"What do you mean, deal with it"

Quill couldn't believe what he heard.

He suddenly pulled out...the element gun: and aimed it at Egg's head.

"You better not tell me that you killed my mother!"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 223 The Scarlet Witch

Chapter 223 Scarlet Witch "Hey buddy, don't rush so fast."

Seeing Hulk rushing over, Ant-Man shouted in his heart, but there was no way to stop him, Ant-Man could only follow him forward.

Looking at the scene in front of them, Natasha and the three of them did not expect that they would still be rescued when they were in a desperate situation. Black Widow murmured to herself, "Banna."

But Strange looked at the... huge robot at this time. Although it was fighting with Hulk, it seemed that the robot was just defending.

Indeed, Strange and the others guessed correctly, the auras around them were emitted by the puppets placed by Hydra, and the robot that came to pursue them was also seriously damaged.

But even so, its defense is still very strong, not only was it not suppressed by Hulk, but gradually began to break five, counterattack, and the Hulk Hulk on the other side was gradually at the bottom.

"Magic Binding."

Strange jumped out and shouted, because he was no longer worried about the surrounding ambush, he left and drew a golden rope from the air, and the knots of his hands trapped the robot's hands.

Its huge samurai sword fell to the ground, and the Hulk, who was cornered into a corner, finally took a breath. At the same time, Black Widow had already detoured behind it and kicked it in the leg, and finally it fell down. .


What followed was Keisha's punch, which hit it hard on the head and shattered the joystick controller immediately, "Zir"

After being broken, the robot was finally unable to move, and the two red eyes were also extinguished.

"Hello, first time meeting, my name is Scott.


A person who was invisible just now suddenly appeared in front of them, and he took off his helmet while greeting politely.

"That's how you found us."

Strange untied the king's rope and asked them, but at the same time he looked around vigilantly.

"You can ask the Hulk about this, or Dr. Banner."

Scott pointed to the Hulk who was gasping aside.

"Hulk, you disappeared after Sokovia where you were recently.

We all thought you were dead, bastard."

Natasha finally couldn't hold back and hugged Hulk's drooping head, crying.


Suddenly, Hulk changed from scarlet pupils to normal eyes, while beating his head.


In the end, Banner regained his human appearance, but fell.

"Now you can speak."

Strange looked at Banner and asked Scott, who was beside him.


"Banner analyzed that Hydra will definitely make a big move, and at the same time he detected an earthquake in the Himalayas, which is impossible under normal circumstances, so we have found you all the way east."

"You have been following the Himalayas"

Keisha asked, adding, "Why isn't there a road to the Indian Ocean, and how did you know we were here."

"You don't have a boat."

Scott said it naturally, but the hands were placed on his waist unnaturally.

Suddenly Strange saw "Ant-Man"

He pointed his hand to Natasha and said, "Be careful, Natasha."

But it was still a step too late, and a black air rushed into the eyebrows of Natasha and Keisha.

On the other hand, for.. the "Ant-Man" who was about to escape

, but the response was not slow at all, and it was another magic-bound rogue that bound the fake Strong.

Stellan looked at Natasha and Wang who suddenly became red, and said, "This is voodoo in dark magic, who are you."

He turned his head to the man who was staring at him.

"Yes, but you didn't say everything, and there are Gu techniques. If you want to save her, you can only agree to my conditions."

He snorted coldly, and at the same time "Ant-Man"

The mask fell off again, this is Baron Mordo.

"Do you think your spells are stronger than mine?"

Strange said toughly, while thinking about what to do, "I don't know, just bet, if you are willing to bet."

Mordo replied unhurriedly, and then he said that if you want to try to find an antidote, there is definitely not enough time.

"You bastard, you actually learned dark magic."

Strange snorted angrily.

"You forgot, how our teachers taught you, are you worthy of doing this... teacher."

"The teacher is a stubborn person, and the final result is that she takes it upon herself.

Strange, you are as reluctant as she is to submit to the great Lord Dormammu."

"Submit to dark magic, have you forgotten that light and darkness are absolutely impossible to coordinate."

Strange said firmly.

"Then what choice do you have now?"

Mordo asked aside.

"Maybe he can't do it alone, but someone might be able to."

