vertical lift spacecraft.

   But now Wakanda's technology is not that advanced, so fighter jets need runways just like outside countries.

  Hearing Carter's decision, Luc and Andrew glanced at each other, then undid the camouflage on their bodies, and activated their jetpacks.

   At this time, the Wakanda mine guards in front of them naturally understood that these three were enemies, and immediately raised their weapons to shoot.

  However, the long-range weapons in the hands of Wakanda in this era are not the kind of one-handed sonic cannons that are so powerful that they can be used for melee and long-range combat, but are similar to a kind of crossbow.

  In the future, Wakanda's weapons will be so terrifying because they have developed micro-batteries and wireless charging technology with super battery life based on various technological theories of external civilizations, and then using the characteristics of vibration metal.

   After all, no matter how powerful vibrating gold is, it is just a kind of metal in the final analysis, and it is not an energy source by itself.

  So just like Captain America's shield, without the support of energy, it can only be a cold weapon.

   Don’t look at it as a crossbow, but because the arrowhead is vibrating gold, its kinetic energy decay rate is very low after firing, so its power is no worse than the full-power rifle bullets of this era.

  If the three of Carter hadn't reacted quickly enough, they might have been shot into a sieve on the spot.

   Dodging the shots of the Wakandas, the three of them quickly activated their jetpacks and flew to the viewing platform on the abdomen of the black panther statue in the middle of the upper cliff.

   Sure enough, Carter's choice was correct, because the volley here is hundreds of meters above the ground, and there is no need to worry about the defense here under normal circumstances, so there is no one here.

  However, they acted quickly, and the guards in other places would rush over soon—the first time they entered, the outer guards of Wakanda below had already sounded the alarm.

   "Oh my God, are these vibrating gold?" Follow the viewing platform of the black panther statue and walk into the interior of the mountain.

  The eyes of the three of Carter straightened instantly.

Because in the past thousands of years, the entire interior of the mountain has already been dug out by the Wakanda people for an extremely wide internal space, and the rock walls of the entire space are full of vibrating gold mines that are full of blue light. .

   "Such a huge and rare resource is actually in the hands of these ignorant Nekos. God is probably blind!" Andrew glanced greedily at the ore in the mountain, and his words were full of disdain for the Wakanda people.

  Hearing his words, Carter and another super soldier, Luc, frowned subconsciously.

  Due to the reasons of the times, although they will have a little prejudice against black people from the bottom of their hearts, they will not deliberately belittle and abuse black people because of this.

  And Andrew's situation is obviously completely different from theirs, and the two of them can also see that Andrew covets these priceless vibration gold mines.

  This mentality—how did he survive the strengthening of the super soldier potion?

  Carter couldn't help but think of the villain among the super soldiers, Schmidt!

"Okay, now is not the time to be in a daze, I think that should be the place we are looking for!" Although he was a little uneasy about Andrew's performance, Carter also understood that the task should be the priority now, so he forcibly pressed his thoughts, Pointing to the towering building in the center of the mountain space, which leads directly to the top of the mountain.

  Three people have super vision, and the building is transparent, so they can easily see many people wearing scientific research costumes and a large number of soldiers wearing Wakanda national costumes are constantly destroying materials and moving supplies.

   Obviously, as Carter had guessed before, the Wakanda people are preparing to evacuate.

  The arrival of the three of Carter and the others has already set off an alarm in the mountain, and the actions of the people in the tower have become more hasty.

  At the same time, the three of them could also see Wakanda guards at the foot of the mountain and everywhere around them, rushing towards them.

   "Don't care about them, let's go straight there!" Carter opened his jetpack again and flew directly towards the central research institute, preparing to break the glass and rush into the interior.

  However... there was a bang.

  The imagined scene of broken glass did not appear.

  Carter's situation is more likely to be a moth that hit the glass. Instead of breaking the glass, it knocked itself into a daze.

   That is to say, the physique of the super soldier is strong enough, otherwise, if he hits it at the speed of a jetpack, he would be killed by an ordinary person.

  However, although Carter did not die, he also lost consciousness for a short time, so that he could no longer control the jetpack, and the whole person started to fall directly towards the bottom of the mountain.

   Fortunately, the super soldier Luc who was following her hurriedly accelerated and caught Carter before she landed.

   Otherwise, if you fall from a height of several hundred meters, you may not be able to withstand the physique of a super soldier.

   "Captain Carter, are you okay?" After grabbing Carter, Luc shook her body and asked.

   "It's okay, just a little dizzy." After waking up, Carter waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, but his face was a little embarrassed.

  Wakanda's glass is so strong, which is somewhat beyond her expectations.

   "It seems that the material of these glasses is a bit unusual. I suspect that the Wakanda may have added vibranium into it!" Andrew on the other side came to a conclusion after knocking on the glass with his fist.

  It was only at this time that Carter and Luc discovered that although the glass looked transparent from the front, it also glowed blue when viewed from the side—adding metal to the glass is not a new operation. Most of the colored glass is caused by the addition of trace amounts of metal oxides.

  So vibrating gold can naturally be added to the glass to make it stronger, but the amount added cannot be too much.

   "Let me do it!" Carter, who understood, immediately drew out his Zhenjin Sword.

  Although glass with only a small amount of vibrating gold added is strong, it is much worse than a long sword with a higher vibrating gold content.

  Just one sword strike, and the vibrating glass in front of them shattered.

  Behind the glass originally thought that Carter and the others would not be able to enter those scientific researchers, so they fled around immediately—they are not soldiers, and they don't have the courage to resist foreign enemies, which is normal.

   Only a few guards dared to step forward and fight with Carter and the others.

  But facing the three super soldiers, their resistance seemed very weak.

   While the three of them were raging inside the mine, the figure who had been following them also rushed to the mine on a motorcycle.

   At this time, most of the guards at the entrance of the mine had entered the interior of the mountain to encircle and suppress the three of Carter, leaving only four people at the entrance.

   This latecomer killed the four of them very easily, and then slowly walked into the mine!

  (end of this chapter)

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