The two of them were so close that they were unable to resist.

Diana nodded and flew to Superman, gathering the divine power in her body towards the divine power wristbands on both hands.

In front of her, Arthur was approaching quickly with a large number of infected Atlanteans and some indescribable sea monsters.

Just as the black ocean current was about to touch Diana's body, the wristbands on her hands collided heavily.

The impact of the collision of the wristbands released the divine power in an instant.

And the next moment, the sea... split...

The terrifying impact blew the black ocean current back along with the infected people in it, and the sea was directly split into two. In the eyes of these powerful heroes, the legend of opening the sea was just an imagination of their battle scene.

However, after using this move, Wonder Woman will also be stiff for a moment. Seeing that the separated sea is about to reunite, Superman stood up again.

After taking a deep breath, a strong freezing breath blew out of his mouth. After Wonder Woman opened the sea, Superman used another breath to completely freeze most of the ocean in front of him. In the ice condensed from the dark sea water, the hideous faces of Atlantis infected people and some sea monsters can be seen.

"Where is Arthur?"

Although it was stiff, it was only a second, and Wonder Woman recovered, but Arthur's figure could not be seen on the ice in front of her.

"He ran away. With his swimming speed in the sea, my freezing breath could not freeze him at all."

This is the reason why Superman can only watch the sea water being polluted but cannot directly defeat Arthur. Although Arthur's swimming speed in the sea water is still not a match for Superman's full-speed flight, it is enough to avoid most of Superman's moves.

"So there will be another battle between us in the future, right?"

Superman nodded silently, and Wonder Woman sighed.

He didn't believe that Superman really had no way to deal with Arthur in the ocean. In the final analysis, Superman still couldn't bear it. He was still fantasizing about healing everyone and making the world what it was.

So, he instinctively restrained his power and didn't defeat and kill Arthur directly.

This will always be Superman's biggest weakness. Similarly, it is such a broad love that created Superman.

But Wonder Woman will not stop persuading. She is not an idealist. Superman brings hope to people, but as a warrior, she needs to show everyone the reality. This is how their Justice League has been maintained.

"Superman, it's time for you to wake up. We need to think more about the living. Sometimes, death is inevitable."

Superman just nodded silently. Wonder Woman knew that the other party heard what she said, but Wonder Woman didn't know how much effect it could have and whether it could make Superman think it through.

Fortunately, they still have time. As long as she is still there and Superman is still there, hope will not be shattered. They still have room for step-by-step planning.

The infected Arthur did not completely lose his mind. After losing his helpers, he did not continue to attack Atlantis.

So in the following, under the command of Mera and Jas, all the remaining Atlanteans gathered in the sea area near Paradise Island, and used their power to ensure that the nearby water sources could still be used.

Later, with the help of Mera, Superman and Wonder Woman rushed into the ground and forcibly lifted Paradise Island upwards, allowing more land to emerge from the sea level, so that the area of ​​the entire Paradise Island expanded by more than three times, and gained living space for the surviving humans today.

In the next few days, led by powerful heroes such as Wonder Woman, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Green Lantern Canary, everyone began to search for survivors around the world and took them to Gotham Forest or Paradise Island for resettlement according to their personalities.

Diana did not return to Paradise Island for several consecutive days, and only Mera took over the task of protecting Paradise Island instead of Diana.

However, this has little to do with Clark, and he is still training with female warriors in the arena.

After realizing his identity as a Kryptonian, under conscious training, his growth rate is as fast as turning on the plug-in.

Whether it is physical fitness or combat skills, they are growing at a speed that seems terrifying to ordinary people.

Since being beaten unilaterally by the female warrior three days ago, now, although the strength and speed are still

Although she was not at an advantage, she could skillfully use the shield in her hand to block the opponent's attack and find the right time to launch a decent counterattack.

As for Mera, she knew about Clark's existence and that Clark was Superman who was only 8 years old in another world. But now that her husband was infected and the country was almost completely destroyed, she naturally had no mood to talk to Clark, a child, and Clark naturally would not take the initiative to find this aunt who was in a bad mood.

And today, Wonder Woman is back.

The survivors from all over the world have basically been found, and Superman and others suggested that Diana return to Paradise Island to protect this last pure land, and the survivors who are still outside will be screened and transported by them.

Wonder Woman agreed. Now that even the ocean is controlled by the infected, Paradise Island is no longer as safe as it was at the beginning. Ordinary infected people naturally cannot get close to Paradise Island, an isolated island far away from the mainland, but this is not a problem for the infected Arthur and the sea monsters.

It is far from enough to fight Arthur with the power of Mera and the sea storm alone.

However, Wonder Woman, who had just returned to Paradise Island and exchanged a few words with Clark in the arena, suddenly heard someone calling her name in the sky.

"Warbird? So you are alive too?"

When he came, he was a black-skinned boy with blue feather wings. His ability seemed to be to fly with those wings and to have the ability to talk to birds.

However, Wonder Woman's understanding of the other party was just that.

"Wonder Woman! Jotunheim Prison, Black Adam of Kandak is attacking Jotunheim Prison with a large number of infected people. Please, help us!"

"Black Adam! Is he infected too?"

Wonder Woman was shocked. She thought that Arthur lurking in the ocean was troublesome enough. Now, even Black Adam was infected. Add to that the troublesome characters with special abilities in Kandak, and these are bad.

"I'll go to rescue them now. You go to the Fortress of Solitude and tell Superman and the others the news!"

With that, Wonder Woman, who had just returned, soared into the sky again and flew towards the Jotunheim Prison.

Warbird did not hesitate and turned around and flew towards the Fortress of Solitude. He also knew that Wonder Woman alone could fight Black Adam without any problem, but it would be beyond her ability to fight Black Adam and the army of infected while protecting the survivors in Jotunheim Prison.

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