Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 167: Starting today, the board of directors has the final say!

  Chapter 167 Starting today, the council has the final say!

"Go to hell, bastard!" At the bottom of the pit, a Wakanda guard rushed towards the enemy in front of him with a weapon, but the opponent just turned slightly sideways to avoid his attack, and then a metal arm grabbed his weapon hand. Give it a hard twist.

  The Wakanda warrior could only scream and let go of his weapon.

  But in the next second, the other hand reached out and broke his neck.

  After finishing off the Wakanda guard, the visitor raised his head and looked at the building in the center of the mine.

  In the middle of the building, there is a broken place, which is where Peggy Carter and other three super soldiers broke into.

   "You two go to the reference room, and I'll go to the prison to find the prisoners in custody!" Carter ordered Luc and Andrew in a stairwell upstairs.

  After breaking into the building, they arrested a few staff members for a brief interrogation, and learned about the location of the data room where all Wakanda's vibration technology is located and the prison where heavy criminals are held.

   It's just that one of these two places is upstairs, and the other is downstairs.

  However, the difference between the floors is not very big, so there is no need to go out and break the glass exterior wall again.

   So Carter immediately made a decision to divide the troops into two groups.

   "No problem!" Regarding Carter's decision, Luc and Andrew looked at each other without any objection—they wished to be separated from Carter.

  As the subordinates of the council, they are naturally willing to obtain some benefits for their real superiors. Obviously, Wakanda's scientific and technological information is the best thing.

   In contrast, rescuing the Zodiac agents of the Southern Federation was purely a CIA task, and it didn't matter to them whether they completed it or not. Since Carter was willing to do it for him, they were also happy to succeed.

   So the two sides immediately separated.

  Carter ran all the way downstairs, went down three floors, and arrived at the heavy prison.

  After arriving here, Carter found that there were a little more people detained here than she thought.

   There are whites and blacks.

  All the cell doors are made of the vibrating gold glass on the outer wall of the building, which is extremely strong.

  However, due to the content problem, Carter's Zhenjin Sword should still be easy to break open.

"Whoa whoa, how could someone break into a Wakanda prison? Looks like an Englishman with a shield and a sword... Are you a Knight of the Round Table? A female Knight of the Round Table! A British version of Joan of Arc ?” Just as Carter finished off a few guards and was about to look for his brother in the prison, a white man with a gloomy complexion suddenly whistled at her in a cell beside him.

  But Carter just glanced at him, ignored him at all, and looked for the cell where his brother was held.

   And the white man didn't care, he just sat leisurely in the corner of the cell, watching Carter look around.

   What surprised Carter was that after some searching, she didn't find her brother and the other two Southern Federation agents at all.

   Did those Wakanda fool themselves?

   Peggy Carter couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

   "Wow, it seems that our British Joan of Arc has encountered a little trouble." Just then, the man spoke again.

   "Who are you? Why are you locked up here?" Carter looked at the man and asked.

"Good question, my name is Fritz, Fritz Crow, an ordinary Billis explorer!" The man named Fritz shrugged and introduced himself, "If I guess correctly, you should be in Get some Yugoslavs."

   "Do you know they are there?" Carter asked with bright eyes when he heard Fritz's words.

   "Of course, ma'am, but it's a bit inconvenient for me to talk like this!" Fritz pointed to the vibrating glass prison door in front of him.

  Without saying a word, Carter raised the long sword in his hand and smashed the prison door with ease.

"Ah, the taste of freedom, it's been 6 years, these **** **** have locked me in this little cage for 6 years, do you know how I've lived these 6 years? These **** savages!" Fritz walked out of the prison, took a deep breath, and complained to Carter.

"I don't care how long you were imprisoned, nor why you were imprisoned here, I only care about where the Yugoslavs you mentioned were imprisoned, tell, otherwise..." Carter was not interested in listening to Fritz Nonsense, asked directly holding the sword against his neck.

