"What do you wish uncle to help you?"

"Of course, I want my uncle to help me realize it. I want my uncle and mother Rin. The four of us will always be together."

A innocent smile appeared on Sakura's face.

Hearing the words, Matou Kariya was stunned for a moment. For the first time, his pale face showed a sincere smile, "Okay! This time, even if my uncle is betting everything on himself, he will fulfill your wish."

"Well, I believe that uncle can do it."

Matou Sakura, who lowered her head, replied in a tender voice, but no one saw the sneer at the corner of her mouth that did not match her age and mind.

"Kiritsugu, it's okay, with the legendary scabbard, you will definitely be able to summon the strongest one and achieve your dream."

Irisviel said to Emiya Kiritsugu gently.


A mocking smile appeared on Emiya Kiritsugu's dull face, and the figure of the man half a year ago flashed in his mind, "Ai Li, this time I want to bring Illya with me."


Irisviel wondered: "she's still so young, what do you take her to?"

"Because... the appearance of that man forced me to do this."

Emiya Kiritsugu looked at Lingji in the center of the church with deep eyes.

"It'll be all right, Kiritsugu."

Irisviel, who was in Emiya Kiritsugu's arms, comforted her softly.

In the empty warehouse, a low old man was pacing back and forth on crutches, depicting the spirit formation made of blood in front of him.

"Hehe... I really don't know how far Sakura and that trash can do, but they can completely train the engraved worm inside that trash... It's really a bit of a skill, But...that's all there is to it."

In addition to Fuyuki, in another city, a girl in a long blue dress and with short, light-colored hair over the ears quietly opened her light blue eyes, looking at the city where Fuyuki City is located from a distance through the baffle and the house. In the direction, the young voice has a milky air.

"It seems...something interesting happened somewhere, and there are two outsiders involved...Would you like to take a look?"

A dark-haired youth wearing a black trench coat and sunglasses in the covered bridge is slowly walking towards the exit of the airport: go.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 323 Agreement 1029 words

Chapter 33 Agreement 102 "Li Yang's clothes feel..."

Beside her, a petite girl wearing a white embroidered cheongsam took Li Yang's hand and said uncomfortably.

"What do you feel, you look beautiful in this dress."

Li Yang tilted his head to look at Medea's delicate face and said very gently.

The whole set of white cheongsam is made of high-quality silk and tencel slub cotton, which is light and flexible at the same time.

I just saw that in the slits of the thighs, there are two legs wrapped in white silk, walking with small steps, and a pair of black round-toed shoes on the small feet that are gripped by Yingying. The alternation of black and white will kill people. The power is magnified to the extreme.

The fragrance is overflowing, the jade bones are natural, it is said that it is a taste of the peerless color, and it is not a bad idea to return to the allure of the city...............

"You can only walk in small steps... Walking in small steps, I'm not used to it."

Medea frowned and complained slightly.

"It's not a big problem. I specially asked the master to reinforce the slit position, so I don't worry about tearing it apart."

"Who said that!"

"Since you are eight extremely small, isn't the devil muscle man your exclusive title?"

"You are the devil muscle man, your whole family is!"

Half a year, time flies, vicissitudes of life.

In the past six months, Li Yang has only brought the famous mountains and rivers that have made more than half of China beautiful, and let everything develop naturally, but the relationship between the two has improved over time.

Inadvertently, it has become what it is now, both of them know what they are, and Li often takes the risk of being beaten, but he still hasn't taken the last step.

Once physical communication begins.

The exchange of souls will decrease, so Li Yang is not in a hurry to take that step, but enjoys this state very much.

The sweetest stage of love, isn't it when it's just the last window paper? That kind of happiness and enjoyment that comes from the depths of the soul.

"Li Yang, do you think we will win this time?"

Medea, who gently embraced Li Yang's arm, said with some worry.

Feeling the warmth and softness beside him, Li Yang chuckled and said: "Of course I can win. In the past, I would probably have a playful mentality, but this time I will definitely let everyone out with a sweeping attitude!"

"Where are we going now?"

Medea said absent-mindedly: "How about I go to set up the temple first."

"It is estimated that only you and I can set up the barrier of Liudong Temple. Don't worry about it. Before that, I think we should meet an old friend...that...the man who ordered his righteous partner."

Einzbern Station! In an ancient castle hidden in a dense forest, a group led by Emiya Kiritsugu is hiding in this barrier that connects the entire forest. The relationship between Ria and her traveling together led to a lot of changes in Emiya Kiritsugu's plans.

Sitting alone at the desk, Emiya Kiritsugu only stared at the two photos placed on the desk. For the first time, the firm belief in his heart was shaken. Can he really win this Holy Grail War? ....

