Governor Regner's always tough attitude appeared, which made the Kerry Emperor on the stage very dissatisfied.

The Supreme Wisdom said, "Please be careful not to use insulting words in your communication, understand?"

"Yes, but I still think it's his set. The two empires have always been eyeing the solar system. Of course, an earth is nothing, it's just an ordinary planet, but his position is very important. Terran, there is the Eternal Titan on Titan not far away, we must take it.

"I don't think so, dear Mr. Governor, if we go there, won't other civilizations and empires try to stop them? They are also staring there"

The Ombudsman once again proposes his own peace plan, which is to sign an agreement with Thanos and Earth.

"Then let us hand over to the Supreme Wisdom and our Emperor to arbitrate"

The Governor did not want to waste any more words, and he left the decision to the two people on stage.

But at this time, the hourglass is over, which also means the end of the political training, they can't continue to discuss, they can only wait for the next time.

"Pick up Ronan for me."

The Governor sat in his hovering spaceship and said to the secretary beside him, "Tell him to stop and come over no matter what mission there is for me."

In another spaceship, the inspector said to the driver, "Find me Mike.

Will, let him stop everything and come back."

At this time, he said anxiously, "Tell him, if you still want to see the existence of the earth, come back immediately."

In the other direction, the vast universe is also another country that can rival the civilization of the Kree Empire - the civilization of the Skrull Empire.

This country is known in the universe for its mystery and elegance, but its true veil has never been revealed.

As a result, there are countless rumors about them.

On the sacred mountain of Skuru Star, a black plaque hangs on the top of the gate made of Raglan metal, with Skrull characters on it, and three big characters "Council Hall" are inscribed with flying and flamboyant dance.

The sky is as cool as water at night, the red candles flicker in the window, the drizzle outside the window is sloping, the accumulated water drips quietly along the eaves, and a circle of ripples spreads on the ground, like a sigh, like a hold, put out the Milky Way lights, push open the creaking Window, Queen Skrull stared at the raindrops flying outside the window.

Then Lingyue opened the long coral window, and there was a back garden outside the window, which was full of exotic flowers and plants, very bright and beautiful, and it was known to be a place to visit.

There are also sixteen flower trees, each of which is tall and handsome. At this time, it is the early summer of Skrull Star. The wind is blowing and the flowers are falling. Beautiful.


The four corners of the temple are raised high, as graceful as four swallows ready to fly.

And the queen also walked out of the room and looked at the clouds in the sky.

"How's the news?"

the queen asked.

The head attendant heard her utterance like pearls, her voice was soft and crisp, and extremely pleasant to listen to. He looked at her a few times, and saw that her expression was innocent, charming and naughty, her cheeks were flushed, and although she was young, she had a bright complexion. She is beautiful and elegant, and she is really even more beautiful than the one in the painting. She has such a handsome and unpretentious personality, and no one would think that she is the queen who manages the entire empire.

"Yes, although I saw that the Kerry Empire did not act on the surface, it has already sent people secretly."

The attendant replied.

"Well, it seems that they really did it, let's not act rashly."

The queen suddenly gave the attendant a charming look and said, "Who do you think will get the blue planet between them and the Shi'a Empire."

"Her Majesty, I think whoever gets it works against us."

Attendant Will is a hereditary position, he dare not look directly at the Queen, if found, it is a capital crime.

Unlike the other two empires, Skrull's politics is a king system, that is, the king has absolute power, and this also makes certain people believe in the royal family more than the state.

The queen looked into the distance and said, "It seems that we have to prepare early. The Milky Way, which has not been fighting for hundreds of years, is probably going to fight this time."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 225: The Battle 2100 words

Chapter 225 Battle Situation 210 Words The long years have passed, and the sea of ​​stars is still vast.

And in the universe, the planet derived from a brain is slowly rotating.

He is not close to any galaxy, independent of the universe, looks so lonely and helpless, but he is so powerful, so powerful that almost no galaxy can resist his invasion.

For tens of millions of years, he has indeed systematically implemented his own invasion plan, leaving his own bloodline on various planets, and then killing offspring that do not meet the requirements.

What does he really need is a partner? Presumably what he really needs is a group of helpers or blades that can help him conquer the universe and have the same powerful bloodline as him! This point, since he killed those in his other galaxies.. ...... It can be seen from the fact that there is no child with his blood of the gods.

What's more, he said that he was lonely, but he only left Quill's life.

The name Egg is indeed very suitable for him, he is like his own name, there is only self in life.

Egg is the result of a scientist merging with a planet 1.

The planet's original "sun"

Turned into a supernova, causing him to become conscious after becoming: very weak and began to absorb all the power he could to survive.

At the beginning, Igo absorbed all kinds of spaceships in the past. As its power grew, Igo began to absorb other planets and races, and ambitiously prepared plans for interstellar conquest.

Now that he has a child of his own blood, that is, he has a powerful helper to conquer the stars, he must keep Quill.

