Beneath its bizarre appearance hides a super-powerful brain.

He can rely on the ability of consciousness to travel through space alone, and he can also use antibodies to fight.

Ego is a life planet that has the size of a planet and has survived for millions of years. It has immeasurable intelligence, it also has god-level strength and endurance, and it can also fly at warp speed.

The ego can control its total mass down to the molecular level, and it can also alter its surface to look like a giant face, or to grow giant tentacles.

The ego can also disguise itself, making it look like a barren world or a dreamy paradise, attracting some unwitting space traveler to its surface and then absorbing it.

It was only later that the ego who was raised in this way and even became stronger wandered in the universe. He was conceited and arrogant, could not bear the loneliness of only himself, and looked down on ordinary and stupid beings on other planets, so he chose to incarnate into other forms, Go to each planet to find a way to continue.

He used women on various planets to give birth to offspring for him, and then dealt with those women and children who did not have his blood of the gods, and Quill's mother Meredith Quill also died because of this.

The Guardians of the Galaxy stand on the planet of self, and they look around vigilantly. Every existence here may have the spirit of Egg, and their surroundings are full of danger.

The Guardians of the Galaxy stood silently in place, and they discovered just how barren this star was.

Suddenly, in this dead place, a leaf swayed without wind.

"It's Egg!"

Quill yelled.

After Quill and Egg completely ripped apart, the ego planet seems to have completely abandoned this child who disobeyed discipline and wanted to avenge his mother.

At this moment, Egg's attitude towards taking Quill is just as heartless as he was towards the children... who were abandoned and killed by him.

I saw this disguised planet full of life disintegrate in an instant, and those trees, flowers and plants turned into ashes in an instant as if they had been enchanted.

The ego planet finally revealed his original hideous face.

There is no life on this planet, and there is no beauty that he wants to show mankind.

The vitality of the talent just now is like an illusion created to confuse people.

The dark red magma spurted out from the billowing black smoke, and the loud rumbling sound was pressed to the surrounding layers, and the burning red rocks were pushed up into the sky and galloped down, leaving thousands of millions in the air of the smoke screen. Fiery red scratches.

Clouds of poisonous volcanic ash reached the sky, huge thunder and torrential rain engulfed the volcano, forked lightning surrounded the plume of smoke erupting from the crater, and the terrifying picture seemed as if the air itself was on fire.

Suddenly, a giant face made of rocks appeared in front of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

That is Egg, which is the ego.

Quill's Elemental Gun: Aimed at Egg, Elemental Gun: Blasted out terrifying energy, spewing towards the big face that Egg had transformed, but all of this was useless in front of being able to devour Ge.

I saw that hideous face composed of rock and magma opened its mouth and swallowed Quill's attack in one bite.

Then, with a bang, silver-white rays of light erupted from above, like waving tentacles, supporting his body in the air, the entire planet seemed to come alive, and the earth became like waves. The wave state began to rise and fall, and several members of the Guardians of the Galaxy began to stand unsteadily, moving back and forth on the surging ground, barely holding their bodies.

However, Egg stopped attacking, he seemed to be a little unwilling, and said to Quill: "Quil, my son, you are the noble son of the gods, you have the same power of gods as me, As long as you help me, I can devour a large number of planets in the universe and grow stronger, you and I can open a whole new universe, and you and I will be the kings in this new universe."

"Forget your so-called mother, she is just a humble earth life, the most glorious thing in this life is... pregnant with my child, giving birth to you, with me, you can have eternal life, endless life Wealth, supreme authority, do you really want to give up all of this and become my enemy for a woman who only gave birth to you?"

Egg said with allure.

"Shut up!"

Quill roared, "A guy like you doesn't know what family affection is, what love is, and what qualifications do you have to belittle my mother!"

I saw Quill raise the element gun: , one after another powerful laser particle energy pulses shot out continuously, hitting the waving tentacles, smashing them into pieces, at the same time, Gamora's vigorous green figure and Drake The same attacks as the buffaloes were also attacking Yigo one after another.