"Oh, ma'am, relax, I'll take you there, but you have to promise to do me a favor!" Facing Carter's threat, Fritz raised his hands very honestly. Observation revealed that Carter's shield and long sword were vibrating gold weapons, and Carter's skill was terrifyingly strong. Even Carter's burly height of over 1.8 meters made him feel oppressed.

  In this case, he is crazy to fight against the other party.

   And if he wants to leave here, he probably needs the help of this "Knight of the Round Table". After all, he can't beat those Wakanda guards.

   "Quick!" Seeing this, Carter withdrew his sword. Simply spit out a word.

"Of course, just follow me. What happened outside? Are you from the British government? Britain and Wakanda are at war? I guess the British lost, no, since you can break into here, why not As flustered as those Wakanda people were before, did the British win? But it’s not right, before I was locked up, the British were driven into the sea by the Germans, how could it be possible to beat Wakandan, who might be stronger than the Germans? Canda." Fritz chattered while leading Carter through the building.

"Shut up, if you say one more word, I'll cut off your tongue, I believe that even if you can't speak, it won't prevent you from leading me to the person I'm looking for!" Carter was harassed by this chattering man It's so annoying, said furiously.

   "Okay, okay, I'll shut up!" Seeing Carter's anger, Fritz immediately stopped talking, but he stopped after walking a few steps.

   "What's wrong?" Carter asked with a frown.

   "Eh, is that gentleman your companion?" Fritz pointed to the far end of the corridor.

Carter was taken aback when he heard the words, and looked in the direction he pointed, and saw a tall man breaking the neck of a Wakanda guard, and there were several Wakanda guards around him corpse.

   It's just that the other party is wearing a black mask, so Carter can't see his face clearly.

   But the figure of the other party gave her a very familiar feeling, but she couldn't remember it for a while, so she frowned involuntarily.

"Oh, it seems that other people broke in here, and they were actually broken into by two forces at once. It seems that something big happened in Wakanda that I didn't know about, but... very happy!" Seeing Carter's expression, Ritz immediately came to a conclusion, and let out a gleeful laugh.

  At this time, the figure at the other end of the corridor seemed to have noticed the movement on their side, and looked at them with cold eyes without any emotion.

   But maybe it was because the target of the other party was not Carter and Fritz. After discovering them, the other party did not do anything special, but walked straight upstairs.

  Just at the moment when the other party moved, Carter's eyes caught the other party's swinging left arm, flashing a metallic luster.

   Then think of the other person's familiar figure.

   Carter's mind immediately appeared a person's name.

   "Bucky? Is that you?" Carter blurted out immediately, and shouted towards the figure.

   It was just the figure of the other party leaving, turning a deaf ear to Carter's shout.

   "It seems that you have identified the wrong person!" Seeing this, Fritz raised his eyebrows.

  Carter frowned and didn't speak. That figure was too similar to Bucky, and his left hand was prosthetic.

   More importantly, looking at the direction of the other party, it seems that the purpose is also the research institute and reference room.

   This doesn't seem like a coincidence, and I don't know if Luc and Audru can handle it.

   But Carter quickly threw this suspicion out of his mind, just kidding! Luc and Andrew are super soldiers just like him. No matter who the other party is, Carter doesn't believe that the other party can single out two super soldiers one-on-one.

   "Don't talk nonsense, take me to find someone!" After thinking about it, Carter immediately scolded Fritz.

  Instead of thinking about these things, it is better to complete the task on your side first.

   "Okay, turn right ahead, there is a medical center, and the three Yugoslavs are locked up there!" Fritz said hastily.

   "Wait, you said the medical center? Why were they locked up in the medical center?" Carter was puzzled.

"It's very simple. The three Yugoslavs seem to have been injected with some kind of medicine by someone. Although they are still alive, the situation has been unstable. The Wakanda people are curious about this, so they want to study them." Fritz explained.

  Hearing Fritz's explanation, Carter immediately thought of the conclusion in the mission briefing that the Zodiac agent might have suffered some kind of biochemical experiment and became a super soldier.

   Now that Fritz said that the situation of the three agents was unstable, Carter couldn't help feeling a little worried.

