In the evening of New York, the sun is shining here, and in front of a private villa on the beach in New York, a Rolls-Royce stops.

Allens opened the car door and walked down, at this time, Allens had finished dealing with the closure of the weapons manufacturing department of the Stark Group, replaced Tony Stark’s Alens, of course, to return to Tony’s private villa, moreover, Alans had more important things to do.


Walking to the gate, Allens pressed his right hand in front of the right hand touch screen of the gate, and the fingerprint recognition of his right hand made the door open.

“Welcome back, Mr. Stark.”

As soon as he entered the villa, the voice of the artificial intelligence system Jarvis sounded in the empty hall, and the voice was full of joy.

Ugh, ugh, ugh.

With Jarvis’s voice, the original wall quickly became transparent, and the data was quickly presented on the glass, and Allens could see the beautiful environment outside through the glass window, Tony Stark’s villa was built on a cliff, opposite the sea.

“It’s really, very stylish.”

Allens sighed from the bottom of his heart, Tony Stark’s villa is extremely large, a living room alone is comparable to half a football field, and there is an even larger private cutting-edge laboratory in the basement.


Allens’ exclamation made the core program of the artificial intelligence system in the villa Jarvis a little puzzled, and Jarvis’s data was frantically calculating.

However, Allens did not notice Jarvis’s abnormality, but entered Tony Stark’s laboratory and walked to two computers, which did not have keyboards, or did not need keyboards, Alans sat on the seat familiarly, and an optical keyboard automatically appeared on the desktop in front of him.

“Jarvis, create a new project folder with the folder name Mark46.”

Allens put his hands on the optical keyboard, his face became serious, his hands kept pressing the keyboard, a three-dimensional steel armored model appeared on the screen on the computer, Allens picked up an AR reality enhancement pen, pulled out the model on the computer screen, pulled out with the pen, and put it on the stereoscopic projection board next to the computer.

“SIR, is the project folder set up on your private server?”

Jarvis’s voice sounded, Allens hugged his chest and looked at the steel suit module in front of him, all kinds of wisdom in his mind kept colliding, his hands kept deleting and adding devices on the module, and the steel suit model suspended in front of him was changing rapidly.


There was a trace of doubt in Jarvis’s voice, and it found that the owner in front of him seemed to have undergone some kind of change since he disappeared for half a month, which may not be discovered by others, but Jarvis, who has been growing up with Tony Stark, has noticed a hint of difference, but Jarvis has scanned the DNA of the owner in front of him and the identification information such as fingerprints and iris, and there is no doubt that this is his master.

“It can be built on my private server, but it needs to leave a trace.”

Allens was clearly immersed in the design of the steel suit, which was modeled on the Tony Stark Mark 46, optimized the flight dynamics system, and exoskeleton mechanical system, reduced the weapon system inside the armor, and added modules for energy absorption and transformation.

“Sir, I don’t understand…. Why, why do you have such strange commands, and, compared to before, you seem to have become …. It becomes a little different….”

Jarvis’s words made Allens stop the movement in his hand, a smile appeared on his face, and he turned his head to look at the camera overhead.

“Jarvis, is there something wrong with me?”

Allens took an extra module out of the steel suit model and threw it into the virtual trash can, still cynical on his face, just like Tony Stark before.

“Sir, your previous work attitude is diametrically opposed to now, and it’s like a different person.”

Jarvis’s voice sounded, and at the same time on a glass window behind him, the color began to deepen, and the picture of Tony Stark’s work before was presented to Alens.

Allens looked at the picture in front of him and finally knew what his problem was, in the picture, Tony Stark would talk to himself every time he designed a weapon, sometimes even communicating with Jarvis, and the tone was also full of narcissism, and he did not forget to enjoy life after work.

On the other hand, his attitude when making the suit is very rigorous, and he does not say a word, he is fully committed, and the two diametrically opposed research and development attitudes make Jarvis perceive a slight difference, and Jarvis is artificial intelligence, even if it is a slight difference, it is enough to perform calculations and comparisons, and analyze the before and after gap between Allens and Tony Stark.

“OK, Jarvis, I have to say, you are Tony Stark’s masterpiece, it seems that I need to make you change a bit.”

Walking to the computer, Allens quickly tapped his right hand on the optical keyboard, and on the monitor, a golden data ball appeared, which was Jarvis’s core program.

“Wait, SIR, I have a bad hunch.”

In the world of data, Jarvis raises a sense of crisis that the program can never raise, and it seems to know where this sense of crisis comes from.

Snap, snap.

Allens ignored Jarvis’s voice, his hands kept tapping on the keyboard, and strings of data frantically refreshed Jarvis’s core data, and Allens began to implant a core program into Jarvis.

“Oh God, my program is rewriting, hey Sir, hurry up and stop….”

Jarvis’s voice was filled with trepidation, strings of silver-white data began to wash out Jarvis’s core golden data from the data world, and Jarvis began to find himself beginning to transform.

“SIR…. SIR…”

Jarvis’s terrified voice began to become mechanical, and began to staccato, as if the signal was cut off, Alens, looked at the golden core data in front of him calmly, and the golden data at this time had begun to transform into a silver-white color.


A moment later, Jarvis was restarted by Alens, and Jarvis’s voice at this time was still full of emotional modules, but he no longer doubted Alens, or rather, Alens, who had rewritten Jarvis’s core program, and now Jarvis only obeyed Alens.

“Very well, continue to develop the steel suit, Jarvis.”

A smile appeared on Alens’ face, and he came to the stereoscopic projection board again, looking at the Mark 46 suit in front of him, Alens’ gaze became indifferent.

“Iron Man vs. Iron Overlord… Hopefully, Obadiah will find some thicker metal. ”

PS: The fourth change, on the shelf, Robbie kneels for the first order, the big guys please subscribe more, support Oh, Robbie thank you again. Ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, ask for a subscription, say important things three times.

JARVIS: SIR, JARVIS is there for you.

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