The old man was very angry.

"Who is Black Adam? Is he a strong enemy? Did Lady Diana need to ask Superman for help?"

After both of them left, Clark asked the female warrior who trained him.

In his opinion, Wonder Woman Diana is a strong person who is not inferior to Superman, but even such a person needs to ask Superman and others in the Fortress of Solitude for help to fight the enemy named Black Adam.

"Black Adam? If he is also infected, then he is indeed a very strong warrior."

Paradise Island is isolated from the world, but it is not stupid enough to know nothing about the outside world. Even if it is just for self-protection, Paradise Island needs to have enough knowledge of the outside world. Therefore, every time Wonder Woman returns to Paradise Island, she actually brings some news from the outside world. It is not surprising that this female warrior knows Black Adam.

"Black Adam has the power given by the wizard Shazam. As long as he says the word Shazam, he can gain the power of the Egyptian gods, and these powers are..."

"The endurance of Shu, the god of order, allows Black Adam to not breathe or eat, and has a steel body similar to Superman."

"The speed of Horus, the god of vengeance, allows Black Adam to fly and have super fast speed."

"The power of Amon, the god of the sun, can even compete with Superman in strength, and may be the existence second only to Superman in strength."

"The wisdom of Thoth, the god of wisdom, is literally what it means. It makes Black Adam extremely smart and gains a lot of knowledge. Of course, after being infected , the power of the God of Wisdom may not be used by the other party. "

"The power of the ancient Egyptian sun god Aten not only strengthened his body again, but also allowed him to travel through space and manipulate lightning."

"The courage of the snake god Maihan, although it is courage, gave Black Adam the ability to heal himself and others from fatal injuries, and further strengthened his body's strength, and also gave him immortality."

After talking about the power of the six gods, Clark knew what a powerful enemy Black Adam was, not to mention that such an enemy only needed to hurt the opponent to spread the almost irresistible anti-life equation virus.

"Does that mean that Ms. Diana, who went to rescue alone, is very dangerous?"

The female warrior nodded and did not deny this. If Diana faced Black Adam alone, even if the opponent was irrational, it would be very difficult for her to avoid injury throughout the whole process.

At this time, the female warrior also realized that Clark was wrong.

"I say, boy, you don't want to..."

Before she finished speaking, the female warrior saw the shield coming towards her.

Instinctively, he jumped back and avoided the impact of the shield, but when he looked over, he found that Clark had already flown in the direction where Diana left. Obviously, this guy wanted to help Diana.


She cursed secretly, but the female warrior had no intention of stopping him. Not only did she know that she couldn't fly and couldn't stop Clark who wanted to leave, but she also knew that even if she succeeded in stopping Clark at this time, with this boy's kindness, he would definitely find a chance to slip away.

"You kid! When did you learn to fly!"

"Just a while ago, wait for me to come back and we will continue training!"

With that, Clark accelerated and flew away.

"This kid..."

The female warrior smiled, but a trace of worry still unconsciously appeared on her face.

"You must come back alive. I don't want to chop off your head with my own hands in the future."


On the other side, in the Jotunheim Prison, the survivors looked at the huge number of Kandak infected people, picked up their guns and placed them on the windows, and kept spewing flames.

However, such an attack is okay against ordinary infected people, but for some of the powerful people who master magic, such as the black witch Eve, or simply the opponent covered by Black Adam, hot weapons are completely useless.

"I have a way!"

At this time, Warbird's girlfriend Flash suddenly thought of a way, and the whole person jumped onto the windowsill. With a purple flash, he disappeared on the spot.

The next moment, she appeared on the back of the rapidly flying Black Adam.

Squatting on the back of Black Adam, Flash watched Black Adam crash into the Jotunheim Prison, and was about to meet

The moment before the touch, she put her hand on Black Adam's back, and the power of teleportation was activated, and she disappeared with Black Adam.

Soon, she appeared in Jotunheim Prison again.

"Where did you send him?"

Facing the survivor's question, Flash stepped on the ground with his feet.

"In the mountain, I used the teleportation ability to teleport him directly into the mountain."

Flash also knew that it was impossible to suppress Black Adam with just a mountain, but now what they had to do was to hold on as long as possible until Wonder Woman came to support.

Sure enough, at the moment when Flash finished speaking, the entire Jotunheim Prison and the mountain on which the prison relied began to tremble, cracks began to appear continuously, and in the cracks, strong and terrifying thunder was constantly overflowing.

Black Adam was about to escape.

There are also some superpowers among the survivors of Jotunheim Prison, who are more than enough to deal with other Kandak infected people, but now it seems that before they are bitten by the infected, the escaped Black Adam will first turn the mountain and Jotunheim Prison into ruins.

The counterattack stopped.

Because the mountain collapsed, Jotunheim Prison collapsed, and the survivors inside couldn't even stand steadily, let alone fight back.

What's worse is that the black witch Eve opened the portal and teleported countless infected people directly into the castle. The survivors didn't even have time to react, and they lost nearly half of their strength in the sneak attack.

At the same time, with the burst of lightning, the mountain that suppressed Black Adam completely collapsed, and Jotunheim Castle collapsed. The survivors inside lost their resistance under the collapse.

At this moment, a shadow flew across the sky and came to the collapsed castle. With both hands, it held up the collapsed Jotunheim Prison, preventing the building from collapsing, and allowing the survivors inside to fight back against the infected who had already invaded.

This person was naturally Wonder Woman who came to support.

She used her hands to hold up the 36,000-ton building at this moment. This was not her full strength, but she could not let go, because she was holding up not only the building, but also the remaining lives inside.

What was worse was that at this time, the escaped Black Adam was flashing with lightning and had come to Wonder Woman.

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