  She, who is also a super soldier, is very aware of the risks involved. Among the ten people who were at the same time as her, among the five who survived, there are still two people who are half dead due to the side effects of the medicine.

   She couldn't help but worry about her brother Michael's situation.

   Soon, under the leadership of Fritz, Carter found the medical center he was talking about after killing a team of Wakanda guards who found them.

   However, compared to other places where there are guards, there is no defensive force at all here.

  Only in an isolation room in the corner of the medical center, three people were locked up.

   "Peggy? Is that you?" One of them exclaimed in disbelief when he saw Carter coming.

   This person is none other than Carter's brother Michael Carter.

   Just looking at the burly figure of his sister now, Michael Carter said that he couldn't help but yell. When I was young, my sister was smaller than me and could beat me violently, but now the other party is so big...

   "Long time no see, my dear brother, I think it is very necessary for you to explain your situation." Seeing his brother, Carter also showed a smile, but this smile made Michael feel cold behind his back.

  As twins, Michael certainly understood the meaning of his sister's words, it was nothing more than the situation after his disappearance.

"Of course, Peggy, I didn't do all this voluntarily. After I performed the mission, the plane crashed in Yugoslavia and was rescued by the Iron Emperor's army. But because of the impact, I lost all my memory. So I can only stay under Emperor Tie, and because of my good ability, I became an agent of the Zodiac... Everything happened when I lost my memory!" Michael explained at the fastest speed.

   "A very reasonable explanation! Then why are you recovering your memory now?" Carter couldn't help but nodded after hearing Michael's explanation.

"You can tell by looking at my current situation. The Wakanda people are very interested in the zodiac potion on us, but after a year of research, they didn't make much progress, but they accidentally cured my zodiac potion. Amnesia!" Michael replied.

   "I see, let's prove something that only you and I know!" Carter nodded in agreement with Michael's explanation, but in order to ensure safety, she continued to ask a question.

   "Of course, in 1927, Dragon Quest!" Michael replied without hesitation.

  For Michael, this can be said to be a childhood nightmare-Carter was playing a game of Dragon Quest alone on the grass at the time. It was a game in which the princess was captured by the dragon and the knight rescued it.

  But the role that the young Carter gave himself was not a princess, but a knight!

  Michael, who was already a head taller than Carter, secretly snatched Carter's wooden sword from behind, but was pushed back by Carter and fell to the ground.

   It was also from that time on that I had never defeated my sister.

   It can be said that it is already the shadow of his childhood.

"Very good! Michael, you saved yourself a beating!" Hearing Michael talking about childhood fun, Carter finally had a smile on his face, and then raised the sword in his hand high, under the surprised eyes of the three of Michael , Split the isolation room.

   "If you want to survive, follow closely!" After Carter finished speaking, he immediately walked out without looking back.

  She was going to support her two companions. Although they were both super soldiers, for some reason, Carter always felt a little uneasy.

  The rescued Michael and Fritz, who were also rescued by Carter, looked at each other, and followed Carter's footsteps without hesitation.


  At the same time, New York.

   At this time, Wakanda is around 16 o'clock in the afternoon, while in New York, it is around nine o'clock in the morning.

  In the competitive social club in New York, nine directors gathered together.

   This board meeting was initiated by Calvin Chadwick.

   "Tell me, Calvin, why did you call us for a meeting?" Thomas, who was sitting in the main seat, looked at Calvin, who was sitting in the lower hand on the left, and asked.

"Everyone, I have called you all of a sudden this time because I have some good news to tell you, that is, Etheldan has made a new breakthrough in the research of zero matter!" Calvin Chadwick stood up, full of ambition proclaimed.

   "Oh? That's really good news, show it to us!" Thomas and the directors including Josie looked at each other and said.

"Please allow me to introduce Mr. Jason Wilkes, the chief scientist of the Etherdan Group's zero-matter project!" Following Calvin Chadwick's announcement, outside the small door of the meeting room, walked in A black man in a suit and tie.

  Seeing the appearance of this black man, all the directors frowned instinctively.

  Why is it a black man? What is Calvin Chadwick up to?