After a burst of gunpowder smoke, Egg's silvery tentacles were smashed into pieces, and the big face with the rock and the molten lava disappeared in an instant, but everyone in the Guardians of the Galaxy knew that this didn't mean they were victorious. , It was only the incarnation of Egg that was repelled just now, the real Egg is the huge planet under their feet! "Quier, you completely angered me."

Egg did not appear, but his voice came from all sides of the planet, and the voice was full of anger, as if he had to tear up the Guardians of the Galaxy before he could be content.

In Egg's mind, he allowed his son to challenge his authority, but it was all based on Quill's willingness to be with him.

In an instant, the ground beneath the feet of the Guardians of the Galaxy seemed to have a hole, and there was an extremely powerful force that attracted everyone to the interior of the planet.

Everyone fell uncontrollably toward the center of the planet, only to see Groot stretched out his arms and hung them on a solid place, and then they were connected one by one, barely stabilizing their bodies.

However, he was given special "preferential treatment" by Yigo

Quill was not so lucky.

Just as Quill was about to be swallowed, a figure descended from the sky, grabbed Quill's falling body, and pulled him.

The person who came was actually Yongdu! Yongdu successfully rescued Quill, and everyone finally landed safely. When the guards were in a state of embarrassment, Yongdu shook his head.

"I didn't expect you guys were really brought here by Egg."

While guarding against Yongdu's sudden attack, everyone felt thankful for what had just happened.

"If it goes on like this, we will all die here."

Rocket said worriedly.

"Yes, Egg is too powerful, not to mention that we have no way to destroy this planet, and Egg doesn't even need to show up when we fight."

Gamora said.

"Yondu, what can you do? I heard that you used to be friends with Egg."

Quill looked at Yondu who was coming.

"I do have a way, but one has to make a sacrifice and put himself in danger."

Yondu said: "Ego has achieved success on this planet, but he is also subject to this planet. He has enormous strength and also has the most fatal weakness."

Yondu looked at Quill: "Ego can easily kill us with the help of this planet, but once the core of this planet is destroyed, he will also perish as a result."

"what do you mean"

Quill guessed what he was thinking.

"You guessed right, as long as someone enters Egg's core, he can be eliminated, and this person must be you."


Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 227 x

Chapter 227 The professor was captured somewhere in the Egyptian desert. The Gobi Desert is sometimes quiet, suffocating. Occasionally, a whirlwind rolls up a column of yellow sand, and there is an inexplicable quiet atmosphere.

From time to time, the wind blows violently, flying sand and rocks, and the momentum seems to wipe out the whole nature under its lewd power, which is terrifying and helpless.

Walking into the Gobi Desert is like entering a primitive wilderness, full of desolation and lifeless.

However, in order to find a water source, the ephedra plant digs its roots deep into the coarse sand and gravel.

This unremarkable plant, with very narrow branches and leaves, withered yellow, raised its head high, glared at the wasteland, and could not see the slightest compromise and begging for alms.

"We are here, everyone must be careful, Apocalypse's perception is very strong."

Grant warned, but needless to say, the vast majority of the people present were battle-hardened people, and even Laura had the experience of fighting against rivals with Logan.

A day ago, everyone agreed with the professor's decision to go to Egypt together. They understood that if Apocalypse completely broke through the seal, it would be very difficult to fight against him in the future, so when the professor proposed to go to Egypt, everyone except... .. all but Cyclops agreed.

"Why did you come to Egypt."

Logan didn't pack up, he leaned against the gate of the academy and watched everyone in the team go to Egypt except... Iceman and Rakshasa, but suddenly saw Laura following, asked.

"Don't forget, I'm also a member of the team, and I'm your companion. Of course, I'm going there to deal with Apocalypse with you."


Ginny just finished speaking lightly, and walked towards the plane with the travel bag on his back.

Logan didn't stop her anymore. When he looked at the plane Laura was walking towards, he remembered the first words she said when she went to Deadpool behind her back: "I'm your companion, I want to be with you. to face the danger."

However, the desert ravaged by the storm is a different scene. The wind blows, the yellow sand dances, and the whole sky becomes a stage for the ravaged yellow sand. The rolling yellow sand follows the strong wind, and the dunes move, and that little fragile oasis Trembling in the raging wind and sand, worried that the rolling sand dunes will drown you.