"Is it you Egg, tell me if my mother's death has anything to do with some selfish shit plan of yours?"

Quill grabbed Egg by the collar, and he was about to lift the little old man up.

"If I tell you, will you just listen to me and stay to help?"

Egg was pulled by the collar of the fat boy Quill in front of him, and he didn't look angry at all.

This is a novel feeling for him. He has been wandering alone in the interstellar space since he became conscious. He has not even experienced what it feels like to have a companion. Although he is only using Quill, he is also happy to be with himself. His son shares the interstellar empire he has worked hard for thousands of years.

"I won't sincerely cooperate with people who leave room for me to hide from each other."

Quill is not stupid, he kept an eye on the truth of his mother's death, Napa has made a decision in his heart, and he will not say it foolishly to make Egg guard against it.

"Even if what you want to refuse is endless ability, money status, you stay and help me, my child, you can get everything you want."

Egg said softly.

"I won't agree to your solicitation until you tell me the truth."

Quill's attitude was remarkably firm.

He does like money, but he loves his family more.

If his mother really died because of his own planet, and Egg killed his mother just to ensure that he valued his self-understanding reproductive responsibility, no matter how tempting the so-called celestial power was, he would not Shake, give up on the line.

"Okay okay, you're really stubborn and inconsiderate."

Egg shrugged, and he easily broke free of Quill's holding hands.

Egg looked nothing but a few decades old human figure, but when Egg held Quill's iron pincer-like hand tightly grasping his collar, it was like easily plucking a flower or piercing a flower. It's as easy as a sheet of paper.

I saw Egg took Quill's fist and took the hand off his body.

He held Quill's hand, his eyes full of sympathy and contempt for the weak.

Egg was not as tall as Quill, and he looked up at Quill as if he were looking down on the weak.

He just shook his head helplessly.

Egg's gesture, as if saying to Quill that I've given you a chance, is full of sympathy and helplessness that you can't take well yourself.

"If you insist on a result, I can tell you, yes."

Egg is still smiling, he is like the... loving father on the human world or any other planet, "your mother, my wife, the human woman on earth, Meredith Quill, is indeed I killed it."

Quill was shocked, even if he had a hunch about the result, but when Quill really heard this sentence from Egg and really understood this cruel truth, he was still in his heart. There was a burst of confusion and anger.

"Why isn't she, Meredith Quill, your wife? Even if you don't love her, you abandoned her on earth and left her to raise the child alone, why did you kill him?"

Quill was struck incoherently, and suddenly great anger and resentment came from his heart.

He resents this planet, this inhuman creature called Ego, and Egg's plan to annex and conquer the universe, and even resent himself with the blood of the gods that is exactly the same as this damn ego planet!" Of course, my dear son."

Egg shook his head. He was still the same, gentle and kind, which made Quill feel the creeps.

"What I want is not a lover, but a companion."

Egg said the cruelest words with the gentlest gesture: "Only those who have the same bloodline of the gods as me are my companions, and the others are just tools to achieve our goals."

"In your eyes, Meredith Quill is just a used person who helps you continue your bloodline, a tool in your hands, but he is the most important existence in my heart, my mother!"

Quill's eyes were reddened, his eyes were torn apart by the words of his own planet, and at this moment his reason was completely gone, and he didn't even have the heart to consider his own situation.

I saw Quill raised the element gun on his waist: "You despicable and shameless guy, go to hell!"

Quill aimed at Egg, and the muzzle was aimed at the still kind-looking face.

"Son, you made the worst decision."

Egg shook his head, he didn't take Quill's attack in the slightest.

"You'll know soon enough that it's the best choice to be with me!"

As soon as the words fell, Quill's Elemental Gun:'s attack was already in front of him, but he saw that his planet was not dodging or evading. The next moment, the energy of Elemental Gun: pierced through Egg's head.

However, this attack was like breaking a piece of paper, or hitting a pile of cotton. Quill did hit Egg in the head, but the other party looked unscathed.

To make matters worse, I saw that Egg, who was hit, shook his head as if nothing was wrong: "Child,"

He said to Quill with some sighs: "You made the worst choice, even challenging my patience."

The next moment, Egg in human form, or the planetary self incarnated as a human, disappeared in place like a wisp of smoke.

"You've lost your chance to live with me, Peter Jason Quill"


Quill turned pale in shock, and the Guardians of the Galaxy formed a circle and looked around vigilantly.

They finally remembered that Egg was not a certain person, or a certain form.

Every inch of land under the feet of the Guardians of the Galaxy, this planet, is Egg.

Or, the planetary self.

What the Guardians of the Galaxy will face next will be a fierce battle that has never been seen before.

Chapter 226 Courage2100 words

Chapter 226 Yongdu 210 words Self can be said to be as his name suggests, he was born in the dark galaxy, his appearance is similar to organs and tissues, and the size is close to that of a planet, so he is also called a planet of life.

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