Suddenly, Keisha, who had just fainted, stood up and said.

"How could you be okay?"

Mordo's eyes widened, he didn't believe how the dark magic he had studied for years could have no effect on her.

"There are very few people in this world who can poison me."

Kesha said.

"Magic stun."

Suddenly Strange knocked Mordo down, and he decided to take this Dormammu's entourage, even if he didn't know their purpose, it might be useful in the future.

The two of them looked at each other and knew where they were going and who they were looking for.

Wellington, New Zealand is known as the most beautiful city in the south of the world, far from the thought, even inhabited by one person - the Scarlet Witch.

There is a Victoria Hill on the outskirts of Wellington, which also has a panoramic view of the whole city of Wellington.

The difference is that Wellington's Mount Victoria is in the middle of the city.

Wellington's buildings are mostly built around this hill, and with these ...... beautiful views wake up with this Wanda who has left the fraternity and decided to accept a new life .

She looked at the beach in the distance, people roamed on the golden sandy beach, blue waves were surging and people were surging, the scenery in front of her would undoubtedly melt you in the arms of the sea, and make you intoxicated in the realm of forgetting things and me.

Even if you get covered with sand, a wave rolls over, and the sand is washed away without a trace in an instant, refreshing and refreshing.

And farther away, a few leaves of white sails, like a few pieces of snow-white feathers, floated gently on this golden sea.

The sun was shining brightly, Wanda dressed up before going downstairs, this place was bought by the Shuhe team three years ago, in order to make her recover, and now, she has also decided to officially go with the past and her own..." Father"

Cut off all ties and start a new life.

She opened the door and looked around, she saw the beautiful scenery here, and suddenly, in another... 100 years, she saw another acquaintance - Doctor Strange.

Chapter 224 Kerry and Skrull

224 The vast universe of Kerry and Skrull often gives people a mysterious color, the endless end, the extremely beautiful starry night, there is not a single cloud in the sky, and the deep blue sky is full of diamond-like stars.

Sparkling stars, like jewels, are densely scattered across the vast night sky.

The milky white Milky Way, from the northwest sky, across the middle sky, slants down to the southeast land.

Summer stars are as cute as naughty children.

Several large and bright stars hang in the night sky, as if people in the sky are patrolling the vast space with lanterns.

Human beings are also exploring whether there is still the second Earth that people are looking forward to. There have been countless civilizations in the universe since ancient times. The difference is that some civilizations flourished for a while but declined, while others have survived to this day.

And the ones that have survived to this day and are powerful, of course, include the mighty Kree Empire.

Four hundred years ago, they invaded the solar system and were amazed at the many developed civilizations here, but at the same time they also encountered the obstruction of the Titans and Inhumans, etc...

Therefore, after the son, the Kree Empire has two completely different views on the solar system. One is that they believe that the races in the solar system are ignorant and should be conquered. alliance.

At this time, the most important inquiry day of the Kree Empire began. The human body of the supreme wisdom and the Kree emperor sat on the top floor, and at the same time, the two groups of people with different opinions sat on both sides of the bottom of the golden steps.

Everyone is sitting solemnly under the golden hall. The sacred steps made of Moor metal are extremely ancient. In fact, in the sacred palace, it is called the three major relics of the sacred era together with the sacred fire and the sacred sword. .

"I think we should take a wait-and-see attitude for the time being, don't get involved in their battles, but at the same time we can talk about alliances with the leaders of the earth secretly. I believe that the olive branch we have thrown out at this time is not acceptable. If they don't take it, this is their only chance to defeat Thanos.

At the same time, we are preparing to defeat Thanos in one sentence and annex Earth when they both lose.

Governor Regner is a hawk of the civilization of the Kree Empire. As soon as his suggestion came out, everyone behind him also agreed.

"I don't think we should continue to annex other planets now. All civilizations in the universe know that we signed a peace agreement two or three hundred years ago. If we risk trying to destroy this agreement, it will attract public anger. of."

Inspector Magnu is a platoon that prefers peaceful development. With his efforts, the Kree Empire signed a peace agreement with... the other two empires.

"Then do you think it's good that the Earth falls into Thanos' hands? With all due respect, your theory is outdated, and if you keep going, you'll destroy Kerry, old bastard."

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