The adoption of Clark was not a big problem.

The old couple also saw Benjamin and May's desire for a child. As long as they did not cause them trouble, they were willing to help the young couple with the adoption procedures.

Ben even spent some extra money to let the old couple help temporarily keep the UFO. After returning to New York, Benjamin would find other opportunities to slowly transport the aircraft to New York.

As for the adoption procedures, it was even simpler.

For the country, if someone is willing to raise a child, what reason is there to refuse? There is not even an orphanage in the middle, so the adoption procedures are even simpler. There is no need to return to New York. The procedures have been completed in Kansas, and it is enough to wait until New York to re-register.

So, after finishing all the things, the Parkers, with their new child, embarked on the road back to New York.

Looking at the two people playing and laughing in the back seat, Benjamin never felt that life was so bright. With his ability, he would not be just an ordinary employee of the company, but just to be with May and live a life with May by his side, he gave up the so-called bright future and established a family he loved.

And now, their family is completely complete. For Benjamin, his life is completely perfect. What he needs to do next is to live every day well.


"What's wrong, Ben?"

May, who was playing with Clark, stopped her movements and ignored the increasingly aggrieved expression on Clark's face, because his favorite toy ball was still in May's hand.

"I love you forever..."

This simple sentence contains Benjamin's most sincere feelings for May and their family. Even though she already knew Benjamin's feelings for her, May still had tears in her eyes.

"Stop saying these tear-jerking words..."

"Wow!!! Wow!!"

Just as the two looked at each other through the rearview mirror, Clark seemed to be unable to bear it and burst into tears.

For a moment, the touching atmosphere disappeared, replaced by the joy that filled the car again.

"Don't cry, Clark, Dad loves you too, I love you for a thousand years."

Accompanied by laughter and warmth along the way, the family returned to New York, and the Parkers, who had already made up their minds, made drastic changes to their lives after informing their relatives about Clark's situation.

In order to let Clark live in a good environment, they sold their apartment in the city and came to the forest community in the suburbs of Queens, and used all their savings to buy a single-family villa.

It is very close to Midtown High School. When Clark reaches the age of middle school, he can even walk to school without being too anxious, and the environment can be said to be beautiful. Although it will make Benjamin's commute to work troublesome and make May, who was originally engaged in community work, lose her job, as long as they are good to Clark, they have no regrets.

At the same time, they also bought a lot of baby items. As new parents, they used everything they had to provide Clark with the best things. During this period, Benjamin and his brother Richard's phone calls basically never stopped. Although his brother Richard also had no children, Benjamin still kept asking various questions, as if this brother who worked in the Austen Group was an omnipotent existence.

Richard and his wife Mary also became interested in Clark. They were happy for Benjamin and May, and also wanted to meet their little nephew.

In this way, one night a week after Benjamin and May returned to New York, Richard brought his wife to visit Benjamin's new home.

"Oh! Ben, you should lose weight."

After a warm hug, Richard could clearly feel his brother's enthusiasm, and the strength of his arms almost strangled him to death.

"Haha, yes, I must be healthy and must accompany May and Clark for a longer time."

Richard and Mary looked at each other and smiled at the same time. Benjamin was happy, and naturally, as relatives, they were also happy for him.

Led by Benjamin, the two came to the living room which was almost completely decorated as a children's room.

"Oh my God! Benjamin, it's enough to decorate a room for the child. The whole living room has become like this. How much do you move around at home?

What an inconvenience."

The floor was almost covered with toys, so that even if they took off their shoes, they felt that there was nowhere to stand.

"Haha, the ventilation in the room is not good, which affects health. Besides, Clark plays in the living room, which has a larger space, and May can take care of him when she is at home."

It was just a simple explanation, but it fully reflected the love of the two for Clark.

Even Mary was infected, thinking that after she and Richard had a child, would it be the same? But now she and Richard are very busy at work, and it will probably take a few years to have a child.

"Richard... Richard, what are you looking at? "

Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin had already started to invite people to sit down, and the dinner was about to begin, but Mary found that her husband was distracted. She followed Richard's line of sight and found that Richard's eyes were fixed on Clark who was playing with toys.

"This is..."

Mary, who worked with Richard, naturally noticed that something was wrong with Clark.

From the appearance, Clark should be a child who was only about one month old, but now, this child who could only sleep in a cradle was sitting on the ground, holding a solid rubber ball in his hand and playing with it. He had already mastered the game and started to hit the ball on the ground and bounce it up.

Whether in cognitive ability or physical fitness, Clark's performance was far beyond More than an ordinary person.

Benjamin may not pay attention to this aspect because of the joy in his heart, but Richard, as a half-outsider and a biological worker, is keenly aware of Clark's extraordinaryness.

"Richard.. this..."

"Don't say..."

Richard made a gesture of silence, then pulled Mary to sit down, and the family began the dinner that May had prepared for a day.

But in the midst of laughter, Richard couldn't help but look at Clark, who was playing with toys on the side and drinking milk from a bottle when hungry.

After the dinner, Richard and his wife said goodbye because they had to work tomorrow and got on the car they came in.

"Is it really necessary to talk about it? Clark's situation is obviously not that of an ordinary person. "

As employees of the Austen Group, the couple naturally knew a lot about this group, which is famous for military industry and biotechnology. Since Captain America in World War II, the world has never stopped pursuing super soldiers.

Mary is worried that Clark's true identity is the product of a failed experiment. If he gets out of control one day, or gets sick due to side effects, Benjamin and May, who are not prepared, will be heartbroken.

Richard closed his eyes tightly and slowly opened them after a long time.

"Mary, please contact May frequently in the future. We must always pay attention to Clark's condition. Benjamin loves him, so he is my nephew. Speaking out now will only add to the trouble, but I can't do nothing."

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