On the Magneto side, there are eight tactical teams attacking him.

The other party's magnetic field interference device made Magneto extremely embarrassed.

Your own attacks are not crooked every time, that is. . .Dropped the chain halfway through.

Fortunately, the interference range of this kind of device is limited, and he hides far away to avoid the magnetic field barrier that protects him from being broken by the other party using this method.

On the other side, Clark was also besieged by three tactical squads.

Shots of specially made shells hit him.

Because the power is too small, he is too lazy to dodge.

Turning his head, the heat rays are released.

A sweep!Directly emptied two and a half tactical squads.

The few Secret Service soldiers who survived by chance also looked terrified.

Not waiting for them to choose whether to run away or stay and fight.

I saw the light above my head dim, and then. . . . . .Boom! ! !With a loud bang, half of the building smashed directly into their place.


No. Experience roared up.

Nearly ten times the speed of sound, ordinary people can't see his movement trajectory at all.

Boom! ! !One punch!Experiment No. 6, which rushed up, flew upside down, and the huge body shattered in half the moment it flew out.

A building with more than [-] floors was hit by the middle and cut in two.

The collapsed half of the building directly buried the No. 6 experiment!Crash. . . . . .Gravel scattered in the ruins.

With a bang, a huge slate was lifted!A tall figure with countless granulation sprouts crawled out of the ruins.

Visible to the naked eye, the half of his lost body is being repaired at an extremely fast speed. . . . .In just a moment, the half of the body that had disappeared grew back! ! ! "Ow!"

No. Experience roared in anger, the dust on his body shook off, and his red eyes exuded the fierceness of Sen Han!At the same time, in the air command, "Turn on...! Directly turn on the level battle mode!"

The long brown-haired woman temporarily changed her tune, and gave the order with a ruthless expression on her face.

Ten 10 experimental subjects of the Secret Service, because of the individual's ability to withstand, the researchers of the Secret Service deliberately set up several "valves" in these experimental bodies

,These. . . . . "valve"

The existence of , is to limit the power burst of the experimental subject.

In the stage fighting mode, the experience can only exert [-]% of the power.

However, in this mode, the experimental body will not be significantly damaged and can maintain a long-term battle.

In a higher-level battle mode, the power of the experimental body can explode by [-]%%, but if this mode is maintained for a long time, the experimental body will collapse, so it can only be carried out for a short period of time. battle in time.

This time, about thirty minutes!The highest level of the bucket mode, also known as the overclocking mode.

In this mode, the experimental body can explode [-]% of the strength beyond the limit.

But the price is. . .in spite of. . . .

How long the battle lasts, once the high-level combat mode is turned on, it means that this experimental body will eventually collapse completely.

time that can be maintained. . . . . .About five minutes or so! "Sir, once the high-level combat mode is activated—"

The technician next to him tried to dissuade.

But he was stared at by the long brown-haired woman.

"I know, but if we can successfully capture this mutant in front of us and create a new experimental body with him as the main body, you know what that means"

The long brown-haired woman pointed at Clark on the screen and said, "That means, we will get a weapon that is far more powerful than that of Experimental No. [-]!"

"anymore question"

The technician shook his head, no longer objected, and entered a long string of codes directly on the keyboard in front of him.

"Battle mode has moved!"

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Chapter [-]: The skills stop here, just die!

Boom! ! !It was like the sound of the drums beating, separated by twenty or thirty meters, and was clearly caught by Clark's ears.

"It seems to be getting stronger."

Clark stood on the spot and didn't shoot immediately.

He watched the scene in front of him with interest.

The monster-like No. 6 experience in the ruins seemed to be surrounded by pain at the moment, bursts of extremely suppressed low roars came from the bottom of his throat, and the huge body trembled and twisted slightly because of the pain. . . . . .Zzzz. . . . . .A burst of red electric current flows through his body!Boom!The chest cavity seemed to burst.

Heart beating like never before! ! ! "Whoa!!!"

No. Experience roared the open mouth and eye sockets, and red arcs burst out!Boom!With a loud bang, the ruins under his feet were directly smashed into a deep pit by a terrifying brute force.

