Boom!The top of the mountain was directly crushed!Countless dust was swept into the air thousands of meters high.

A huge mushroom cloud rising, rising at the center of the explosion.

Straight into the sky! ! ! "it is good!"

In the conference room of the Hexagon Building.

Countless bigwigs slapped the table, laughing and celebrating each other.

Even the constantly shaking and trembling images could not hide their excitement at the moment.

The evil mutant!It was finally solved by them! ! ! . . . . . : I have to go out for dinner in the evening, so the fourth update: I need to be late to code. I will be back at about [-]:[-], and I will start coding as soon as I get back. I can upload it at about [-]:[-].

Well, there is always something going on on Sunday, I hope you don't mind.

Finally, by the way, ask for automatic subscriptions, flowers and tips!Thanks in advance! ! !To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The phoenix first sings, surpassing the power of tens of billions of tons!

I. . . . .Already dead? Hank raised his blue paw and touched his furry face.

Feeling the touch from the palm of his hand, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

like. . . . . .Not dead!But. . . . . .Why a few seconds ago, although the fighter plane they were driving had left the center of the nuclear explosion, it was still within the scope of the explosion.

Through the porthole, Hank saw a huge mushroom cloud rising.

I saw a shock wave wrapped in dust swept in.

In just a split second, the entire fighter plane was enveloped in it.

And then—shaking wildly, shaking!Even Hank felt that the entire fighter plane was rolling, and the exclamations of everyone were in his ears, and he couldn't hear any other sounds.

follow closely. . . . . .and many more. . . !What happened behind Hank shook his head, feeling as if he had lost the memory of that brief moment.

He tried to remember. . . . . .finally!What did he remember.

It's the piano!Hank saw a crimson flame enveloped the piano.

In a trance, he seemed to hear a strange bird chirping!Then. . . . . .The tumbling fighter stabilized!After that, Hank couldn't remember what happened.

correct!Qin, why is she gone!Hank's vision was still a little blurry, and he tried hard to find the voice of the piano.

He saw Professor who fell from the wheelchair and fell to the ground, saw Scott who seemed to have fainted and was lying on the ground, and Storm who was crawling up with her head supported. . . . . . .But—where is Qin? "Have you seen Qin?"

Hank shook his still dizzy head and asked.

"Hank, are you alright?"

A hand held him.

It's Raven.

She seemed to be the nicest of them all.

Raven grabbed Hank's shoulder, looked at him and asked, "Hank, can you hear me?"

Hank vaguely heard Rui Wen's voice in his ear, but more of it was tinnitus, which covered Rui Wen's voice and made him incomprehensible.

"What did you say"

Hank said loudly.

"I can't hear what you're saying."

He patted his ear hard again.

Finally, the sound of tinnitus has been reduced a lot.

He finally heard the outside voice and heard Rui Wen shouting his name loudly.

"I heard."

Hank said, "Ruiwen, have you seen Qin, where is she?"

Ruiwen shook her head and let go... After Hank said, "I didn't see her either, she should have left."

Ruiwen pointed to the back door that had been opened at some point.

Only then did Hank find out that their fighter plane didn't know when to land.

"Professor, are you alright?"

Storm will help him up at this time and let him sit back in the wheelchair.

With one hand covering the forehead of the broken Wu, the professor grabbed Storm and said, "Qin! Go and find her, she is in danger!"

In the short period of time just now, other people's brains seemed to be disturbed in some way, so that they had no idea what was going on during the period.

But the professor witnessed the whole process.

He saw Qin's... bizarre state, the power that had been hidden in her body, just completely erupted!try to stop.

But as soon as his spiritual power came into contact with Qin, it was torn to shreds by a force full of destructive aura.

Until now, he could feel the tingling pain in his brain, and it was difficult to recover.

"Charles, what's wrong with Jyn just now?"

Ruiwen came over and asked eagerly.

"Yes! Go and find her, she's in a bad state!"

With a painful face, he said eagerly.

Hearing this, Rui Wen didn't care about anything else and ran out immediately.

But what comes into view is that the outside world is a wasteland.

The huge mushroom cloud in the distance has not yet dissipated, and the surrounding scene is like a typhoon of more than ten typhoons. . . . . .She saw a huge crimson grid raging from the ruins.

At the center of countless lightning bolts, a vaguely visible figure stands proudly in the air! "My God...! He's not dead!!!"

Raven couldn't believe it.

That kind of... level nuclear bomb could not kill him!Then what could kill him? "By the way, what about Qin?"

Ruiwen searched everywhere, but did not find any figure similar to Qin.

. . . . .Below the huge mushroom cloud, crimson lightning burst out from Clark's body, and a terrifying power was brewing in his body, which was several times more terrifying than before! "I feel... as good as I've ever been!"

Clark grinned.

This power is far superior to what he had before.

He feels that his current strength is at least more than [-] billion tons.

It may even reach [-] billion tons!and more! ! ! "Haha! They still gave me a big gift!"

Clark raised his head and focused on a drone in the distance.

He smiled at the camera of the drone and said thank you silently.

the other side.

Just here: The cheering hexagonal building is not a typo, it is intentional, to prevent the deadly silence in the Crab meeting room at this time.

After a full half of the sound, the president in front was the one who fell weakly on the chair.

Done!He reached out to cover his face.

A wave of despair spread throughout the conference room.

Even a ten million-yield nuclear bomb can't kill this mutant. How else can they use a larger-yield nuclear bomb, but depending on the other party's appearance, it is exactly that. . .Unscathed.

Even if the equivalent is increased several times, it will not necessarily have any effect.

"He's making fun of us."

A congressman looked at the smiling face in the picture, his cheeks twitched, and he was furious!can be finally!He just sighed helplessly.

"Everyone! Let's talk about it, the current situation is already at the time of life and death!"

The president put down his hand and glanced at the people present.

If they don't have a way to deal with the mutant, then the battle won't be needed.

Because they have already lost!The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: The Best Tool Man Magneto!

An island somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.

Figures appeared on the island along with the purple portals that were opened one by one.

"Eric, arrange these people."

Clark ordered to Magneto.

The latter nodded, called out a few people who were originally his subordinates, and left with a large group of people.

This island was carefully selected by Clark. The island itself is just a deserted island, but the advantage is that the area is large enough, covering hundreds of square kilometers, which is equivalent to one-twelfth of the Los Angeles that he had destroyed before.

It stands to reason that such a large island should not be left undeveloped.

In fact, no humans have ever landed here.

Clarke also stumbled upon it here.

The main reason is that the location of this island is a bit weird. The magnetic field here is different from other parts of the earth. Some electronic devices are not working here at all, and even the satellites in the sky cannot recognize this place.

If Clark hadn't checked carefully and determined that it wasn't some old monster living in seclusion here, but just some natural phenomenon of the earth itself, he wouldn't have dared to place his subordinates here.

However, resettlement is resettlement, but the place to live, the house, etc., have to rely on themselves.

This matter has just been handed over to Magneto by Clark.

As Hydra's second-in-command in the mutant world.

But he can't just occupy a position and not do some practical work, not to mention that Magneto has some experience in this area, plus there are so many mutants to help, Clark believes he can handle it.

"But this manpower is not enough... and we have to continue to expand."

Clark is not satisfied with this small organization with only hundreds of people. He has tens of thousands of Hydras in the main world of Marvel. The conditions in the mutant world are so unique, how can he recruit hundreds of thousands? In terms of scope, the number of mutants is at least several million.

Remove those. .Willing to degenerate, willing to be ordinary, willing to be oppressed, not knowing how to resist.

at least. . . . .More than half of them are willing to join Hydra.

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