The car was dismantled like a tank, and replaced with the arm of a forklift, with a heavy hammer with countless spikes tied to the arm of the car.

And there are countless chainsaws around the robotic arm, which seem to be cutting windows.

Some men rushed in with various double-barreled submachine guns modified with grenade launchers. They wore masks or hoods and started to attack along the first floor of the bookstore, killing anyone they encountered!" Someone attacked Now, let's be careful!"

Li Yang looked at Liu Hua, Ouyang Lihua and Liu Hua drew their weapons and stuck them at the door.

At this moment, the sound of gunshots from outside was getting closer and closer, and soon, footsteps reached their floor, only a few people outside were rustling, they surrounded the door, trying to rush in but didn't. .


Only a gunshot was heard, someone outside broke the door lock, and those people rushed in.

As a result, Li Yang and Liu Hua behind the door opened fire, killing the two people on the spot, while Ouyang Yuhua quickly drew his gun and aimed a burst of random fire outside, killing several people.

Li Yang looked outside. He adjusted the rifle in his hand to the grenade launcher mode, and pointed it out at the corridor with a shot. All the people who had just rushed in in the corridor were all smashed to pieces by a grenade! The flying dust rushed Out of the window, the fire was mixed with broken glass, broken meat and broken bones flew out, and fragments of clothes could be seen in the mess.

The strange construction vehicle was facing, and the floor from which the explosion came was waving a huge mechanical iron arm.

The huge iron ball rolled down the entire floor, the walls collapsed piece by piece, the wooden structure broke, and the whole floor collapsed down like a bean curd skin.


Li Yang took Liuhua and Ouyang Yuhua's hands, he looked at the window that was smashed and exposed a lot of space, and ran out towards the window! He stared at the gap in the window and threw Ouyang Yuhua and Liuhua Go out, because this is the second floor, so even if it falls on the ground, it won't hurt much!

Chapter 477: Chronic Suicide

Chapter 47: Chronic Self-Li Yang stretched out the muzzle of the grenade launcher from the crack of the brick, aiming at the strange construction vehicle that was waving its mechanical arm.

He pulled the trigger, and a grenade with a white tail hit the front cab of the huge construction vehicle. Immediately, the entire cab splattered with blood and fire, and was blown to pieces! Solved the danger of the construction vehicle, Li Yang Round with two girls.

They stood in the street looking at the burning iron wagon, and said nothing.

...A car with peeling paint was parked on the national road of the Triangle Country. Li Yang, Liu Hua, and Ouyang Yuhua walked out. The three of them looked a little embarrassed.

Because Li Yang and the others have just experienced such a thing in Luolang Town, they are all embarrassed at this moment.

Liu Hua took the computer, walked to Li Yang and handed it to him: "Look at this thing, Banner Ham Processing Factory, we are already near it now.

Whether or not we can find Wang Bing'er is up to you to decide."

"Li Yang,"

Ouyang Lihua looked at him, "You saved my mother, I can die with you.

I have no worries now, even if you are facing the army, I can go with you."

Li Yang looked at the information on the intelligence, and they were facing more than [-] troops, as well as armored trucks, heavy machine guns, rocket launchers and other heavy firepower equipment.

The three of them are fighting an army.

The main base of the Jackal Gang is in this place. The terrain of this place is very complicated and easy to defend and difficult to attack, so Li Yang couldn't find a way for a while.

His current Iron Man suit is not good enough to work for too long, and he is also worried that Wang Bing'er will be torn apart.

Li Yang looked at the two of them and asked, "If I ask you to leave here and go to rescue soldiers, will you agree?"

Liuhua looked at him and asked, "If you want to go to that place alone, there are countless armed men and armored vehicles. No matter how much you can fight, you will be courting death if you go in!"

What she said is definitely not empty talk! The Triangle itself is... a country that has been through war for a long time, and the armed forces in the region have basically experienced the baptism of war, and they are belligerents who lick blood with their blades.

Coupled with their advanced equipment and perfect firepower deployment, these gangsters have now become a small-scale army! If Li Yang entered the ham factory alone, it would be a slow suicide! Li Yang looked at Liuhua and said: "Although I don't have a brain, I won't choose to kill myself, I don't need to go to death.

Trust me, you can find rescue soldiers, even the local army!"

Ouyang Yuhua said with a smile: "You are so interesting. I am a... killer. If I go to the army to find rescue soldiers, wouldn't it mean that I have been thrown into the net?"

"I'm not leaving either. You have to know what the consequences will be if the field agents escape."

Liu Hua took out a submachine gun from the trunk of the car and said with a smile: "I've come here, how do you tell me to go back?"

Li Yang looked at the two of them, he didn't know what to say at this moment.

He walked up to them and lightly patted their shoulders with his palms.

"thank you all."

The two women's cheeks were crimson, and he didn't say anything. At this moment, Li Yang suddenly turned his palms and hit them on the necks. The two women's bodies softened and they fainted.

Li Yang carried them into the car, locked the door, and walked slowly into the distance.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 478: It hurts

Chapter 48: The flesh hurts "Ah, I'm sorry, but I really don't like to let girls charge, and I hide behind."

He pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette case and walked to the ham factory in the distance.

Night fell here on time, and Li Yang walked slowly along a one-person-high paddy field.

The whole ham factory was brightly lit at night, as bright as day, Li Yang squatted in the field, Iron Man's visor unfolded, watching the movement in the factory.

"There are so many fucking enemies, how should I deal with them?"

He knew that his current battle armor only had the initial form, which could only launch pulse and shoulder missiles, and different types of armor were listed as separate hero columns.

None of the...heroes he's unlocked right now are enough for him to fight so many enemies.

"Look at the system first, cramming your feet!"

