After all, Clark, who has just completed his fourth evolution, has already accumulated a lot of evolutionary energy in his body.

As long as you continue to fight, it will take less than half an hour.

His fifth evolution is complete!Such a good thing.

How could Clark not be happy!Don't you just endure the pain!He believes he can! ! ! . . . . .Clark and Dark Phoenix had a great time fighting.

But it is the ordinary people who suffer.

No matter who the two are, the aftermath of a casual blow can cause terrifying destructive power.

All the places passed along the way are either turned into ruins, that is. . .directly decomposed into molecular states.

The big guys above were in a hurry and almost grabbed their hair.

But there is no way to stop these two monsters from fighting.

They have already tried it before, and even a nuclear bomb of tens of millions of yields can't hurt Clark at all.

And now, face another even more terrifying monster!This monster was able to hurt Clark, which made them despair terribly.

In the face of these two monsters, ordinary people like them, even if they are in high positions and hold great power, are useless at all.

And at the same time.

The mutant school over there.

And a group of police also recognized another person who was fighting with Clark, that is. . .The Qin Ge Lei they had been looking for all this time.

But Qin Ge Lei in the picture in front of her was no longer the girl they remembered, who wasn't that powerful.

Seeing her gestures, she easily turned the small towns into nothingness.

These. . . . .The person who was a little excited because he found Qin was instantly poured a basin of cold water, and his heart was suddenly cold! "Professor, is this really... is it really Qin?"

Scott looked at the murderous girl figure in the picture with an expression of disbelief.

This is completely different from the girl in his memory.

Shaking his head, he said, "Qin's situation is very complicated. There has always been a terrifying force dormant in her body."

"But this time, the power in her body has been completely awakened."

"I can't be sure now whether the person in front of me is Qin or something else."

Even a master of such a heart cannot be determined.

Not to mention other battles.

The crowd fell into a brief silence, and then. . . . . . "You said, can Qin kill this Superman?"

Hank asked suddenly.

Rui Wen, who was beside him, shook his head and said, "It's unlikely. Although Superman has been injured, his recovery ability is too strong. This injury is nothing to him at all, and Qin... "

Ruiwen hesitated before continuing: "She doesn't seem to have more hands.

If it's just like this, the two of them may not be able to kill the other in the end. "

"That is, they'll be tied."

Hank nodded, Wen's analysis was in place.

Scott retorted angrily: "Nonsense! Qin Yi will kill this bastard!"

Ruiwen glanced at him and shook her head.

She could understand Scott's mood.

But understanding is understanding, which does not mean that she has to agree with Scott's childish behavior.

Hank does. . . . .Gently patted Scott on the shoulder.

Same as licking. . . . . .Well, it's the same man, and he can understand Scott's mood better.

. . . . .The battle between Clark and Dark Phoenix continued, and neither of them wanted to stop.

Dark Phoenix is ​​simple-minded, she just wants to kill Clark.

Either he promises to help.

And Clark, is not willing to miss this opportunity.

After completing four evolutions, his strength has reached hundreds of billions of tons.

If it can evolve again.

This power will explode!Moreover, the resistance ability of the rule level will also be improved!How could he give up such a good opportunity!Not to mention half an hour, even if it is ten days and a half months, Clark is willing! ! !Moreover, the towns that were destroyed along the way because of the aftermath of the battle between the two also brought Clark a lot of damage points income.

Maybe it's far less than the previous Los Angeles, but the number is more.

add together.

It was already over [-], and it went straight to [-]!In the blink of an eye, more than half an hour passed.

The evolutionary energy accumulated in Clark's body has once again reached a peak.

He carried the power of the phoenix burning outside the black phoenix, grabbed her, and the two of them fell from the sky together, smashing a kilometer-high mountain.

Amidst the rolling stones, a new round of crimson lightning erupted from Clark's body.

Lightning covered a radius of thousands of meters.

The surging power in his body made him scream.

Howling into the sky!Bang!A figure with crimson flames burning on its body struck.

Clark reached out his hand in an instant, grabbed the opponent's neck, and lifted her up.

The power of the blazing phoenix rises.

But this time.

It's true that no more... can't hurt Clark at all.

Because, his rule resistance has just been upgraded to the intermediate level!The resistance of the rules at the intermediate level is no longer something that the power of the phoenix can hurt.

That's why it is said that the ability of Doomsday is too changeable!What doesn't kill him will always only make him stronger.