Air burst!The glass of the surrounding large buildings was shattered directly!The No. 6 entity soaring into the sky spread out the pair of metal wings behind it in the air, and swooped down at a faster speed!Boom! ! !The ground crumbles!The building collapsed!Roads hundreds of meters away are collapsing.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Clarice quickly opened a portal and fled to a farther location.

Rumble rumble. . . . . .The shock wave that swept over set off a cloud of dust.

Dust rises!Covering the sky!Bang!Sudden!There was an explosion in the air, and a tall figure smashed through the rising dust and flew towards the sky.

Boom!Another sound exploded.

A black figure caught up with the former at a faster speed, grabbed the opponent and smashed into the city below.

In the roar of the sky, countless buildings collapsed like dominoes.

The ground with a radius of several thousand meters collapsed as if the interior had been hollowed out.

Clarice, who had just run to the distance, saw it, and was so frightened that she opened a portal again and fled further away.

In the same way, Magneto also controls the magnetic field, allowing himself to fly higher in the air.

To avoid being affected by the battle between the two.

"It's terrible!"

Clarice, who had already reached the outskirts of the city, looked at the scene in front of her and felt that her legs were a little weak, and her whole body felt a little unstable.

Just one hit!The entire city was destroyed by nearly a tenth of 10%! ! !What level of battle is this!In contrast, Clarice felt like a little ant in front of a giant.

Poor, helpless, and weak!fortunately!They are one end!In the air, Clark looked down at the rising dust below.

"It's not dead yet!"

He muttered in surprise: "This vitality is...it is strong enough."

It was almost as if he had just finished speaking.

A figure is. . .Rush out of the rising dust!A red electric arc entwined on the surface of the body of the No. 6 experience, and a force that almost burst his body erupted!One punch!Nearly [-] million tons of power exploded!Bang!Clark raised his hand to block the punch.

Tens of millions of tons of power are still too weak in front of him.

Even the power of hundreds of millions of tons of Hulk can be blocked with one hand, let alone the power of a few tenths of a Hulk.

But——as far as mutants are concerned, this power is already extremely powerful.

At least the fourth-level change in pure strength, even if it reaches the peak of the fourth-level, this is the level.

Not to mention, this Entity 6 is more than just power.

He also has a self-healing ability comparable to Wolverine.

And now it's nearly forty times the speed of sound.

There are many others.

If you take out one item alone, it's all four levels.

And these abilities are all gathered in the body of the No. 6 experimental body, and the strength that burst out can be imagined how terrifying.

Even a mutant like Magneto who has reached the peak of the fourth level.

Will be beaten by him! "Too strong! This mutant is too strong!"

Inside Air Command.

The long brown-haired woman looked at the picture, Clark, who was still able to perform well in the face of the No. 6 experimental subject who had entered the advanced combat mode, her eyes blazing with incomparably hot rays of light.

She's going to get this mutant!Gotta get him! ! ! "The experimental subject is not a mutant's opponent. The other party is suspected to be a fifth-level mutant. Send a message to it immediately. I want to transfer No. 3... No! Just transfer No. 2 experimental subject!"

The woman with long brown hair said to the assistant next to her.

The assistant nodded and immediately began to contact the higher-ups above.

After a while. . . . . .Here comes the reply above.

The assistant glanced at it and said, "Sir, the above reply said that the No. 2 experimental body is not stable enough to go into battle, and..."

"what else"

"Also, it said above, sir, after you go back, explain the matter of Subject No. 6."


The brown-haired woman slammed her fist on the metal countertop.

"These old things! They have no idea what they're missing!"

In the face of the obviously furious officer, the surrounding technicians shut their mouths one after another, and no one dared to speak out at this time to get themselves into trouble.

. . . . .In the air, the two figures fought back and forth more than a dozen times at a speed invisible to the naked eye.

Clark originally expected that the experimental body in front of him would explode with stronger power, perhaps breaking through to the fifth level among mutants.

Unfortunately, he overestimated the other party.

After two minutes.

The body of this subject showed obvious signs of collapse.

Clark shook his head in disappointment.

It seems that the technical strength of the Secret Service is not very good. As one of the ace experimental subjects, the strength of this No. 6 experimental subject is obviously not good.

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