   This is the first thought in the minds of all directors.

  After all, whether it is a peripheral club or a council, one of the important conditions for joining is that they must be pure whites—the kind that cannot have a trace of mixed blood.

  Now, however, Calvin Chadwick blatantly brings a black man into the club, which is a taboo.

  Even if the other party is a scientist.

   "Ah, Jason, it seems that the directors are not satisfied with your appearance!" Looking at the expressions of the directors, Calvin said jokingly.

   "I believe they will accept my existence soon, sir!" A smile appeared on Jason's face, and he raised his right hand slightly, and a strange black liquid appeared in his palm.

  Seeing the appearance of this mass of black fluid, all the directors except Hugh Jones instinctively shuddered.

  Because at this moment, the temperature in the conference room dropped by at least several degrees.

   "Calvin, what do you want to do?" Thomas asked immediately, the council leader who had a bad feeling about Calvin and Johnson's performance.

   "What? Of course it is to change the world!" Calvin said with a smirk, "And the first step is to start with the council... Starting today, I have the final say here!"

   "What are you dreaming of!" Thomas was furious when he heard this, "Come on!"

   Following Thomas' order, several burly men with guns rushed in from outside the door.

However, before these people could sit down, Jason behind Calvin moved, and the black liquid in his hand flew out in an instant. Instant coverage, devouring.

   In just a few seconds, a few well-trained thugs disappeared completely in this world.

   "See? This is zero matter, this is power! Old man, I've been annoyed with you for a long time, Jason, kill him!" Calvin pointed at Thomas madly and laughed.

   Following his order, the zero substance in Jason's hand flew out instantly, attached to Thomas's body, and swallowed it up in his wailing.

"Now, I have the final say on the council, who is in favor and who is against?" Calvin's trembling gaze swept across the faces of the remaining seven council members, and finally settled on the person he had always hated the most, which was Josie body.

   "It's really wonderful...Hugh, what do you think?" Seeing Calvin's eyes resting on her, Josie did have a slight smile on her face, and then looked at Hugh Jones who was sitting opposite her.

   "Cut, it's just an idiot who has been dazzled by power!" Hearing Josie's words, Hugh Jones curled his lips in disdain.

  But except for the two of them, the others, including Alfred Malik, all lowered their heads and dared not speak, and were frightened by the power of zero matter displayed by Jason.

   "You two, you are looking for your own death!" Hearing the teasing words of the two, Calvin couldn't help being furious. Could it be that these two people can't see that he is the one who controls the overall situation now? "Jason, kill them!"

  Following Calvin's order, the zero matter in Jason's hand flew out again, and flew towards the two of them respectively.

   Only this time, Matter Zero did not successfully attach to Josie and Hugh Jones as Calvin and Jason expected.

   There was a bang, and just a second before Zero Matter was about to attach to his body, Hugh Jones turned into a cloud of blood mist and disappeared on the seat.

   On the other side, Josie is more simple and direct, as soon as the light flashes, he disappears immediately!

  This situation shocked Calvin Chadwick.

  The remaining directors all lamented, complaining in their hearts that Josie and Hugh Jones only cared about their own lives.

  But at this time, they can't do anything, they can only temporarily find a way to make a fuss with Calvin.

   As for the future, it depends on what backhand Josie and Hugh Jones have.

   It's just that what they don't know is that Josie and Hugh Jones, who seem to have fled Calvin's control lightly, are not easy at this time.

  When Josie reappeared, he had already returned to a secret base of Ouroboros in Chicago. Together with him, there was also Vito, who had been secretly notified by Josie when he was an hour ago.

   One of them was holding the toilet bowl, the other was holding the washbasin, throwing up.

   Whoever uses it will know the taste of teleportation through time and space.

   Hugh Jones in New York appeared in a building next door to the club, hugging the original owner of the room and sucking wildly.

  He used a kind of magic used by the blood race to escape, which was very effective, but because of his own strength, the distance to escape was not very far, and the consumption was extremely high.

   However, it is more than enough to escape.

  (end of this chapter)

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