Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 352: Maiev's intuition

   "What? You mean that Master Ancient One sealed C'Thun, controlled the Yaqi Zerg and started a war with the night elves?" Through the plane trader, after listening to Abides's narration, Josie's face was quite exciting.

  Seal C'Thun? Thinking back to Gu Yi's series of behaviors, I'm afraid he has used C'Thun as a battery, right?

   Josie was not too surprised by this situation, after all, there are too many precedents in this regard in Ancient One.

What surprised him was that Ancient One actually controlled the Yaqi Zerg to fight against the night elves—this was not in line with her personality, she was not the aggressive type, nor did she like to dominate other people people.

"Your Excellency Gu Yi means that the Aqir Zerg is a group of very innocent children and should not bear the guilt brought by the ancient gods, and she also put forward a condition for me that the night elves can be forced to fight through this kind of war. Come to my camp, then the south of Kalimdor will belong to the Aqir Zerg, and the north will belong to me. And after the Star Soul incident, she will find a new planet and move the Aqir Zerg away!” Facing Josie’s Doubt, Abidis also explained with a strange expression.

   Regarding the use of war to force the night elves into Abydis' camp, this plan was actually discussed with Josie a long time ago.

  However, their imaginary enemies at that time were the orcs and the Burning Legion, and they did not consider the Aqir Zerg of Ahn'Qiraj.

   I just didn't expect that it would be implemented in advance by Gu Yi.

   "If this is the case, then there is no problem. The reputation of Master Gu Yi can still be trusted!" Hearing Abidis' explanation, Josie nodded.

   I just don’t know why when he said that Gu Yi’s reputation can be trusted, he felt a little tingling in his heart.

  Well, I must be thinking of Margot! It's been almost half a month, why haven't you come back yet!

   "If that's the case, then follow His Excellency Gu Yi's plan?" Seeing what Josie said, Abidis asked with a lot of relief.

  Although it was somewhat unexpected, at least judging from the current situation, what Gu Yi did was of great benefit to him.

   "Go for it!" Josie nodded.

   Immediately, both parties cut off the communication.

   "Gu Yi... what are you thinking?" After cutting off the communication, Josie couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

  C'Thun's situation is not in their plan at all.

  The more Gu Yi "borrowed" power, the stronger his strength, Josie knew it.

  So his suggestion to Gu Yi was to get the clone of Sargeras in the Tomb of Sargeras before Medivh reacted.

Because in Josie's view, although the Old Gods are not weak, they are obviously not at the same level as the Titans. At the beginning, Asagi, the strongest among the Old Gods, was torn apart by Aman'Thul himself. Not to mention Sargeras, the strongest of the Titans.

  Although the one in the tomb of Sargeras is just a clone of Sargeras, its power may not be weaker than a single ancient god, and it may even be stronger.

  But because of the loss of the control of the most important soul of Sargeras, although this body is strong, it is just a body.

  Compared to the ancient **** who was only sealed, but maintained a good condition of strength and self-awareness, it is obvious that this body without an owner is easier to control.

  Moreover, there is a pair of artifacts, the Scepter of Sargeras and the Eye of Sargeras, in the Tomb of Sargeras.

  So according to what Josie thinks, this is the best choice.

  As long as you get these things, Josie really doesn't believe who Gu Yi will lose to if the bosses at the level of Titan and Elune don't end.

   As for what Gul'dan has learned from the past, there is no need to worry at all.

  The reason why Gul'dan in the official history overturned in the Tomb of Sargeras was that his strength was not as dominant as many people imagined.

  During the Second War, he was only in a coma for a period of time before being completely seized by Orgrim, which can only be seen by retreating to the second line.

   And when he landed on the Broken Isles, there were not many troops left around him.

   Facing the massive amount of violent demons in the Tomb of Sargeras, naturally they don't have much resistance.

  In contrast, Abidis doesn’t mention his actual hidden troops, even the troops on the table, are no worse than any army of the alliance tribes in the later period!

  Firepower equipment is not on the same level.

  And those strong men sent by Josie are not good looking.

  Like his youngest son, Ben, in Azeroth, he is at the top level of a demigod.

  Even the weakest Loki is no weaker than the famous heroes of all races in Azeroth.

  If this kind of lineup can't make a copy of the Tomb of Sargeras, Josie will swallow the time gem on the spot!

   It's just that Gu Yi didn't come as planned at all.

  Forget it...Let’s take a step at a time. It was not realistic for Josie to completely dominate an existence at the level of Ancient One.


   In Azeroth, Abydis's fleet has been sailing for three days, and the entire voyage has passed halfway. Now it is in the endless ocean, and there is not even a shadow of a small island in sight.

   Maiev Shadowsong, who had just returned to the cabin after eating, immediately locked the cabin door, and then began to rummage in her room, and began to arm herself.

   I have to say that, as the leader of the watchmen, Maiev Shadowsong has an extraordinary sense of danger.

  In the first three days at sea, she didn't feel much, and all the personnel on the Monarch were also fine.

  But since this morning, Maiev has noticed that the atmosphere on the ship is not quite right.

   This made her instinctively feel a little uneasy.

   Is the human lord trying to do something to them?

   But it doesn't make sense!

  This human lord has behaved quite wisely and wisely since he first received his information or since he had direct contact with him. He shouldn’t have done such an irrational thing.

It’s just that when I went to eat just now, this feeling of uneasiness reached its peak—on the Sovereign, except for Abidis, who is the great lord, almost all the staff ate in the "canteen". No exception.

  Although the night elves on the ship were a little uncomfortable with this, they didn't say much.

  Although they are an "immortal" race, the night elves who are close to nature are not coddled and are very adaptable.

  But the sudden sense of uneasiness today made Maiev return to the cabin without eating any food—who knows if there will be any problems with the food?

  No matter where this unease comes from, she must be ready to fight.

   This is the experience and habit she has maintained since the War of the Ancients.

   This intuition for danger has also saved her many times.

   And just when she was about to put on the watchman's iconic armor and cloak, there was a knock on the door!

   "Who?" Maiev asked vigilantly.

   "It's me, Ms. Shadowsong, I have some things to pay attention to after logging in, and I want to consult you!" Then Abides' voice sounded outside the door!

   "Okay, Your Excellency, please wait a moment!" Hearing that it was Abidis, Maiev relaxed slightly, but she did not completely relax her vigilance.

  She walked slowly to the cabin door, leaned against the door and listened for a while, and found that there was no movement outside the door except Abidis' breathing, so she slowly opened the door.

  Just as the door opened, what greeted her was a dark dagger!

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