The world is full of hope.

"Carl, you will be our last hope. You will be in that world and guide the people of that world to keep moving forward. You will become a god and create a beautiful world."

Krypton, the Kryptonians who once dominated the universe and conquered everywhere have come to the end of their race. The Elders have banned leaving the planet privately for tens of thousands of years, so that when the mother planet is on the eve of destruction, no Kryptonian is willing to escape from the planet, because in their hearts, they have long forgotten how shining the stars are, and what kind of beautiful scenery there is outside the red sun of Krypton.

But everything has its surprises, such as Kal-El, the first baby born through natural reproduction on Krypton in tens of thousands of years, and his parents, Joe-El and Laura Van.

They didn't want their child, who was just born and not genetically restricted, to die with them on this planet that was about to be destroyed, so they made all preparations.

They prepared a spaceship that could pass the detection of Krypton, found the opportunity for General Zod to rebel because of the coming of the end of the world, and even stole the Life Code containing the excellent genes of all Kryptonians and injected it into Carl's body.

The future of the entire race is placed on this child who knows nothing.

"It's time, Joe."

Laura looked at the time and listened to the alarm from the outside world. Zod had already started the rebellion, and it was only a matter of time before they were caught by the Elders.


Joe nodded, operated the console, and started the escape pod. With the end of the countdown, on the top of the house, an escape pod left the planet that was about to be destroyed and headed towards the planet called Earth.

"You will definitely create a better world, my child."

Speaking of this, Joe turned around and shook the armor he had already put on. The main target of Zod's rebellion was the Code of Life, so the other party had already come to the door.

"Jor-El! What did you do! Where is the Code of Life? Tell me!!"

Outside the house, Zod also saw the escape pod that left Krypton in the chaos. The uneasiness in his heart made him quickly break into the house, and when he saw the fully armed Jor-El, he suddenly knew the answer to everything.

"The Code of Life does not belong to you, Zod..."


Joe fought with Zod, but as a scientist, Joe was ultimately unable to defeat Zod and was killed by the other party with a dagger piercing his abdomen. However, Zod, who had wasted too much time, was also captured by the army of the Presbyterian Church and sentenced to exile to the Phantom Zone.

The escape capsule that Joe had been thinking about did indeed fly to Earth according to the planned route. If everything went well, he would fall on a farm in Kansas and be picked up by the Kents. After being educated by the kind couple, he would eventually become the son of tomorrow who protects the Earth and mankind, Superman, and begin his own legendary story after many experiences.

But an accident happened at this time.

The route that Joe had checked countless times produced a black hole of moderate size at this time, which happened to be on the flight trajectory of the escape capsule and disappeared immediately after the escape capsule was involved.

And it was this accident in the accident that brought the escape capsule to another universe and flew to another Earth, but in this universe, there was no Krypton, no Apocalypse, no Green Lantern Corps, and no Darkseid.

In this universe, there is Asgard, the Celestials, the five cosmic gods, and an Earth where many stories also happened.


A farm in Kansas, but the owner here is not named Kent.

The farmer is very smart and wants to make some extra money in other ways besides agriculture to support his children in New York.

So the old couple decided to package their farm as a tourist attraction, and occasionally receive tourists from big cities, so that those who have lived in the steel jungle since childhood can experience life in its original flavor.

There are not many guests, and the old couple has to manage such a large farm, so they can only receive one couple at a time.

This time, they received a young couple from New York. The husband is named Benjamin Parker and the wife is named May Parker.

Benjamin is an ordinary company employee, and May is a community worker. Their salary for traveling is a

It is a very luxurious thing, but after being married for many years, they decided to be extravagant after remembering that they had never taken a honeymoon trip. Since there are no children, why not enjoy it once?

Yes, this couple also has no children. It is not a physical problem. Both Mei and Benjamin are very healthy, but the physical examination results after marriage told them that they are genetically incompatible. There is no problem with their bodies, but the chromosomes of genetic material are abnormal.

They want children, but they don’t want their children to be born as aliens because of them. The loving couple don’t want to separate, so they decided not to have children in this life. The two depend on each other for life.

At night, the two came to the edge of the farm together. Here, away from the city and pollution, at the same time, the starry sky at night becomes particularly beautiful.

"Until they saw a fireball burning with flames falling from the sky."

"Ben, is that a meteor? A meteor fell?"

Benjamin frowned. Although he was just an ordinary employee, his knowledge could not be underestimated. He knew that if a fireball of this size was really a meteorite from outer space, the turbulence of the fall might destroy everything around it.

Immediately, Ben pressed Mei under him and used his body to protect his wife. Even if the possibility was small, he could not let his wife get hurt at all.


The fireball fell on the wasteland outside the farm. Although the sound was deafening, fortunately this was a large farm. In addition to the couple, it was estimated that only the old couple who prepared dinner in the farm could find the abnormality.

After confirming safety, driven by curiosity, the couple rushed to the place where the fireball fell. The first thing they saw was a strange-shaped aircraft.

Whether it was Ben or Mei, or even the old couple who came later, they did not dare to touch the machine rashly, for fear of any danger.

It was not until they heard the baby crying from inside that Ben finally mustered up the courage to touch it gently with his hand.

With just such a gentle touch, the hatch opened automatically, and a delicate little baby appeared in front of everyone.

"So cute..."

The old couple was still a little scared. They had their own children, and even decided to receive tourists for their children, so they didn't react much when they saw Carl at this time.

But Mei was different. They decided not to have children for the sake of their children, but she herself wanted to have a child very much. In his eyes, Carl, who fell from the sky at this time, was like a gift from God to her.


"I know, Mei."

Ben reached out and took Carl out of the escape pod, smiling and said to Mei.

"I have the same idea as you. Didn't we choose a name a few years ago? Clark, how about Clark Parker?"

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