None of the...heroes he's unlocked right now are enough for him to fight so many enemies.

"Look at the system first, cramming your feet!"

Li Yang opened the system, and he flipped through the human-level heroes. There were only a few going back and forth. The kung fu type is temporarily unavailable here: Besides, he already has Team Mi and Daredevil, so he can't use: this kind of hero Ability.

"War Machine... is better."

Li Yang suddenly saw this hero of War Machine, War Machine Ross is a soldier.

Therefore, his armor is mainly based on physical attacks, and the main attacks include arc pulse cannons, which can resist physical and energy attacks.

His armor is also equipped with cluster guns, grenades, miniature missiles, missiles, miniguns: Gatling guns, special cannons, electromagnetic pulses, telescopic steel knives and many other weapons.

And the only good thing that the hero of War Machine unlocks.

He doesn't need skills! As we all know, Ross appears as a soldier in Marvel, and his armor is equipped with military weapons, so he is the most powerful weapon and doesn't need skills!" I want you, I will use you to break through a sea of ​​swords and flames today!"

Li Yang looked at the justice points he had recently accumulated by fighting the Jackal Gang, and directly unlocked this hero that requires 500 justice points! "Five hundred justice points... It hurts, but it's worth it!"

Li Yang watched the unlocking of the new hero, his heart was full of excitement and joy, as the battle suit was draped on his body, he felt the strength of his body.

With the iron armor covering his body, he felt a completely different power from Iron Man! If Iron Man is cool, then this war machine is... fierce! There is no decoration or foil, just do it when you come up It's... this feeling! Every time Li Yang took a step, he felt that the ground seemed to be trembling under his feet! He ignited the engine, and the whole person flew into the sky like a rocket, facing Banner in the distance. The impact from the sky above the ham processing factory... On the sentry tower in the factory, two black and thin guards were smoking and chatting. They were talking about women and making money.

The... lanky guard put his foot on the gun grip and said every sentence.

"Hey, look what that is in the sky"

His companion pointed to the... flying thing in the sky, and said to him.

"what is this"

The darker guard looked at the humanoid flying object, "Could it be that we are going to be famous, we saw the flying saucer!"

His companion scolded and said with a smile: "What bullshit flying saucer, are you watching too many alien movies and telling you to watch less movies, you see yourself as an idiot!"

"Look, he shit!"

Chapter 480: Survival is the most important thing

Chapter 480: Survival is the most important thing... He was in a bloody battle with Aung San's troops in the jungle, all the brothers in a company were killed, and he lived for five days eating wild vegetables in the mountains.

His back was bitten by spiders, and he also hid himself in the same way. When a man approached him with a gun, he cut the enemy's throat, and then ate his flesh and lived for the next five days.

until rescued.

He believes that miracles belong to him, and he also believes that he is a person who is favored by the gods. No matter where he goes, he has a lucky star shining brightly.

He took a deep breath, rushed out of the bunker, and was ready to shoot at the... machine outside - but there was nothing outside, nothing but flaming ruins and corpses, whoever exposed his position first would have lost.

This is what a veteran of the Burmese war told Hachai.

Hachai still remembers this sentence, he has now been exposed, he stood there, surrounded by emptiness and nothingness, there was no one else at all, he felt a cool breeze behind him, it was no longer important .

The last scene he saw before his death was a cluster of sharp arrows piercing through his flesh, and a bloody arrow pierced from his chest, with residues of flesh and bone on it.

Li Yang stood behind him dressed in black, holding an eagle-eyed compound bow in his hand.

Hachai knelt down, his mind began to blur, countless former comrades in arms appeared in front of him, holding beer and rifles, stretched out their hands and smiled and let him pass.

"I am coming..."

Ha looked at them and closed his eyes with a smile.

Wang Bing'er was blindfolded, and she walked out.

The fierce battle just now made Sang Tang understand one thing, this can't be used as a hiding place.

He had to quickly transfer Wang Bing'er and the small denomination out.

At this moment, something suddenly flew in from outside the door. Several gunmen saw the thing that rolled to the ground, and their eyes were blinded by the dazzling light in the next moment.

Li Yang jumped in from the window and knocked them all down with a few backhand shots.

Putting away the Punisher's rifle, Li Yang cut off Wang Bing'er's headgear and let her out.

"Are you all right"

Li Yang looked at her and asked.

Wang Bing'er straightened her hair and said, "I agreed to their request by means of procrastination, and then slowly found opportunities to delay the time. For the time being, I don't have any major issues.

It's fortunate that you came early, otherwise I really don't know what will happen to me in the end."

Looking at Wang Bing'er with lingering fears, Li Yang said: "Fortunately, I saw your news at the airport, otherwise I really didn't know that you were caught in the Triangle Kingdom.

There is no danger here for the time being, let's find my teammates."

"your teammate"

Wang Bing'er asked.

