"Those who have the bloodline of the gods or those who have the aptitude for magic who have been specially taught by the gods to practice methods, if they don't have bloodlines and don't have enough talent, they won't be able to master even the simplest high-speed divine words."

"Is that so?"

Yin Luochuan touched his chin.

"Do you need me to check your bloodline and talent?"

"Wait...give me a moment."

Yin Luochuan quickly refused.

"I just need to detect your body through magic...what are you afraid of"

Seeing Yin Luochuan who hurriedly took two steps back, Medea was a little puzzled.

He didn't answer Medea's question directly, but stepped aside and said, "Have you heard of Schrödinger's cat?"

"what is that"

"A very simple quantum experiment with a cat in a box and a small amount of radioactive material.

After that, there is a 50% chance that the radioactive material will decay and release poison gas to kill the cat.

At the same time, there is a 50% probability that the radioactive material will not decay and the cat will survive. Before you open the box, the cat's state is between life and death, which is a matter of probability.

Now this kind of situation can also happen to me. When you haven't tested my bloodline and talent, the chance of becoming a magician of the age of gods is [-]%%.

If I now use some special methods to increase this probability to [-]%, then I can definitely become a magician of the generation of gods!"

Medea looked at Yin Luochuan with a bewildered expression, apparently not understanding what he was talking about.

Chapter 320 Prosperity

Chapter 30 Prosperity "Okay."

Yin Luochuan said helplessly: "In other words, let you see a man on the side of the road, he is a man, you think he is a man, he also thinks he is a man, everyone thinks he is a man of."

"But no one has ever tested him for reproductive abnormalities and excess androgen secretion, so under certain circumstances, the boy can become a girl."

Medea looked at Yin Luochuan in disbelief with her mouth open, and said in a slightly out of tune: "You...you are a girl!"

After a brief elaboration, Ms. Medea finally had a certain understanding of modern quantum mechanics, and made her have a great interest in the magic of physics.

And he is going to have a deeper discussion with Yin Luochuan at an appropriate time, but Yin Luochuan believes that when he sees the vast ocean of physical formulas and documents like heavenly books, he will voluntarily give up this immature book. idea.

"It's still too young."

Yin Luochuan looked blankly with a faint smile on his face, like Medea Road who had found an interesting new toy.

Soon, the two stopped a passing car, and under Yinluochuan's hint magic, they enthusiastically invited the two to the car, and sent the two to a large shopping mall in a nearby city.

At the beginning of the period, Medea was still a little unsuited to this environment, but she soon awakened the exclusive talent of women under the guidance of Yin Luochuan.

"what is this"

Medea looked curiously at the lipstick samples placed in the glass counter.

"Lipsticks, cosmetics for women.

Yin Luochuan replied lightly.

"It's interesting, there are different colors... that one, take one."

After a while, Yin Luochuan with an indifferent face, under the envious eyes of the servant, paid off Medea's consumption of nearly [-] pounds.

"what is this"

Medea's beautifully decorated beauty shop.

"Probably something like skin care."

Obviously, this touched the blind spot of Yinluochuan's knowledge. He really hasn't been to any beauty shop since he was so old.

"I want to go in and try, do you want to come?"

Medea, who was full of girlish air, invited Yin Luochuan.

"No, I'll be waiting for you next to me."


Looking at Medea, who jumped all the way into the beauty salon, there is an inexplicable feeling circling in her heart. If she is not deep in the world, I will show her the prosperity of the world. If her heart is vicissitudes, I will take her to ride the merry-go-round. .

As for Medea...these...are the world prosperous or a merry-go-round? By the time the two came out of the mall, it was already nighttime, Both of them carried large and small pockets in their hands.

Most of them are daily necessities purchased by Medea, and there is also a watch that Medea gave to Yin Luochuan. Of course, he himself paid the money.

"Looks like you're in a good mood tonight"

Yin Luochuan chatted with Medea one after another.

"Fortunately, I don't know why, but your presence always makes me feel at ease."

"Oh, really"

Yin Luochuan replied casually.

