Qin Gree nodded, then shook her head again.

After a while. . . . . . "I need your help."

She said, the red flames in her eyes became more and more fiery: "Your strength is very strong, help me suppress this strength!"


Clark shook his head and said, "Why do you think I'll help you?"

Qin Ge Lei stood up, the energy fluctuations in her body became more and more violent, and even the air around her began to distort.

She stared at Clark and said word by word, "If you don't help me, you will die!"

The power of the phoenix has such a great influence!Clark looked at her in surprise.

According to Qin Ge Lei's original character, it is absolutely impossible to say such a thing.

But now, Clark couldn't see the slightest joking on her face.

so. . . . . .She is serious!After Clark looked at her for a moment, he got up and walked outside.

"Come with me and let me see how you look."

Qin Ge Lei followed directly.

The two stepped out of the door in one step, but they had already appeared on the edge of another city thousands of kilometers away.

Clark turned to look at her.

"Let me see how you killed me."

He said.

The flames rose in Qin Ge Lei's eyes, and a crimson energy burst out from her.

A loud phoenix chirping sounded.

one head. . .The phantom of the phoenix composed of pure energy rose to the sky behind Qin Ge Lei's head! "Don't help, kill you!"

She whispered indifferently.

As soon as he raised his hand, a force strong enough to smash the molecular level, decomposed everything along the way, and went straight to Clark.

Clark didn't dare to resist this.

Molecular-level decomposition ability, even he does not have the self-confidence to resist.

Still, he tested it.

He touched this force with one finger.

In an instant, a piercing pain struck.

Between his fingers, the outer layer of flesh and blood was disintegrated between his breaths, and he could vaguely see the inner bones.

Clark quickly retracted his hand.

In less than a second, the bloody fingers that had been disassembled were restored to their original shape.

"It's terrifying!"

Clark looked at Qin Ge Lei, who was facing him, cautiously. . . . . .Do not!To be precise, she should be called Dark Phoenix now! ! !Although the power of the phoenix in the body is only a very small part of the power of the complete phoenix, it is the power of the rules that has reached the level of the omnipotent universe.

In Clark's current state, if he wants to fight hard, although he can't die, it really hurts!but. . . . . .This does not mean that Clark is afraid of the dark phoenix in front of him.

Even Clark was inexplicably a little excited! . . . . .The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: The fourth evolution!Rule-level resistance!

In this world, it's really hard to find someone who can easily hurt Clark.

Even if it is as strong as the ancient master.

In terms of destructive power, it is far from being on a par with the Dark Phoenix.

The Master of the Ancient One is mainly superior in the variety of means, and for. .The understanding of time and space is so profound that Clark can't help her if she uses these two types of magic.

But even so, the ancient master is at most. . .Banish Clark to another dimension.

Use the power of alien space to deal with him.

There is no way to directly hurt him like the dark phoenix in front of him.

Just that!Clark felt that the evolutionary energy in his body suddenly soared a lot.

Last time, he resisted a ten-million-yield nuclear bomb.

This completes the third evolution!The effect of that evolution was far better than the previous two! ! !However, the nuclear bomb didn't actually hurt Clark at that time, not even his oily skin was blown up.

Unlike just now, if he retracted his hand a little slower.

His entire finger is missing! "Don't help, kill you."

The dark phoenix on the opposite side was still whispering indifferently.

Her thinking seems to have become a little dull due to the influence of the power of the phoenix.

As soon as he raised his hand, everything within a few kilometers around him turned into powder in an instant, turning directly into the original molecular state.

Boom!Clark retreats!But still a part of the body was disassembled.

His bloody body rushed out of this disintegration field and recovered in the blink of an eye.

The ability to recover from Doomsday is truly terrifying!According to the conservation of energy, even if part of Clark's body is decomposed into a molecular state, the total amount of energy remains unchanged.

Doomsday resilience, ie. . .devour these directly. . . . .The separated energies will be recalled again to achieve a perfect level of recovery! "Hey! It hurts enough"

The expression on Clark's face was a little distorted.

It had been a long time since he felt this severe pain.

Even he almost forgot this feeling!As a child, he broke into those by himself. .The stronghold of the gang, let the bullet hit him, at that time he was used to the pain.

But later, his strength became stronger and stronger, and human conventional weapons could no longer hurt him.

