Entering this kind of explosive state that almost perishes together, it can only show such a degree of strength.

Clark, who lost, had expectations for him before.

Now it seems that they are still too high.

"If that's the case, let's end it."

Clark looked at Subject No. 6, who came again.

Right hand fist - swing arm, punch!This time, he didn't hold back.

More than 6 billion tons of power, plus the speed of punching thousands of times the speed of sound!Before the sound of the sonic boom could sound, the opposite side rushed over, and the No. [-] experimental body, which was still dozens of meters away from Clark, exploded directly into a blood mist. . . . . .And then—the sonic boom sounded!The clouds at a height of [-] meters were also torn apart by his punch, and an obvious segmentation mark appeared!Clarice: . . . . . .Magneto: . . . . . .The distant camera has been aimed at the news helicopter here: . . . . .Everyone who saw this scene seemed to lose the ability to speak all of a sudden.

I just stared blankly at the cloud layer that was divided from the middle at a height of [-] meters.

Lost the ability to express language for a while.

Maybe this time.

There are only two words left in their hearts - FUCK,!Is this still human power? Even mutants. . . . . .Shouldn't they have such terrifying power? If every mutant is so terrifying, then should ordinary humans live or simply surrender!These. . . . .Those who saw this scene couldn't calm down for a long time.

Especially those. .Through live TV, ordinary people who saw this scene were even more flustered, feeling as if the end of the world had come.

Those ones. .Has bullied mutants, or declared "mutants be damned"

People who wait for speech.

Even at this moment, his face turned pale with fright.

My legs are so weak that I can't even stand up!They are afraid!Scared of the mutants on TV in their city!If this is a punch to their city. . . . . .Will they be lucky enough to survive? No one can guarantee! . . .Clark didn't know that his punch scared countless people.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

After all, that was one of his goals.

Raising his head, Clark looked into the sky, far beyond the sight of ordinary people, allowing him to see the plane flying at an altitude of [-] meters.

next second. . . . . .The red light in his eyes condensed.

The two heat rays instantly spanned a distance of several kilometers and hit the plane directly.

Boom! ! !A huge fireball rose high in the sky.

"I don't know if the Secret Service people will like this gift."

Clark smiled and muttered to himself.

At this time, the dust covering the city below had dispersed.

A dreadful scene was revealed.

The whole city is like an apple has been gnawed, and a large piece is directly missing.

There used to be many high-rise buildings.

But now. . . . . .All that's left is a bottomless pit! ! !Magneto controls the magnetic field to fly.

He took a deep look at Clark, then looked at the city below.

"This is the second meeting you said"

he asked.

Clark shook his head. "No, it's not over yet."

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: I brought destruction!

Destroying a city, how many damage points are there? If it is a city in the forefront of the world, how many damage points is it worth? . . . .The wind howled, and the dark silver cloak rattled in the wind.

Clark looked into the distance, but before he could see any beautiful scenery, he saw missiles roaring toward him.

Boom!Boom!Boom! ! !Earth-shattering explosions sounded one after another.

Huge fireballs bloomed in the air!Magneto has been hiding in the distance.

The missiles weren't aimed at him, and he couldn't control them.

They seem to be using a new type of material, not a regular metal, they don't have magnetism, and they can't be manipulated by him.

Swish!Well, Magneto looked down and saw only a sliver of purple light, and then a person appeared in another place a few kilometers away.

"Megaman, what's going on over there, is Superman okay?"

It was Clarice who used her powers to teleport Magneto here.

Magneto shook his head, looked over there and said, "It's okay, an attack of this level can't hurt him."

really!Like Magneto said.

When the flames of the explosion dissipated, Clark was still intact, and even his hairstyle did not change at all, which made the scene from the drone in the sky, and the top U.S. executives in the picture slapped the table angrily.


"Come on, it's a little slow."

Clark turned his head to look into the distance, where there was a small black spot, rapidly approaching.