Although all of this was indeed done deliberately by him, in dealing with creatures like women, he always felt that routines were always more useful than true feelings.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 321 Primordial Desire

Chapter 31 It is not difficult for him to slightly hypnotize himself and change his personality slightly.

"I've always wondered why you chose me as your Servant? Ordinary people wouldn't choose me as a Servant, and you can obviously give up on me and summon other Servants again."

"Because you are the best among the magicians of the generation of gods, and the main purpose of my summoned servant is to practice magic of the generation of gods."

Yin Luochuan's expression did not change.

"There are so many other gods magic..."

"Are you doubting yourself?"

Yin Luochuan interrupted: "If it's because of your name, you don't have to think so much."


"Do you know what they used to call me? They called me a devil, a bastard, a lunatic, afraid of me like a wolf, but they peeped at my plans, and they had to crawl under my feet when they wanted to kill me. , praying for my help."

Yin Luochuan said lightly.

As if remembering the past, with a wild smile on his face.

"Living under the eyes and words of others, in my opinion, is the saddest thing in this world. This time in this world... no one will call you a witch anymore."

"Let's go, it's getting late, go back to rest early, although summoning you doesn't consume much... magic power, but it still consumes a lot of my energy, and I'm a little tired."


By the time they arrived at the house where Yin Luochuan was renting, it was almost over one day.

At Medea's request, Yinluo and all the basic utensils in the house were introduced to him before the latter hid in the bathroom.

Thinking of the sound of water made Yin Luo Chuanbu's mind wander. He took out a bottle of red wine from the refrigerator and took a few sips. That kind of...slight coolness suppressed the...dry heat.

After all, he is not a saint, after all, he can't escape Seven Emotions and Six Desires. He smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, and fell on the sofa half-drunk and half-awake.

When he was awakened by Medea from the haze, he couldn't tell what time it was, but he saw a large expanse of snow-white exposed outside.

A... light blue long hair with a little moisture adhered to that delicate and gentle face, and the blue eyes were extremely soft, making people want to fall into it deeply.

The body wrapped in a bath towel alone, the almost perfect shape and curve couldn't help but make people take a second glance, and the exposed shoulders reflected the white brilliance under the bright yellow light.

The small skeleton has a round and natural texture, but without a trace of muscle, it is soft and delicate, and the two jade-like legs can almost stimulate the most primitive desires in the hearts of all men.

He quietly closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth curled into an arc, and quietly pulled the quilt covering his body up, the lights went out, his vision fell into absolute darkness, and he slept all night.

The next day, in the Clock Tower library, who did not wait for Weber's Yinluo River, after completing the one-year suspension of schooling, he led Medea to board the flight to Huaxia.

Always wandering in a foreign country like this is not the life he wants, and it may be a good way to go back and live for a while after a while.

"Have you seen the person you want to see?"

Medea, leaning on the cushion, said casually.


Yin Luochuan replied lightly.

Chapter 322 1021 words

Chapter 32 Half Year 102 "Oh, where are we going?"

Medea asked in a low voice.

"Go... to find the last moments of peace and quiet."

Li Yang hesitated for a moment and then said, "By the way, I will teach you how to play Baji."

"What is Octopus?"

"A very powerful punch."

"Why should I, a mage, learn the stuff of those... warriors full of muscles"

Medea resisted a little.

"Then those warriors... who are full of muscles in your mouth will fight with you in melee combat."

"Why should I melee them."

"Then why do they want to call you long-distance?"

Amid the huge roar of the plane, the voices of the two gradually drifted away, leaving only a vast pure blue sky.

Half a year later...In a small basement, a six-year-old six-year-old girl with purple hair was standing with a haggard-looking middle-aged man with gray hair, as if something were going on. ceremony.

"Sakura...Are you really going to participate in the Holy Grail War, but now that Matou Zoe has disappeared, we have no reason to fight for it."

Matou Kariya said to Matou Sakura in confusion.

"But Uncle Kariya, I want the Holy Grail to come true."

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