Gradually, the feeling of... pain almost disappeared from his memory.

To this day, in the face of the black phoenix's decomposition ability, Clark once again recalled the feeling of his childhood!Really cool! ! !But the pain is not in vain!In the body, that evolutionary energy has reached a peak.

Clark's eyes narrowed, and he directly charged up with the Dark Phoenix.

His speed is more than ten thousand times the speed of sound!But the dark phoenix reacted faster, as if Clark was in her eyes, that is. . .Like a slow motion shot.

With a wave of her hand, a crimson phoenix power slammed towards him.

Clark slammed into it directly, and when he rushed out, he had lost most of his body, but he still didn't stop!With the only remaining right arm, a heavy punch slammed into the Black Phoenix.

The black phoenix on the opposite side just raised a hand, and a group of crimson phoenix power exploded in his hand, which easily blocked Clark's punch.

Bang!The body of the dark phoenix fell: slip out.

Sliding out a few dozen meters, only to stop!But she didn't have the slightest scar on her body. The power of the phoenix helped her remove that power, and the remaining very small part only made her retreat this distance.

And over there—— Clark burst out with a crimson lightning at this moment.

Lightning surged over a radius of several kilometers!A force far surpassing the previous one burst out from his body! ! !at the same time! [Get a new feature: Rule Resistance Begins! ] Hearing the prompt in his mind, a strange color flashed in Clark's eyes.

This is after his first evolution, a new characteristic has been created.

In the previous three evolutions, there was no such situation. Clark thought that there was something wrong with the [Evolution by Absorption] feature that he had unlocked.

Now it seems that it may be that the way he opened it before is wrong!Why this time gets new features Clark compared the previous three evolutionary processes.

A clear difference was found.

That is. . . . . .He was really hurt this time!And it's three times in a row, and the two times are very serious...! ! !Doomsday's evolutionary ability, although as long as you accumulate enough evolutionary energy, you can complete one evolution.

But if it did not cause any damage due to external forces, it would indeed not have any corresponding resistance after evolution.

That's it this time.

Clark was injured by the Phoenix Force of the Dark Phoenix three times in a row, and both times his body was disintegrated.

Especially the last time just now, he only had a small half of his body left, and even his bones were broken down, which shows how serious the injury was!Although recovery is only a momentary thing.

But the difference between having an injury and not having an injury is obviously huge.

Therefore, this time evolution will produce relative resistance.

And it's still a rule-level resistance!Even if it looks only the most elementary, that's pretty awesome! ! ! . . . . . "kill you."

The dark phoenix attacked, and the indifferent tone was accompanied by the terrifying phoenix power.

Clark went straight up.

Use her evolved and more powerful body to directly resist her phoenix power.

This time, Clark clearly felt that there was a force in his body that was resisting the power of the opposite Phoenix, but it was only the most basic rule resistance, so Clark's body was already being decomposed little by little, but the speed of decomposition was far more Too busy before.

Before, most of his body was disintegrated in an instant.

But now, Clark was carrying this phoenix power and rushed in front of the dark phoenix, grabbing her neck and smashing her to the ground. In the whole process, Clark was just a broken arm.

Moreover, the recovery ability from the Doomsday is constantly repairing Clark's disintegrated body.

There seems to be some kind of balance between the two!To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The power of the phoenix with no morals, if you can't beat it, join in!

Although it was still painful, Clark felt that he could bear it through gritted teeth.

"kill you."

Even if the Black Phoenix was grabbed by Clark's neck and smashed to the ground, and the ground collapsed, it was still expressionless and spoke indifferent language like a robot.

The palm of Clark's grip on her neck was also blocked by a phoenix power. It seemed to be holding her neck. In fact, there was a layer of phoenix power protecting her.

Otherwise, with the ordinary flesh and blood of the black phoenix, how can it withstand a thousand-ton hit like Clark, "a brainless thing."

Clark grabbed Dark Phoenix and knocked her out with a punch.

This guy really doesn't have a brain, and he seems to have a problem with his IQ.

Like a robot!air.

The black phoenix stabilized her body, and a blazing phoenix power erupted from her body, making her whole body turn into a head. . .Like a phoenix of flames, it attacked Clark below.

Clark was not afraid of her at all, and was even willing to fight her for a while longer. . . .

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