After a minute. . . . . .A silver-gray fighter jet landed in an open space in the city.

The cabin door opens.

A group of police came out.


Magneto saw his old friend, his eyes stopped for a moment on Rui Wen's body, then moved away and swept over the other police members.

"Eric, stop, there are enough casualties!"

The professor, who was shrouded in the halo of the Virgin Mary, began to preach, but it was a pity that Magneto was not able to speak in a few words. Even when he preached to him, Magneto was completely indifferent, and even wanted to laugh a little.

It is. . . . .Clarice, who was on the side, was a little excited when she saw the professor, the white leader among the mutants.

Boom!A figure descended from the sky and landed in front of Magneto and Clarice.

"Charles, you are late."

Clark looked at the soldier in front of him and said.

Seeing Clark, all the policemen showed their angry eyes.

Even Grant, who has always been kind to others, has anger in his eyes. If it weren't for his ability to help Clark at all, he couldn't help but do it a long time ago.

"Why don't you do it"

Grant questioned him, "Do you have to fight to the death for both sides to make you happy?"

Clark was unmoved.

"Up to now, Charles, you are still so naive."

"Maybe you didn't see it, I just solved a fit monster, or you can guess, how did his ability come from?"

"Oh, right! That's a monster that still has the ability of this...glasses brother, this...glasses brother can still be alive, but it's not easy."

Clark's tone was full of sarcasm, which made the policemen couldn't help but be furious.

But the information leaked from his words made them feel sad for a while!Don't they know the Secret Service is working on mutants? How could they not!They know, but they can't do something about it.

Because Grant told him that would only widen the rift between normal and mutants.

So they have to be patient!Also, the Secret Service catches mutants who have committed crimes.

Maybe they deserve it! "Charles, you know what?"

Magneto asked himself at this time, "Why didn't you stop this from happening, you obviously have the ability!"

The inaction of his old friend made Magneto angry.

Although the world thinks he is a villain, he is not forgiven!But for his own ethnic group, Magneto attaches great importance to it!He can't stand his compatriot being the other!It is even more unbearable that ordinary people treat their mutants as guinea pigs!Therefore, he was so angry at this moment, even disappointed.

Disappointment for an old friend!Silent, unable to explain all this to Magneto, he couldn't say that those mutants were all guilty, that they had gone the wrong way, and that they had no reason to help them.

If he really said that, then Magneto would definitely turn his back on him on the spot.

He knew what kind of character his old friend was.

Seeing that the professor did not answer his question, Magneto shook his head in disappointment.

"Charles, you've changed, you certainly won't sit idly by in the past...

, I don't know what you've been through all these years, but whatever it is, it's not that you sit idly by what happens to your fellow citizens. . . .

reason! "

Magneto is the kind of person who...helps parents but doesn't help.

He only cares about those he cares about.

As for the lives of others, he never cares!so. . . . . .He couldn't agree, and he couldn't forgive Charles for this kind of behavior.

It even made him feel betrayed!Let him cool down!Clarice on the side, after experiencing a little excitement at the beginning, gradually discovered that the... mutant white leader seems to be just an ordinary person.

He is not as great as the legends make him.

for them. . . . .The experience of the bottom mutants does not seem to care so much.

This changed Clarice's state of mind.

The eyes she looked at Professor were no longer as kind as at the beginning, but a little more repulsive.


Magneto was completely disappointed with Charles. He turned to look at his other old friend, hoping that she would not become as pure as Charles.

"You're going to stop me too"

Ruiwen's eyes were tangled, she didn't know how to answer Magneto's question.

Stop or not stop her from looking at Charles, and finally said: "Eric, we have other more gentle methods. Your actions are too aggressive and will only bring devastating disasters to the mutants."

This is not the answer Magneto wants to hear.

He shook his head in disappointment.

The former companions, now one by one, have come to his opposite.

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