Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 351: you can let go

  Chapter 351 You can let it go

  In the early morning of the next day, the port of Never Falling City was extremely busy, with countless large and small warships constantly swimming in and out of the port.

  Tyrande stood at the port and looked at the several giant steel ships with a length of more than 100 meters in the fleet under Abidis's command in the distance, a trace of solemnity flashed across his face.

  Because before today, there were no such warships in the Abidis fleet that she knew.

Before that, the largest warship in the Abydis fleet was only a sailing battleship of about 70 meters-although a battleship of this level was already extremely powerful in the human kingdom, in the eyes of the night elves Not enough to pose too much threat.

  After all, as an ancient civilization that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, the background of the night elves is far deeper than what is shown on the surface.

  But these new warships are different.

  According to the information her subordinates have just inquired about, these warships are cutting-edge warships just developed by the human kingdom, named Ironclad Ships.

  Although it is essentially just a layer of steel armor covering the original wooden core structure.

  But this extra layer of armor is often enough to change the situation of the battle.

  At least the blade throwers of the night elves will greatly reduce the damage to these warships.

  And these seemingly heavy warships are said to use an unknown technology called a steam engine, making their fastest sailing speed several times that of conventional warships.

  It seems that we need to pay more attention to the development of the human race in the future.

   After all, according to past intelligence, this is not a peaceful and peaceful race.


  Just as Tyrande was thinking about how to face the potential competitor of humans (Abidis) in the future, bells rang from the tower in the distance.

   That was the rallying bell for the human ground forces.

   "Honorable Priest, it's time to board the ship!" As the bell rang, a human waiter ran from a distance and said to Tyrande.

  Although the night elves were accompanied by warships during this trip to the Broken Isles, as the top ruler of the night elves, Tyrande was also invited to take Abides's flagship "Dreadnought"!

   "Welcome to the Intrepid, Your Highness Tyrande, I hope you will have a wonderful voyage here!" Guided by the envoy, after boarding the Intrepid, Abbendis who was already waiting here greeted him.

   "Thank you, Your Excellency, I also believe..." Tyrande was about to say a few polite words, but the alarm bells in Buluo City suddenly rang again.

   Everyone followed the prestige, but there was a black spot in the distant sky flying towards Buluo City rapidly.

  When the distance is too far, other races may not be able to see clearly.

  But the sharp eyes of the night elves quickly saw who was coming, it was a night elf messenger riding a hippogryph.

   "Sorry, Your Excellency, that is our family's messenger. Something important must have happened, please let me go!" Tyrande said hastily upon seeing this.

   Seeing this, Abidis didn't mean to embarrass her, and waved his hand to signal the release of the alert.

  So the hippogryph knight didn't even need to dismount, he went straight through the defense lines of Buluo City, and landed on the deck of the Intrepid. Then he jumped off the hippogryph and handed a scroll to Tyrande.

   Tyrande took the scroll, and after sweeping it, his color suddenly changed.

   It seems that the matter is serious, seeing Tyrande's face, Abbendis thought.

"Sorry, Your Excellency, I can't go to the Broken Isles with you, but my deputy, Maiev, will still stay on board!" After reading the contents of the scroll, Tyrande closed the scroll with a solemn expression, and said to Ah Bidis said.

   "Your Highness, what happened?" Maiev behind Tyrande also took a step forward and asked Tyrande.

  She was very surprised, what important matter actually made Tyrande so nervous, but her watchman didn't get any news at all.

   "Silithus!" Tyrande didn't go into too much detail, but just whispered the place name to Maiev.

  Hearing Silithus, Maiev's expression also changed, she certainly understood what that meant.

  The War of Quicksand thousands of years ago can be said to be the most difficult crisis that the Night Elf Empire has encountered since the War of the Ancients.

  Although Maiev's Overwatch troops served as the follow-up support troops on the battlefield, the boundless and raging swarms still left a deep impression on Maiev.

  If the dragon army hadn't joined the battlefield in time and undertook the positive pressure, the night elves would have been left with another terrible defeat.

   But even so, the Battle of Quicksand still left extremely deep wounds on the entire night elves.

   Could it be that those bugs came out again? Maiev looked at Tyrande questioningly.

   Tyrande didn't answer with words, but nodded slightly.

  The silent communication let Maiev know the importance of the matter, and she didn't ask any further questions immediately.

   After a brief arrangement, Tyrande rode alone on a Hippogryph he had brought, and rushed towards Feralas.

  About last night, the emergency report from Silithus had arrived in Feralas.

   As the strategic hub of the night elf empire connecting north to south, Feralas has always stationed a large number of sentry troops.

  After a night of preparations, this group of sentinels are ready for battle, ready to set off to help Silithus at any time, just waiting for her to go to coordinate the overall situation.

  After Tyrande left, Abidis arranged for someone to take Maiev and the remaining night elves to their cabin. Before leaving, he took a thoughtful look at Maiev who was leaving.

Because of the special nature of the watcher, Maiev is an unknown existence, not to mention outside the night elves, even within the night elves, especially for the new generation of night elves after the War of the Ancients. Not as good as her younger brother, Jarod Shadowsong, the great hero of the night clan—even if she once served as the high priestess of Tyrande.

  So in the previous contact, Tyrande only concealed Maiev's true identity as a watchman, but did not conceal her name.

  However, she never imagined that Abidis was cheating, and her identity was completely exposed the first time she knew Maiev's name.

  Watcher Maiev Shadowsong... This night elf heroine is on Josie's latest purchase list, but it's in the first sequence.

  It's just a pity, the night elves are at their peak, so it's not a good time to make a move.

  As the fleet set sail, Abedis returned to his cabin with a trace of regret.

   "Abbendis!" Just as he sat down, a voice rang out from the cabin that was supposed to be empty.

"Master Gu Yi? Why are you here?" Abbydis, who was startled, turned around and saw that Gu Yi had appeared in his cabin at some point in time. "Didn't Mr. Xu Wenwu say you have something important to do?" Do you want to do it? Why did you come back so soon!"

   But before leaving in the morning, he found that Gu Yi was missing from the group of people coming from Josie Universe.

   After asking Xu Wenwu, who was the deputy team leader, he was told that Gu Yi had some important things to do last night, and he asked the fleet to set off first, and she would rush over at any time.

  Abbendis is actually a little dissatisfied and worried about this. After all, he is the landlord of this world. Although you are here to help, you should not inform him of anything.

   What if something really happens and affects the whole plan?

  However, in the past years, he has already cultivated an extremely calm state of mind, and he did not express this dissatisfaction.

   "Things are basically done, otherwise Tyrande wouldn't have left, would he?" Gu Yi said indifferently.

"Ah? It turns out that Tyrande's sudden departure has something to do with you? I don't know what happened?" Abbendis was a little surprised when he heard the words. He really didn't think that Tyrande's sudden departure would be related to Ancient One. .

"That's right, some special circumstances happened last night, so I went to Silithus... Don't worry, the entire night elves are no longer able to take care of you. When you arrive at the Broken Isles, you can do whatever you want." For!" Gu Yi explained.

   "Silithus? C'Thun and Ahn'Qiraj?" Abidis, who also knew what was there, also changed his face when he heard Gu Yi say Silithus.

   "Don't worry, C'Thun and Yaqir will not be your threat!" Gu Yi said with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "They will only sweep away the obstacles of the night elves for you."

  (end of this chapter)

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