After leaving Clark's room, Ben came to the living room, and Mei had been waiting here for a long time. From the troubled expression on her face, it was not difficult to see that she, like Mei, was worried about Clark's future.

After seeing Ben coming down, she immediately stepped forward and said after thinking for a while.

"Ben, I think I can try to compete for a community representative, what do you think?"

Ben's eyes revealed a little surprise. It turned out that his wife had the same idea as him.

"Mei, we think the same thing. My old biology books are still there. I think I can try to start a business."

The two looked at each other and knew that the other party thought the same thing as themselves. How could their children be wronged to hide their talents?

Just as the two of them were hugging each other because of their mutual understanding, Ben's phone suddenly rang.

The person who contacted him was the owner of the container he rented at the New York dock. The lease contract had expired, and Ben naturally wanted to renew it, but he had not signed the contract yet. The call at this time gave him a bad feeling.

"Parker appeared, I am sorry to tell you that the contract with you may not be able to proceed smoothly. The reason is very simple. Someone offered a higher price than you and is willing to rent my container. We have reached a consensus."

Sure enough, an accident happened. The container Benjamin used to store the aircraft was to be rented to someone else. This can be said to be the worst situation.

If other people, such as the government, knew that Clark might be an alien, they would have countless ways to deprive themselves of their custody of Clark and take Clark and the aircraft away for research.

"Please wait, I'll be there soon. Before I come, please don't open the container. It contains my privacy."

Ben turned on the hands-free when he answered the phone. Mei also heard what was said inside, and her eyes were extremely anxious.

"Mei, you try to contact other private warehouses and freight trucks here. It doesn't matter if it's a little expensive. That thing must not be seen by outsiders. I'll go there now."

"Got it, go quickly."

Ben immediately drove to the port. He was very entangled along the way, because he knew very well that Clark was just showing his superhuman talent, so it was no big deal. These things could be disguised, but if the aircraft in the container, which was completely not human technology, was discovered, then it was very likely that his current good life would say goodbye to him.

On the way, Ben also called his brother Richard, wanting to ask Richard if he had any good ideas. He knew his situation. In terms of ability, he was definitely excellent, but he had been ordinary for so long, and ability alone could not let him handle all things.

But at this time, Richard's phone could not be dialed. Looking at the time, it was just past dinner time. Although Richard was a researcher at the Austen Group, he was not so bad that he couldn't go home for dinner twice.

"Don't let anything happen."

Ben's hand holding the steering wheel tightened slightly. Although he didn't think he was exposed in any way, what if? What if the aircraft really attracted the attention of some forces and Richard was affected?

Ben had to think about these serious aspects.

And with such a bad thought, Ben finally arrived at the port. After parking the car on the side of the road, he ran all the way to the location of the container.

The person who rented the container could not get through the phone now, and Richard could not be contacted either. Ben had to call Mei and ask about the warehouse and the truck.

And just at this time, Ben rushed to the vicinity of the container. Looking at the person in front of him, his heart that had been hanging finally fell back.

"Ben...what happened? Ben? I have found a suitable warehouse, but no truck driver is willing to work overtime, even if I pay double the wages."

Listening to his wife's voice on the phone, Ben slowly raised his hand and placed his fingers next to his ears.

"Mei, it's okay, prepare dinner, there will be guests tonight, we will be back soon."

With that, Ben hung up the phone and looked at the person in front who had been waiting for him for a long time.

"My dear brother, you really scared me." Ben smiled bitterly. The one who rented the container at a higher price was not someone else, but Richard who had been unable to contact.


"Ben, you have learned to hide such an important thing from me."

Richard walked up and hugged Ben affectionately, but the two brothers were obviously a little upset. They hugged with all their strength, so that their faces flushed after the hug.

"What did you tell me when I asked you? Clark was just an abandoned baby picked up on the roadside when you were traveling on the farm? Then what is this?"

Richard pointed to the container on the side. He gave Ben enough respect. He investigated to this point, but still did not open the container without authorization.

"If Clark's behavior was not different from ordinary people, if I didn't love you and Clark, so I investigated it in my own way, how long would you keep it from me?"

Ben smiled bitterly. It was indeed that he was not kind enough. He only cared about protecting Clark, but forgot Richard. His brother was definitely someone he could trust.

"Sorry, Richard, I will explain everything to you."

As he said that, Ben took out the key to the container and opened the door. In Richard's shocked eyes, he revealed the aircraft inside.

"Clark is indeed an abandoned baby, but he was not abandoned on the roadside. Instead, he fell from the sky and landed in front of us under the gaze of May and me."


At home in Queens, Richard sat on the sofa and rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers.

"So, Clark's performance is even more exaggerated than what I know so far? Sister-in-law, you restrained Clark's performance a little when you were chatting with Mary, right?"

May also smiled embarrassedly. After all, Ben did not tell Richard everything at the first time, so she naturally hid some details in the chat with Mary.

"But there is one thing I agree with very much."

Richard, who was still distressed, suddenly changed the subject at this time.

"That's the change you two have made. My brother and sister-in-law have never been ordinary people. While letting Clark restrain his talent, you are right to be his solid backing."

Working in the Austen Group, Richard has seen many powerful nobles, and he has a deep understanding of this world.

Born in the royal family, a genius will become a saint, and born in the slums, a saint will become a lunatic.

"Since you are willing to change, why not add me!"

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