Li Yang opened the system, and he flipped through the human-level heroes. There were only a few going back and forth. The kung fu type is temporarily unavailable here: Besides, he already has Team Mi and Daredevil, so he can't use: this kind of hero Ability.

"War Machine... is better."

Li Yang suddenly saw this hero of War Machine, War Machine Ross is a soldier.

Therefore, his armor is mainly based on physical attacks, and the main attacks include arc pulse cannons, which can resist physical and energy attacks.

His armor is also equipped with cluster guns, grenades, miniature missiles, missiles, miniguns: Gatling guns, special cannons, electromagnetic pulses, telescopic steel knives and many other weapons.

And the only good thing that the hero of War Machine unlocks.

He doesn't need skills! As we all know, Ross appears as a soldier in Marvel, and his armor is equipped with military weapons, so he is the most powerful weapon and doesn't need skills!" I want you, I will use you to break through a sea of ​​swords and flames today!"

Li Yang looked at the justice points he had recently accumulated by fighting the Jackal Gang, and directly unlocked this hero that requires 500 justice points! "Five hundred justice points... It hurts, but it's worth it!"

Li Yang watched the unlocking of the new hero, his heart was full of excitement and joy, as the battle suit was draped on his body, he felt the strength of his body.

With the iron armor covering his body, he felt a completely different power from Iron Man! If Iron Man is cool, then this war machine is... fierce! There is no decoration or foil, just do it when you come up It's... this feeling! Every time Li Yang took a step, he felt that the ground seemed to be trembling under his feet! He ignited the engine, and the whole person flew into the sky like a rocket, facing Banner in the distance. The impact from the sky above the ham processing factory... On the sentry tower in the factory, two black and thin guards were smoking and chatting. They were talking about women and making money.

The... lanky guard put his foot on the gun grip and said every sentence.

"Hey, look what that is in the sky"

His companion pointed to the... flying thing in the sky, and said to him.

"what is this"

The darker guard looked at the humanoid flying object, "Could it be that we are going to be famous, we saw the flying saucer!"

His companion scolded and said with a smile: "What bullshit flying saucer, are you watching too many alien movies and telling you to watch less movies, you see yourself as an idiot!"

"Look, he shit!"

Chapter 479: Militants

Chapter 49 : Armed with that... The guard pointed at the humanoid in the sky. A lot of black discs fell from the humanoid aircraft, and blue dots of light flashed on the black disc, which looked quite beautiful! Just then, flames erupted from the ground, and the sound of the explosion was deafening.

The guards on the sentry tower also felt the ground shaking under their feet, and they hurriedly set up their cannons and aimed at the humanoid aircraft.

"That's what he's bombarding us with!"

The thin man was very panicked and said.

"Hit him!"

The tall, dark-skinned guards fired their cannons, but the next second their heads were smashed into pieces, with bones and brains sprayed everywhere.

Li Yang suspended the war machine armor in the air, pouring ammunition on the ground like a human bomber.

This simple and rude war machine is very ferocious, and the people on the ground are bloody, even those equipped with American Soviet-style heavy machine guns... The jeeps were also bombed to the sky.

Li Yang laughed wildly in his heart. He looked at the group of armed men who were bombed on the ground. He was very excited. As long as these people were eliminated, his goal was achieved! His scanning mode was turned on, and the thermal imaging scan began to be performed room by room. analysis, as long as there are no women present in the scans of the house.

In any case, he was just... a bombardment, blasting all those... militants to the sky! "Whoosh!"

A shoulder-mounted missile flew towards him.

Li Yang's back released countless infrared induced spider plants, and the missile was hit by the induced bomb and exploded.

Li Yang turned around and aimed at the launch source of the missile and released countless mini-guides to blow up the whole area! Hachai was sitting in the room, he looked at the explosion outside and asked, "What's the matter is that the military and political troops came in. Yet"

"No, there is a brother outside!"

"one person"

Hachai was overwhelmed, he didn't expect that someone could create such destructive power by himself, he took the six-barrel grenade launcher from his subordinate's hand, and rushed out with a team of well-equipped younger brothers.

The battle outside continued, Li Yang went from the sky to the ground, he changed into a Gatling heavy machine gun, and shot as he walked, the bullets hit people around him one after another.

Even a jeep with a light machine gun was directly smashed to pieces by him.

The only advantage of the war machine is... the firepower is powerful and extremely fleshy, even the frontal rockets are not enough to break his defense! Especially against this human armed force, if the opponent does not have too unconventional weapons, then This is slaughter! "What's his dad's thing"

Hachai hid behind the railing of an iron tower, watching Li Yang in the distance wearing war machine armor swept the surrounding enemy soldiers, and beat those armed men into a bloody mess, and even some were directly attacked by him. Cut off! Haggai hides behind, sweat streaming down his forehead.

Just now he thought that some army was coming to attack here, and he even took a grenade launcher, but now this situation is not solved by a grenade launcher at all, he is facing a god! The pace of the war machine is still As he accelerated, his body could not be shaken like a mountain.

The militants were swept down in front of him, and even Hachai felt a heart-piercing pain. He listened to the sound of the huge machine coming, holding the grenade launcher in his hand, and took a deep breath. .

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 478: It hurts

Chapter 48: The flesh hurts "Ah, I'm sorry, but I really don't like to let girls charge, and I hide behind."

He pulled out a cigarette from the cigarette case and walked to the ham factory in the distance.

Night fell here on time, and Li Yang walked slowly along a one-person-high paddy field.

The whole ham factory was brightly lit at night, as bright as day, Li Yang squatted in the field, Iron Man's visor unfolded, watching the movement in the factory.

"There are so many fucking enemies, how should I deal with them?"

He knew that his current battle armor only had the initial form, which could only launch pulse and shoulder missiles, and different types of armor were listed as separate hero columns.

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