Plus what Clark did today.

I believe that soon, his name will spread all over the world!Regardless of that time. . . .

Notoriety or notoriety!After all, everyone will know him.

Knowing that he has the ability to subvert the current world pattern, you will also know that he is speaking for mutants!Just this is enough.

Clark's goal has been achieved.

but. . . . . .If you stay on this deserted island, even if you want to join Hydra, you will have nowhere to go, so Clark has to get an "office" outside

, specially responsible for recruiting mutants who came to defect to him.

Clark gave Clarice this task.

With Clarice's teleportation ability, it's just right for this job.

As long as someone comes to defect, let Clarice directly send people to this deserted island.

Of course, with Clarice's ability, it is impossible to directly transfer people here at one time, so several transfer stations have to be set up in the middle.

Clark had already done this for her.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to get here right now.

With these two things done, Clark can basically sit back and wait to "make money"


Just like in the main world of Marvel, he doesn't have to do anything every day, just laying down and basking in the sun can earn more than [-] yuan!Of course, breaking [-] is when the performance of the younger brother is good.

But even when the performance is not good, there are at least three or four thousand, and the bottom line.

Don't underestimate these three or four thousand,!Three or four thousand a day,,,, ten days is. . .Thirty or forty thousand, that's one month. . .Over a hundred thousand!After a year, that's a hundred or so! ! !You don't have to do anything, and you can earn one hundred and several hundred thousand dollars a year for nothing.

Isn't he fragrant? What's more, three or four thousand, is just a primer. On average, there should be five or six thousand a day.

So, in fact, Clark can earn nearly two million damage points for nothing by doing nothing for a year.

This is still under the circumstance that Clark's Hydra forces in Marvel's main world are no longer expanding.

If the expansion continues, this number will rise.

Come to think of it, two million is that. . .Twenty percent of the Kryptonian template is unlocked!Clark's current template unlocking degree has exceeded [-]. Even if he has no other additional income, he can completely unlock [-]% of this Kryptonian template in less than three years.

At that time, he will not only be able to unlock more Kryptonian characteristics, but his potential will also be twice that of the Kryptonian in the most perfect state!Simply put. . . , If in the comics Superman needs to sleep in the sun for tens of thousands of years to become an invincible golden Superman, then Clark, who has twice the potential of the most perfect Kryptonian, only needs a few thousand years.

The difference between the two is ten times, or even greater!Although the potential is twice the difference, this double is an improvement in all aspects.

So if it is applied to the actual situation, it is actually more than double the difference. It is said that the time is shortened ten times. In fact, it is only a guess that Clark has drawn according to his own situation.

Specifically, we will have to wait until it is truly [-]% unlocked before we know.

Golden Superman, that's a multiverse-level boss.

A single thought can erase the terrifying existence of countless single universes.

In contrast, Clark's current strength is not even a hair!And the multiverse level is not the limit of Kryptonians.

In fact, it is difficult to say where the limits of Kryptonians are. After all, it is not clearly stated in the comics, let alone in the movies.

So even Clark himself doesn't know to what extent his future limit can reach the multiverse level, the almighty universe level, or an exceptional level similar to the transcender. Shouldn't it reach that level? Clark said. If it's just a Kryptonian template, it's probably a bit overhanging!However, these. . . . .That is, Clark thinks about it when he is bored. In fact, the main Marvel world he lives in is more inclined to the movie universe, although there are some deviations in some places due to the virtual reality.

But whether it is the appearance of the characters in the plot, or the development of some plots, they are all biased towards the movie universe.

so. . . . . .Whether there is a so-called existence or not is actually a question!Not to mention, such almighty cosmos-level bosses like the Life Court may not necessarily exist.

Possibly, in the entire Marvel main world, the single universe level is already the strongest.

After all, the Thanos in the movie, even if he collects all six Infinity Stones, is actually not that powerful.

Unlike the infinite gem Thanos in the comics, he is a multiverse-level boss!It's hard to erase half of the life of a single universe, isn't the comic Thanos too simple!And the current mutant world is similar.

Basically it's a movie version.

The strength ceiling is relatively low.

Can make Clark do better!So, without waiting for tens of thousands of years, he can now run amok and do whatever he wants! . . .After leaving all the troublesome things to Magneto and Clarice to deal with, Clark, the leader of the Hydra, suddenly fell. . . . .Become free.

He didn't intend to destroy the world all at once.