"The agents of the State of Yan came with me, and I also temporarily hired a killer to help me, so we are retreating now, and they are picking us up outside."

Li Yang said, "Come up!"

Wang Bing'er looked at Li Yang who was squatting down and said in surprise, "You, what are you doing?"

"Running behind your back! I'm so much faster than you, it'd be a waste of time if both were walking!"

Li Yang waved his hand, meaning to let her come up quickly.

Wang Bing'er blushed. After all, as a girl, it's not an easy thing to be carried by a boy openly.

Although she is a bit shy, but now this is a triangular country raging with war, so she can't care so much anymore, life is always the most important thing.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read

Chapter 481: Rescue

Chapter 481: Rescue Li Yang and escaped from here carrying Wang Binger on his back, and the support troops of the Jackal Gang have also arrived. These Jackal Gang members are very cruel, and they are all driving pickup trucks with steel plates.

Behind the car are various types of light and heavy machine guns and heavy flamethrowers, rockets, continuous cannons and mortars. One car can't wait to install four or five weapons.

These cars have already entered the factory, and Li Yang has placed a lot of landmines along the road, all of which are distributed in a distributed manner, which can have the effect of serial killing.

Li Yang ran out of the factory, he looked behind, those cars had entered the factory, the first car hit a mine and exploded.

Immediately, the cars behind also triggered the mines, and the vehicles in front were immediately smashed by the mines, and the people inside can also be imagined.

Looking at the exploding car, Li Yang knew that the time had come, a missile stretched out from his shoulder, a guided bomb flew into the sky, and then fell towards the factory in the distance.

Like a comet falling from the sky.

Boom! The entire ham processing factory was smashed by missiles, and the enemies who arrived later were wiped out by the missiles that fell from the sky. Li Yang took Wang Bing'er to the road. At this moment, Liu Hua and Ouyang Yuhua were on the roadside pickup truck. is waiting for him.

"Li Yang, you knocked us out and came back with a little beauty on your back. This is not authentic."

Liu Hua looked at Li Yang and hurriedly said.

"It's..., you just left us like this, it seems that you are not optimistic about our strength."

Ouyang Yuhua clasped his arms, "You don't look like a normal special forces soldier should act."

Li Yang put down Wang Bing'er and said to her: "This is my file, all of them are a powerful group. The four of us are about to leave here, and we will spare no effort to send you home."

"thank you all."

Wang Bing'er bowed to the two women, "Thank you for saving me."

Liu Hua waved his hands and said, "It's for national security. Our agents are obliged to rescue every Yan Kingdom resident trapped in a foreign country."

"He helped me, and of course I want to help him."

Ouyang Yuhua pointed at Li Yang and said.

She thanked Li Yang for everything he did for her, which ordinary people cannot do.

..."Jingle Bell!"

Ma Xue woke up from her sleep, she looked out the window at the sunset, turned around and took out the phone beside her.

"Sister Xue, I'm going back. Get ready. I'll bring back three people this time, including a hostage rescued from the Triangle Kingdom!"

On the other end of the phone, Li Yang seemed to be driving, his voice was messy, and there were some whistles all around.

"You kid, I said why you haven't heard from you for a long time, it turns out that you are going to save people!"

Ma Xue almost jumped up with joy. For so long, Li Yang didn't send her a message or call.

And now she suddenly said that he was coming back, her mood was no different from signing a [-] million-dollar bill! "Okay, you guys go back directly to the Naibidu Hotel, and I will pick you up at the Naibidu Hotel!"

Ma Xue hung up the phone, she was lying on the bed with her pillow in her arms and smiling foolishly, she waited for this man for a long time, and now he is back.

This is her happiest.

Li Yang put down his phone, smiled and said to the three women beside him: "I contacted my partner, she will be waiting for us at the Nabidu Hotel.

As long as we meet her, we can go back home smoothly."

Chapter 482: Code Name Six Flowers

Chapter 482: Code Name Six "So it is, I just listened to your conversation, and it seems that my feelings are not ordinary."

Liu Hua looked at Li Yang and asked with some gossip.

Li Yang waved his hand and said: "What are you guessing, we are... good friends on top of the partnership, how can it be as you imagined that there is a pure friendship between men and women!"

"I really don't believe in pure friendship."

Liu Hua shook his head and said.

"I don't believe it either. Usually it's just... friendship and friendship goes to bed."

Ouyang Yuhua also smiled and said.

Li Yang suddenly smiled narrowly and said: "I and you are also a friendship accumulated through battle, will I also go to bed with your friendship and friendship?"

Liu Hua and Ouyang Yuhua blushed, and said at the same time, "You bastard!"

Li Yang took out a cigarette and said with a smile: "Brother is not a good person!"

The two girls blushed, looked out the window and didn't speak, Wang Bing'er smiled and said, "I didn't expect that when I saw you on the plane.

I thought it was just some rich second generation, but I didn't expect you to be so powerful."

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