
At the New York airport, in the sky, a gunship landed, propellers carried a howling wind, and from inside the helicopter, Colonel Roddy and Allens, and some American soldiers walked down.

Inside the airport, a limited-edition Rolls-Royce is parked, and a figure in a dress stands in front of the vehicle, looking forward to the arrival of his boss, Tony Stark, who he has been dreaming about for half a month.

As soon as Allens got off the plane, he saw this sexy and beautiful little pepper Pepper Pepper Potts, and I have to say that Tony Stark’s aesthetic is also top-notch, and Pepper Potts is even more beautiful than the cover girl selected.

“Welcome back, BOSS.”

Pepper Pepper Pepper Potts opened his hands and gave Alans a big hug, while Alens, who had replaced Tony Stark, also gave Pepper a hug.

“Hey Potts, the only person I miss for half a month… It’s you. ”

Allens looked at Pepper Potts in his arms affectionately and gave Pepper a hug again.

“BOSS… Well, Tony, I finally don’t have to change jobs. ”

Pepper responded enthusiastically to Alens, with a smile on his face, walked to Alens’ side, and spoke.

“Well, Tony, it turns out you’re really hungry.”

Looking at the two people who were kissing, Colonel Roddy walked over and interrupted the two while teasing Alens.

“Roddy, you’re jealous, handsome Tony Stark, with a right-hand man.”

Shrugging his shoulders, Allens walked to Roddy’s side, his eyes flashed with narcissism and debauchery, patted Roddy’s shoulder, turned and walked towards Rolls-Royce with a cold smile on his face.

“Potts, I’m going to hold a press conference, you go and arrange it, oh yes, Harpy, go buy me a burger, I’m starving.”

Opening the door, Allens turned to Pepper Potts with a serious look and ordered Tony Stark’s driver and bodyguard.


As Tony Stark’s bodyguard and driver, Happi has no opinion about Alens’ orders, but Pepper Potts, who followed Alans into the car, asked Alons with a serious face.

“Tony, why call a press conference immediately, what you need now is rest.”

Pepper cares more about Alens’ body than the press conference, and Pepper believes that Allens held the press conference for Stark Group’s crazy falling stock, but only Allens knows that he held this press conference just to anger Obadiah Stein.

“Rest? I have been resting for half a month, and I just want to say what I have learned about this half month. ”

Alens’ face showed a serious emotion, Tony Stark’s face made Pepper Pepper Pepper Potts addicted for a while, feeling his boss’s firm belief, Pepper Potts could only helplessly start calling to inform reporters.

Just as Allens and others rushed to the Stark Building, a news spread all over the place, and spread rapidly, and the president of the Stark Group, Tony Stark, who had disappeared for half a month, returned, and immediately held a press conference, and various media reporters flocked to it, and in a short time, the entire first floor lobby of the Stark Building was packed.

Not only the news media, but even the shareholders of the Stark Group rushed to hear the news, and the second largest shareholder, Obadiah Stan, waited outside the Stark Building early in the morning, ready to welcome Tony Stark.

In the eagerness of everyone, a limited edition Rolls-Royce stopped in front of the Stark Building, and Alans walked out of the door, clutching a burger in his right hand.

“Hey Tony, glad you didn’t have an accident.”

Obadiah Stan walked in front of Allens first, and said with a look of relief and excitement.

“No, no, no, you won’t be happy to see me, Stan.”

A smile appeared on Alens’ face, but the words he said made the smile on Obadiah Stan’s face sluggish, and there was a trace of panic and gloom in his eyes.

“Damn, did Tony Stark know that I deliberately leaked his whereabouts?”

Alens’ words made Obadiah like a frightened bird and began to guess wildly.

However, this is what Allens wanted, and directly past Obadiah Stein, Allens walked into the hall of the press conference.

Looking at the many reporters, Allens walked to the center of the stage, sat down directly, and said while eating a hamburger.

“Sit down, everyone, yes, sit down, so I can see you.”

The first words of Allens let everyone know that the once cynical playboy is back, which is obviously Tony Stark’s style, bohemian.

“For half a month, I was locked up in a dark cave, I escaped by my own strength, and I kept thinking, what is the meaning of my existence? Playboy? Billionaire? ”

“No, no, no, the meaning of my existence is far more powerful than those, well, to get back to business, in this half a month, I was reborn, I understood my meaning, and I also understood that this world does not need war, does not need weapons.” I hereby announce that Stark Industries’ Weapons Manufacturing Department will cease to operate from this moment on, effective immediately. ”

Allens said the closure of the military industry, which immediately set off an uproar, and the eyes of the news media from all over the world lit up, like a cat seeing a fish, and everyone’s heart was very excited, because this time they got a big news.

Tony Stark, who returned from the rest of his life, directly closed the military manufacturing department, you must know that as the Stark Group, although there are many shareholders, it is still the Stark family’s business, and Tony Stark has a vote to decide in this group.

“Hey Tony, what are you talking about? The biggest profit of the Stark Group is military weapons, if you close it now, the Stark Group will suffer huge losses, moreover, the military’s orders…”

Obadiah Stan’s face turned livid, and he didn’t care that this was a press conference, walked directly in front of Alens, and whispered angrily.

“Obadiah Stan, you must be curious about how I escaped, go to the deserts of Afghanistan, there are answers you need.”

“Maybe when you come back from Afghanistan, you’ll really control the Stark Group.”

The corners of Alens’ mouth hooked an imperceptible sneer, but the words he said made Obadiah Stan’s face change greatly, and he finally determined that Tony Stark must know that he instigated the kidnapping.

“Afghanistan …. What’s there exactly? ”

Obadiah Stan was no longer hidden, his eyes were like poisonous snakes, staring at Alens, and his face was gloomy and questioned in a low voice.

“There are all the answers you want.”

Allens’ words made Obadiah Stan puzzled, but it did not hinder the bald man’s determination to go to Afghanistan to find out for himself.

PS: The third change, on the shelf, Robbie kneels for the first order, the big guys please subscribe more, support Oh, Robbie thank you again. Ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, say important things three times.

JARVIS: SIR, you seem to be different… It’s like a changed person… Oh God, what are you doing?

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