In this way, a monsoon of sand has changed the terrain of the desert, but the restless sand and dust, along with the unrelenting wind, have been drifting to the sea, which is what we call a sandstorm.

However, everyone knows that there will never be a bad morning news here today. Everyone thought that Tianqi had taken the shot. He was mobilizing his power to break through the seal. The tacit understanding made Storm subconsciously stimulate the power. Just when her eyes were preparing to change to sense the sky, the words of the White Queen suddenly sounded in her ears, "This power is the punishment brought to us by God."

Everyone waited for a long time, but when the sandstorm was getting closer and closer to them, there was no sign of disappearing at all.

Everyone looked at Storm, only to see her lying on the desert, Wen Si did not move, only the hand that grasped the sand became whiter and whiter, as if she was fighting against someone.

At this time, just when she thought she was about to be heartbroken, a hand held her spasmodic arm, it was Logan: "Orolo, I can understand your feelings, but now it's successful."

It seemed like an order, but it seemed warm.

"Ro, Logan, I"

At this moment, Storm suddenly saw Laura looking at them, her eyes staring at Storm who was holding Logan's right hand.

She let go of Logan's hand subconsciously, but her eyes kept looking at him.

So Storm mobilized her power, and suddenly the sandstorm that had just raged disappeared without a trace at this moment.

But they didn't act, because they knew that there would be someone more anxious than them, and that person would make an official move soon.

Sure enough, there was a "bang rumbling" in their ears.

but the sky was clear, the sky was as hot as the desert, and there was no sign of rain.

They lowered their heads and found that a crack appeared in the earth not far away, and the crack became even bigger... Huge, the people lying on the ground kept moving their bodies backwards, the hot desert was about to kill them Roasted, but they have to keep themselves in a safe position.

And only Nightcrawler Kurt Wagner didn't move as if he was asleep. Suddenly, his eyes seemed to open for a moment and then closed again, and his position moved back a lot.

"This is the power of Apocalypse, and he has almost recovered."

The words he gave rang in everyone's ears, and telepathy enabled everyone to hear his words, and they couldn't help but admire one of the most intelligent people on the planet, and his quick decision let them go at this time. Egypt, if after a while, he completely breaks the seal, then their situation is very dangerous.

At this time, the expansion of the cracks stopped, and a stalwart building rose up - the ancient Egyptian pyramids.

In the long history of human beings, people can't help but wonder that this splendid building may not have been built by the ancient Egyptians, just like the pyramid in front of us, the golden peak, sacred and invincible...... . Violation, in the light of the sun, shining faintly, showing a holy and powerful light.


After giving an order, the Nightcrawler on the side suddenly moved and flashed into the interior of the pyramid, while the angel followed him. At the same time, Storm summoned thunder and lightning, trying to interfere with Apocalypse's sight.

At this time, Professor's brain received a signal from the two people, "It's normal inside, moving, Storm and Cyclops are on the group, Logan and Laura are on the group, and Li Qianhuan and I, and Colossus are supporting outside."

Just as he was about to continue the order, he suddenly said "Retreat."

At this moment, something like a cannonball hit the country from the other side of the pyramid. They fixed their eyes on the pair of Nightcrawlers, and Colossus immediately.

He rushed up and stretched out his hands to easily catch them, but he never imagined that there was an electric current on them, so he and the angel who were hit by the electric shock were about to fall into the cliff in front of him. .

At this moment, the professor urged them to float up, but at this time, the professor could not see that the hands stretched out from the crack were holding him. When he was caught, the professor seemed to have lost his will. He fell to the ground and was quickly pulled into the crack.

Cyclops was the first to spot him, he hit the hands with one blow, but the hands were made of sand, and although it was pierced, the nearby sand quickly glued it to the side. together.

Logan on the side has already followed the claws and stabbed in. Unexpectedly, a trace of blood splashed on Logan's hand, and it was this trace of blood that turned into a special strong acid that corroded Logan's hands. Even his self-healing power cannot heal.

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