And to a certain extent, Doomsday is. . .Unkillable!You can either not hit him, or if you do, wait for him to become stronger, and then hit you!Simply one!With one hand pinching the black phoenix's neck, even though the power of the phoenix bombarded himself, Clark still remained motionless.

Unfortunately. . . . . .Clark found that even after his fifth evolution, he had broken through the power of [-] billion tons, but he still couldn't break the protection of the Phoenix Force for her.

It's like the power of the phoenix, which is powerless in the face of intermediate-level rule resistance.

Clark can't even take the Dark Phoenix!This is a little embarrassing! "Otherwise, lock it up"

Clark thought of the Hulk he had kept in captivity in the main Marvel universe.

But the dark phoenix is ​​no better than the Hulk, this guy is completely unable to communicate and can't reason with her at all.

Unlike the Hulk, as long as you beat him, you can still be reasonable.

So, it's obviously not realistic to lock it up.

What kind of cage can stop the power of the phoenix. Maybe there is such a cage, but the problem is that Clark doesn't have it!Kill and can't kill!Can't close it!Clark found that even if he defeated the Dark Phoenix, he couldn't find any way to deal with her.

Just when Clark was thinking hard about what to do with the dark phoenix in front of him.

Suddenly, a crimson phoenix power surged out of the black phoenix in front of him and entered Clark's body directly.

This time, his rule-level resistance didn't stop him.

In other words, this phoenix power is not malicious, He is there. . . . . .Taking refuge in Clark Clark is a bit confused.

for. .The sudden change in front of him caught him by surprise.

I was just thinking about what to do with the Black Phoenix, but the Phoenix Force actually surrendered!This was completely beyond his expectations!Your dignified power of the phoenix, the all-powerful cosmos-level rule power, is so unscrupulous that you can't beat it, so why don't you join!But the problem is, Clark didn't agree either!Clark is about to let go, the ghost knows if the power of the phoenix will come out after entering his body.

But Clark muttered about the transfer speed of the power of the phoenix, and before he let go, the power of the phoenix in the black phoenix in front of him had already been transferred into his body.

Clark: . . . . . .You move so fast, I feel like you're playing me! ! !Almost at the same time, Clark felt a chaotic awareness in his mind.

It seemed to convey some kind of ingratitude towards him.

What an unscrupulous Phoenix Force!Clark admires!Just the next moment, an invisible force suddenly appeared, instantly imprisoning the phoenix force in Clark's body to a corner, and then the force easily swept away, directly erasing the chaotic consciousness.

【Ding! ] [Get a new ability: Phoenix's power remnant! ] The most complete Feilu novel resource station: https://m. 99wanban. com (99 novels sponsored by netizens) collection, recommendation,

Chapter [-]: Test the power of the phoenix, the amnesia Qin!

Clark: . . . . . .The system boss is bullshit! ! !The power of the phoenix had just entered Clark's body, and he even took the initiative to express his goodwill. As a result, the unsympathetic system boss swept away directly, erasing the already chaotic consciousness of others.

The system boss was very cold and ignored Clark.

After the chaotic consciousness of the power of the phoenix was settled, the mysterious power before disappeared out of thin air.

Clark didn't care either.

On the contrary, he got a copy of Phoenix Power, even if it was only a broken version, but he was still very happy!Don't look at this incomplete version of the Phoenix Force can't hurt Clark anymore.

But that's because Clark has the ability to restrain him [rule resistance], otherwise, just relying on his own defense, he simply can't withstand the erosion of the power of the phoenix.

Break it down into molecular states in minutes!For such power, Clark said that it would be false not to be jealous.

But he didn't know the details of the power of the phoenix before.

God knows if this thing is taken away, there will be serious consequences.

In fact, it was exactly what Clark feared.

The power of the phoenix is ​​not so easy to control.

Don't look at how the Phoenix Force seemed to be very unscrupulous before, and even took the initiative to curry favor with Clark and express his goodwill.

But in fact, this guy is an unstable factor after all.

The ghost knows when he will cheat Clark.

Just like Qin Grey.

The good ones have all evolved into the dark phoenix, but because of the power of the phoenix, they abandoned her original host and ran to the enemy Clark.

good guy!Really don't have any face!How can Clark use him with confidence in case this happens again in the future? Will Clark be that? . .Qin Ge Lei was the second fortunately, there was a system boss who took the shot.

for. .Like this uninvited, and also has the power of self-intelligence, the system boss has absolutely zero tolerance.

As soon as he made a move, he wiped out the chaotic consciousness that the power of the phoenix did not know how many years it took to be born!Simply ruthless!But it's good news for Clark.

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