Not to mention that this mutant world has been regarded by Clark as his own back garden.

Just from the perspective of sustainable development, it is actually not advisable to directly throw the bomb as he did before.

However, once or twice, Clark did. . . . .It doesn't matter.

As long as you don't ruin your opponent.

After all, if the opponent surrendered early, it would be no game.

Not to mention, Clark won't stay in this mutant world at all. He can't lose it in the main world of Marvel. After all, there is his root. A mutant world can only be used as a copy of the points to play. .

The real focus is still on the main world of Marvel.

Because the flow of time has leveled off the moment the two worlds are connected, Clark has to go back to the main world of Marvel every day, sometimes for most of the day.

Only a small part of the day will stay on the side of the mutant world.

Fortunately, he has a capable right-hand man like Magneto.

Because Clark let him see the hope of turning his ideal into reality, Magneto seemed to be very serious during this period of time. He did everything in detail. Treating Hydra was more difficult than treating the Brotherhood of Mutants he founded. Be serious!Such a capable subordinate, where did you find it and it took almost a week.

The number of mutants who have come from all over the world to defect to Clark has finally exceeded [-]!This is because of distance constraints.

Plus Clark isn't exactly what kind of mutants want.

So it only took a week to recruit [-] people.

Otherwise, it will increase two or three times in minutes!for. .Clark asked that the mutants who joined Hydra must have certain talents, and Magneto also expressed his support.

He's also the kind of person... who doesn't like raising rice.

So for Clark's order, he has never been sloppy.

Those mutants recruited through Clarice, after his screening, left a group and sent a group away.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The Dark Phoenix Comes to the Door

As for how to deal with Magneto, the group that was sent away was not the kind of person who would not save their compatriots. He deliberately found an area in Heizhou to accommodate these people.

For the black continent. .The suppression of mutants is not serious, and there are even many mutants who are thriving there, anyway. . .As long as you don't run out of the Black Continent, or show an obvious threat, no one will pay attention to you.

for. .Clark didn't say anything about Magneto's behavior.

Unlike Clark who regards mutants as tools for him to work for himself, Magneto is dedicated to working hard for the survival of mutants.

So, without affecting work efficiency.

Clark didn't object to him doing something personal.

So, Clark is actually a good boss. . .One day, Clarice suddenly found Clark and said someone was looking for him.

"I don't know her, but she said her name was Qin Ge Lei, and that as long as she told you her name, you would be willing to see her."

Clarice said.

"It's her."

Clark nodded, "I see, you go to work, I'll meet her."

Clarice nodded.

She has been very busy recently. On the one hand, she has to bring the newly added mutants to the island. On the other hand, she has to send the mutants on the island out to perform any tasks.

So, Clarice this time for. .The use of one's own ability has been greatly improved because of such busyness.

"Qin Gree..."

Clark uttered a sentence, and then used the ability of teleportation to instantly disappear in place.

. . . . .in a lounge.

Clark saw Qin Grey sitting as if in a daze.

"I heard you want to see me."

Clark went to the seat in front of her, sat down: and looked at her.

"Is there a problem"

Qin Ge Lei raised her head and looked at him.

Only then did Clark notice that there was a crimson flame burning in her eyes!He frowned slightly and said in his heart, "This is... the power of the phoenix!"

The flames in Qin Ge Lei's eyes flickered, looking extremely unstable.

But Clark felt a deadly threat from above!This is something he has never had before!At least he had never felt this way since he was an adult.

should say,. . . . . .As expected of the power of the phoenix, even if it is only a small part, and it is still not fully activated, it is still so terrifying.

But with such a powerful phoenix power, Qin Ge Lei, who is only flesh and blood, can really control it. Clark expressed doubts.

His eyes narrowed, and the scene in front of him immediately changed.

He saw what was inside Qin Ge Lei's body, and saw that a crimson volume filled her whole body. This force was destroying her body and even leading her to it!The picture changed back, and Krakchen Grey said, "You came to me because of this power in your body"

Qin Gree nodded.

Clark saw something was wrong with her mental state.

Possibly influenced by the power of the phoenix.

Even Clark smelled blood on her body.

Although it had been smelling for a while, it still couldn't hide it from his nose.

Qin Ge Lei this time. . . . . .Killed!And there are quite a few! ! ! "You've been convicted"

Clark asked her.

Qin Ge Lei said, "I can't go back."

"I'm afraid that the force in you will hurt them"

Clark asked.

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