Whether it was Li Yang who left him with no countermeasures, or Kotomine Kirei, his fateful enemy this time, was the source of all his pain and worry this time.

Two hands stained with countless people's blood and reaping the lives of countless people slowly covered his somewhat tired face.

Chapter 324 Agreement

The 34th agreement was at this time, a little white-haired loli wearing a long purple dress broke into Emiya Kiritsugu's study with a stuffed toy.

"Ilya misses my father, can my father play with Ilia for a while?"

Little Loli trotted all the way to Emiya Kiritsugu, raised her head and looked at Emiya Kiritsugu with big watery eyes, very innocent.

The stiff muscles on the man's face were seldom moved under the arousal of emotions, making an expression called a smile.

Gently put his big hand on Illya's small head, "Dad has something to do, you go to your mother or Artoria sister to play first."

"No, people just want to play with Dad, it'll be fine in a while."

"Okay, a while."

Emiya Kiritsugu smiled and hugged Illya, put it in his arms, and carefully arranged the long soft hair of the little loli.

"Sorry, Kiritsugu made her come here, I don't know if it bothered you or not."

Irisviel, who pushed in the door, said apologetically to Emiya Kiritsugu.

"It's okay, it's my fault that I was too slow and didn't have time to accompany the child during this time."

"Kiritsugu... I still don't understand why you brought Illya here, and how did the head of the family agree to your request."

Eri, who walked to Kiritsugu's side, looked at Ilya in Kiritsugu's arms with some puzzlement.

"Because of an agreement, there is only one sentence left."

The scene from half a year ago gradually came to my mind... "Patriarch, do you have anything to do with me?"

Emiya Kiritsugu.

"Kiritsugu...I want you to give up the grail and fully assist that gentleman in the Holy Grail War half a year later to capture the Holy Grail."

The white-haired old man said to Emiya Kiritsugu with some guilt.


Suddenly, Ichimiya Kiritsugu stood up and said.

"Because that gentleman has indeed proved that he has the ability to help our Einzbern family fulfill our 100-year-old wish, and he knows all the secrets about the Holy Grail War."

"In addition to his status as the third magician, once he gets involved, even without our assistance, he can easily sweep everyone to capture the Holy Grail."

Silence, which lasted for a few minutes, before the expressionless Emiya Kiritsugu agreed to the request of the head of the family, and then got up and left his position, because he knew that he had no right to refuse. Once he opened his mouth to refuse, he knew... .... He will lose everything he has, and the... ultimate goal and wish in his heart will never be completed, but this matter has always remained in his heart, and he has never mentioned it to Ellie and the others. .

This kind of unnecessary pressure, responsibility and struggle, just let him bear it alone, and there is no need to continue to involve other people.

Just when Ellie thought that Emiya Kiritsugu would give her a reasonable answer, she suddenly felt a throbbing in her heart and frowned in discomfort.

"What's wrong"

Emiya Kiritsugu asked with concern.

"Someone triggered the enchantment..."

"It should be Kotomine Kirei, let everyone follow the previous arrangement and start the battle deployment!"

"No...they are already waiting for us in the hall of the castle."

His pupils suddenly widened a bit, and he integrated the information and strengths of all the participants in his mind, judging the identity of the person who came, and finally picked up a photo placed on the table, and said softly, "It's him"

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 325

Chapter 35 After the fire moth locates Einzbern's stronghold on the map, the defense and alarm barrier carefully arranged by Ellie looks like a sandcastle built by a child to Medea. Broken to the extreme.

On the premise of not triggering the barrier at all, I walked all the way to the front of the castle, only under Li Yang's prompt, released the magic wave, and woke up to inform everyone of their arrival.

After all, it is very impolite to walk over the courtyard wall to the door of others. If you want to smash the door of others, it would be too much, not to mention the many traps in the castle. Li Yang has not yet Try to disassemble one by one.

Without making Li Yang wait too long, Emiya Kiritsugu came to the door alone, stared at Li Yang for a few seconds, and said to the two: "Come in, I'm not sure if there is anyone else monitoring outside."

Then he turned and led the way.

Facing Emiya Kiritsugu's indifferent character, Li Yang didn't say much, and after spreading his hands, he took Medea into the castle.

There are no other superfluous utensils placed in the huge ancient castle, which is a bit empty, and the bright yellow light illuminates it, which deepens this feeling, like a ghost castle with no one.

"What about the rest"

"I want to talk to you."

At the same time, the two spoke very tacitly. In the end, Li Yang, who was the first to react, compromised: "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

Emiya Kiritsugu moved his gaze to Medea, and then stopped speaking, obviously wanting to discuss with Li Yang alone.

"Well, then I can only ask you to be outside."

Li Yang tilted his head and said to Medea: "Pay attention to safety, if anyone dares to touch you, tell me to open the channel and open it directly."

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