The good family life always makes people forget the passage of time.

Clark learned to walk, talk, run, jump, and sing "Happy Birthday" with his tender voice on Ben and May's birthday.

During this period, Richard never stopped observing Clark, and even secretly collected Clark's hair for experiments, and the results of the experiments also made him feel relieved.

The good news is that Clark is not the product of a failed experiment, and his genes are perfect.

The bad news is that after comparison, Richard found that although Clark's genes are very similar to those of humans, they are also different. He is not human.

This also puts a big question mark on the mystery of Clark's identity.

For this reason, Richard also paid attention to his brother Benjamin's actions. After discovering that Benjamin had rented a container for a long time at the port of New York, he realized that Benjamin should know something.

In fact, even if Richard didn't say it, as Clark grew up, Benjamin and May had already discovered something wrong. They were parents for the first time, but they were not without trying. Clark's performance in his brother was very good, and it can even be said that he was a little too good.

He was strong. At the age of 6, he could already go to the wild court to play basketball, and even became a basketball star in this villa area. Once when he was playing alone on the basketball court, Benjamin who passed by discovered that Clark, who was just six years old, could dunk.

A child who was just over one meter tall jumped onto a three-meter-high basket and dunked a basketball that was bigger than his head into the basket.

If Clark's performance before could barely be described as gifted, then this performance at this time was completely a monster.

And this extraordinary performance is not only reflected in physical fitness.

Ben and May both like to watch news from all over the world. Although in most cases, American reporters fly to all parts of the world to report, local languages ​​still appear from time to time.

With just such a little insignificant contact, Clark learned Russian and Chinese without Ben and May noticing at all, and even began to master Korean and Japanese.

But he is only 6 years old. Important things must be repeated all the time. When a person becomes too talented, he is no longer a genius, but a freak.

Ben and May, who know Clark's origin, feel this the most deeply.

They have long known that Clark is likely to be an alien, and have always worried that Clark will be discriminated against because of his difference. Now it is not as simple as being different.

So, after gradually realizing the seriousness of the matter, Ben chose to open Clark's door one night.

"Dad? What's the matter?"

Ben and Aunt May are ordinary people who live ordinary lives, but in fact, this ordinary life is different from others. Others are only capable of this, but Ben and Aunt May are willing to choose ordinary life. They love this simple and happy life and are unwilling to pursue too many things.

In fact, the couple are very wise people. Under their guidance, Clark's growth path is different from that of another world. He realized his talent early and began to use his talent to learn early. Just like now, Ben saw the Romance of the Three Kingdoms on Clark's desk, which was completely in Chinese.

"Clark, I need to tell you something."

Looking at his father's serious expression, Clark remembered the way he was beaten when he was naughty when he was a child. Although it didn't hurt at all, he didn't want to do it again.

"I... haven't done anything wrong recently, Dad, what happened?"

Looking at Clark's scared look, Ben wanted to laugh a little. It seems that he played the role of a strict father well. But thinking of the rumors he had heard recently, he couldn't be happy at all.

"Clark, you are a smart kid. You learn everything very quickly, but you are too good."

Clark was confused. It sounded like his father was praising him, but why was the atmosphere so wrong?

"I hope you can grow up according to your own ideas, but it is obvious that you have surpassed this society too much. You have surpassed too many of your peers, and even most adults. You are excellent, but too...

Excellent. "

Clark also felt this. He thought he was just smart at first, but when he compared himself with people around him, people of the same age or even older than him, he found that he and these people were like two different species. The gap was too big.

It was strange that he played basketball at the age of 6, but in fact, since that time, few people were willing to play basketball with him.

If you win, you will not be happy at all, and if you lose, you will lose face. No one wants to do such a thing.

"So, Clark, I hope you can restrain your performance outside and turn yourself into an ordinary person of the same age. Don't show your talent. Just study secretly. Only in this way can you live a peaceful life. "

When Ben said this, he actually blamed himself. If he was Howard Stark, would he still need Clark to hide his talent and integrate into this society?

The answer is no. If it was Howard who picked up Clark, then Howard would only announce to the world that his son was a genius and was destined to be a great man in the future. He would not let the child adapt to the world, but use his own power to let the world adapt to his child.

At this moment, Ben also made up his mind. Since Clark's talent destined him to be extraordinary, he had no reason to continue to be so willing to be ordinary.

He loves his family and his family. For his family and his family, he can give up the wealth at his fingertips and the life of making a fortune every day, but for his family, he is willing to fight for everything he may have in this world.

"I understand, Dad, I will be careful next time. "

After Ben said this, Clark realized that he couldn't go on like this. Now, fewer people are willing to contact him, and Clark doesn't want to be alone in the future without any friends around him.

Looking at such a sensible Clark, Ben felt more guilty, and his determination was stronger.

Such a long period of ordinary life did make him forget a lot of knowledge he had accumulated in the past, but he still had enough time. Clark was only 6 years old, and he was less than 30 years old. He had enough time to work hard to create a better future for Clark.

Just like when he moved to Queens, he was willing to give everything for Clark.

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